Born Tech Mad

Chapter 341:

的 The comprehensive coverage of the neural network made Huaxia a smart remote sensing empire. Various smart appliances nationwide began to go on the market and sales were extremely hot.

The advent of a new generation of remote sensing smartphones and smart computers has made all countries in the world envied. They can only be envious. Even if they have money, they cannot enjoy these advanced products.

Currently, China ’s Huaxia, because of the increase of the wealthy class, the demand for cars is very scary. If the automobile industry is intelligent, the benefits brought by it will be almost incalculable.

It is technically not a problem for the company to transform smart cars.

In order to save money for car buyers, Ross decided to help people transform ordinary cars into smart cars.

Chen Yuta company has developed an intelligent sensing bearing, as long as the transmission bearing of the car is replaced with this intelligent production speed of the car, you can use remote sensing control. A set of this drive shaft only costs 20,000 RMB.

In addition to the problem that the intelligent transmission bearing can change the driving of the four wheels of the car, ordinary cars need to purchase five systems to upgrade ordinary cars to smart cars, and the performance is perfectly improved.

A set of intelligent navigation system that can maintain 24 hours of communication with satellites. Through the precise positioning of satellites and timely transmission of information, everything that happens on the highway is real-time, which road is jammed, which road is empty, and which road is in progress. During construction, which trails are closer, the information provided by the satellite will not exceed 1 minute.

With this satellite system installed, neural networks can be implanted in cars. Depending on smart chips and smart driving programs, cars can be unmanned, unmanned, EEG remote sensing, etc.

汽车 Cars with intelligent driving programs are already highly intelligent, and the process of self-driving is very accurate. As long as a few distance sensors are implanted in the front, rear, and body of the car, under the operation of the chip, these cars are driving. It will automatically maintain a set distance from other objects.

With this system, even people who do not understand driving skills at all, as long as they give voice instructions to the chip, the car can run. Chips operate cars with greater precision than the world's most powerful car king.

Cars equipped with intelligent driving systems, even people with disabilities, even children aged five or six, or even ten-year-olds. As long as you are not an idiot, you can drive a car as long as you can speak clearly.

With the intelligent driving system, Huaxia does not need any driving school at all. To operate a smart car, it is only necessary to issue an order without any skills.

Smart cars will add a complex set of intelligent recognition programs. Through d detection, bio-genetic scanning, fingerprint recognition, iris recognition, sound wave recognition, and brain wave recognition, a total of 13 advanced anti-theft measures will make the car's anti-theft capability unprecedented.

Huaxia's cars are mostly made of special steel. You only need to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy various systems of Yuta Company, and then you can upgrade the car to a smart car after replacing it with a smart drive shaft.

The safety performance of this car is super strong, even if it falls off a cliff that is 100 meters deep, people in the car will be fine, because the special steel shell of the car has super strong defense ability, and the shock absorption system of the car body uses nano-fiber, and Nano metal spring, shock absorption is perfect.

The car's oiled glass only needs to be covered with a nanofiber protective layer. Not only is it extremely light-transmissive, but it can also resist various kinds of bullet attacks, and its defense ability is extremely powerful.

As most of China's cars already use nano engines, these engines are only the size of a palm. With nano-engines, a lot of space can be vacated in the front of the car, and many systems can be installed in these spaces.

If necessary, you can add an oxygen circulation system to the front of the car, even if the car falls into the sea, with this system. The completely enclosed car interior is also deficient in oxygen.

You can add some nano-generators or high-energy storage nano-batteries to the front of the car. Once equipped with these systems, cars can be driven by dual energy sources such as gasoline and electricity, which greatly improves the car's endurance, even in deserts without people. The backup power can also support the car to travel 5,000 kilometers.

If a smart track system is added to the car, the car will have the ability to travel in a tank. It does not matter if it encounters quagmire, swamps, or hillsides. As long as the smart track system is activated, the front and rear of the car can be automatically ejected with special The thin tracks made of steel are extremely hard. There is no need to worry about breakage. With this system, the off-road performance of the car is comparable to that of a tank.

In order to let people across the country use smart cars and sublimate the domestic transportation system once, Ross has cooperated with various auto dealers across the country.

宇 塔 company provides a variety of parts and equipment. Domestic automakers help people transform ordinary cars into smart cars.

After one month, the world's first smart cars appeared in the eyes of the world. In order to let the world know the power of smart cars, Ross invited some disabled people to compete with the world's car king in a difficult game.

The venue of the game has been transformed into various harsh environments, including hillsides, chaotic lands, swamps, and deserts.

People with disabilities rely on EEG induction and driverless intelligent systems. They only need to use voice control and EEG remote sensing to make cars run.

But car kings can only drive cars to participate in competitions with super strong technology.

This game of car king and the disabled attracted the attention of the world. In order to expand the influence of smart cars, Ross mobilized satellite resources, 24 hours a day, no dead ends, and live broadcast the game at any time.

In high expectations, the two teams started racing. The car kings are driving high-speed racing cars. They are superbly skilled. They run on the tortuous runway, and they are the leading disabled teams.

Of the 10 smart cars, 10 disabled people just gave the car's navigation system, issued a command for smart driverless, and then set the destination of the car with voice, the smart car is fully autonomous driving, the entire process is no longer needed Anyone's grasp.

The two teams chased wildly, attracting the attention of the world. After running for more than 50 kilometers, the front car team encountered a road full of yellow mud. The car easily slipped on this kind of road. Even accidentally the wheels will sink into the mud, making the car unable to climb.

In order to cope with such bad roads, the car kings can only reduce the speed, turn left and right to avoid all kinds of quagmire, and the intelligent fleet, after encountering this kind of yellow mud road deep in the calf. The car did not slow down. After the intelligent track system was ejected, the car ran on the road at high speed like a tank. No difficulty was encountered.

