Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 671: Sprint to the playoffs

Rivers rearranged Green to appear on the stage, but this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state was somewhat cooled. After the debut, he couldn't keep up with his pace. He was trained by Curry with flexible dribbling. Li deftly moved past Green, threw a cricket and scored, directly widening the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that on the Nets, which value space very much, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defense ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in another team, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. Although the Clippers once narrowed the point difference...

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Rivers rearranged Green to appear on the stage, but this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state was somewhat cooled. After the debut, he couldn't keep up with his pace. He was trained by Curry with flexible dribbling. Li deftly moved past Green, threw a cricket and scored, directly opening the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that in the Nets, which place great importance on space, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defensive ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in other teams, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. Although the Clippers once narrowed Rivers and re-arranged Green to appear on the stage, this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state cooled down a bit. Using flexible dribbling military training, Curry deftly passed Green and threw a cricket to score, directly widening the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that on the Nets, which value space very much, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defense ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in another team, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. Although the Clippers once narrowed Rivers and re-arranged Green to appear on the stage, this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state cooled down a bit. Using flexible dribbling military training, Curry deftly passed Green and threw a cricket to score, directly widening the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that on the Nets, which value space very much, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defense ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in another team, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. Although the Clippers once narrowed Rivers and re-arranged Green to appear on the stage, this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state cooled down a bit. Using flexible dribbling military training, Curry deftly passed Green and threw a cricket to score, directly widening the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that on the Nets, which value space very much, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defense ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in another team, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. Although the Clippers once narrowed Rivers and re-arranged Green to appear on the stage, this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state cooled down a bit. Using flexible dribbling military training, Curry deftly passed Green and threw a cricket to score, directly widening the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that on the Nets, which value space very much, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defense ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in another team, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. Although the Clippers once narrowed Rivers and re-arranged Green to appear on the stage, this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state cooled down a bit. Using flexible dribbling military training, Curry deftly passed Green and threw a cricket to score, directly widening the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that on the Nets, which value space very much, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defense ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in another team, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. Although the Clippers once narrowed Rivers and re-arranged Green to appear on the stage, this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state cooled down a bit. Using flexible dribbling military training, Curry deftly passed Green and threw a cricket to score, directly widening the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that on the Nets, which value space very much, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defense ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in another team, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. UU Reading Although the Clippers once narrowed Rivers and rearranged Green to appear on the stage, this substitution adjustment was somewhat arbitrary. Green, who was resting, did not recover much, but his state was somewhat cooled. Too caught up, and Curry used a flexible dribbling military training. Curry dexterously passed Green and threw a high cricket score, which directly widened the point difference to 13 points.

When returning to defense, Curry pointed at Green and smiled, which was also a mutual compliment between old friends. The relationship between Curry and Green is very good. In other words, Green is very clear that on the Nets, which value space very much, he can sit firmly in the starting position. In addition to his super defense ability, it is because Curry's abnormal shooting makes up for his vacancy. At the same time, Curry is willing to. Give up some of the ball to yourself and maximize your value.

A person's development depends not only on his own efforts, but also on the progress of history. Green was lucky to meet Curry. If he had been in another team, he would have been directly used as an insider like Landry, and his skill points would not have been allocated to organization and defense.

The Nets' offense was brought up by Curry, but the Clippers could only rely on Durant's singles to support them. Durant scored two consecutive goals against Leonard's defense, which was also hard.

This means that Leonard has a good psychological quality and can be stable. If it were someone else, Durant would have broken his mentality by now.

However, relying solely on Durant's efforts alone, there is no way to compare it to the Nets' "all arrows" offense. Although the Clippers once narrowed the point difference

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