In an instant, from the center of the universe to the edge of the universe

Soon, an aura of destruction rippling through!

Boom boom boom!

The planets shattered one after another.

satellite, planet, star, star system

Countless planets were shattered, and these planets were completely destroyed, becoming the tiniest particles.

become atoms in the universe.

And under the terrifying energy, the atoms are destroyed again, and the mass is destroyed to become energy, triggering a second round of terrifying explosions.

In the end, the entire universe is left with nothing but rubbish.

"My current strength is enough to destroy an entire universe?

Lu Yan looked at his hands.

At the same time, he can also feel it.

It was something he did without much effort himself.

It's not his all-out effort.

"If I do my best, I may be able to break through the barriers of this universe and directly destroy three or four universes..."

"No, if you do this, the damage will be too great. You still have to restrain the damage and bring all the damage to the front line, one point."

Lu Yan thought so.

Afterwards, Lu Yan looked at the godhead in his backpack.

【Pure Ultimate Godhead】

[Effect: After using this godhead, get the ultimate godhead]

"The upper god is still like this, what if I achieve the ultimate god position?"

Lu Yan search memory

In Chaos Supreme's memory, he has never learned a skill above the Supreme level, which means that the opponent will not be able to combine [-] spells and runes at all.

An existence that has lived for millions of years will not be able to reach the highest level of skills.

Not to mention other things.

Perhaps only the ultimate god can be the supreme skill...

On the other hand, Lu Yan felt that [Styx] was very strong at first.

But now it seems that it is not too difficult to create a superpower.

As long as you have enough strength and spend some time on the layout, you can still get forces like the Styx

Strength is the most important thing.

Lu Yan sketched the rules, and palaces appeared in this empty universe.

Build, Rebuild...

Soon, the entire universe was changed by Lu Yan.

"This is an attempt, right?" Lu Yan created a question on the palace tower that stretched dozens of galaxy lengths.

previous word.

"I created this disaster."

"Just write it, disaster"

Lu Yan smiled lightly.

After leaving, for the strong, survival and destruction are indeed a matter of one thought.


Destroying this universe, what does it have to do with the original cow spirit of this universe?

This Huaina, what kind of benevolence, righteousness and morality, is just the original sin of Cai.

If the root cause is cleaned up, countless multiverses will be destroyed

In the end there will be no life left

Lu Yan was too lazy to think about emotional things.

Since he has become a god, why should he restrain himself with humanistic morality?

Lu Yan arrives in a new universe

This time, it is the universe searched by grand deduction

In this universe, there is the existence of the supreme race.

In this universe, there is also an ultimate god.

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