307. All regard hot-blooded anime as police and gangster films

“Cough cough… But eldest brother, he has already stunned people, why is the action time only five minutes? We can get some more before the person wakes up… (O_O)?”

The handsome Sasori’s father asked the question he wanted to ask the most along the way. From the time he left the village, the eldest brother kept re-emphasizing that the action time was only five minutes. , but along the way, everyone has been stunned by his elder brother’s aura. Based on his clinical experience, this is caused by mental stimulation. Ordinary people can’t wake up completely in one day, but his elder brother every time Every time I want to be very anxious, I will emphasize that the harvest time is only five minutes before the action starts.

In his opinion, this is completely unnecessary. The police said that for five minutes, these people couldn’t wake up for half “827” days…

Doesn’t this have to set off the tense atmosphere, and we are doing illegal things, thieves have their own way, at least we have to respect this profession, and Golden Five Minutes haven’t heard of it? How many heroes are these? From the experience of the characters, it usually takes five minutes from the time of dispatching to the alarm and then to the full alarm. This is our first time in this line of work, and we have to respect the traditions left by our predecessors. But… it’s not unreasonable for you to say that, next time you can increase the action time to half an hour. ”

Pretty boy Sasori’s father’s remarks made the real fight go crazy, haha, these golden five minutes are so special that those directors who make police and bandit movies, the editors may have messed up things, and in police and bandit movies, there are only ordinary people facing the world , This is such a two-dimensional world! Conqueror’s Haki has caught him with such a tricky skill. These people are all dizzy by him, and it seems that there is no way to call the police, and there is no remote alarm in this year. Traditional, right? He treats hot-blooded anime as police and gangster movies…

The most important thing is that so many people on Raikage’s side must have been exposed, but I don’t know if they have had sex with Onomu. If they have done it with Onomu, Raikage can drag on for a month or two weeks with two cans of little brother. At least there is no problem, and it takes a week to get to their side from the west, which means they have at least a month, and the time is completely enough, and Raikage is not a big mouth person, they The movement is so small, and there is no murder case, Oh Yemu may not find the abnormality here, at most think it is a supernatural event.

After thinking about this, Zhendou was no longer in a hurry, leaning against the big tree and said leisurely.

Sasori’s father has a black line, although the big brother’s theory seems to be quite reasonable, but why can’t he remember any heroic characters in this line, the founder of this line is not Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Huan Yue, where did so many heroes come from, and summed up his experience, if he knew that the golden five minutes would not be a disaster for you,

“Huhu.. Captain, there’s nothing I can do, I really can’t put it down, do I still have to go to the Daming Mansion?”

Five minutes have not yet come, a fertile little brother who is wearing an Anbu uniform and a mask, but doesn’t look like a special forces boy, ran to Shinto panting and said while panting.

..Tanaka, lose weight when you have time. If you continue like this, in two years, you will really reach the top three. You can see that after a few years, ten-pack abs have turned into a lump of meat, no wonder the high salary After so many years, he is still a single dog, and his ten-pack abs are gone. It’s not like a girl is attracted to you. The era is different. The era when the job is stable and high-paying is popular has passed. And… durable!”

Shinto stood up and patted the old subordinate who was starting to get puffy.

The ones who called him captain instead of Mr. Zhendou were his former Anbu subordinates. After Sasori’s father got married, he went to Sunagawa and Ebizō to get these people out of Anbu and sent them to Jōnin class. He replaced the class, he is the younger brother who has carried guns and hacked people together. I really can’t bear to let them worry about every day in Anbu. After all, without him, the devil knows how long these guys can live, and he doesn’t want to give them incense every year. .

However, Anbu’s life is tense and orderly, and he has to keep his body in the best condition all the time, but once he retires to go to work and do clerical work, his life will relax. I don’t touch fried and high-calorie objects, and I go to the park to do morning exercises with the old man and my grandmother every morning. Although the seams of Vivi are also out of shape, it is not very serious. I know that I can still see the outline of ten-pack abs.

But this Tanaka is different. After he quit Anbu, he completely let himself go. Since he became his secretary and worked one shift for a month, he usually has nothing to do except eat and sleep, and he has nothing to do on the street. A day has passed. This life is more than a village. The old man here is still living a full life. These are two completely opposite life models. In a few years, this Tanaka is almost catching up with the Dao family. Looking at this Anbu younger brother who used to have the same ten-pack abs, he is still Single dog, really ashamed of fighting!

If it weren’t for the fact that this guy is too old and already over-aged, Luo Zhen doesn’t want it. Zhendou wants to put him in Anbu to lose weight. He brought him here from the land of Sand Shinobi and dared to Obito. After just over two weeks on the road, I am gasping like this…

“Hoohoo….I promise to lose weight after I go…

Seeing the sincere look in the boss’s eyes, the fertile Tanaka was moved, and when his brain became hot, he raised his head, raised his chest, raised his belly, raised his butt, and patted his fleshy breasts to assure.

“…I hope you can do what you say. If you can’t pretend to be under 3.2, then withdraw, and count the hidden things…! The spoils, and then keep all the things that are not of high value. See you in the future… Let’s go directly to Damingfu…

Looking at Tanaka, who had made a promise to lose weight, Shinto rolled his eyes. This kind of short-lived oath is just a matter of listening. He has been used to a full life, and it would be so easy to go back to the past… .

Listening to this kind of words is even a gap, and I don’t bother to worry about it so much. Now the problem of spoils is to be solved. He never thought that the land of the land, which once wanted to borrow money from the land of the wind, has undergone more than 20 years of development. The standard of living is so good, the Daming Palace is less than half way around here, and the unsealed scrolls they brought are full.

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