341. All of this can lead to ecological balance

“Our Cloud Shinobi is the same, although our country of thunder is not as rich as Konoha, but a few mountains can still afford it. The mountains stretch from the border of the country of the moon to here, and there are countless precious medicinal herbs and countless wild game. If Konoha wants it, you’re welcome…”

As soon as the words of Zhendou fell, Tutai, who made soy sauce, kept his mission in mind, and immediately followed, stood up and pointed to a place between the country of the moon and the country of thunder on the map and said, sighing that this Golden Lion is really true What a goddess, even this kind of damage can be thought of, what Mabu’s big head said is true, Golden Lion is such a ghost!

The Land of Wind is famous for being full of gold, but it is also full of corpses. Gold digging is not that easy. From ancient times to the present, the number of people who have died on the road of gold digging is unknown. If they were not desperados or desperate, no one would dare to go. Take risks, even if there is a guarantee from Golden Lion that Sand Shinobi will not do anything, but in the case of sandstorms and tornado natural disasters in that bad weather, even if you really give the land Konoha, Konoha really didn’t dare to send people to pan for gold. Unless everyone who is unfamiliar with the environment can think of Hashirama’s hand as an oasis, they can only dare to see it.

This guy is so sinister!*(*?”)?

“Our Rock Shinobi is similar to Sand Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi. If Konoha really wants it, our Rock Shinobi is rich in mineral resources, and we have all kinds of precious jade equipment, which can not only bless the wealthy and noble, but also ward off evil spirits. Fierce, if Konoha is interested, you can take two mines to test the water…

Before waiting for the three giants of Konoha to speak, Rock Shinobi also expressed his own position on behalf of civil engineering, 70% of the tasks do not need to think about, their Iwagakure is located in the remote, although they are surrounded by natural dangers, but it also restricts their economic development, what kind of tourism Industry, agriculture, and commerce cannot be developed at all. Only those businessmen who specialize in jade can come to Rock Shinobi to invest, and the value of this jade fluctuates too much. In the past few years of the war, it is not worth much at all, and it is cheaper than stone. , only when the war is over and peaceful times will the price continue to slowly rise, and there are no detonating amulet processing factories in their villages, and there is no gold everywhere. The main source of their development is those entrusted tasks. If all the tasks are handed over to Konoha, then they are still playing a ball and announcing their withdrawal from the server.

The three giants of Konoha were eaten by three people with a black thread, staring viciously at the bastard at the beginning of Golden Lion, Jinsha? What are they coming for Konoha? Not to mention that money is just a number to them Konoha, it is useless at all , even if the piece was really given to them, they wouldn’t dare to send someone to pan for gold. The ninja world doesn’t know that the Golden Lion is despicable and shameless, and his guarantee is a bullshit…

The same is true for Rock Shinobi’s ore. If it is iron ore or copper ore, I’m interested, but it’s just so, Rock Shinobi’s mine is all those broken stones that were blown by hooks and placed at home. It seems to affect the feng shui.

On the other hand, Cloud Shinobi is interested in the name of the precious medicinal herbs and game, but they are still two countries away from the land of fire and the middle land of thunder, and they can’t use it when they are far away.

In other words, the price of the three guys headed by the bastard Golden Lion is all compensation for their useless Konoha, and they really dare not push too hard. One of them launched the horror of human flesh bombs. The attack is already scary enough. If the three go together, it is even more difficult to prevent, but if the compensation is not available, the three giants of Konoha are really not reconciled.

Moreover, they did not expect that their previous negotiation tactics of trying Bailing would be broken by the bastard Golden Lion. In the past, their tactics were divided into three steps: upper, middle and lower. Under normal circumstances, holding a meeting as a host to speak is so verbose and polite. Outsiders will not interrupt at will, so first of all, Homura, a literate person who can count the most words among the three, started to speak. In that case, before they could speak, the other party was forced by Homura into being unable to bear the initiative to offer compensation. Whether or not they could get it later was another matter, but they had already achieved the goal.

So as long as they are negotiating with people, they have always used this routine, almost trying everything. This time they did the same. First of all, they let Homura start a meal, and the three were forced to take the initiative. It’s best to come there. It’s fine if you don’t take the initiative, as long as you make them feel impetuous, and then ask Koharu to replace Homura and ask for compensation. Generally speaking, the program basically ends here. Because after so many years, no one can really stand Homura’s long-winded, if not for the sake of restraint, even if they have listened to it for many years, they can’t stand it.

…… ask for flowers..

But today’s negotiation their routine is completely useless, no, it can’t be said to be completely useless, Homura’s coercion did work when it started, the three were forced to sleep by Homura, and the bastard Golden Lion I really couldn’t stand to forcibly interrupt Homura’s speech, but the effect was not as good as before. Although Golden Lion was very impetuous, he didn’t look like he wanted to leave. He was able to stick to his bottom line and not waver. Will have them Konoha-jun.


This is very difficult to do, and the portraits are not saying that they are unwilling to compensate, but they just disagree with their compensation methods, and they have also proposed more innovative compensation methods, but Fuck they can accept that there is always a ghost.

As a result, the three giants of Konoha in Konoha’s conference room started a tug-of-war with the three over war compensation. First, Mitokado Homura stood rhyme and turned to the last two pages of the speech in his hand. Once again standing at the highest point of morality and condemning the three people, this war was initiated by the three, and the three who left the stage first were also the three.

But now I can’t see any sincerity in the compensation proposed by the third one. Doing so will only hinder the peaceful development of the ninja world, resulting in slow economic development in various countries and villages, and the ecological balance cannot be well controlled…

Mitokado Homura stunned the three of them for another burst of force. A literate person is a literate person. Even the rumored IQ point of 95 was shocked by Mitokado Homura’s superb speech and how much he didn’t want Bilian. .

This fuck can be involved in hindering the peaceful development of the ninja world and the ecological balance.

He found out that this little-known Konoha consultant is always a master! Next,

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