When Zhao Hai entered space, he went to Wild Dragon Island had to look for Jim, and Jim was now experimenting with the Jebenh brothers, and now Jim's target for the experiment has changed and turned into Soul Weapon in hand.

Jim has been studying, how to put Soul Fire in the ordinary weapon, and the weapon of the brother Gibburnh can be used directly to operate with a soul, and normally to connect with a soul, which, for Jim, is a very valuable thing, and Jim wants to make a significant difference through the weapon of his brother, understand, how the soul and the weapon are united, so long as this is clear.

But now Jim's research has just begun, and the brothers of Gibburnh have only two weapon weapons, the size of which is not very big, so Jim is afraid to test these two weapon destructive experiments only to keep these two weapon studying throughout the year, so that his research speed naturally becomes very slow.

The point is because they don't have the test material, and for the Jebench brother's rifle, it's very much the same thing that he wants to destroy, good research, but Jim has never made that determination.

The brother Gibburnh's little bit of weapon originally, which, if so destroyed, was too bad, but after the destruction, there was no way of studying the thing, their experiment would be over, and that's why the brother of Gibburnh left Soul Weapon.

Gibburnh Brothers have not had a heart ache for Soul Weapon, which is for Soul Weapon, but they are now completely soul heavy for them, but for them they can destroy everything for the experiment, and they are now in space, where simply is no danger, leaving it too useful for Soul Weapon, so they have not had too much to do with Soul Weapon.

That is when Zhao Hai came to Wild Dragon Island and went directly to Laboratory, Jim Laboratory, in Wild Dragon Island here, but he went to undead academy every week to teach those undead, but his class was only five hours a week, not very long, and his time could well be arranged.

In order to facilitate communication between academy, Zhao Hai has Transmission Magic in all academy in space, a Magic position that allows you to go to academy in each other and every Space, thus making it easier for everyone to communicate. Of course, Zhao Hai also has Magic Front to Wild Dragon Island, but this Magic Front is very small, and only a few people, such as Jim, are available.

This time, as a result of the academy alliance, Zhao Hai not only sent Jim and Kampala to be teacher, but also some people on Wild Dragon Island to be teachers in other Space academy, who usually live on Wild Dragon Island, waiting for their own research, but only when they attend academy, so Zhao Hai came up with such direct contact to Wild Dragon Island Magic.

The Laboratory of Jim is located in Laboratory, Karen, where both sides sometimes interact, and now on Wild Dragon Island, the most influential Laboratory is Karen Laboratory, and the rest of the Laboratory is not working.

Jim's three people are observing Soul Weapon with microscopes, because they can't destroy the Soul Weapon, so they can now use it, and their microscopes are also from Zhao Hai, where almost every Laboratory has microscope and some other Advanced Level experimental appliances, all of which Zhao Hai brought from science and technology background.

Three people came to see Zhao Hai, but they reacted right away, and three came to Zhao Hai and Zhao Hai set his hands on said, "Let's go. How's the experiment going?"

Jim sighed to say, “Not very well, Relationship is too few experimental material, and we can't use it, so we can't do it any further."

Zhao Hai had a little head, looked at Jim's Laboratory, it was nice, Jim's Laboratory was clean, Zhao Hai waved his hand and took out some of the soul bones from the Snake, said, "Look at whether this is the same thing as that of two Jebench brothers, and if that is the thing, you're going to experiment with it, and then it won't be much, and you don't have to be so careful, how much."

When Jim saw those bones, forgotten everything, poked the past, searched with his spiritual force to prove that it was true, Jim cheered up a little bone, and ran into Laboratory's little crumbling machine, and put it in it.

The brothers of Gibburnh, too, cannot ignore Zhao Hai, have begun to pack Laboratory and prepare for the test, even though they have forgotten to speak to Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai looked at three people and laughed at a rock, turn around leave their lab, and returned to Space Villa.

Laura, they're in the villa, not Underworld, but God Realm Taurus Continent, and there's a small conflict between God Race and O'Neal Clan, where both sides have lost some, but in general, God Race has lost even bigger losses.

But Laura, she's showing him Taurus Continent on the screen now, but they're not watching, but talking about it.

