Bureau of Anomalous Biological Countermeasures

Chapter 338: Sin forty years ago (2)

"Not necessarily." Zhang Rantian's expression was a bit miserable, and he took a sigh of relief and said, "If it is an afterthought, no one will doubt me." Even Sun Fatty and Hao Zhengyi couldn't understand his words. Zhang Rantian looked at Fatty Sun and smiled and continued, "Because the last person to die was..." He pointed to his nose, and a word popped out of his mouth, "I"

After he said this, Fatty Sun blinked his eyes, trying to say something, but finally swallowed again. Instead, Monk Xiao walked up to Zhang Rantian and said, "Let’s talk about it, what the **** is going on with you from the Xie family, you want you to be so amazing. Also, how did you do it?" Zhang Rantian looked down at his shoes. With his face and trouser legs covered with gray, he slowly said, "You are not ordinary people." Zhang Rantian raised his head and said to Monk Xiao, "Listen to my story first?"

The source of the story is more than 40 years ago. At that time, it was still a small fishing village, and the island was just a small wharf for supplying fresh water to ships. At that time, an unprecedented revolution was in full swing throughout the country. The phrase "broad world, great accomplishment" brought countless urban junior high school and high school graduates to the countryside to take root. Among them was a southern girl named Zhang Xiaolan who went to the countryside. Intellectual youth came to this small fishing village.

That year Zhang Xiaolan was only 16 or 7 years old, probably because of the relationship nourished by the water and soil in the south. Girl Zhang was born with an extraordinary beauty. If she was born a few decades later, she would definitely compare to most movie stars. Originally, her place to go to the countryside was the Farming Corps of the Great Northern Wilderness. But I don't know how to go to the countryside a few places, and finally sent her here.

The arrival of Zhang Xiaolan made this small fishing village in the north feel a little restless, and even a few nearby villages knew that there was a big beauty from the south. Young people from other villages often find all kinds of excuses to come here just to take a look at Zhang Xiaolan. There have been instances where two groups of young people fought in front of the village youth order in order to gain a good position to watch Zhang Xiaolan go out. It was still a critical moment that the village party secretary brought the security officer and the militia to arrive in time, and even frightened them. Call the young man to drive away.

The village party secretary at the time was Xie Pang. Less than a year after he became the village party secretary, he replaced all village cadres with their Xie family members, including accountants, militia platoon leaders, and several production team captains, all with the surname Xie. In this village, Chairman Mao is the first one who speaks well, and the second one is his party secretary.

Since Zhang Xiaolan arrived in this small fishing village, Xie Pang has stayed in the youth spot for a while. He is not empty-handed every time, either a few sea fishes that have just come up, or half a catty of peanuts and melon seeds, or sugar lumps. In the small fishing villages of that period, these things were already very generous. These young people who went to the countryside hoped that Party Secretary Xie would come a few more times from time to time. It didn't take long for Party Secretary Xie and these young people to go to the countryside to get together. He also recognized a few godsons and daughters, among them Zhang Xiaolan.

At first, Zhang Xiaolan thought that she had met a noble person in a place where she was not familiar with her life. It didn't count if she recognized her godfather, and she also recognized Xie Peng's wife (not Xie Mochou's mother) as a godmother. From then on, I was called home by my godfather and godmother to eat a good meal to improve my life. But she didn't notice that Xie Pang's other godsons and daughters were not treated like this.

In a blink of an eye, when the roots were reached, Zhang Xiaolan also became anxious watching the educated youth leave the fishing village one by one to return to their hometown for the New Year. Xie Ping had promised her to help buy the train ticket back to her hometown, but seeing that the New Year is getting closer and closer, there is still no news. Zhang Xiaolan urged several times, and Xie Pang said: "I have asked a friend to buy it, and I can get the ticket within two days."

It just passed day by day, and it was the twenty-fifth of the twelfth lunar month in a blink of an eye. The train ticket was finally bought, but Zhang Xiaolan was dumbfounded when he got the ticket. The person who bought the ticket got the address wrong, and the destination was not Zhang Xiaolan's hometown at all. At this time, there was no direct train to Zhang Xiaolan's hometown. Even if he changed trains halfway, there would be no time for five days to return home before the New Year's Eve. Zhang Xiaolan was so anxious that she cried, and Xie Peng persuaded her by the side. Finally, Zhang Xiaolan had to spend the New Year in a small fishing village.

At this time, she was the only one left in the educated youth spot. Secretary Xie asked Zhang Xiaolan to move to his house. At first Zhang Xiaolan hesitated for a while, but she couldn't stand it alone at night. She was afraid to live by herself. In addition, Xie Pang and her husband came to mobilize every day, and finally Zhang Xiaolan decided to go to Xie Pang's house for the New Year. Forty years later, the tragedy that Xie's family was almost wiped out caused its roots on the thirty nights of that year.

On the night of the New Year's Eve, almost all the Xie family members in the village had gathered in Xie Pang's home. As in the normal northern rural areas, Xie's family is also divided into tables for men and women when eating. Originally Zhang Xiaolan was supposed to eat at the women's table, but the door was just a guest. Before Zhang Xiaolan could sit down, she was pulled up to the main table by Xie Pang and others, and sat with the old lady of the Xie family (Xie Pang's father).

At first, these people were quite regular, except that their voices were a little louder when they were drinking and punching, and Zhang Xiaolan was not quite used to it, and there was nothing out of the ordinary. Moreover, Xie’s family’s New Year’s Eve dinner was also rich. Although it was still a time when supplies were scarce, in addition to the local specialties of fresh fish and shrimp, sea cucumber and abalone, Xie Peng had given a lot of favors and spent high prices. The half of Jinhua ham bought from other educated youths from the south to the countryside was prepared specially for Zhang Xiaolan. It's just that the northerners didn't know how to do it, so Jinhua ham was stewed with vermicelli.

In this way, Zhang Xiaolan was moved to tears, and the little vigilance in her heart also disappeared. People from the Xie family came to toast frequently. Zhang Xiaolan drank fruit wine such as mountain jujube at the time, with very little alcohol content, and drank it like sugar water. Relying on this, Zhang Xiaolan didn't think too much, she almost always refused to come to toast. It's just that she didn't notice. After eating and drinking for a while, while Zhang Xiaolan was not paying attention and going to the toilet, someone had already started to pour white wine into her fruit wine. At first, it was a small amount. After she got used to a few glasses, she added more and more white wine.

Before long, Zhang Xiaolan felt a little sick. At this time, she still naively thought it was because she had drunk too much fruit wine, and there was some alcohol reaction. But she didn't dare to drink any more toasts, but at this time some young people from the Xie family began to drink Zhang Xiaolan half-jokingly. At this time, Zhang Xiaolan finally realized that something was wrong. Several young people held her hands and feet, and one of Xie Pang's nephew pinched her nose and started drinking. Most of the bottle of small boil was poured down, Zhang Xiaolan's consciousness began to blur, she felt that the world was spinning, tables and benches were dangling in front of her eyes. Looking at these Xie people, they are no longer what they were just now.

Xie Pang drove away all the women and children in the house. These women seemed to know what was about to happen, and all of them were silent. Several other women looked at Zhang Xiaolan, who was already in a semi-conscious state with contempt, but they were immediately pushed out of the house by their men. At this time, the young man in charge of pouring the wine filled Zhang Xiaolan with half a bottle of small boil. Zhang Xiaolan finally couldn't help it. Her eyes went black and she completely lost consciousness. The last picture left in her mind is that the men of the Xie family have begun to undress.

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