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Qian Wangsun said in amazement: “After passing a 100-kilometer tunnel without light?”

Song Zhen said: “Not only that, but I grew up in South Mountain City from an early age. In addition to the darkness and lack of light, Hell Path also sculpted a lot of runes. The Internal Spirit of each section of the tunnel will have dramatic changes. . “

Song Zhen: “People stay in dark tunnels for a long time without sound or sight, they can only hear their footsteps, breathing sounds, heartbeat sounds … will gradually produce hallucinations. And the internal spirit changes caused by rune , The illusion produced by Hell Path is even more horrible, which contains a hint of Way Scripture. “

Qian Wangsun exclaimed: “Evil Separation Sect actually engraved the contents of Way Scripture? Are they crazy?”

“Weak are prey to the strong, survival of the fittest, which was originally the purpose of Evil Separation Sect.” Song Zhen smiled bitterly, and then said: “The original construction of Hell Path was to select a cultivator. Anyone who can walk through Hell Path , Even if there was no cultivation base originally, Dao Trasformation can reach 0.1%, thoroughly enter the Way. “

Song Zhen: “However, Hell Path is too weird and horrible. In the process of use, it caused many people’s aberration reaction, so it was finally sealed up. But it is said that until now, it can still be heard at the entrance and exit of Hell Path. In the darkness came the cry of aberration before they died. “

Song Zhen smiled bitterly: “I tried to walk by, but I couldn’t stand running back after walking 100 meters.”

Song Zhen looks at the underground passage in front of him: “This passage gives me the impression that Hell Path is an imitation.”

She didn’t say a word, just as she just walked, she felt her body getting warmer and more comfortable, and at the same time felt that if her tongue split, it would look better.

Then her tongue split.

Song Zhen said anxiously: “If Hell Path walks again to enter the Way, this corridor is probably for people to aberration. I feel that it has been stimulating my nascent spirit. If we finish walking him, Maybe it will be aberration. “

A few people looked at each other in blank dismay, and I didn’t know if they should go on.

Zhou Bai looked at the time, but couldn’t control that many, secretly said in one’s heart: ‘With 25 minutes left, there is no time to waste. ‘

Thinking of this, he directly said: “I’ll go down first, follow up if you want to follow, go back first if you don’t want to follow the ground, wait for me outside.”

Because of the time-reversing relationship of 40 minutes, Zhou Bai only wanted to explore the whole place with the fastest speed, even if the players really had problems during this time.

In the face of Zhou Bai’s request, several people all chose to continue. Only Song Zhen kept shaking his head: “Are you all crazy? Maybe aberration!”

Zhou Bai said: “Then you stay and wait for us to come back.”

Song Zhen looks at Wu Yanzu ’s handsome face, stomped and said: “I stay here alone, you will scare me to death. Okay, I will go with you, but Wu Yanzu you have to carry me, you carry Me, I have a sense of security and I am not so easily stimulated here. “

looks at Zhou Bai carrying Song Zhen on her back, Qian Wangsun secretly said in one’s heart: ‘I don’t know how Song Zhen will react to seeing Zhou Bai’s true appearance … Ma’s great expectation, as if in front of them, Take off Zhou Bai’s mask. ‘

Zhou Bai suddenly looked at Qian Wangsun, and the sound transmission said, “What are you staring at?”

Qian Wangsun: “It looks good, look more.”

Zhou Bai responded politely: “It will be, after all, to hide identity.”

The next moment, the entire group brings up the sound of the real air being cut, leaving a series of afterimages that have moved towards the depths of the corridor.

2 The crooked curves on the side walls seem to come alive under the sight of high-speed movement.

looks at these twisting curves, Zhou Bai feels a feeling of impetuousness in his heart, there seems to be something under his skin that is about to move, making him wish he could rub against the ground and the wall.

Zhou Bai reacted to his mistakes and immediately healed with laziness points.

200 laziness points immediately healed the discomfort in his heart. He turned his head to look at the others and found that everyone’s face had some changes. Song Zhen twisted his body like a snake wrapped around his waist.

Zhou Bai secretly said in one’s heart: “Can’t go on like this, I have laziness points treatment, they don’t.”

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai thought in a moment, flying sword Leaving Body, moved towards the curve on the passage wall.

At the same time he loudly shouts: “Don’t look at these curves, speed up with me.”

Two minutes later, a group of 7 people rushed out of the passage and came to a huge platform. Zhou Bai looked up and found that there was a vast underground space here, and there was a bottomless seam in front of the platform. I don’t know where it is going.

‘No way? ‘Zhou Bai frowned, looked towards Qian Wangsun and saw a few of them sitting on the ground with ugly complexion. It seems that they are always using various mental methods to stabilize their spirits and avoid going crazy.

Obviously, the corridor just left them very troubled. Even if Zhou Bai is not affected, helping them reduce the impact of the aisle, Qian Wangsun and the others will be in a worse state now.

After looking at everyone for a while, Zhou Bai looked at the platform all around and wanted to see where he could go out.

It was found that there was a Danger Land in front of me, and the sides of the platform were all straight up and down the cliff, and the bottom was a bottomless seam. Looking up, it was also dark, and I couldn’t see what the topmost position looked like.

There are still densely packed, small black holes like honeycombs on the cliff. Zhou Bai wondered if he was going to see what that was.

After a moment, I saw Qian Wangsun violently opened his eyes, and nascent spirit strength was pushed on Zhou Bai’s body: “Flash away!”

Zhou Bai immediately reacted, his body flashed and appeared outside the ten meters.

In less than a second after he flashed off, a white laser had swept through his original position, leaving a black mark on the stone platform.

Zhou Bai looked up and saw a snake monster that was more than ten meters high and exuded metallic luster. It slowly climbed down from above. The snake monster’s body seemed to have countless giant snakes knotted and entangled with each other.

This is exactly the Xudera who once chased Zhou Bai.

It’s just that he has shrunk too much at the moment, far from the momentum when he first met Zhou Bai.

Dozens of snake heads of Xudera spit out letters, looking at Zhou Bai with harboring malicious intentions, saying: “these all are your teammates?”

I saw that in the honeycomb cave of each and everyone on the cliff, each and everyone was pushed out by a mechanical snake controlled by Xudera.

They are all Zhou Bai and Song Zhen’s teammates.

A total of 6 people, except Song Zhen and Qin Tian, ​​included everyone who was arrested, and even they could see that Liu Ruonan, who had one leg missing, was bandaged and wounded, and was pushed out at the moment.

Zhou Bai raised his eyebrows and directly opened the mouth and said: “devil listens to the order, but it must be used.”

With Zhou Bai saying this, Xudera is completely motionless, just sneered looking towards Zhou Bai: “I have cracked your ability. Stupid pig! This time you walking right into a trap, I want you to know what Called real horror. “

For any inquiries, We’re here to answer you.

I finally opened this chapter to talk and book review, to celebrate, add a chapter. This morning at 3 o’clock, there is one at 6 o’clock in the evening. By the way, beg wave recommendation ticket, monthly ticket.

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