Ly 杩涙敾 杩涙敾 Heavenly Demon Mountains 镄勯櫎 旇仈鐩燂纴鍙 旇仈鐩燂纴鍙 璇撮泦缁 Central Central Central Central Plains 80% 浠ヤ笂镄勫姏 忥纴姣忎竴涓︷櫎 忥纴姣忎竴涓︷櫎 忥纴姣忎竴涓︷櫎鐩熺殑鎴愬憳锛岄兘娌°C湁浣庝簬Martial Spirit 殑Martial Path cultivation base 锛岀敋镊砪ultivation base 杈杈埌Martial Spirit 澧 殑镵 洘鎴愬憳锛屾 洘鎴愬憳锛屾 洘鎴愬憳锛屾郊间郊呫

镓 € 塁 entral Plains 涓娄绠浜崄artial Spirit 澧冿纴鐢氲呖寰埚娌 °C湁鎴愪 镵 洘鎴愬憳镄凪 洘鎴愬憳镄凪artial Spirit 澧仙artial artist 锛岄兘鍦ㄤ汉镞忓拰濡栨棌 € € € € € 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ 鍦∕ ial ial ial ialら瓟镵旗洘绋冲畾钖庢楠镄勮锷ㄤ箣涓€

闄や 闄ら瓟镵 闄ら瓟镵 洘镐荤洘杩欎竴鏀笁鍗佸叚浜萦artial artist 缁勬垚镄勮秴绾ч樀瀹 澶栵纴鍙 澶栵纴鍙 澶栵纴鍙 涓冨崄浜屼 涓冨崄浜屼 涓冨崄浜屼 涓冨崄浜屼 涓冨崄浜屼嗙洘缁勬垚镄凪artial artist 阒靛锛屾 涓 涓︷兘鍦ㄤ笁鍗佷嚎浜 涓︷兘鍦ㄤ笁鍗佷嚎浜 涓︷兘鍦ㄤ笁鍗佷嚎浜 涓︷兘鍦ㄤ笁鍗佷嚎浜 涓︷兘鍦ㄤ笁鍗佷嚎浜 涓︷兘鍦ㄤ笁鍗佷嚎浜 涓︷兘鍦ㄤ笁鍗佷嚎浜 勬 勬 勬 诲 灏呜繎涓ゅ崈涓ょ栌浜 灏呜繎涓ゅ崈涓ょ栌浜殑 殑 Martial artist 浠庡洓闱 (1) 叓鏂 悇涓 悇涓 钖憁 towards towards towards towards towards Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven

Central Plains 浜 棌鍜屽镞忕殑 棌鍜屽镞忕殑 € € € € 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 骞 旀棌 旀棌 旀棌 旀棌 旀棌 涓帾 涓帾涓嶆墦绠楄窡 旀棌灏辫 旀棌灏辫 旀棌灏辫 椾笅铡讳 椾笅铡讳 椾笅铡讳 椾笅铡讳 銆 銆 笅瀹 笅瀹 笅瀹 笅瀹 喅蹇冧竴瀹氲璺熼瓟镞忓湪鐭椂闂 喅蹇冧竴瀹氲璺熼瓟镞忓湪鐭椂闂涓婄 涓婄 涓婄 鍗犵潃 鍗犵潃 鍗犵潃 鍗犵潃 鍗犵潃 鍗犵潃 Heavenly Demon Mountains 杩欐牱涓 涓 涓 涓 鐎氱殑鍦板烟浜嗐€

Chain 変 鏁 鏁 Central Central Plains 鍦ㄥ悗鏂 殑鏀寔绋 殑鏀寔绋 浐锛岄櫎 浐锛岄櫎 浐锛岄櫎 浐锛岄櫎 浐锛岄櫎 浐锛岄櫎 浐锛岄櫎 涔嫔 涔嫔 涔嫔 涔嫔 涔嫔 涔嫔 涔嫔 鎷斾 鎷斾 鎷斾 鎷斾 鎷斾钖庯纴缁х画淇濇寔镌€姝ユ涓鸿惀锛岀ǔ惀锛岀ǔ庣ǔ庣ǔartial Saint 绾у己呭湪澶╀笂鍓嶆楠鎺(四)矾锛屼笅鏂归櫎櫎旇仈鐩熺殑澶旇仈鐩熺殑澶啖浠ョ伀镣庣彔鍜岀垎镣庣彔寮啖浠ョ伀镣庣彔鍜岀垎镣庣彔寮€璺€

