Campfire Shelter

Chapter 240 The third stop,

Didi didi~

Amidst the long and pale whistle, the train began to slow down, and the thick fog outside the window also continued to become lighter and thinner in the process. It was expected that something would be initially visible within a few minutes.

Everyone in the carriage has had several stops and is already familiar with the next process.

There won't be any surprises during this process. The only thing you should worry about is what kind of world it will end up in.

Colin and others did not dare to be careless, they held their breath and prepared themselves.

Even Luo Yiming, who has ridden the "Fog Train" many times, is the same. Although the abnormality usually does not get on the train, in some dangerous places, the power of the abnormality can even kill them through the carriage.

While waiting, the speed of the wheel roller became slower and slower, and the outline of a gray world appeared in front of my eyes.

There is a strange aurora in the dark background of the sky, but the strange thing is that the main color of this aurora is gray-white, with some other colors on the edge, but you can't see it unless you look carefully.

Overall, it has an indescribable dreamy feel.

Under the aurora, there is a vast, empty and decaying land. The drizzle of blood-colored rain is constantly falling from the sky, spreading a hazy light red mist on the ground.

There was something beating in the fog, but I couldn't see it clearly due to the distance and the fog.


The train doors open.

A breath of moist air seemed to come from outside.

Colin subconsciously prepared to inhale, analyze the ingredients through his sense of smell, and heard the sound of inhalation coming from his ears——


Luo Yiming took a breath, then squinted his eyes, seeming to be analyzing something.

Seeing this scene, Colin's emotions were a bit complicated. It seems that after mastering the power of "lycanthropy", he has become a habit of "seeing" the world with his nose.

The key point is that this thing really works. After all, it was harvested from an "ancient god" level life form.

Just in case someone has this kind of power, smell it first when you meet, it feels inexplicably weird.

"Do you want to get off here?" Qin Chuan asked on the side.

It's already the third stop. If we don't go on, it's really not going to be easy to gamble later.

However, before Colin could speak, Luo Yiming intervened: "If you want to get off the bus here, I advise you not to do so. It's not very safe here. Don't look at it and nothing has happened, but my intuition tells me , this may be more dangerous than my previous stop in the Twisted Jungle."

intuition? It must be your sense of smell that told you. Colin complained in his heart, and at the same time he secretly took a breath——

He can obtain information faster than Luo Yiming, and the content should be more in-depth.

But the results are pretty much the same.

Getting off here may be more dangerous than the woods before.

Of course, danger is one thing. They are not fools and will rush straight up. So as long as they can avoid danger, it is not impossible to get off the car here.

Thinking of this, Colin glanced at Hu Zheng. He was still lying on the table and chair, with his eyes half-open, rolling his eyes, and drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. The image was not very good.

Apparently still haven't shaken off the effects of seeing something weird before

Then, Ke Lin looked at Luo Yiming: "Do you still have the 'Book of Numerology Fragments'?"

Dude, did you ask the wrong person?

Qin Chuan and several other official Beyonders came up with this idea. After all, it is known that the "Book of Numerology: Fragments" is theirs. How could the members of Bonfire Company have it?

But what silenced them was Luo Yiming's response.

"There is one, but it is useless to give it to you now, because if you don't trade with the 'Trading House' or kill me, even if you use it, it will be blamed on me. I have used two today, and the third one Everyone is probably going to be unlucky.”

Luo Yiming had no choice but to spread his hands. Generally, no one would gamble on that "dice of probability" unless he was in a desperate situation.

The 99% probability of "bad luck" is no joke.

Once that thing appears, the probability of survival is even lower. It seems that only a few people have survived over the years. The most well-known among them is trapped on the 18th floor of the hospital. Now he is asking for help every day in the internal chat group.

To be honest, half a year ago it was okay to say, but now everyone in the group is not sure whether this guy is a human or a ghost.

"Kill you?"

Colin murmured to himself and raised his eyebrows. Except for some special tasks, various functions of the company cannot be used while performing other tasks. It is not easy to break through this, at least he can't.

