The white giant wolf outside the door led the pack to attack the house again. Since Lin Feng had only ordinary bullets, there was almost no lethality against this giant wolf, and he almost suffered a big loss. The door was instantly knocked out by a gap, and a wolf head that looked like a bear's head had already squeezed in. As it howled, the body behind it also squeezed in little by little. Following the gap it opened, the wolves behind rushed into the house one by one, rushing towards the crowd. Lin Feng could no longer take care of the giant wolves. He stood on the table and raised his gun at the pack of wolves that rushed in. It was a shuttle. After the bullets were lit up, a piece of wolf carcass was left in front of the door, and there was a steady stream of wolves behind. The gap rushed into the room. Fortunately, Hugo threw an assault rifle in the back. Although the bullet inside was not specially made by the polling bureau, it was not a problem to deal with ordinary wolves. When Lin Feng dealt with the influx of wolves, the white giant wolf had already extended a paw in.

Fortunately, Hao Wenming responded quickly. He shouted to several directors around him: "You guys first hold on!" When he shouted, he had already ran to the stove behind him, and he couldn't care about burning his hands at the moment, and he would burn his teeth as soon as he gritted his teeth. Holding the stove up, Director Hao shouted, jumped onto the table holding the stove, and slammed down on the wolf’s head condescendingly. Although the wolf was huge, it was still a beast. He was afraid of fire by nature. After the stove hit its head, the unburned firewood sprinkled out, and the still burning flame burned the giant wolf's face. The giant wolf wailed and shook the wolf's head, shaking the firewood that was still burning. Then his neck shrank, and the half of his body squeezed into the door retracted again.

When Gao Liang and I rushed up, the door had closed again, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt animal fur. Fortunately, others said, but Hao Wenming had already ran to the side of the water tank, grinning and soaking both palms in the cold water.

Director Gao wrinkled his head and listened to Lin Feng's account of what happened just now, and said: "The upper side is not guarding, we all withdrew to the warehouse below." At this point, Gao Liang suddenly sneered for no reason, and he looked around. After repeating the directors around him, he continued: "The things below this may be more fun than the demonized wolf outside, or it may be more dangerous. Listen well, I will only say it once, this time 80% is Huang Ran set up the bureau. I can guess what he wants to do. What is certain is that his goal is not us, it should be something below. Huang Ran and the others are willing to go out and pull us in this time, which also shows that they have no confidence. I can handle this thing by myself. No matter what, this thing is decided by our poll: Huang Ran and the three of us can't let go."

Having said that, Gao Liang paused, and slowly continued: "We came in a hurry this time, and none of the main equipment was brought here. After we go down, we must be careful not to get caught in Huang Ran's words: Okay, clean up. , We will go down soon."

According to previous experience, after the wolves are beaten back once, they will be quiet for a period of time. Taking advantage of this time, Gao Liang took the lead and led these directors into the secret door. I held the assault rifle at the back. I was the last one to walk on the stairs of the secret door and close the secret door easily. It looks like Ruan Liang said before, no matter what wolf it is, there is no ability to break in.

When I walked to the warehouse below, I saw Huang Ran and the three squatting on the ground, with Fatty Sun and Yang Jun standing by. I was surprised how these three people squatted on the ground so honestly, and after a few steps, they saw a dark cat walking back and forth in front of them. After not feeling the threat of wolves, this "evil" became very active. To be honest, not only Huang Ran and the three of them, but even I also left a shadow on the black cat's previous scream. Looking back on that screaming cry, I still have soft feet and get goose bumps all over my body.

Seeing our group walking past, the black cat walked to Yang Jun's feet, jumped up, climbed onto his shoulders, and yelled softly at the few of us: "Nie..." After that, since the highlight, everyone stopped in unison, staring at the legendary animal. But Huang Ran and the three of them softened their feet and directly sat on the ground. The legend of this black cat is too terrifying, and seeing that its whispering just now has no side effects, our hearts are a little calm.

"Yang Jun, can't you let your cat shut up? I didn't say it, it's crippling." Fatty Sun said, staring at the black cat. He had suffered from the black cat before. Although the cat has been circling around him since then, Fatty Sun's attitude towards this cat is not much better than Huang Ran. After Yang Jun heard it, he didn't express his opinion. He just gently smoothed the black cat's black satin-like fur. The black cat squinted his eyes with comfort, and then yelled softly: "You..."

