British Civil Servant

Chapter 111: Dispose of Thailand

The remaining few days are nothing more than getting the French and Chinese representatives to sign and express a common attitude to urge Japan to surrender. Compared with the war in the Far East, Prime Minister Attlee considered it to have nothing to do with the British Empire, but Britain still gave a lot of support to France's claims.

The two old colonial empires chose to report to the group to keep warm at this time. The fact is that if they were brought out separately, the United Kingdom and France would not be able to get any advantage in the two behemoths of the United States and the Soviet Union. Even if the two countries were added together, It can only deal with one of the United States and the Soviet Union.

Since the Hundred Years War, the two sides have officially fought, after the Thirty Years' War, the Anglo-Dutch War, the War of the Spanish Succession, the War of the Austrian Succession, the Napoleonic Wars, the American War of Independence, and the Indian Colonial War, until now, the two have never looked at each other. The enemy of the other side finally realized the importance of unity for the first time.

If the unity is not recognized at this time, the two brothers in difficulty will soon have no place in the world.

And the next thing Edward Bridges and Prime Minister Attlee discussed was related to the newspaper group heating.

As I said before, the colonial problem is not just a problem of the British Empire itself, but a common problem of many European countries now.

Edward Bridges has learned about other colonial powers through some channels, and the feedback is very gratifying.

At least Holland is ready to return to Indonesia. "Do you know anything about Indonesia? I remember you lived in the Far East."

"Of course, Sir Edward." Alan Wilson secretly thought that you are asking the right person, "The entire geography of the Dutch East Indies can be summed up in fragmentation. The difficulty is that the Japanese deliberately incited the native peoples to rebel against European rule in the Asian battlefield. It is said that the problems faced by the Dutch now are the same as ours, that is, the high-level officials in Indonesia have already had an independent idea. To be honest, with the current strength of the Netherlands, they want to suppress this independent power that has been magnified by the Japanese, and the results may not be endless. As desired."

Alan Wilson remembers that the Netherlands began its return to Indonesia almost at the same time as Japan surrendered. The Dutch-Indian war broke out suddenly, even a month before the French returned to Vietnam.

Alan Wilson mentioned that at the end of World War II, before Japan formally surrendered, it deliberately armed the Asian colonies of European countries against the armed forces of the suzerain, not only Indonesia and Vietnam, but even the Philippines in the United States. Japan also did the same.

In Indonesia, the Japanese troops stationed in India received secret instructions from the Japanese mainland, asking them to hand over their weapons and equipment to the local Indonesian national independence movement and instigate the Indonesians to revolutionize, causing them to create chaos for the Allied forces.

The Japanese army stationed in India announced the establishment of the Indonesian Independence Preparation Committee to the whole of Indonesia the next day.

At that time, the Dutch army was still on the way. Since everyone was a member of the colonial empire family, Alan Wilson felt that he was duty-bound and had an obligation to remind the Dutch that in his dream the goddess Hepburn was Dutch. superior.

"Out of solidarity with Europe, the Dutch Expeditionary Force can set off now. If Japan has not surrendered in Asia, it can be repaired in British India. Once Japan surrenders, it will immediately go back to Jakarta." Alan Wilson gave himself completely selfless Heart advice.

"Very good!" said Edward Bridges with satisfaction, "and according to some real but undisclosed sources, we can also know that our old opponent, the French, is also ready, no matter what kind of Pressure, all ready to return to Vietnam."

"I have never dared to doubt the courage of the French." Alan Wilson replied with a pun. In fact, the French were very fond of Alan Wilson's temper, submissive to the United States and the Soviet Union, and attacked the third world. , Let's not say whether we can beat it or not, at least the French have put forward the attitude of the colonial empire.

After complimenting his old opponent for nine hundred years, Alan Wilson suddenly had a flash in his heart, as if he had forgotten an important thing. When the world war was about to end, the British Empire still had some bargains to take.

In fact, many issues are not qualified to be raised at the Potsdam Conference. Take the Yugoslav refugee issue as an example. If the timing of the outbreak was not too coincidental, and the Soviets found an excuse that could be used to exert pressure, they would not have received the Potsdam Conference. discussed above.

The hundreds of thousands of Tito opponents died without any disturbance in history, and no one cared at all.

"Sir Edward, in fact, we still have a chance to expand the colony." Alan Wilson couldn't stand it any longer. He still wanted to return to British India to be a master, but it is only theoretical that British India's independence was suppressed. Maybe, he has to find a good home for himself.

"Oh?" Edward Bridges asked in Where are you referring to, Somalia? "

The idea of ​​annexing Italian colonies in Africa has been discussed within the United Kingdom, but there are many opponents, such as the suspicious ally the United States and the suspicious ally France.

"We have fair reasons. As we all know, the existence of Thailand is based on the goodwill between the United Kingdom and France, and this time the Thais followed the Japanese to attack British India. It is not too much to pay some price." Alan Wilson was eager to try. "Our handling of Thailand is legal and reasonable, and it is not easy to be interfered by the Americans. This can be classified as part of the liquidation of Japan, and no one can object."

Alan Wilson knew that the good days of British India might not be long, but he didn't want to go to Africa to be in the company of Uncle Black. It is best to find a next home that can be integrated without barriers. The next home he planned for himself is British Malaya.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages of British Malaya. The advantage is that Britain will not give up Malaya in the short term. The downside is that Malaya's potential is not great, and it has to be found somewhere to make up for it.

Except for the reason that the Dutch East Indies are currently uniting other colonial empires, they may not be able to do anything for the time being. But Thailand can be cleaned up. Why should Austria be occupied by partitions like Germany, and Thailand behind the Japanese is nothing?

"Do you want Thailand to be treated by Austria?" Edward Bridges thought for a while, the indifferent expression on his face gradually changed, and he said with a clear smile, "Yes, Thailand is the axis A member of the country. It is reasonable and legal to receive some punishment, what do you think is appropriate?"

"The Isthmus of Kra, directly merged into British Malaya." Alan Wilson raised his chest and gave his answer.

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