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Just when a man and a cat pushed 3 dogs against each other and 4 who went down to conquer Holy City, they saw another crowd running out of the city.

The god son Zhou Bai stood at the front, directly moved towards the sky and knelt and said: “New God! It’s coming! Everyone joins me to welcome the new God!”

“Isn’t God spherical?”

“God looks the same as us?”

Other people questioned one another, but then Zhou Bai reached out and slapped a palm print of more than 100 meters directly on the ground. All the questioned people immediately fell to their knees.

“God! This is the real god!”

“What we believed before was a false god!”

“God! Please allow us to follow you!”

Looking at Holy City, he gradually knelt down inside and outside, and everyone who surrendered directly, Zhou Bai was not surprised. He already knew how the people in this experimental area were so good at surrendering.

Zhou Bai landed in front of the god son Zhou Bai and asked casually: “Are you the leader here?”

The god son Zhou Bai nodded said with a pious face: “My God, I am willing to listen to your orders.”

Zhou Bai asked about the situation in the city. When he heard that the honorary title in the city was Zhou Bai, his face became very strange.

“What the hell is this?”

Although I had some bad hunches in my heart, Zhou Bai came to the relics of Holy City underground according to the introduction of the god son Zhou Bai.

Looking at the metal corridor in front of him, and various mechanical devices falling down in the corridor, Zhou Bai’s eyes lit up:

“Is this the device left by devil before? Those devices that were cracked by the subject using the permissions and vulnerabilities? When devil evacuated, it might be too late to take these things away, so it just disconnected the network directly?”

He followed the god son Zhou Bai all the way to the deepest part of the ruins and saw a robot with the most complete preservation and a gate.

The god son Zhou Bai looked at Zhou Bai religiously, introduced: “No one can open this door until now, it is said that the door leads to another World.”

Zhou Bai indifferent expression, he directly launched the nascent spirit strength, hit the door with a bang, and saw behind the door is a row of densely packed cultivation tanks.

All the cultivation tanks are all human beings with different appearances, genders and ages.

It’s just that most of the culture tanks have completely failed, and the people inside have already died.

‘Spirit being cloned? Is the consciousness of human beings transferred to these humans? ‘

Zhou Bai, who saw this scene, was slightly surprised, opened his mouth, and spit out. He had already released his mechanical dependents. As a line was inserted into the base, the entire relic was connected to his network by Zhou Bai. The data was aggregated in front of Zhou Bai and he observed it.

The situation inside seems to be no different from what the devil queen said, but when seeing the record of consciousness injection, Zhou Bai slightly frowned: “Only the first period is a criminal, and the second period is not a criminal at all, and devil passed it to They way spell, this is the consciousness algorithm used by the devil queen … “

The second consciousness data appearing in front of Zhou Bai is the elite in all walks of life. After their consciousness algorithms are copied, they are invested in the spirit being within the body.

“He wanted these elites to adapt to the spirit being’s body, and then came to cultivate the way spell to crack the secret of the way spell?”

Just when Zhou Bai thought about it, the subsequent records shocked him.

“Wait, who is this zhoubai saying …”

After a few glances, the nascent spirit strength on Zhou Bai was so violent that it exploded into a turbulent air wave, hitting all around and crackling and bursting into a piece.

The god son Zhou Bai immediately shouted: “God! Are we doing something wrong? Do you want to punish us?”

Zhou Bai looked at the god son Zhou Bai in front of him, and his face hurt, and he recalled the log records he had just seen.

Only the first phase of devil ’s human experiment used a large number of criminals ’conscious algorithm duplications, but these criminals were not convinced at all, or stolen tricks were very powerful, and the average IQ was also extremely low. The average progress on way spell cultivation was like turtle speed .

So the devils cleared all the criminal copies, and then started the second phase of the experiment.

In the second experiment, after the replication consciousness of the elites from various countries was put into the experimental area, they quickly organized and stabilized their lives with enough food, and worked together to cultivate the way spell information issued by cultivation devil.

