Bold Evildoer, Poor Monk Fahai

Chapter 88: Indifferent to cause and effect

Chapter 88—Ignore Cause and Effect

The tea gradually cooled slightly.

Fahai looked at the charter and said: "The old gentleman inviting poor monks to come should be more than just a cup of tea."

The regulations exclaimed, "Sure enough, you can't hide anything from the master."

"The old man has something to say directly."

The regulations pursed his lips, and remained silent for a while, "Master Fahai, the old man came to Baihua City this time with the task of the emperor."

"The emperor?"

Fa Hai frowned, "Could the emperor that the old gentleman say is someone who seeks longevity?"

The regulations sighed helplessly, not knowing what to say.

Speaking of this, Fahai also knows the idea of ​​the charter. The charter wanted Tofa Hai to take him to the fairy field of the Hundred Flowers Festival.

"Sir, the fixed number of birth, old age, sickness and death cannot be compelled."

Fahai patiently explained, "Buddhism pays attention to obeying the will of heaven, and it will be natural, and will not interfere with human affairs. Your emperor wants to pursue the art of longevity, you can find the Taoist."

The mood of the charter suddenly sank, and he smiled bitterly, “Don’t hide from the master, the old man has traveled to famous mountains to visit the immortals. However, most immortals are unwilling to meet the old man and let the boy send it directly. The immortals who are willing to meet the old man are often avoided Don't talk about it."

"At the Hundred Flowers Festival, many immortals will come to participate. It's just that as an old man, I can't see them at all."

Fahai said solemnly: "Old sir, the poor monk can only say something I'm sorry but can't agree to your request. This matter is against the law of nature, it is an act against the sky."


The regulations sighed.


Shan Qingtong yelled softly, comforting him.

The charter waved his hand and whispered: "The old man is fine, but if he fails to do this and returns to the capital, he will inevitably be criticized by the civil and military officials."

"The idea of ​​the emperor was originally whimsical. He ignored the political affairs and only wanted to cultivate to become a fairy. The capital was full of smoke, and the civil and military officials abandoned business affairs and only wanted to please the emperor."

Shan Qingtong sullenly criticized.

"To shut up!"

The regulations whispered, "Can you comment on the emperor?"

"The students know their mistakes."

Shan Qingtong lowered his head.

Could Fahai fail to see the charter and Shan Qingtong acting in front of him? He must not speak now, it is best to keep silent. Once he speaks, the charter will definitely feel that he is soft-hearted and will behave even more pitifully.

The rise and fall of a dynasty is the destiny of heaven, and Fahai never wanted to intervene in these things in the past. With his current ability, it is impossible to interfere.

"Old sir, the poor monk will stop harassing and leave."

Without giving the charter a chance to speak, the two figures of Master and Disciple Fahai had left the courtyard. Leaving the charter and Shan Qingtong in a daze.

After a long time, the regulations let out a long sigh of helplessness. Shan Qingtong gritted his teeth, not knowing what to say.

After a while, the articles of association suddenly said, "Chentong, if you pass the book back to the capital, he said that the old man is powerless and has not done the errand the emperor has confessed."

"Teacher, you..."

Shan Qingtong panicked inexplicably.

The regulations waved his hand, lacking energy, "The old man has done his best."

Shan Qingtong has nothing to say, and can only do it in accordance with the regulations.

After the two masters and disciples left the Shenxianju, they did not rush to find a place to stay.

"Master, disciple..."

Fahai glanced at him lightly, "You want to ask why this seat rejected the request for the constitution?"

Quit nodded. In his opinion, bringing the regulations to the Fairy Field of the Hundred Flowers Festival was nothing but a trivial matter.

"If this seat agrees to the requirements of the constitution, it is bound to be contaminated with the world's cause and effect. The power of causality is so mysterious and unpredictable that saints do not want to be infected, let alone this seat is now a mortal."

Fahai exhorted: "You should also pay attention to your practice in the future, but you can't easily involve the cause and effect in the world. The rise and fall of the dynasty is doomed by heaven, and it is definitely not a single person's intervention."

"The disciple understands."

Quit killing thoughtfully.


Suddenly, a violent sound of horseshoes spread along with panic-stricken shouts. Fahai looked up, and saw three tall horses rushing towards the chariot dragging their horses, running rampant, and the whole street was disturbed.

The people walking on the street shunned it, pointing to the carriage and cursing. However, they were greeted by a sturdy whip.

Seeing this scene, Fahai couldn't help frowning.

The people driving the carriage are too arrogant.

The three-headed steed is an extraordinary breed with a strange appearance. It should be a different species born from the combination of a mortal horse and a different animal.

The horses breathed flames, and wherever they passed, they were greatly damaged.

At this moment, a four or five-year-old girl was frightened and broke free from her mother and ran into the middle of the street. Before her parents had time to pull her back, three tall alien species had already ran over.

Horses stepped on the earth, and the earth trembled slightly.

The heterogeneous hooves lifted up, and it was about to step on the girl. If you step on it, the weak girl will definitely be killed on the spot.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Fahai stepped out, went to the little girl, bends to protect the girl, and the alien hooves landed on his back. He glanced indifferently at the arrogant alien, then picked up the girl and returned it to her parents.

The simple couple hugged the girl and quickly thanked Fahai.

Fahai smiled slightly.

The alien slowed down, tilted his head, white gas in his nostrils, and extremely arrogant. When passing by Fahai, the alien on the side raised his leg and kicked him.

Fahai's eyes were sharp, and his arm waved, the vast mana waved away, directly flying the alien species away. His figure flashed away, pressing the flying alien species to the ground.

There are a lot of people on the streets nowadays, no matter what, it is easy to hurt people.

The heterogeneous wildness is difficult to tame, fierce light gushes from the pupils, and flames are expelled from the mouth.

"Nie barrier! Dare to hurt others?"

Fahai waved his arm to block the flames back, and the three alien species were screamed by the flames he spit out.

Fahai raised his palm, and the Buddha light surged in his palm, oppressing the three alien species. The three aliens knelt on their front feet, and there was a look of horror in their eyes.

At this moment, a long whip lashed out from the sedan chair and went straight to his door.

Fa Hai snorted coldly and reached out to grab the whip. The long whip is not a common product but a magic weapon, and ordinary people will be seriously injured if they survive a whip.

Thinking of this, he looked up. It was found that the person who had been beaten by the whip had fallen on the ground unconscious, life and death unknown.

An unnamed rage burst out of Fahai's heart, and his arm suddenly exerted force, pulling the person in the sedan chair out.

A young woman, with full of hostility in her eyes, looked like a spoilt and willful lord. She gritted her teeth and stared at Fahai viciously, "Monk, how dare you dare to stop me."

Fa Hai looked at her coldly, "I have a good skin and do everything he can."

With her hands on her hips, she was arrogant and unreasonable, pointing at Fahai and cursing, "Where is the monk, do you know who grandma is? Believe it or not, grandma made you kneel and kowtow?"

"I don't believe it."

Fahai looked at her indifferently.

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