浠讳綍鎸”湪澶у啖鍓嶆楠镄勬 is 鏋楁琚纴灞卞窛宄板渤锛岃缮鏄櫡阒盇rray Law 浠€涔堢殑锛岄兘鍦ㄨ仈鐩熷ぇ鍐涚殑绮夌镐 敾锷 敾锷 敾锷 敾锷 笅锛屾 笅锛屾 変 変 浣旷敤姝 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 箣鍦 曟槸鎶奌 曟槸鎶奌Eavenly Demon Mountains 褰诲簳姣佹帀銆

闄ら瓟镵旗洘澶у啖镄勮伞绉嶆姝ヤ负钀ョ殑绮夌镐ф敾锷匡纴璁〩eavenly Demon Mountains 褰扑腑镄勯瓟镞忓交搴曞潗涓崭綇浜嗐 湪 湪 湪 嗙粨浜嗘棤鏁 嗙粨浜嗘棤鏁 殑 殑 殑 旀棌浠ュ悗锛屽悓镙 旀棌浠ュ悗锛屽悓镙 垎鎴愪竷鍗佷笁 垎鎴愪竷鍗佷笁 ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′銆 湪闄ら瓟镵 湪闄ら瓟镵 洘镄勫ぇ鍐涚 洘镄勫ぇ鍐涚 洘镄勫ぇ鍐涚 洘镄勫ぇ鍐涚 洘镄勫ぇ鍐涚 洘镄勫ぇ鍐涚 噷涔嫔悗锛屽 噷涔嫔悗锛屽 噷涔嫔悗锛屽 噷涔嫔悗锛屽 噷涔嫔悗锛屽 噷涔嫔悗锛屽 噷涔嫔悗锛屽 啖姝 啖姝 啖姝 啖姝 啖姝 啖姝

鍙屾Nan 侀 侀 娌 ° ° ° ° 湁浠讳綍浜ゆ祦锛屼竴鍒囦氦娴侀兘鏄浣欑殑锛岀洿鎺ュ 湁浠讳綍浜ゆ祦锛屼竴鍒囦氦娴侀兘鏄浣欑殑锛岀洿鎺ュ 湁浠讳綍浜ゆ祦锛屼竴鍒囦氦娴侀兘鏄浣欑殑锛岀洿鎺ュ 傞 傞 傞 傞瀵 棤鏁 棤鏁 棤鏁 殑 殑 殑 旀棌锛岄櫎 旀棌锛岄櫎 旀棌锛岄櫎 旀棌锛岄櫎 旀棌锛岄櫎 旀棌锛岄櫎 旀棌锛岄櫎 樀鍨嬶纴鐒跺悗浠ョ垎镣庣彔寮 樀鍨嬶纴鐒跺悗浠ョ垎镣庣彔寮Ial 浉鎺ヤ 璧 湴闱笂鏄疢 湴闱笂鏄疢 湴闱笂鏄疢artial Spirit 銆丮artial Ancestor 銆丮artial Marquis 镄勬垬鍦 monkey 纴澶╃┖鏄疢artial King 銆丮artial Venerable 銆丮artial Saint 镄勬垬鍦恒€

鍦 涓婇櫎 涓婇櫎 涓婇櫎 涓婇櫎 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 涓﹄ 镄勪竾浜 镄勪竾浜 镄勪竾浜 敾鍑 敾鍑 敾鍑 樀钀ヤ笌 樀钀ヤ笌 樀钀ヤ笌闀 殑鎴樼嚎涓婂睍寮 殑鎴樼嚎涓婂睍寮 浜嗕綘姝 浜嗕綘姝 浜嗕綘姝 浜嗕綘姝 垜娲荤殑娈嬮叿澶 垬锛屽悇绉嶆潃浼ゅ姏宸ㄥぇ镄勭鍣ㄣ 佺绗 佺绗 佺绗 侀 侀樀鐩樼瓑绛夛纴鍏ㄩ儴鐢ㄤ 鍑 鍑 箣涓婏纴浠ヤ竾涓哄崟浣岖殑 箣涓婏纴浠ヤ竾涓哄崟浣岖殑 箣涓婏纴浠ヤ竾涓哄崟浣岖殑 Martial King 銆丮artial Venerable 銆丮artial Saint 寮鸿呬笌旀棌鍦ㄦ 鍦嗙栌涓 鍦嗙栌涓 鍦嗙栌涓 鐎 鐎 鐎 鐎 鐎 鐎 ぉ闄呭綋涓纴钖屾牱灞曞紑浜嗙柉镫傜殑鎴樻枟銆 ぉ闄呭綋涓纴钖屾牱灞曞紑浜嗙柉镫傜殑鎴樻枟銆 湪澶 垬镄勭煭鐭椂闂村唴锛孧artial King 銆丮artial Venerable 銆丮artial Saint 濡 悓 ㄧ偣涓 鑸悍绾烽櫒钀 鑸悍绾烽櫒钀 鑸悍绾烽櫒钀 € €

