Chapter 36

“You mean Mikhail accepted it?”

The head of the National Intelligence Service, who received the report, repeatedly checked the facts.

The same goes for the defense minister.

The only difference is that the defense minister was more interested in the fact that I had millimeter-wave radar technology rather than the successful completion of the negotiations.

“Does Jauthales really have the technology to build millimeter-wave radars comparable to Longbow?”

“That’s right.”

“When the hell did you develop that again?”

Well, exactly what year was it developed?

“If you don’t know anything else, if you have developed such a strategic item, you should have told the military in advance.”

“The test at the laboratory level was successful, but the actual demonstration did not go through, so we could not tell you about the development. So, we decided to use Russian software to verify this opportunity.”

“Are you saying that you are confident in the performance of your hardware?”

yes of course

When the millimeter wave radar was developed, I went to Israel with it myself, and I was recognized in terms of hardware to the extent that I was offered a joint development from Elta, who commissioned the performance test.

“of course.”

“I really want to know what confidence you are. I don’t understand it anyway. What the hell was Mikhail thinking about giving away their core skills?”

“It’s proof that millimeter-wave radars are worth that much. It is also called a mini AWACS, and the US is also very wary of technology leaks, so why not be greedy?”

“If I do, can I pass on those core skills?”

Actually, I had a lot of trouble with that part.

However, the decision was ultimately made because of the fact that, historically, after a few years, Russia will eventually develop its own millimeter-wave radar.

In that case, I thought it would be better to give me the technology a few years earlier and get what I can get.

“It doesn’t matter. It will be downgraded anyway.”

Furthermore, some key parts of the technology to be passed on will be omitted.

It’s about providing only as much as Russia has developed in its history.

“You mean handing over the downgrade? But what if Russia takes issue with it?”

“Even though it is a downgrade, the detection range and other system functions are close to the original. The most important thing is the difference in the processing ability for interference phenomena, and there is nothing to worry about, as it is impossible to find out the difference unless it is compared with a longbow.”


“The crucial reassurance is that Russia is also guessing that we’re going to be offering some downgrades. No matter how much I promised I would match the longbow, I wouldn’t believe it.”

“How are you sure about that?”

“Because they themselves have always been. Do you think that others don’t do it in a country where they themselves are downgrading too much?”


“Nevertheless, the reason I accepted the deal is probably because I know the essence. The fact that no matter how deteriorated it is, it is not very different from the original.”

“Then do we really need to downgrade?”

“That way, the US doesn’t even need to sell us downgraded weapons. In fact, there is a difference in performance, but the difference between the original and the downgrade is that there is no big problem in operation.”


The defense minister smirked and shook his head.

Then, as a thought came to his mind, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

“Wait, can’t they also give us a downgrade?”

“Even if it is, it doesn’t matter. What I really need is the flight control system, which I can never touch.”

“For what?”

“If you touch it, a major accident may occur. Even downgrading, the principle is not to touch anything that could cause catastrophic performance problems.”

“That’s right, it is. Then what is left is the durability of the parts, are there any countermeasures?

In fact, the durability of a part largely depends on the material and heat treatment technology.

However, before the return, Korea had already achieved rapid development of material technology through various cooperative projects with Germany and Israel, which were rapidly close.

Except for some parts, it’s practically no problem.



The defense minister looked suspicious.

However, the reason why his expression will soon be released is probably because of Jaewoo’s unpredictable level of technology.

Such as smart shells and new AP shells.

In other words, the fact that even the United States has a level of weapons enough to rush to buy it is suppressing the suspicion that springs up.

Unsurprisingly, a long sigh escaped his mouth.

“Actually, Madangae, a company with material technology that makes shock absorbers from metal.”

When he heard the word about technology, he suddenly remembered a fact that he should be aware of.

The level of the attack helicopter I am planning.

The fact that it is very different from what the military imagines now.

