Campfire Shelter

Chapter 268 An unexpected encounter

"You brat, hand over your things quickly!"

"Damn thief, catch him, I'll beat him to death!"

"Surround him, don't let him escape!"

About seven or eight refugees were chasing a young child, hurling abuses at him.

In addition to them, there was a large group of onlookers, which seemed to be very lively, but none of them noticed that a man who was not breathing walked into the crowd.

Through the gap in the crowd, the figure of the child being chased came into view, and Colin's expression was startled:

"Hey, he seems to be an acquaintance."

A child wearing tattered clothes and holding two things in his hands ran out quickly, and behind him there were several people with ferocious expressions chasing him.

Seeing the child who was being chased and intercepted, Ke Lin felt familiar at first, and then through some smells, he quickly recognized that it seemed to be a child whom he had met on the way to find Tang Ken.

Because he has black eyes and black hair that are different from other refugees, and because Colin glanced at him twice, he was immediately noticed, so he was so impressed that he recognized him as soon as he saw him.

Of course, the reason why he wanted to come over was not only because he found something "busy" in front of his house to take a look.

Another point is that the mission of "finding the child of the lycanthropic mother" seems to have been triggered, very, very weakly.

For this task, Colin wanted to do it every time he came. After all, his first strength came from the mother of the child, and he owed her a favor.

As much as he could, he felt that if he didn't do this task, he would have inner demons in the future.

But it's a pity that when I asked Warden Calder before, he shook his head and said he didn't know where the child was.

However, although the whereabouts of the child were not found, I learned some information about the mother from other refugees. I heard that her own child was aborted and died before it was born. The one she treasured later may be that she did not know where to find it. The child should be raised as his own.

In this case, the smell does not correspond to her bloodline, making it even more difficult to find.

In addition, in the hunger situation at the beginning, children who are alone without parents usually do not end well, and there is a certain probability that they will be taken for extra meals, so Ke Lin has always felt that the child may be in danger.

But the mission is always there, and there is no sign of failure, so Colin can only pray that he will be lucky enough to encounter it every time.

Unexpectedly, I had some inexplicable feelings today.

"The induction is too vague and weak. It's impossible to be sure whether it was triggered or not."

Colin rubbed his forehead.

At this time, before he could think about it, a refugee suddenly jumped out on the way for the child to escape, tripping him to the ground. Seeing this, the others rushed up, grabbed him, and punched and kicked him.

Under the rain of fists, the child did not make any cry, but curled up stubbornly on the ground.

But on that small face, a pair of eyes gradually turned from black to red.

"Damn it, he stole our food and you dared to hit us with rocks. Break his legs!"

"Haha, I like this leg just looking at it. Watch me knock it off."

"Okay! I haven't eaten for a long time."

While they were talking, someone brought a stone over from nowhere and was about to throw it at the child's legs.

However, the stone was only halfway down when the grinning man found a hand blocking the stone.

He looked towards the owner of the hand and saw a tall and thin man standing in front of him.

Although he was surprised by the strength of blocking the stone with one hand, he seemed to be in tatters when he saw Colin's attire, but he was a little taller, but there were so many of them!


The refugee leader's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Colin's long legs exposed from his pants. As a foot controller, the refugee leader suddenly had some thoughts:

"If you dare to come to me, see if I don't break your legs and roast them!"

"Is it so powerful?"

Colin squinted his eyes and glanced at several people. From them, he could smell the smell of blood. It was obviously not the first time they killed people.

Even what the other party said about eating was not just a scare, but a real intention to do it.

Colin may turn a blind eye to behaviors that are forced under extreme circumstances, but it's hard to tell if he hasn't encountered such active eating people. If he encounters them, he will kill each one!

He doesn't allow such things in his territory!

The next moment, Colin took out his revolver and used "air bullets". Dozens of bullets shot out, blowing all their heads off in the moment they barely reacted.

The bright red blood mist exploded in the brain, and figures fell down like harvested rice stalks, blood gushing out.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding refugees were stunned for a moment, then screamed and ran away.

"There are still a few children who haven't run away. Are they all in the same group?"

Colin took a breath and could sense that there were about three children who had not left. One of them was also small and malnourished, but they were all hiding behind, looking here with horror and worry.

"Unfortunately, there is still no one at the scene related to her bloodline. After so many days, if it is just the smell, the smell has almost dissipated and cannot be distinguished, but"

Colin looked away. Since he was not sure which mother's child was, he would save them all!

Not just these few here!

If you are still alive, you can be saved one day!

"Speaking of which, the old dean originally wanted to train me to be his successor. Unfortunately, something like ALS happened, but it's not too late to open an orphanage here first."

While thinking, Colin squatted down and looked at the child he had rescued.

Dirty, thin and small, with many bruises on his body and blood flowing from his forehead, only his eyes were bright and pure, which made people feel pity for them.

Taking out a clean tissue from his pocket, Colin reached out to wipe the blood from the child's face, regardless of the child's filth, and then pressed the wound.

At this moment, perhaps he also recognized Colin. The child was not as alert as when he saw him for the first time, nor did he run away. He just blinked and looked at Colin, showing some innocence and curiosity.

"Bear with me."

Colin took out a wet wipe and wiped him around the wound: "Does it hurt?"

The child shook his head, nodded and shook his head again.

Uh, what does this mean?

Although confused, the other party did not avoid it, so Colin wiped her wound and asked:

"Do you have a name?"

The child blinked his black eyes and stared at Colin, as if the network was offline and unresponsive.

"Do you know where your home is?"

no response.

"What about your parents?"

no response.

‘Besides staring at me, I can’t do anything. Is your head damaged? ’

Colin muttered inwardly, but did not stop moving. After wiping his wound, he took out a universal band-aid and put it on the nail-sized wound on his forehead.

At this time, he also noticed what the child was holding in his hands - two fat moles.

As for why they were caught, he knew without even thinking about it, it was for eating.

Without looking further, Colin rummaged through and found a bottle of emergency medicine for treating bruises. He took the other person's little hand that was holding the mole and helped apply ointment to the bruised and swollen parts of his body.

However, being held hands like this and feeling the other person's hands roaming around his body, the child's face suddenly turned a little red.

And at this moment, he suddenly heard the man in front of him continue to ask:

"Why are they causing trouble for you? Did you steal anything from them?"

Colin didn't expect the child to speak, but he didn't expect that after hearing his words, the child with pure black eyes reacted violently.

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