涓 涓湀镄勫嗳澶囨椂闂 涓湀镄勫嗳澶囨椂闂 纴 纴 旀棌璋冮泦浜哫 旀棌璋冮泦浜哫 旀棌璋冮泦浜哫 旀棌璋冮泦浜哫 旀棌璋冮泦浜哫 ral 浠ヤ笂镄勫疄锷涳纴涓庢暣涓狢 浠ヤ笂镄勫疄锷涳纴涓庢暣涓狢 浠ヤ笂镄勫疄锷涳纴涓庢暣涓狢 浠ヤ笂镄勫疄锷涳纴涓庢暣涓狢 浠ヤ笂镄勫疄锷涳纴涓庢暣涓狢 浠ヤ笂镄勫疄锷涳纴涓庢暣涓狢 Plain Plain Plain Plain忎竴镙 纴璧屼笂缁濆ぇ閮ㄥ垎镄勫姏 纴璧屼笂缁濆ぇ閮ㄥ垎镄勫姏 纴璧屼笂缁濆ぇ閮ㄥ垎镄勫姏 忥纴锷涘浘涓庨櫎 忥纴锷涘浘涓庨櫎 忥纴锷涘浘涓庨櫎 旇仈鐩熷垎鍑 旇仈鐩熷垎鍑 旇仈鐩熷垎鍑 楂 楂 楂 楂 笅鏉ャ 彲浠ヨ鍙屾 彲浠ヨ鍙屾 彲浠ヨ鍙屾Borrowing and forging

涓冨崄涓変 鍦 鍦 锛屼竷鍗佷笁澶勬 锛屼竷鍗佷笁澶勬 锛屼竷鍗佷笁澶勬 锛屼竷鍗佷笁澶勬 锛屼竷鍗佷笁澶勬 锛屼竷鍗佷笁澶勬 锛屼竷鍗佷笁澶勬 鐎氱殑鎴 鐎氱殑鎴 鐎氱殑鎴 鐎氱殑鎴鎶楋纴true origin 鏆村姩锛屾硶锷涙极澶╋纴姣忎竴澶勭殑鎴桦満涓婃棤灏界殑澶殑澶垬閮垬閮纴寮曞姩浜嗘鍦嗘暟锏鍦嗘暟锏竾 屽唴镄勫ぉ鍦癊 屽唴镄勫ぉ鍦癊 ssence Qi 鏆 village acne 镞 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 鍒 纴鏁 纴鏁 纴鏁 纴鏁 纴鏁 纴鏁 纴鏁 涓 涓 涓 涓Emerald cauldron

涔熻鏄煡阆挞櫎 旇仈鐩熻仈鐩熶笌 旇仈鐩熻仈鐩熶笌 旀棌镄勫ぇ鎴樻椂瀵 旀棌镄勫ぇ鎴樻椂瀵 旀棌镄勫ぇ鎴樻椂瀵 暣涓ぉ鍦 暣涓ぉ鍦 兘 夊埄镄勶纴澶╁湴镒忓 夊埄镄勶纴澶╁湴镒忓 夊埄镄勶纴澶╁湴镒忓〃鐜 嚭浜呜嚜宸 嚭浜呜嚜宸 殑 chain fear 悜銆傛 涓︷櫎 涓︷櫎 涓︷櫎 涓︷櫎 旇仈鐩熺殑鎴愬憳鍦ㄤ笌 旇仈鐩熺殑鎴愬憳鍦ㄤ笌 旇仈鐩熺殑鎴愬憳鍦ㄤ笌 旇仈鐩熺殑鎴愬憳鍦ㄤ笌 旇仈鐩熺殑鎴愬憳鍦ㄤ笌 腑锛屾劅鍒 腑锛屾劅鍒 暣涓︼ 暣涓︼ Han Yu arc 浜嗗姏 忥纴浠 忥纴浠 忥纴浠 鐢ㄤ箣涓岖銆傞兘鍙戞尌鍑 鐢ㄤ箣涓岖銆傞兘鍙戞尌鍑 简 简 简 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑1% 锏句簩镄勫疄锷 to €

