Blooming America

Chapter 807: Isaac 183; Asimov

Asimov got an interesting book that day.

Isaac Asimov, the most famous contemporary American science writer, science fiction writer, and world's top science fiction writer. He is also a literary critic and one of the representatives of the golden age of American science fiction.

However, in recent years, Asimov's output has been very small.

But this will not impress Asimov's international reputation.

Looking at the book, Asimov suddenly felt a bright light.

The whole book describes a future cosmic world. In this world, human beings have already rushed out of the earth and came to the cosmic space. In the universe, human beings and many other alien races have become friends.

Not only that, but the producer is also very careful. In addition to this book, there is a dedicated atlas, which is designed in great detail and clarity from the protagonist to various weapons and spaceships.

"Really good."

The room is very quiet, because Asimov is addicted to quiet and prefers small and quiet places, so the place where he reads now is also the same.

He flipped through the opening again.

"Mass Effect".

This is the name of the book.

The entire story of this book is connected in series under this setting called "Mass Effect Field".

Although it is a rigorous science fiction novel, Asimov pays more attention to the narrative ability and storytelling of the story at this time, but it is clear that all of this is perfect.

Asimov was prolific in his life and wrote quite a lot. He has written nearly 500 books in his life, among which there are more than 100 science fiction novels, which have far surpassed the level of "literary works". Is one of the top science fiction writers of the 20th century. He has won the Hugo Award, which represents the highest honor in the science fiction industry, and the "Master Award" for Lifetime Achievement of Nebula.

Not only science fiction, Asimov also has many detective mysteries. He even explained the Bible in detail.

So he is not a pure science fiction writer.

However, in the 21st century, when people mention Asimov, they always think of science fiction, because the other party's influence in this area is too far-reaching.

And when Catherine thought about the other party, it was the same idea, so Catherine invited Asimov to write a preface to her "Mass Effect."

sequence. Also known as "Preface", "Foreword" and "Introduction". It is the article placed before the main text of the work. The author's own writing is called "Zi Xu", and the content explains its content, writing reason, and process. Purpose and characteristics; the preface written by others is called "generation preface", which introduces and comments on the ideological content and artistic characteristics of the book.

In the case of self-preface, Catherine felt that this was not influential enough, even Catherine herself could not be very good in this regard.

This is not the reason for writing, but because Catherine has no influence in this area.

So Catherine asked Asimov to help her preface, and Catherine compiled the entire book and set. In addition, a long letter from Catherine was sent to the other party.

Asimov is definitely the most popular character in the science fiction world now. With Asimov, this "Mass Effect" can even be upgraded to an entire level.

This is the other's charm, the other's influence and appeal.

"Asimov Science Fiction Magazine" called by his name. It is one of America's leading science fiction literature centers.

If Catherine succeeded by relying on prophecy, then Asimov was a real genius.

Asimov immigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of 3 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. At the age of 5, he studied and recognized words by himself. Since his parents only communicate in Yiddish and English, he does not speak Russian, but he can speak fluently. Yiddish and English. His parents took over a grocery store. The family had to help in the store, so he came into contact with cheap science fiction magazines sold in the store. Step into the world of science fiction.

Asimov started writing novels at the age of 11, which was earlier than Catherine.

after that. Asimov completed high school before the age of 16, graduated from Columbia University in 1939, and returned to school in 1948 to obtain a doctorate in biochemistry. The period of leaving the campus coincided with World War II, and he worked as a civilian in the atmospheric laboratory of the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard for three years. After the war, he joined the US Army and was honorably discharged after nine months of service.

——By the way, when he was in the army, Asimov was promoted to corporal by typing with a printer.

After completing his doctoral studies, Asimov became a lecturer in biochemistry at Boston University School of Medicine and was promoted to associate professor in 1955.

However, after 1958, the other party began to write full-time.

Asimov's novels have far-reaching influence, and later films such as "Mechanical Enemy" are adapted from Asimov's novels.

If anyone does not know him, then when it comes to the "three laws of robotics," more people must know.

