Call of the Legion

Chapter 677: A clue

No need to answer the battle spirit, Fang Huan already got the answer from his expression.

"Much easier than dealing with old silver coins ..."

The appearance of War Soul looks rough, but it is actually a guy with a deep sense of blackness, but compared to the poisonous official, the War Soul is only an entry level. Of course, the powerful combat strength of the War Soul also makes up for this shortcoming. board.

From the expressions of the other side alone, Fang Huan got a lot of information, which is a situation that is impossible to encounter when dealing with the poisonous official.

"First of all, Master Green has a problem. It is very likely that he is the legendary Lord of Blood Drops!"

"Second, Green's reason for going to Ironforge is probably for today's layout."

"Finally ..." Fang Huan looked at the Red Canyon. "Their layout is likely to be for Mussario, otherwise the Flame Lord will not be attracted."

Green is probably the master of blood drops. Fang Huan didn't dare think about it before. At that time, he only thought that Green was an important role of blood drops. Now he suddenly had this idea because of a clue mentioned by War Spirit. : Green has appeared in the Temple of Torka!

Where is the Temple of Tolkat?

It's definitely not a place where humans can come in and out at will and leave weird spells like blood therapy.

Just now, War Soul is equivalent to acquiescing that Master Green has disappeared. It is inferred from time that his disappearance also occurred after the War Souls completed their summoning of the Flame Lord. It goes without saying that he went.

"He's in Red Canyon!"

A man who dares to go to the Red Canyon can do nothing. Even if he and the Flame Lord may have reached an agreement, they must have the ability to match it. Otherwise, they can only become slaves of the Flame Lord, not partners!

Now the Red Canyon can drive Mussario out of the teleportation, which means that the flame lord has more than one demigod, and he has at least one or more demigod helpers!

Green is one of them!

"I don't know if **** is involved here ..."

According to the news obtained from the poison drug official, Green has known Palindo before. If all the plans in the alpine world are from the **** side, Green who is suspected of the Lord of the Blood Drop may also fall into the embrace of hell. Well, the whole alpine world can be a huge game!

A trap set by the Human League!

At least for now, the Dwarven Ironforge has been split, and the Black Iron clan is even a betrayal. Because the resurrection point appeared on the orc continent, many people thought that the betrayal of the Black Iron clan was an orc trick. But now all the Black Iron clan has entered the alpine world, and all members of the Great Master Wufeng Guild have also entered the coordinate world, and their resurrection points have changed again.

"No, it may be targeting not only the Human Alliance, but also the Orcs!"

This may be a trap created by the **** unity, and the orc is also the one to be counted!

If it is not the betrayal of the Black Iron clan, although the relationship between the Human Alliance and the Orc tribe is not good, when facing **** and the undead, they will still stand in a camp, instead of as they are now. Tenny even visited the tyrannical Orc demigod ...

Then he used the appearance of the flame lord to force Mussario to come forward to solve, and even brought the magic star mage!

If the current situation is really the layout of hell, Mussario and his magic star mage are really dangerous!

"Big teleportation is also not safe ..."

Fang Huan saw Barlow, one of the three demon gods, with his own strength, tearing apart the space-time channel of Hell and Corytan with his own strength. Astrolabe spells are much more dynamic!

With the strength of the three masters, they have the ability to directly block this space teleport spell!

If it is in Cretan, the three masters would need to work hard to destroy the space transmission, but if it is the coordinate world, this obstacle will be several times smaller!

Fang Huan was worried, although this is just a background story between NPCs, but this major game history is likely to affect the direction of the entire game, and it is directly related to the interests of players!

Once the human NPC is inferior in this battle, the human alliance players will face a more powerful hostile NPC army in the future!

The strength of the opponent's NPC is definitely harmful and unhelpful to players!

Nowadays, the human league has the largest player base. If you count the orc players, when you face the **** and undead camps in the future, the number of players will be very different, even several times!

It is impossible for the game official to ignore this gap, and it is likely to make some big events in the game's opening, such as letting the human and orc alliance break, and for example, letting the human alliance with the largest number of players die a few demigods ...

Lying down!

Think of it this way, the situation is even more critical!

Fang Huan was startled by his own brain. The more he thought about it, the more the official designers were likely to direct it.

"How to cooperate ?!"

Fortunately, at this moment, the words of War Spirit interrupted his boundless association.

"Help me take care of my companion."

"That's all?" The war spirit was stunned, followed by dissatisfaction: "What's the benefit of taking care of them?"

He thought that the Emperor would let himself and others venture into the Red Gorge with him. He even thought about his rhetoric. It is impossible to go in, but the war spirit has a strong self-proclaimed power, and the Emperor will not drop the price if he takes a trip. Fishing for some benefits, even if you do n’t get any benefits, it is nothing more than a death, just a resurrection, and little loss.

As a result, the other party said he was asked to help take care of people ...

Is it okay to co-author?

"The benefits are definitely there, it depends on my gains. This time, I will share my vision every 20 minutes. If I really hit some high-value bosses at this time, you can also find out if I gain something. You can see that when you drop it on the team interface, you get two bonuses, but I have the right to choose. How about that? "

"55 points!"

"Hey, hey ~ ~ wake up, now it's dark and it's not time to dream." Fang Huan rolled his eyes.

"46, I four you six!"

"I don't like bargaining. It's really impossible. I just let them hide behind you. I don't believe you will let monsters attack the high ground."

"Brother Yu Fang, cooperation can only be carried out happily if you have the ability to discuss the cooperation." War spirit said earnestly.

"I'll be very unhappy after discussing it."

Fang Huan squinted.

Zhan Hun thought about it, he did n’t have to accompany him to take risks, but it ’s a pity. As a person who is very confident in himself, Zhan Hun also wants to go deeper and explore. Maybe there are unexpected gains, but he is now After a while, once you leave here in case of an accident ...

Whenever this time, the war spirit is always envious of these casual players, do what you want to do, there is no need to consider so much ...

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