Born Tech Mad

Chapter 331:

Unconsciously, another ten days or so passed, and Yuta's expansion plan finally reached its target. After 500,000 new employees and following 300,000 old employees to study for 10 days, they can already use neural remote sensing technology to perfectly control the robot work.

The benefits of neural remote sensing technology are too strong. In addition to being able to direct the robot to work within a few hundred kilometers, it allows employees to happily integrate work and life, while also saving Yuta Less expenses.

If Ross wants to meet the basics of food and accommodation for 800,000 employees, he must build a lot of infrastructure for the 800,000 employees. Based on an average of 20 square meters per capita, to arrange accommodation for this multi-employee, at least 16 million square meters of accommodation must be built For a building, even if it costs 10,000 yuan per square meter, that's 160 billion yuan.

Now these employees can work at any time within 500 kilometers. They do not need to be responsible for these expenses. They do not need to stay at Yuta every day to work. The annual cost savings for Yuta are hundreds of billions of RMB. .

Employees can live and work freely, and the combination of comfortable life and work allows employees to have the highest level of identification with Yuta. No one wants to lose such a high-paying job, so they take their work very seriously. Without the need for managers to urge, they will consciously do their daily work.

The method of managing a company in a free-range manner has raised the world's largest and most loyal employees, setting an incredible record.

Yuta Company is now a city-in-city in Donghua City. 90% of the total GDP of Donghua City is supported by Yuta Company. This third-tier city with a population of more than 3 million was originally due to the rapid rise of Yuta Company. The record reached more than 12 million people. Become the youngest super city in the world.

Donghua City has become the most important city in addition to the four municipalities directly under the Central Government. If calculated based on per capita gdp, with the pull of Yuta, the per capita gdp has reached a terrible $ 100,000. Become one of the most concentrated wealth cities in the world.

In just two years, Donghua City has undergone earth-shaking changes, with streets and hotels built of toughened cement everywhere, and high-rise buildings. The offices of the world's major companies in China, various banks, various investment funds, various luxury hotels, various steel markets, cement markets, computer malls, mobile phone malls, supermarkets, shopping malls ... all over the city.

Little Donghua City. Almost all of the world's top 500, China Xia 1000, and tens of millions of small business offices.

With the help of Yuta Company, Donghua City has become the most modern metropolis. Even if the citizens of Donghua City are not on Yuta Company, they can easily run small businesses such as hotels, services, commerce, sales, etc. Earned a lot of money, Yuta employees have the best treatment, and the 800,000 young employees have very strong spending power, coupled with businessmen who come to Yuta to do business in the country. Even if Donghua City is an uncle who sells vegetables, she earns a lot of money.

Yuta Company, a flourishing scene, the building complex of this huge company, like a monster, towers into the sky. 12 million people in Donghua City can see Yuta Company hundreds of kilometers away. Huge building complex.

He Rose suspended research in other technologies and focused on production. Now the light source converter has become the highest priority product of Yuta.

The company has equipped 400,000 intelligent robots, and 800,000 employees work two shifts a day to control these robots.

The area is up to 20,000 square meters, in a 100-storey light source conversion factory. There are 100,000 intelligent robots concentrated in light source conversion factories and high energy storage material factories. The production capacity of 100,000 intelligent robots is very scary.

员工 Under the control of employees, they can produce 10 million light source converters a day and 300 million light source converters a month.

The light source converter produced every day will be loaded into the transporter by intelligent robots. Transportation to cities across the country.

Twenty Super Transporters transported 30, each with a take-off weight of 750 tons and a loading capacity of 500 tons. The weight of a light source converter was only 10 kilograms. One aircraft could carry 50,000 at a time, and 20 aircrafts only once. Can load 1 million.

Fortunately, although these super transport aircraft are giants, they fly very fast and reach a speed of 1500 kilometers per hour. With Yuta as the center, it only takes about 2 hours to fly to most provinces across the country, and 4 hours to and from the nearest province, and only 2 hours to and from the nearest province.

Due to the temporary shortage of transportation capacity, Rosjean transported 20 super-transport aircrafts to the nearest 13 provinces to transport light source converters within 2000 kilometers. The transport plane can travel 10 times a day, and the transportation capacity is just enough to transport the 10 million light source converters produced every day to various counties. Loading and unloading of goods are all done by robots, which is extremely efficient.

Huaxia's 13 provinces are very busy, farmers are full of joy, and 10 million farmers get light source converters every day. These advanced instruments are placed in rice fields and land. One acre of land in Huaxia is frantically growing green food.

Huaxia's fertilizer and pesticide plants were almost completely closed. Without the pollution of these fertilizers and pesticides, the waters of the country have been perfectly purified during the rapid growth of plants.

废气 Various exhaust gases and carbon dioxide produced in the industrial era began to be absorbed by high-speed growing plants ~ ~ Air and water sources are being purified at high speed.

Soon, the trauma caused by industrial pollution in Huaxia will be cured by the light source converter. Those fast-growing grains are turning into wealth. Green grains have become the best food for Chinese people. When planting grains, various straws and weeds As long as you use 'bio-petroleum bacteria', you can turn it into crude oil like fermentation. After refining, you can become bio-petroleum.

In order to meet the transportation of green food and bio-oil, Sinopec and PetroChina have recruited employees. The newly added 3 million employees will be arranged in all towns and counties in the country. These employees will collect and refine crude oil from farmers and turn them into standard bio-oil. Later, it will be transported by oil tankers to all parts of the country, or tankers will be loaded on the docks and exported abroad.

In order to meet the transportation of green food and bio-oil, Huaxia has implemented the world's largest airport construction project.

多个 More than 2,600 counties across the country are building huge airfields. These airports are being constructed with tempered cement at an extremely fast speed, costing more than 2 billion yuan, and generally occupying an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers.

Once completed, Huaxia will become the world's largest aviation empire. With 2,600 airports, it can accommodate 260,000 aircrafts at the same time. Whether it is cargo or people, more than 1,000 kilometers are all aircraft. Under this super freight capacity, Huaxia has the most advanced transportation capacity in the world.

Of course, to meet such a huge aircraft market, China Aviation Group and aircraft manufacturers around the world have to work hard to meet it. (To be continued.)

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