Born Tech Mad

Chapter 257:

A message on the LCD TV in the cafe surprised Rose directly.

United States, Pentagon, Vice President Nick is giving a live televised speech:

"Ladies and gentlemen, dear American citizens, the United States has always been the most powerful country in the world.

We love peace, and our technology brings a good life to mankind.

Computers, satellites, networks, mobile phones ... Almost all high-tech comes from the United States.

People all over the world because the United States has enjoyed a better life. The United States has contributed more to the world than the sum of other countries. We are the people of God and we are a great country. We rightly deserve the respect of the whole world.

But now, we meet an evil guy who wants to defeat the United States, he wants to bring down the United States, he wants to destroy the greatest and most powerful country in human history, and that guy is called Ross.

This is a hypocritical and evil scientist. His Yuta company is developing various genetic technologies. He is trying to use genetic technologies to control the world.

Our intelligence agency has conclusive evidence that Rose is developing genetic technology, and he wants to use genetic technology to transform the human species. This is an unforgivable crime. This is an act against humanity.

Below, I will publish a few video evidence for you.

President Nick switched the screen. On the live TV screen, a video of a deputy Yuta company biological building was shot clearly. In the video, Yuta is dissecting earthworms and geckos, analyzing genetic data, and deciphering the genetic code.

In the video, the process of using monkeys and mice to conduct experiments is even clearer. The video also recorded some Yuta scientists talking about gene potions. When they are integrated into the human body, they will change human genes and allow humans to transcend self .

Video evidence released by the Pentagon has caused world uproar.

Genetic technology has always been a taboo for humans. If Yuta really wants to use genetic technology to change human genes. This will move the human species into an unknown direction.

No one can predict whether the result will be evolution or destruction.

The world is in fear because of this video. And it's extreme fear.

Rose was shocked, those pictures in the video. It was indeed a video of Yuta's scientists making the screen, and the time was just yesterday.

"Where did these videos come from, and who leaked them? Who the **** did this fuck?"

Rose fired instantly. All biologists were ordered immediately, with the intention of carefully interrogating everyone. See who leaked the secret.

Rose also ordered Britney and Tan Ying to bring all computer experts to inspect every security system in the company. Even each employee's cell phone signal and e-mail address must be scrutinized.

After Rose's order was issued, the entire Yuta company was immediately disturbed. The soldiers of the weapon factory were transferred out, starting with those biologists' investigations, one by one to check their identities. Check the whereabouts and question who they spoke to.

In the intelligent building, the computer experts under Britney Spears and Tan Ying began to decipher the mailboxes of the owners of Yuta Company and search for mobile chat records.

Originally a peaceful and peaceful Yuta company, because of this trouble, the city was full of wind and rain, and 300,000 employees were upset, worried that their privacy would be revealed, and that they would be mistaken for a spy and lose their jobs.

Rose's face became very ugly. He has always been cautious about genetic technology because he was worried that once this technology was leaked, it would cause a genetic technology race, but the more worried he was, the worse things went.

Tan Li saw Rose in a bad mood and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't worry, what if the Pentagon accuses you? Can they develop the same advanced genetic technology as Yuta?"

Ross shook his head and sighed: "Nick is scarier than you think. Sister Li, there are so many things you don't understand."

The two were talking, and on television, Nick's speech attracted them again.

After the genetic experiment video was released, it attracted worldwide attention. Nick's anger continued to accuse Rose:

"Genetic technology is a technology that violates human morality. Although the United States has the world's most advanced equipment and the most advanced genetic technology reserves, the United States has not developed for the sake of all human beings because of concerns about the serious consequences of the development of genetic technology. Genetic technology.

But now, in order to deal with the threat posed by Huaxia, the United States must study this advanced genetic technology.

Yuta's bio-oil technology is a kind of genetic technology. They use this technology to develop energy first, and then try to control the world's energy. Now they have greater ambitions and have started to study genetic potions in an attempt to transform humans with genetic potions.

If the United States does not develop genetic technology, in the future, the entire human race will not be able to resist Huaxia. They can use genetic potions to stimulate the human brain and make people in Huaxia smarter, crushing the world with IQ.

They can use genetic technology to develop powerful mutant warriors. At that time, Huaxia will do whatever they want, and no one dares to oppose them.

Here, I call on Congress to quickly approve a $ 50 billion special fund for the development of genetic technology.

Once we develop genetic technology, the United States can produce advanced bio-oil like Huaxia.

Once we also master the genetic technology that will transform humans, the US military will continue to lead the world.

The future of America is in your hands. All Americans are asked to support us, and Congress is not to be stupid anymore.

Here, I give all the United States a little confidence that our country has two great geniuses who have made outstanding contributions to genetic technology. Below, we have Dr. Zola.

In the Pentagon, a scientist with gray hair and short stature and wearing glasses stepped forward.

Nick's speech made another sensation in the world.

Huaxia's biological gene technology ~ ~ has stimulated the United States, they will focus resources and develop more advanced genetic technology.

The leak of genetic technology worries Rose, but makes Ross even more disturbed, and even more disturbing, he walks towards the little scientist around Nick.

"Oh my God! This is Dr. Zola, the head of the Nazi gene project. He is alive!"

For the first time Rose felt that he had met his opponent.

In the Marvel world, Dr. Zola is one of the leaders of the Nine Snakes organization. Numerous mutants were created by Dr. Zola, and he even cloned a copy of Captain America.

Rose's "consciousness transfer" technology was also the first concept proposed by the lunatic scientist. He even completed the lowest level of consciousness transfer technology and transplanted his consciousness into the SHIELD computer, but in the end the consciousness was destroyed.

But in this world, the monster was alive and Rose was shocked. He knew how terrible the consequences would be if this monster helped Nick develop genetic technology.

The world may inevitably move towards the mutant era. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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