“One thing to be aware of, the radar that will be installed in the attack helicopter we are developing is not a millimeter wave radar.”

“What else does that mean?”

“Actually, Longbow, the highest peak of millimeter-wave radar, is gradually losing its status due to the ever-developing countermeasures of the ground forces. So I’m thinking of installing AESA altogether.”

That was what the United States had envisioned before the return.

With the intention of not only improving the overwhelming operational capabilities compared to the existing ones, but also having a partial electronic warfare capability.

Perhaps he was embarrassed, and the Minister of Defense as well as the Director of the National Intelligence Service dropped their chins by a span.

“Is that possible?”

“It is quite possible.”

The defense minister looked into the air for a moment at my resolute answer.

He looked at me again, who looked like he was thinking about something with his eyes for a while, wondering what he was thinking.

“I’m sorry, but let’s keep it a secret for now. And even if the attack helicopter we made is exported in the future, we will have to exclude that part.”

He seemed to know what his intentions were.

Going forward, we should also secure at least one strategic advantage.

At first, I had that in mind too.

“Even though I am a businessman, I know the difference between what to sell and what not to sell.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

The defense minister let out a sigh of relief.

Did you feel that the story was about to end?

The head of the National Intelligence Service, who had gone out with the phone for a while, sneaked into the conversation.

“I’m sorry during the conversation, but I just spoke to the president.”


“He said congratulations on the success of the negotiations.”

“The word is….”

“That’s right. As promised, the South Korean large-scale attack helicopter development project will go to Jaewoo.”

It was definitely news to be proud of.

However, the reason for the bitterness that rises is the budget.

The weapons development project requires a huge budget in the first place, but I don’t know when it will be secured.

“The problem is the budget…”

Again, the director of the National Intelligence Service immediately pointed out the key point.

While I was choking on the fear that negative stories would come out, the Defense Minister suddenly threw out hopeful words.

“It will probably be reflected in next year’s budget.”

“how? Shouldn’t the parliamentary deliberation on the defense budget for next year be over already?”

“Actually, the feasibility study cost for the attack helicopter acquisition project was included in the budget for next year. Even though it’s only in the billions, the amount doesn’t matter.”

That was correct.

After all, the attack helicopter development project cannot be completed in one or two years.

It is important to start the business itself once, not how big the first year’s budget is.

By the way, did you conduct a feasibility study for the attack helicopter business in this era?

“But isn’t that the cost of a preliminary investigation into the purchase of Apache?”

The question was resolved by the head of the National Intelligence Service.

However, what is disconcerting is the fact that the military’s attempt to purchase Apache is different from the time period I knew.

It seems that history has been twisted again.

“It was originally. However, I received a refusal notice from the US.”

Yep, that’s the way it goes with history.

“So, are you going to divert it to your own development?”

“That’s right. Well, there is a process that needs to be re-examined by the parliament, but it won’t be too difficult. Because the National Assembly National Defense members are all members of the ruling party.”

Those words were like a ray of light.

If history is twisted, it’s twisted, and if it’s a situation that is a travesty, isn’t it a situation that I should welcome?

The moment I couldn’t control my smile and twisted my lips, the defense minister suddenly stared at me.


“By the way, I recently received a report from the Security Command, and they said that the recent activities of the intelligence agencies of the Chinese Military Intelligence Command and Japan Self-Defense Forces were not unusual. I wonder if it has something to do with the Hyunmoo ballistic missile development project…

“Nothing happened. And NIS agents are monitoring me. Ah, no, it must not have been easy for me to access the yard that I was protecting.”

I got caught up in the mistake I had made for a while, so I quickly looked at the head of the NIS.

Fortunately, his expression was calm, as if he didn’t really care, and soon after, the defense minister spoke again.

“Still, just in case you don’t know, I wonder if the security of the lab should now be taken care of by the military. Myungsaek is leading the military’s secret business, but the military can’t pretend they don’t know.”

