Campfire Shelter

Chapter 290 I can’t stand it anymore! I'm going to blow her head off!

An hour later, the "Deep Sea Narwhal" stopped at the harbor, and Colin came down with two people.

One of these two people is Peter, the pirate leader, and the other is an arsonist.

The rest of the people were all left on the submarine to guard their homes to prevent such a large submarine from being stolen.

"The arsonist's main method is to concoct various explosives, and then use the effects of props to avoid explosions. In this way, if his teammates are near him and there are no items like time stop, they will really die or be disabled, but I keep them with me. It should be fine.”

"'Walking on the Waves in Search of Pigs' can easily cause additional events. If I'm locked up by my hometown and don't let him trigger any additional events, I don't believe what troubles they can do to me."

Thinking of this, Colin felt relieved. He took a look around. The port was not small, and there were a large number of submarines of various types docked. However, the paintings of these submarines were a bit weird.

Some are inlaid with a large number of white bones covered with barnacles, looking like a submarine built of bones.

Some submarines were seriously damaged, and the obvious gaps were filled with wooden boards, and the submarines were covered with graffiti.

Some submarines are covered with all kinds of gorgeous lights, which are flashing at the moment.

Seeing these submarines of different styles, only one word came to Colin's mind -

"Will-o'-the-wisp boy".

"If members of the 'Buried Love' family in the company came here, they would probably have a lot in common with them."

Colin couldn't help but complain, then withdrew his gaze and walked onto the street of the island port, which was mostly covered by giant bubbles.

Not long after, shouts came from the strong smell of sea.

"Freshly landed Titan squid tentacles only cost ten marks per pound!"

"There are a group of second-hand sardine submarines for sale, a total of thirty-seven boats. If you are interested, please contact me."

"'Delicious Egg Injection'! It can take you to experience the pleasure of ascending to heaven!"

"Fine Federation Miss, please come over and take a look. For only a hundred marks, you can experience the first-class Federation beauty!"

"I just captured the slave of the 'Sea Demon Lady'. Come and see if you need it."


A large number of people of various identities are selling their acquired items here.

Food, weapons, medicine, slaves, the whole street is very lively

However, when he saw some people being locked up like commodities and waiting to be sold, Colin couldn't help but frown. Although he had experienced quite a lot, seeing this scene still inevitably gave him a feeling of compassion.

Fire burned in his pupils.

Unfortunately, Colin knew very well that even if he offered help at this moment, the final result would probably be counterproductive.

"Unless I can capture this big pirate named Orma, even if I rescue people, they will still die because I can't take these people away at all."

Colin shook his head secretly and temporarily looked away from them.

Then, he moved his gaze and looked at the beautiful "Sea Enchantress" who had the largest number of onlookers at the moment.

"Isn't this a mermaid?"

Colin looked at it from a distance and saw among the onlookers, there were more than a dozen "Sea Enchantresses" who were upper body human and lower half fish.

They are much larger than the average human body, but they are all chained to the land at the moment, with a look of despair on their beautiful faces.

Colin sniffed the smell and could smell a fishy smell.

It's a bit like the fish-men seen in the "Seventh Box Garden World", but it's different.

Those fish-men are fish-men who were polluted due to the leakage of the "Father of the Ocean" divinity. They are all male, and these here seem to be some native species.

It was when Colin looked that a tall and round female pirate with a scarred face and a large number of test tubes in her clothes bought all the "Sea Enchantress" for a total price of 300,000 marks. .

"Hehe, it's a pity that it was Li Weina, a crazy witch, who bought them. You need to know these 'Sea Witches' to experience it. Well, I heard about this from my friends. Well, they said, as long as' Sea Demon Girl' shut up, the whole process will be very comfortable, but if it is in her hands, it will probably be ruined."

"Short" Peter "tsk-tsk"ed twice next to Colin, subconsciously wanting to get high, but thinking that this group of people seemed to have a higher moral level than the Federation people, he quickly changed his tune.