闄ら瓟镵旗洘镄勬洘镄勬涓﹄涓﹄閮閮湁镊湁镊镄勫镄勫嫔拰鎴樻枟锛岃屼綔涓篊屼綔涓篊ralral Plains Chain寮寮寮垬锷涚殑Ye Tianzong 銆丩ing Xinyue銆佺 堜笁浜哄悓镙 堜笁浜哄悓镙 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 銆傛镞跺湪 Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian  chain 堜笁浜 鍦ㄤ笌鍗佷簲涓︷瓟浣垮ぇ鎴 鍦ㄤ笌鍗佷簲涓︷瓟浣垮ぇ鎴 鍦ㄤ笌鍗佷簲涓︷瓟浣垮ぇ鎴 湪涓 璧 璧 璧 € €

Tian 闱欑殑浜屽崄骞撮噷锛孻 e Tianzong 銆丩ing Xinyue 銆佺 chain 堜笁浜 兘娌 兘娌 °C 湁 pot 沧瀵 silicon 嚜韬疄锷涚殑杩 mustard銆侺ing Xinyue 宸茬粡鍦ㄨ呖灏婄骇绗竴阒 褰诲簳绔欑ǔ锛屾帴杩戠浜岄 褰诲簳绔欑ǔ锛屾帴杩戠浜岄 pile point 俌e Tianzong 鍜岀 chain堜袱浜哄垯鏄  搴曞湪镊 皧绾 皧绾 皧绾 涓夐 涓夐 娈靛 娈靛 搴旷珯绋 y Xinyy 嬫寔 in in in in in in in in in in in璧凤纴骞朵笖锲犱Xinyue 绁炲墤浠ュ 钖勭杈呭姪 medicine pill 锛孡ing Xinyue 鍙槸绋嶅井寮 簬 簬 斾 斾 斾 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 镀 镀 镀Pad

绁炴湀涓 浜 浜 浜 浜 樼 樼 樼 樼 欙纴鏂 欙纴鏂 欙纴鏂 欙纴鏂 欙纴鏂 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 睍镊 鍒涚殑鈥 鍒涚殑鈥夸笣姣笉钀戒笅椋庛€傗€樼链埚ぉ鍓戋€欐槸绁炴湀浠e Tianzong 缁欎篑镄勭悏鐠力鍓戜负鍩虹锛岃瀺钖堜镞犳暟镄勯 镞犳暟镄勯 “绾х偧鍣ㄦ潗鏂欙纴鍦 ̇oundless Immortal Mansion 褰 腑 腑 腑 腑 楄 屾垚锛宖 屾垚锛宖 屾垚锛宖 屾垚锛宖 屾垚锛宖 屾垚锛宖 or or or or Father

鍙 <竴杈筜e Tianzong 鐩存帴寮曞姩浜嗗ぉ鍦伴棿镄勬棤忔忔鐒鐒 姘旓纴涓庡崄涓︷瓟浣挎垬鎴愪竴锲€傛湁浜嗘棤 忔 忔 鐒 鐒 鐒 Tian Tian e Tianzong 涓濇涓岖敤椤 繉锷涢噺镄勬秷 繉锷涢噺镄勬秷 繉锷涢噺镄勬秷 繉锷涢噺镄勬秷 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶Mid劫 ormidable power 锛屾柦灞曟旦娓哄墤璇€绗笁寮忊€樻棩鍐曚箣鍏夆€欍€

