Can You Love Me?

Chapter 195: That girl is very poor.

Jane is right, she is a hard person.

Since she began to trace the truth of Xin Huan’s disappearance, she has been in close contact with death several times in just three months, but she has survived and she has come over.

The hostages are safe, and people do not have to be killed. Although one eye is caught, as long as the life is still there, they can talk and explain the problem. This is enough.

The police are very satisfied with this result. If it is not a last resort, they really do not want to kill the suspect.

After all, Chen Ming’s case is too much and too important. If he is silk, the case will fall into a deadlock and it will be very difficult to find.

Chen Ming blinked his eyes, and blood flowed out of his fingers. She screamed and screamed at Xin Ai, and she wanted to smash her.

After Chen Ming was arrested, he was immediately taken to the rescue room by the police.

Shen Ce ran in from the outside, and asked Xin Ai with concern: "Is it okay?"

Xin Ai touched a painful chin and said, "What can I do?"

Shen Ce looked at the blood of her chin and said: "Next time, don't be so rash."

"If I don't slam, wait for you to kill him?"

Xin Ai knows that if it is towed again, the police will choose to kill Chen Ming to ensure the safety of the hostages. However, Xin Ai does not want him to die. He is far more useful than he died.

Xin Ai seriously said to Shen Ting: "People, I can help you catch it. Next, please ask your police, find a breakthrough from him as soon as possible, find my sister's whereabouts, please give me some hope." ""

"You can rest assured that we will definitely."

The little nurse came over and wanted to bring Xin Ai to bandage the wound. She was not only chin, but also a few small wounds of different depths on her neck.

Mrs. Jane wants to export several times, and she has no courage.

Seeing Xin Ai going, she hurriedly said: "Hey, who?"

Xin Ai turned and looked at Mrs. Jane, and her lips swelled: "Mr. Jane will go out with a few more people. This time, you are lucky. Next time, there will be no such kind people."

Xin Ai and the little nurse left, Mrs. Jane said in the mouth, so she never said it.

Mrs. Jan sighed, today, how should I go home?

Xin Ai saved her life. Anyway, this thank you is for sure. They are not the kind of people who don’t know the pictogram.

Xie Li is also going to prepare after going home, but what should I prepare?

Xin Ai, who was far away, suddenly returned to God and shouted to Mrs. Jane: "Oh, yes, you want to thank me, don't worry about what else to prepare, give me more money, even if it is clear. ""

Jane’s mouth was pumping, and this stinky girl was so greedy.

Don't you know the other points?

Mrs. Jane thought that Xin Ai would use this opportunity to ask some unreasonable demands to hang her, for example, marry his son or something, but she did not expect that she would save her Mrs. Jane. It seems that this is just an insignificant thing.

Mrs. Jan sighed, this stinky girl didn’t know how to like it.

However, giving money is indeed the easiest.

Mrs. Jan went to the office of Fang Ziheng and asked him to check it out and then prescribed some medicine.

Fang Ziheng learned that Mrs. Jane had just had an accident and asked questions quickly.

Mrs. Jan took the opportunity to attack the side of the attack and asked about the situation of Xin Ai.

I learned that she is not in good health, and that the voice can no longer return to the previous state, and she can’t help but feel awkward.

On the way home, Mrs. Jane’s heart was filled with emotions. In fact, the girl’s head was very pitiful.

After returning home, Mrs. Jane and Jane Wan talked about what happened in the hospital.

Jane Wanyi heard that she was hijacked and shocked: "What, why don't you call? Are there any injuries?"

Mrs. Jane waved her hand and let him sit down: "I am not okay, the suspect has been arrested, and then call home, it is not superfluous."

"Then you are really okay?"

"I have all come back, of course it's okay, I was only hijacked for a little while, and I was quickly rescued."

Jane hurriedly asked what was the situation at the time: "What happened, who was the person who hijacked you, was the police killed him?"

Mrs. Jane’s look was a little complicated and shook her head: “The police did not kill people, but it was someone who took the initiative to be his hostage, and made people commit me.”

"It’s the police, oh, this is really dangerous. Who is the policeman? Let’s thank him for it.”

Jane Wanzhen thought that this kind of self-sacrifice is self-sacrificing and must be a policeman.

I didn’t expect Jane’s wife to shake her head, and the expression on her face was a bit difficult to say.

"What? No?"

Mrs. Jan nodded: "Not a policeman."

"Who is that?"

"Yes," Mrs. Jane sighed: "It is Xin Ai"

Jane Wan’s hearing of these two words was even more shocking than hearing that Mrs. Jane’s wife was hijacked. He exclaimed: “What?”

"Yeah, yeah, it is her"

Jane Wan opened his mouth to speak, and as a result, he saw the person standing behind his wife, and he stopped, and the words contained in his mouth suddenly could not be said.

Mrs. Jane still didn't know, "At the time, you didn't know how dangerous it was. I was scared to faint. It was the stinky man who came over and said a few words, then changed me. The man almost lost. Reasonable, the knife in his hand is swaying around, asking for the car to ask for money, but fortunately the gimmick is alert, otherwise, I really don’t know what the consequences are. You said that it counts, she saved me for the second time, I really don’t know. What can I do?"

Jane Wan moved his lips and didn't know what to say.

He nodded in his heart, yeah, how to do it well, the grace of life, is extraordinary.

Jane Wanzhen did not expect that Xin Ai would actually save her wife, she seems to be a selfish little girl, isn’t it so kind?

Is it going to use this to please his wife?

Yes, take your own life to please, is it too risky?

After Jane Wanyu hesitated, he deliberately said: "Maybe I want to deliberately please you?"

Mrs. Jane gave him a glance: "If it is intentional, I don't have to worry about it. The key is that the girl is very vocal, and she is not at all polite. She told me that if she really feels too much, she will give her more. Money, other, nothing to say, no need."

Jane Wan also feels that this is difficult.

He coughed: "How can Zeche come back this time."

Mrs. Jane was so scared that she bounced off the sofa and quickly turned around, only to see her son standing behind her, and did not know how long she had listened.

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