"Spoiled? What do you mean?"

Colin asked. They were walking on the road of a larger trading ground at the moment, and they planned to look for reactor control rods that they could use here.

"Well, if other people got these 'Sea Witches', they would definitely use them to experience them, but this crazy woman is different. She only bought them back to get blood and some organ parts. To refine special potions, isn't this a waste? Besides, this crazy woman also likes to torture."

"Killing, collecting blood and harvesting organs?"

Colin raised his eyebrows and looked back.

When he heard Peter say that these humanoid creatures would be killed, he felt the "egg of the deep sea" in his head tremble, and seemed to be frightened.

"Is it possible that the 'Deep Sea Egg' is one of its tribesmen? Otherwise, why would you be scared?"

If Colin had any idea, if there was really any connection between the two parties, it might be possible to get the eggs out.

At this time, Peter seemed to have thought of something and said, "Speaking of which, this crazy woman seems to be very close to the cultists of the 'Crimson Abyss'. Many people say that she is a believer."

"'Crimson Abyss'?"

Hearing this name, Colin felt inexplicably solemn.

The other two human ports seemed to have been polluted by the "Crimson Abyss", and now something related to it was happening. He felt that it didn't seem like a coincidence.

But no matter what, whether he wanted to save the fishmen, try to obtain information about the "Ocean Egg", or something else, he had to get the reactor control rod now.

Ten minutes later, Colin and others walked into the huge shipyard.

At the same time, at the port, Li Weina, whose body was covered with various test tubes and whose face was covered with scars, took a cage of "Sea Enchantress" and returned to her submarine inlaid with bones.

In the nearby "Deep Sea Narwhal" not far away, "It's so hard to come up with a name" who was competing with everyone for landlords threw away the cards in his hand and was about to sigh that he had bad luck with cards and lost again. When I got two points, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the scene outside the window.

"Damn it, mermaid!" Zhenyi exclaimed and quickly put his head to the window.

"What kind of fish is Mermaid? I told you not to cheat. I've recorded the points. Remember to give them to me when you go out—fuck you, mermaid!"

Brother Gou turned his head while muttering, and then his eyes lit up.

The "mermaid" chained up seemed to have an indescribable feeling of pity for him, which made him, an old employee who had temporarily lost some functions, have some thoughts, as if some unique quirks had been activated. .

And another "Walking on the Waves Looking for Pigs" also turned his head: "6!"

Several old gentlemen were admiring the beauties together. However, after a short while, their expressions changed and their expressions became stiffer.

I saw a tall, fat woman with a mean face walking up to a mermaid, taking out an iron awl and tying it to the end of its tail, and then taking out an iron hook tied with a rope from her pocket, and pinched it skillfully. Hold the mermaid's neck, and then pierce her chin with the end of the hook.

The pirate behind her immediately pulled the rope hard, and this extremely beautiful mermaid was directly hoisted up.

Then, before the mermaid could jump and struggle a few times, the tall fat woman took out an iron thorn and stabbed it hard at the mermaid's spine.

Suddenly, the mermaid stopped moving.

The fat woman did not stop there, but cut a hole in its tail very quickly. The blood immediately poured out and flowed into the basin that had been prepared along with the iron cone that had been tied before.

Then, she picked up a handful of blood water and took a sip, then stood up and cut open the delicate white belly with a knife with a sinister look on her face.

The whole process was very smooth and fast. By the time a few people reacted, they had already seen it.

A large amount of still squirming and steaming intestines and organs, mixed with a stream of blood, gush out from the mermaid's wound. The bright red and moist intestines hang around the mermaid's waist like a skirt.

"Ugh!" Someone retched.

"Fuck! I can't stand it anymore! I'm going to blow her head off!"

"Treading the Waves to Seek Pigs", who never spoke and was suspected of being mute, stood up angrily and cursed loudly. He took out a long bow from the storage room and aimed it directly at the fat woman with a ferocious face.

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