The intelligent team surpassed the car king team in less than ten minutes and entered a hillside full of gravel. Those stones were brushed with lime. If the driving skills are not skilled enough, they will hit the roadside stones. Will cause the body to get a little lime.

This is a perfect test of driving skills. To avoid hitting the stones, experienced car kings can only reduce the speed and drive at a speed of 40 yards. However, the intelligent fleet has almost no deceleration, and the distance sensors on their bodies will allow the car to maintain a perfect distance from other objects during driving.

The intelligent team passed this rocky road section at 80 yards. No car was stained with lime, and the car king team. Even the best car king hit a rock at least twice while driving, and two lime marks appeared on the body.

The intelligent chip gives the driving precision of the car, which is incomparable to humans. The perfect operation of the computer allows ordinary people to have better driving skills than Car King.

3After three hours of intense competition, the smart team laughed to the end. Nanochips and neural networks gave smart cars super flexibility and perfect operability.

The world is boiling again because of the emergence of smart cars. The emergence of such smart cars will prevent the birth of car accidents.

The number of people killed in car accidents worldwide each year is more than 300,000 to 500,000. With smart cars, auto accidents will reduce crashes by 95%.

This car is not only safe, but also perfect in comfort. The car implements automatic driving. After the owner gets in the car, as long as the navigation and driving destination are set, the driver can sleep while driving without any fatigue driving.

With this smart car, people can travel anytime. No matter whether it is a desert, or a snowy mountain, or a grassland, smart cars cannot be blocked.

公布 As soon as various new smart car technologies were announced, China's domestic sentiment was heated. In just one day, there were millions of car owners in China, and they asked various auto companies to modify smart cars. As long as it costs about 50,000 yuan, ordinary cars will be upgraded.

China ’s auto market, because the farmers have become affluent, car purchases have greatly increased. Now after the launch of Yuta ’s smart car technology, the entire car owners in China are almost crazy. The car market in Huaxia can no longer be described as crazy and hot. .

公民 The envy of Chinese citizens in Europe and the United States has reached the extreme. Many foreign babes are looking for opportunities to marry Chinese people. Only by becoming Chinese people can they enjoy high-end products such as smart phones, smart computers and smart cars.

In just one week, attracted by the charm of science and technology and high welfare, 5 million women from Vietnam, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, and Asian countries applied to enter China, looking for opportunities to marry them.

There are also about one million young women in Europe and the United States who have submitted applications for admission to Chinese students, and now marrying Chinese has become a worthwhile event for women from all over the world.

Because there is no neural network, citizens of various countries cannot enjoy smartphones, smart computers, and smart cars. They are very dissatisfied with the government's inaction. Large demonstrations have been held in Europe and the United States. Citizens of those countries strongly urge the government to provide With special funds, I purchased a neural network from Yuta. As long as the neural network is available, Yuta's various remote sensing appliances and intelligent production capacity can enter foreign countries, so that citizens of all countries can enjoy those benefits owned by Chinese people.

"We need Huaxia's new generation of smartphones. This kind of paper-thin smartphone that can deform automatically is the most perfect means of transportation for human beings. With it, the distance between me and my family is reduced to zero. I strongly demand the United States The government imports neural network technology from Yuta, and we need this intelligent communication tool. "

"Hua Xia's intelligent computer allows humans to remotely control the computer. When we get up at 8 am in the morning, Hua Xia employees have turned on the computer with brain waves in bed and have been working for an hour. Smart computers can not only facilitate our lives It can also increase production capacity, but such a perfect computer ca n’t be imported because it does n’t have a neural network. The United States is too backward and disappointing. ”

"If you have a smart car, you can drive it automatically while you sleep, and our travel industry will be more than three times more prosperous. Stupid Europe ca n’t bear spending hundreds of billions of dollars to buy this intelligent network, which will make Europe travel It is more convenient and keeps the vitality of the economy. Our tourism industry will be able to attract more Chinese people. Without smart cars, Chinese people are unwilling to travel abroad because our cars in their eyes are worthy of slag. For antiques, we should keep up with the times and introduce the most cutting-edge technologies from China. Let many industries in Europe also be able to operate remotely. "

Governments of various countries are under tremendous pressure. Once they adopt neural networks, the most important link equal to communication will also be controlled by Huaxia and Yuta Corporation ~ ~ Huaxia has controlled energy, food, and various Advanced technology also has the world's largest market. If the Internet and communications are controlled again, no country in the world will be able to resist Huaxia, and the planet will be captured by Huaxia.

政府 Governments of various countries are worried and citizens of various countries are angry and dissatisfied. Governments of various countries have held fierce discussions and debates for this, but the final result is very realistic.

If China ’s neural network is not selected for import, countries cannot achieve remote sensing production, then the development speed will always lag behind Huaxia.

However, if Huaxia's neural network is introduced, all countries have already given the 'life gate' to Huaxia. Once Huaxia is unhappy, the neural network is suspended and the server is disconnected. The communication system of each country will be paralyzed, and the banks will become chaotic. All high-tech companies will stop working.

Weighing the pros and cons, governments of all countries can only deal with headaches and foot pains while importing Yuta's neural network technology while developing their own technology. On the other hand, maintain a friendly relationship with Huaxia to prevent it from angering Chinaxia and bringing about destruction. Sexual consequences.

The United States White House and Europe, in order to quell the domestic anger, finally decided fiercely, intending to spend 500 billion U.S. dollars, asking Yuta to help build advanced neural networks.

In order to make up the money, the United States and Europe have decided to cut their military spending in half. Anyway, they and Huaxia are no longer hostile countries, and no country will invade Europe and the United States. The military expenses saved in two years are enough to make up 500 billion US dollars. . To be continued.

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