This time, the Defense Minister glanced at the head of the National Intelligence Service and said.

Fortunately, as if there was no misunderstanding, the head of the NIS readily nodded his head.

“That sounds like a good idea. Special Forces or Special Forces members are better at dealing with unexpected situations in the field. We will then monitor the movements of the Chinese and Japanese intelligence agencies on behalf of the military.”

The defense minister shone a light of relief at those words.

Although he actually proposed it, he must have thought that it might be damaging the pride of the NIS.

Fortunately, the director of the National Intelligence Service was not foolish enough to show his pride over such a problem.

“What do you think of Executive Director Jin?”

I had no reason to oppose it, as it would be better if the security was tighter anyway.

Nodding his head willingly, the defense minister dialed somewhere as if he had been waiting.


As I watched things go by, I felt a sense of reality in my heart.

I want Hyunmoo to finally see the light of the world.

In fact, people often attach luxury sounds to weapons made in Korea, but the real luxury in my opinion is the Hyunmoo 4.

“Looks like it’s possible to recruit some of the Special Forces members in Munjeong-dong. Now, knowing that, let’s finish our meeting today.”

In fact, Hyun-moo’s appearance was not quick.

Although it was conducted privately, it was around this time that Korea developed the Hyunmoo ballistic missile.

However, what I want to present to the world is not the early type, but the late type Hyunmu.

Simply put, the version itself is different, and if you keep that in mind, it is practically ahead of history.

‘I’ll show you why Hyunmoo is called a true strategic missile.’


-Hyun Seung-ah. There are people outside the door who seem to be slaughtering cows. How did this happen?

A few days later, as promised by the defense minister, the institute’s security officer was replaced with a special forces agent.(Read more @

Hee-won, who had never served in the military, was terrified of the pressure they felt and called, and I reassured him by telling him what had happened.

“Be patient, even if it’s a little uncomfortable. It’s better than having a hole in the security and leaking the development facts for nothing.”

– I don’t know? It’s just that they all look alike because they look like grim reapers. By the way, didn’t you say you were buying shares? I think now is the right time, right?

As Heewon said, the share price has recently hit bottom again.

The continuing ripple effect of the war in Kosovo eventually affected the international economy.

As a result, the recovering economy was again covered with clouds, and most stocks continued to decline.

“Anyway, I’m going to start buying soon.”

Jauthales could not be free from its influence.

The price has almost doubled due to the recent uptrend, but it is natural for the bubble to fall.

Because of external bad news, about half of the increase has been returned.

“Secretary Kim. Come into my room for a moment.”

After finishing the call with Hee-won, I immediately called in Secretary Kim.

While she was sorting out the report from Thales, she was startled by my sudden call and immediately jumped in.

“Yes, Manager.”

“I’m sorry while I’m busy, but I have one thing to ask you. Was Daeyu Securities the main trading company of our Jaewoo Group?”

“That’s right.”

“Then contact the person in charge and ask him to prepare for the purchase of the share of the major shareholder because I will buy the share soon.”

“Okay. I will prepare it right away.”

Secretary Kim turned around with a look on her face that she was expecting it.

What was on her mind, she paused, then turned her body again and looked at me.

“Oh, the day before yesterday, CEO Jin Hyun-cheol of Aerospace came to Korea.”


She acted like it was nothing special.

Secretary Kim, who had been crouching as if she had something else to say, was about to approach me again, when suddenly she and her cell phone started crying at the same time.

“uh? Is this the president’s secretary’s office?”

She looked at my phone at the same time as Secretary Kim’s message.

The phone call I received was also Chairman Jin’s number.

When I answered the phone with some ominous heart, I heard the voice of Chairman Jin, who was smashed down from the other side.

– I have to go to the headquarters right now.

“Did something happen?”

– The acquisition of Motorsich. I guess that’s probably going to be the problem.


Can you make nuclear weapons too?

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