When Zhao Hai came in, Laura, they stood up right away, just after Zhao Hai fought Snake King, they all saw, Laura, and they knew Zhao Hai was fine, just don't know Zhao Hai and Snake King went there.

Zhao Hai looked at Laura's eyes, slightly smiled said:“Just went to Wild Dragon Island, sent Jim some experimental material, Cai 'er, come here, I know what Bone's worth."

Cai 'er flew right away and said to Zhao Hai:“Really Young Master? Say it quickly. ”

Zhao Hai slightly smiled said, “All the snakes who ate Bone plants, after they died, were suspected of having taken the bone, the kind of weapon that Jebenh's brothers used, and in other words, that thing could help Magic Beast suspect the soul bone, Cai 'er, you go and test it, see if only Hell Space had Magic Beast to be able to suspect that the soul was gathered, or that all Magic Beast could be suspicious, which you did."

Cai 'er should have said, "Back around is gone, and apparently he was going to get those Magic Beast experiments, and Zhao Hai didn't care about him, but sat on sofa, turned the screen back to Underworld, staring at the regions that Eddison drew."

Laura, while Zhao Hai's still looking at stretch map, doesn't it have to be lightly wrinkled, and said, "Elder Brother Hai, are you going to Darkness Magic Beast's place? Wasn't it already discover's secret? Why are you going there? ”

Zhao Hai looked at Laura said:"It's okay. You see, too, that Darkness Magic Beast can't threaten me, and I want to take Darkness Magic Beast on these terrain, so it's really the Uniform Underworld, right?”

Laura's a little bit, she didn't say much, Lizzy. They didn't say anything. Just a few people looked at the screen, and those regions on the screen had already marked what was the strongest Magic Beast in the region, and even probably even the power, but that was just outside, but it was still a blank in the center of Darkness Magic Beast.

Zhao Hai wrinkled his eyebrows lightly, waved his hand and called Snake King into space, but because Snake King's body was too large to wait only outside the villa for Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai came out of the villa, Snake King was about to give him a ceremony, Zhao Hai had a noon, and then he wave his hand, and one projection appeared, the projection was on Darkness Magic Beast's ground, and Zhao Hai pointed out some of the regions around the floor for Snake King said:"Snake King, look at the information on Magic Beast, right?"On the one hand, Zhao Hai spoke to Snake King about Magic Beast's name and fighting power on the floor.

This Snake King Nothe has no more human wisdom, but he doesn't know the word, so Zhao Hai can only explain it to him himself. Snake King, having heard Zhao Hai's presentation, made the point:“Back to Young Master, the stretch a map is basically right, and our Darkness Magic Beast family lives are very good, but the rehearsal process is well slow, so it's almost all right, but I haven't been in touch with those guys for nearly a hundred years.

Zhao Hai has a little bit of a say:“Okay, don't matter, no big mistake, right, where is this region? there's something Magic Beast has, you know? ”

Snake King, when he heard Zhao Hai say so, “Sorry Young Master, where I am and don't know, we simply have no way to go there, where there's always a layer of white protective shield, white light from protective shield, and there's a lot of killing and injury to us, so we simply can't go there."

Zhao Hai had a slight wrinkle, and he didn't think there was a place like that in Underworld here, but he had a little bit of a say:"Okay, go back, go back, practice yourself well, if you need anything to tell me."Snake King deserved a statement, and Zhao Hai sent Snake King back.

After taking Snake King, Zhao Hai returned to the villa, looking carefully at that map, and finally he decided that the horse was dealing with a territory next to Snake's territory, Magic Beast very unusual, known as Steel Pig, a pig's magic Beast, which was almost as strong as Snake King, and in that area was a steel pig's territory, where the Pig King was not only very powerful, but defense strength was much stronger than Snake King, but an absolutely difficult guy.

Zhao Hai has not touched a little bit from the outside this time, like against Snake King, and it's too wasting time, and the last time Zhao Hai touched it from the outside, trying to see if he could find a viper of variation, and now he knows that if the soul bones were created, he doesn't have to spend it, so Zhao Hai is ready to carry out the plan!


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