However, although they knew that the coexistence and the average IQ were also very high, the way spell cultivation was still slow. Through this two-phase experiment, devil began to realize that way spell cultivation is not purely dependent on IQ, but has some other ‘aptitude standard’.

So after the third experiment, devil decided to invest in some path of cultivation genius simulation awareness algorithms.

They put a lot of consciousness algorithms that simulate human genius on Earth into the experimental area, including consciousness algorithms created by simulating Zhou Bai’s behavior.

On average, 1000 copies were copied by a genius, all of them were put into the experimental area.

Then the chaos began. If the human beings elites and path of cultivation geniuses of all countries will follow the steps and seriously cultivate the way spell under the management of devil, then 1000 Zhou Bai is just like 1000 lunatics.

Some Zhou Bai sleeps all day, preferring to die rather than cultivation.

Some Zhou Bai attacks others every day and enjoys fighting.

Some Zhou Bai started to form a gang by Zhou Bai and Zhou Bai to rule the experimental area.

There are also Zhou Bai who started collecting garbage and letting them live in the garbage dump. No one knew what they were going to do.

The entire experimental area began to become chaotic, and even a large number of experimental bodies died in the battle of unfathomable mystery.

In short, various situations are frequent, making it difficult for devil to continue this experiment. They believe that Zhou Bai’s memory should cause the imperfection of the simulation algorithm, and various bugs have appeared.

So in the fourth experiment, they began to try to clear Zhou Bai’s memory, only keeping the most basic consciousness algorithm into it.

Now every Zhou Bai has become different, and every Zhou Bai has become different because of his own experience.

But in general, most of Zhou Bai’s performance is very ordinary, and the way spell cultivation is also no different from the average of previous periods.

But there will always be some places where Zhou Bai shows extraordinary.

In the fourth experiment, Zhou Bai, No. 4, he ate his own feces every day, but awakened nascent spirit strength on the first day, broke through Dao Trasformation on the tenth day, and then suddenly hanged himself.

“Damn it, it’s talk nonsense.” Zhou Bai said angrily: “Is he writing this blindly?”

The fourth experiment, Zhou Bai, No. 4, like to snatch anything from other Zhou Bai, communicated all Zhou Bai by unknown means, and triggered a riot in the experimental area, which caused the fourth experiment to end early.

Zhou Bai, No. 5 in the fifth experiment, directly aberration after cultivation way spell, and gained the ability to shuttling through the void. It is from him that devils have obtained part of the technology for making Emma.

Zhou Bai, No. 5 of the fifth period, reached the lower limit of the previous replicas, and finally suffocated because he forgot to breathe.

Zhou Bai looks at this record, angrily said: “What is the significance of this record!”

But all in all, some abnormal Zhou Bai has aroused the interest of devils. It seems that as long as the number is enough, Zhou Bai of the replica will produce some interesting lunatics, so that devil can get some gains.

And the more chaotic and chaotic the environment, the greater the rate of abnormal Zhou Bai.

So in the sixth period, the devils copied the hundred thousand Zhou Bai in one breath, plunged into the experiment area in one breath, and then just when they were going to spread the way spell slowly … everything was out of control.

Zhou Bai cracked the devil’s permission loophole and directly controlled the entire experiment area. He almost broke into the direction of Heavenly Devil Pond and deleted the human beings awareness algorithm of the entire Heavenly Devil Pond.

Devil directly chose to close and disconnect the network when it was unable to eliminate the permission hole.

When Zhou Bai saw half of it, the noise rang, and the new general Zhou Bai rushed down and shouted, “Not good, those criminals who came with me outside started to grab our food!”

At this moment, the whole city became crowded due to the gathering of thousands of Zhou Bai, and various robberies, fights, and quarrels occurred from time to time.

Without knowing which Zhou Bai started, the thousand thousand people who came to Holy City turned into victors as a mob, and began to ransack the entire Holy City, triggering a large-scale riot.

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