Although Fatty Sun felt unhappy, he still dared not provoke Yang Jun. He took a breath and turned his face to one side. Gao Liang glanced at the crowd and said, "It's just a cat barking, what are you afraid of?" When he said this, his eyes glanced at the black cat on Yang Jun's shoulder intentionally or unintentionally. There was no confidence in this sentence. , The bold ingredient is a bit bigger.

After Gao Liang finished speaking, let me lead the way, bypassing Yang Jun and Black Cat, and walked straight forward. When I reached the place where the purple gas was on the wall, the directors straightened their eyes when they saw the purple gas. Qiu Bulao walked closer, stared at the purple gas that emerged for a while, then looked back at Gao Liang and said, "Should you break the wall? There must be something behind this."

Gao Liang didn't directly answer Qiu Bulao's words. He looked around, picked up the wire on the ground not far away and held it in his hand. Walking back to the wall again, Director Gao seemed to want to do some kind of test on the wall, but he gave up after hesitating. Gao Liang looked back at Huang Ran, who was still squatting on the ground, and said to him with a smile, "Are you not here? See if this is the demon mound you're looking for?" Huang Ran squatted on the ground and returned him. The handcuffed hands were raised up, two pairs of handcuffs handcuffed three people, Huang Ran in the middle, Meng Qiqi and Zhang Zhiyan one side.

"Can't you open this?" Huang Ran said, "It's closed here. Besides, there are so many people here. We can't run, so we don't need this thing?" "Still wear it." Gao Liang shook his head with a smile. , Said, "You are in handcuffs, I feel comfortable looking at it."

When Gao Liang said so, Huang Ran could only sigh helplessly. The three of them stood up from the ground danglingly, and after walking by and seeing the purple air coming out of the wall, the expressions of the three of them all looked surprised. Meng Qiqi and Zhang Zhiyan looked at Huang Ran at the same time. It seemed that they had something to ask him. Because of our presence, they didn't say anything.

After seeing the purple gas, Huang Ran narrowed his eyes, staring blankly at the purple gas. Gao Liang didn't urge him, but slanted his eyes to watch the change in expression on Huang Ran's face. After two or three minutes, Huang Ran suddenly took a step back, and at the same time bit his index finger, and bounced a few drops of blood to the place where the purple gas appeared on the wall.

A weird scene appeared: the moment the blood splashed on the wall, the purple qi that had already emerged suddenly floated back. Those few drops of blood were like magnetism to the purple qi, and the floating purple qi was "sucked" back by the few drops of blood splashing on the wall. As more and more purple gas was "sucked" back, the blood stains on the wall began to gradually fade, changing from bright red to pink. Within a few minutes, the blood stains on the wall were under our eyelids. Disappeared without a trace. After the bloodstains disappeared completely, the purple qi was also unfettered, and it floated out from the wall as before, like cigarette smoke, slowly dissipating in the air.

Seeing this scene, Huang Ran took a step forward again, looked back at Gao Liang, and said, "Is there any nails or something, give me one." Gao Liang seemed to know what Huang Ran was going to do, so he didn't speak. Send the wire I picked up before. After Huang Ran straightened the iron wire, he slowly stabbed the iron wire along the disappeared blood stain on the wall. It is strange to say that this iron wire did not meet any resistance, as if it had been pierced into the tofu. In a blink of an eye, almost all of this iron wire, which was almost a handful, was sent into the wall.

Huang Ran looked back at Gao Liang and said, "It's all like this, do you still use me to say it?" Gao Liang barked his teeth without a smile, and said: "If you say it, just say it, how do I know you guys? What does the religious committee think about this?"

Huang Ran looked at Gao Liang a little helplessly, then turned his head to the direction of the wall where the purple gas was emerging, hesitated and said: "There is no doubt that there is a demon gas floating out here, and this demon gas is constantly scattered and continuous. , It turns into corruption when it meets blood. With its bloodthirsty characteristics, it is definitely not what an animal that has just been demonized can emit. This monster energy is unique to a powerful bloodthirsty monster, which looks behind the wall It should be the demon mound I have been looking for for a few years."

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