娴╂负鍓戣瘈绗笁寮忊€樻棩鍐曚箣鍏夆€欐槸鍑濊仛澶╁湴闂存渶涓洪槼鍒氲呖寮虹殑澶︷槼涔嫔姏銆效お阒箣锷涜呖阒 箣锷涜呖阒 呖鍒 呖鍒 呖鍒 纴镊 纴镊 纴镊 値镊 値镊 値镊 値镊 値镊 値镊 竴鍒囷纴姣佺伃浠讳綍阒 竴鍒囷纴姣佺伃浠讳綍阒 竴鍒囷纴姣佺伃浠讳綍阒 竴鍒囷纴姣佺伃浠讳綍阒 竴鍒囷纴姣佺伃浠讳綍阒镄勫姏 忋 傝 傝 傝 傝 绉嶅お阒 箣锷涢潪绁炶瘽澧冨 箣锷涢潪绁炶瘽澧冨 箣锷涢潪绁炶瘽澧冨 箣锷涢潪绁炶瘽澧冨 箣锷涢潪绁炶瘽澧冨 箣锷涢潪绁炶瘽澧冨 箣锷涢潪绁炶瘽澧冨 箣锷涢潪绁炶瘽澧冨 繍鐢ㄦ帉鎺

Key 孻 e Tianzong 忔 忔 鐒 鐒 鐒 姘旀潵 濇姢镊︼ 濇姢镊︼ 濇姢镊︼ 濇姢镊︼ 锛屽偓锷ㄦ 锛屽偓锷ㄦ 锛屽偓锷ㄦ 濇姢镊︼ 娓 娓 娓 娓 娓 嗗哜缁冭呖阒 嗗哜缁冭呖阒 嗗哜缁冭呖阒 嗗哜缁冭呖阒 嗗哜缁冭呖阒 嗗哜缁冭呖阒 嗗哜缁冭呖阒 嗗哜缁冭呖阒 嗗哜缁冭呖阒镄勫お阒 箣锷涳纴鍦ㄧ鍓戜箣澶栧 瑁 鎴恏 鎴恏 und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und und浣 殑鎴樻枟涓ぇ鏉 锲涙 锲涙 锲涙 锛屾墍钖戞棤鏁屻 锛屾墍钖戞棤鏁屻 崄涓︷瓟浣胯槠鐒 崄涓︷瓟浣胯槠鐒 崄涓︷瓟浣胯槠鐒 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 簬 簬 簬 簬Tianzong 鏂 睍镄勬棩鍐曚箣鍏夐潪 睍镄勬棩鍐曚箣鍏夐潪 繉鎯

姣忎竴娆’笌Ye Tianzong 浜ゆ 锛屾 娓 娓 娓 娓 娓 娓 哜缁冨埌鏋佽嚧镄勫お阒 哜缁冨埌鏋佽嚧镄勫お阒 哜缁冨埌鏋佽嚧镄勫お阒 箣锷涳纴閮 箣锷涳纴閮 箣锷涳纴閮鍙楀埌鏋佽嚧镄勫嵄闄╁拰鐏 儹锛岃 孻 孻 Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian Tian鍑诲崄涓︷瓟浣匡纴閮 细 细 细 夋棤鏁 殑 殑 殑 殑 qi qi qi 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑 缑嶻e Tianzong 杩涜 ㄦ棆锛屾牴 chain 笉鏁 (2) 闱笌 Ye Tianzong 纭纭€

With the infinite amount of blessing, Ye Tianzong’s combat power has at least soared to the fifth stage of the supreme level. Without the worries of power consumption, Ye Tianzong is fully open, not only with the full force of the sword, but also with the ‘universe force field’ It is also used constantly, and from the beginning it is pressed against ten demons.

The battle lasted for two quarters, and Ye Tianzong became more and more brave and the offensive became more and more fierce. On the other hand, the ten magical tactics are a bit bad. Ye Tianzong has no fear of power consumption, but they can’t. Even if the body has the power of magic blood, it takes time, and it is impossible for them to consume much power.

After being attacked by Ye Tianzong for two quarters of an hour, in order to resist the attack of Ye Tianzong, the ten devils consumed a lot of power, and they could not recover at all. When they avoided the Ye Tianzong attack, Ten magicians kept cursing Ye Tianzong in their hearts.

Once again, the universe force field was created, and Ye Tianzong finally trapped a magical ambassador. Without waiting for him to break free, Ye Tianzong’s sword was carried on the magical body with unmatched formidable power. In the sun to the Gang, to the heat of the sun, the magic has no reason to be spared. In the unsuccessful curse, only a drop of magic blood is left in place, and it is gone.

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