Even Catherine was affected by the other party's law, and historically-not Catherine's "The Matrix" was also affected by the other party.

The three laws of robots are:

1. Robots must not hurt people, nor can they stand by while seeing people being hurt;

2. Robots should obey all human orders, but must not violate the first law;

3. The robot should protect its own safety, but must not violate the first and second laws.

The finalized Reaper also conforms to this principle, but what they serve is not "people", but the entire world and the entire universe in the category of perceptual creatures.

——Of course, Catherine is a "pseudo-compliance." Although it is written very well on the surface, in fact Catherine’s story ends in a bad ending, but if Catherine’s ending is removed, use Qin Lang and others to write The next ending, then this story is almost right.

The whole story has ups and downs, and the use of foreshadowing and turning points is very good. Even Asimov is very satisfied with the whole story of "Mass Effect".

At the end of the story, organic life and mechanical life are fused together, and a new chapter in the entire universe...

Asimov was very satisfied with this story. At this time, he was already thinking about how he was writing the preface. The whole story felt very good to him, so Asimov agreed.

But I thought the story was over, but Asimov discovered that there were still a few pages of stories behind [END].

The latter is the black ending added by Catherine, the universe is completely annihilated, and the harvester harvests smoothly...

For such a black ending, I don't know how, after seeing Asimov, he felt a bright light before his eyes. The whole story has undergone a qualitative change in artistry because of the last few pages.

But as the author of a best-selling book, Asimov also knows that such an ending will definitely not make people like it. No wonder the other party put it after the end. This is probably an extra service.

Of course, it is said to be completely annihilated, but in fact the whole story is not completely annihilated at the end, because after 50,000 years, the people of the galaxy have successfully eliminated the Reaper, so there is no way to say that Catherine's three views are not correct. Although it's not perfect, isn't this also a promising ending...

"Catherine Edson...oh, it's her..."

Compared with other identities of Catherine, Asimov knows the identity of Catherine as the author better.

The so-called "circle" is like this. People always pay more attention to the things they care about.

Catherine has written many novels, but these are not books that Asimov is interested in.

"Fate" is very good, but it is all fantasy works. It collects the heroes from all over the world, and then engages in a big melee...

Such a story is indeed very attractive, but this is purely a fantasy story, and in the whole story, the so-called "causality" has also become a very complicated thing, the whole story did not cause Asimov too Feeling much.

On the contrary, the movies that Asimov had seen before-"Red Alert" and "Soul Reaction", can arouse his interest even more.

Catherine's science fiction performance has always been in movies, not in novels.

Because of the relationship between these two movies, Asimov had paid attention to Catherine, but the other party did not have a science fiction story in the text, which puzzled Asimov. Both "Red Alert" and "Soul Reaction" can be said to be excellent sci-fi works. In this regard, Asimov was also amazed by Catherine's ideas about the future, and the complete vision of the future was shown in all In front of people, even... as if it were real.

It's as if the whole story is Catherine's knowledge in the future, and then the other party returns to the present through the time and space shuttle to tell the whole story.

In fact, Asimov also knew about Catherine's commercial achievements.

This is not that Asimov is interested in Catherine, but Asimov is interested in the computer created by Catherine and the now-famous "Galactic Supercomputer". This is like what is depicted in the novel. It was actually realized in reality. How can this not be surprising?

At this time, Asimov also saw the other's science fiction novel.

Although Catherine stated in the letter that this was done by a working group, the last part was indeed written by Catherine herself, and the entire setting and outline were also completed by Catherine alone.

"Hmm... a surprising story..."

Asimov nodded.

The United States is different from China. The science fiction industry in the United States has always been very prosperous, so the entire science fiction market is also very prosperous.

"Maybe this young lady can join the Mensa Association too..."

As a member of the Mensa Association, an organization that requires a minimum IQ of 148 to enter, Asimov suddenly thought that Catherine Edson, who created such a miracle at a young age, seemed to have such an IQ. Right...


Today is the first...

To bury your head in the code word...

Everyone, wash and sleep. Secondly, it will be just right to get up tomorrow...... ()

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