The door was cleared, and the few of us were panting with exhaustion. These little girls are almost 90 kilograms up, and when I lifted the last one, there were signs of muscle cramps in my arms.

What's in front? When Fatty Sun was halfway up, he sat on the ground and rested panting. Now he came back first and found a bunch of white flowers on the ground in the distance. He took a flashlight and took a shot. After seeing it clearly, he immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at that position, "It's Tao Xiangkong!"

Fatty Sun yelled unpreparedly, and Xiong Wanyi and I jumped up from the ground. We drew our guns, flicked the sticks, and focused all our attention on "the bunch of things." on.

The face of "that bunch of things" faces us, I can see clearly, a pale face, who else can it be if it's not Tao Xiangkong? He still breathed slightly, but only exhaled air, not inhaled air. It seemed that he couldn't hold on for long.

Fatty Sun's eyes couldn't count on them. They just looked at it with naked eyes, and Tao Xiangkong was lying on the ground as if he was dead. Fatty Sun was relieved, and looked back at Yang Xiao and said, "Old Yang, is that guy dead?"

Yang Xiao was not surprised by Tao Xiangkong's way of playing. He snorted and said, "I'm not dead, but it's almost the same."

I watched Tao Xiangkong suffocating one by one. There was a blood hole in his chest, and he was still bleeding-this was almost his fatal injury.

"Lao Yang, didn't I say, you did it? It was done with my blood?" Fatty Sun was a little excited. He also forgot the knife Yang Xiao had in his palm just now.

"Neither is it." Yang Xiao replied with such ambiguity. His gaze left Tao Xiangkong and began to pay attention to every move near Tao Xiangkong.

I followed Yang Xiao’s gaze. The black hole in the distance was an unfinished construction site. A row of scaffolding was placed on the wall. It looked like it was in the imitation of the layout of the water curtain cave. Unfortunately, I don’t know why. It stopped. Go inside to the end.

"Lao Yang, where are those corpses?" I asked Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao still stared at the front intently, and said, "It should be hidden near Tao Xiangkong." I was a little nervous after hearing this, and I lifted the muzzle up intentionally or unintentionally. Yang Xiao turned his head and glanced at me, curling up his mouth, "Those corpses won't show their heads now, they don't dare to come over as long as they stay with Sun Dasheng."

"Huh?" I didn't understand, when did Fatty Sun become the door god? Does he have this ability?

Yang Xiao seemed to see my mind. When he was at the bottom of the Daqing River, his impression of me was not bad, and he could tell me more in detail. Sure enough, he continued: "I just borrowed Sun Dasheng’s blood as a lead outside, and set up an inanimate soul-attracting bureau to let these corpses attack Tao Xiangkong. Originally, as long as there were living people, the corpses would rush out. , But Wushengju uses Sun Dasheng’s blood, and the most taboo of those corpses is Sun Dasheng."

When did Fatty Sun become so awesome? I suddenly thought of another thing, "There is another person, Zhao Minmin!"

Yang Xiao nodded and said nothing. The black blood of Zhao Minmin just now almost killed him. He seemed to have some lingering fears about Teacher Zhao. But where can she hide in this little place?

"Lao Yang, did we go over and bring Tao Xiang..." Ximen Lian wanted to bring Tao Xiangkong over, seeing people die and see corpses. He was halfway talking, and there was a sudden sound on the side of Yonglu outside. She screamed: "Ah!" "Where is it?" "I'm going out!" The more than one hundred sleeping beauties outside woke up at the same time.

"Broken!" Yang Xiao gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, shouting, "Quickly get out! I can't stay here anymore!" Looking at Wu Rendi next to him, his expression was also a bit ugly.

Looking at the appearance of Yang Xiao and Wu Rendi, I knew that something serious happened, so I didn't dare to hesitate and ran in the direction of the entrance.

After only a few steps, I heard bad wind behind him. I didn't dare to look back. Based on my previous experience, I stretched the pistol under my armpit and shot three shots at the back. With the gunshots, the "person" chasing me fell to the ground. I glanced at it, and it was a corpse that fell to the ground. Didn’t it mean that the corpse wouldn’t be attacked by standing beside Fatty Sun?

Looking at Fatty Sun again, he ran in the forefront, with a corpse chasing him on the right.

Fatty Sun's pistol was in his hand, but because the mummy was too close behind him, he had no time to turn around and shoot. Seeing that the paws of the mummy were about to catch Fatty Sun's neck, I raised my hand and snapped! After hitting the mummy's forehead, the red and white things splashed all over the ground, and the mummy fell to the ground.

Fatty Sun was undecided and looked at me and shouted: "Spicy! Behind you!"

Fatty Sun was too late to say, a pair of cold and dry hands (paws) had already pinched my neck. Before I could resist, I was pressed to the ground by a huge force. Fatty Sun wanted to shoot at the corpse, but a few more corpses rushed towards him. Fatty Sun was very important, so he could only shoot and kill the corpses that rushed to him.

The hand holding my neck tightened, and then a shriveled human face opened his mouth and bit at my neck. I could already smell the foul smell in his (her) mouth.

It's over, I still remember the scene when a corpse bit someone to death in the water curtain cave. Unexpectedly, after being out of Shuiliandong for so long, I still couldn't escape the disaster. Seeing that there was a blood hole in my neck, at this moment, the hand (paw) that held my neck suddenly relieved the strength, and then the mummy fell backwards and fell to the ground with a small The small crossbow arrow just hit his forehead. Looking at the direction of the crossbow, Wu Rendi was replacing his small crossbow with the crossbow.

"Go back!" Yang Xiao yelled, "The mummy has gone mad, and I can't keep it here!"

We tried to eat milk and ran into the Yonglu before the corpse of corpses rushed in. Yang Xiao was the last one to enter. The moment he entered, Yang Xiao threw a small porcelain bottle in his hand to the ground, and the small porcelain bottle was shattered. Suddenly, there was an incomparable smell of corruption in the Yonglu.

The dozen or so corpses who were chasing Yang Xiao just now smelled this, and they gave up on Yang Xiao and started walking around aimlessly, as if looking for something.

Seeing that the corpse couldn't get in, we had already jumped to the throat of our hearts and slowly became a little more stable. I gasped and asked Yang Xiao, "Lao Yang, didn't you say that with Sun Dasheng, the corpse wouldn't dare to come over?"

"With me here, they dare not come over? Just pull it down. I didn't say that, the first one came at me!" Fatty Sun heard what I said, a little angry.

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