But the latter can be thought about.

At the same time, Luo Yiming inexplicably felt a sense of crisis arise. Although his "violent body" was not a "limited edition" and could not produce "fatal insights", he was still very keen on the sense of crisis directed at him.

You wouldn't really kill me for this, would you?

Luo Yiming regretted why he had to explain those words, and then secretly took precautions.

As a D-level employee, it was the first time for him to feel so powerless facing his colleagues.

However, at this moment, Xia Liufang suddenly spoke, and looked at the sky with a complicated face: "I seem to know where this is."

"Old Xia, do you know? Where is this place?" Qin Chuan asked quickly.

"If nothing else, this is Australia, the sealed part."

After the words fell, except for Luo Yiming who didn't know why, the others gasped.

Xia Liufang continued: "If nothing else happens, the Aurora is one of the most advanced things in our country. It is one of the few 'S'-level items that can be found in the world. It is called ' The night that never ends'.

"I heard from the elders that it was through it that half of Australia was covered and the blockade of this place was completed.

"There is also the blood rain, which also comes from an 'S'-level prop. It is characterized by rain corrosion. It should be to suppress this land. However, I don't know much about more information. After all, it is abroad. s things

"In addition, have you seen those mountain-like pillars in the distance? They are the top-level 'reality stabilization device' that no single country can independently manufacture."

Colin and others looked across the distance and could indeed see some tower-like objects a hundred meters high stuck in the ground.

While marveling at Xia Liufang's wide knowledge, everyone also realized one thing. We can't go down to this place. Even though everything is normal now, it might become worse if we stay there for a long time.

‘But speaking of which, such an incident has happened in Australia? Half the continent is blocked? ’

Colin didn't know about the change in the "Thread of Destiny", but how could all countries suppress the news about such a big event?

That's half of Australia

"You guys." Luo Yiming, a D-level employee of Bonfire Company, couldn't help but feel shocked while listening to their words. At this time, he had realized that this group of people were not official personnel, right?

"What's wrong?" Qin Chuan asked.

Luo Yiming pursed his lips, not knowing what to say, and finally choked out: "It's okay."

As a "wild" Beyonder, he felt that his identity was naturally a bit shady, and he had some inexplicable feelings towards the authorities, whether it was fear or something else.

Colin on the side could understand his emotion, after all, he had it not long ago.

What's more troublesome is that when he leaves, it can also be said that when he is exposed, he still doesn't know how those official figures will treat him.

"Speaking of which, are you sure this is Australia?" Luo Yiming changed the subject. Like Colin, he felt that such a big thing was unlikely to be sealed, and couldn't help but have doubts.

Xia Liufang shook her head, and was about to say that she was not 100% sure, but at this moment, something suddenly moved in the rain of blood.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound came one after another, and it seemed to be moving in a jumping manner, not slow.

Ten seconds later, when everyone in the car saw the jumping thing, they couldn't help but fell silent——

It was a kangaroo that was a head taller than everyone present, about two meters tall. Its muscles were extremely developed, and when the muscles moved, it gave people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

At this moment, it had a brightly colored venomous snake in its mouth and was gnawing on it, just like eating spicy strips.

The rain of blood from the sky fell on it, constantly corroding its fur and causing large areas of ulcers on its skin. However, it didn't seem to care and continued to eat the poisonous snake in its mouth willfully.

As for the flesh and blood under the ulcerated skin, it was squirming rapidly and seemed to be constantly repairing itself, which made it look even more ferocious and terrifying.

‘There seems to be a very vital force in it, which is constantly repairing it, and the rain of blood is suppressing this power of recovery’

Colin suspected that this extremely vital force might be the disaster that this place experienced in the first place.

Compared with other strange things encountered, this power is not so weird and special. It just gives people a sense of vitality and all things competing against nature.

But it is also possible that this unimportant characteristic remains just because other dangers have been suppressed by various countries.

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