152: Solve the mysterious island, the blue star is about to be destroyed! (Ask for full order, please customize!) )

On the blue star, everyone looked at everything that was happening on the mysterious island with their eyes wide open, and nothing could distract them.

The fierce roar reverberated continuously, the hurricane swept in, and the waves rushed out wave after wave.

Gandalf clenched their fists nervously, and the energy storm was so intense that it completely overwhelmed the Gundam that Su Che was driving.

Inside Godzilla’s cockpit, John’s green tendons were exposed, his eyes were covered with blood, and he roared angrily, “Gundam is nothing, just a stronger iron man, die!”

Before he could finish speaking, a tinge of red appeared in John’s eyes.

In Godzilla’s atomic breath, that red color is particularly conspicuous.

The next moment, the atomic breath was completely torn apart by the red glow, and Su Che drove the Gundam out of it.

The shield in Gundam’s hand did not know when it had been hung behind him, but the lightsaber was held tightly by him and held high above his head.

John opened his mouth, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, unable to utter a word.

A flash of red light flashed all the way down from the top of the mechanical Godzilla’s head, and nothing could stop it.

Where the red mango passed, the alloy was cut, and the original inside was subjected to high temperatures and constantly exploded.

The azure current spread around, and the mechanical Godzilla’s eyes, constantly flashing, slowly dimmed.

And the whole mechanical Godzilla, the explosions continued, and the fire waves soared into the sky.

The entire sea level dropped by three or four meters in an instant, and countless layers of huge waves centered on the mysterious island spread out in all directions, and a large amount of water vapor spread out, making every direction for miles shrouded in white fog.

The huge waves continued to rush into the distance, and the scope of influence gradually expanded, and even those watching the battle from a distance were affected by the aftermath of the battle.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, and when they saw the huge waves coming, everyone escaped at the first time.

I don’t know how long it took for everything to calm down. The live stream resumes.

At this moment, in the picture, a loud noise was heard, and the gundam fell heavily on the ground, setting off a puff of smoke.

On the blue star, everyone stood up at the same time, with their hands raised above their heads, extremely excited.

“Gundam, God forever!”

“No, it’s not Gundam, it’s Umbrella Giant, it’s Umbrella Company, Forever God!”

“Let us congratulate the umbrella company, once again create a legend, the umbrella in the blue star, eternal and immortal!”

With a shout of excitement, a line of barrage directly flooded the live broadcast room, and even at this moment, the server almost collapsed.

On the mysterious island, the Gundam piloted by Su Che turned his back on Godzilla, inserted his lightsaber in his hand, and stepped out of the smoke.

Behind him, the mechanical Godzilla slowly fell to the ground, and the huge head fell down, rolling several times in front of Su Che before stopping.

Ridge most

Su Che stepped forward, and Gundam’s hands plunged into Godzilla’s head, pulling out a figure covered in blood.

John’s eyes were still filled with disbelief, he was dying, but he was still staring directly at the Gundam in front of him.

“Gundam, how is this possible, fifth-level energy lightsaber, why?”

John jerked his head up as if he were returning to the light.

There were still violent energy fluctuations around him, and Su Che did not lift the Gundam transformation.

All John saw was a pair of cold mechanical eyes, and he wanted to see clearly who this person who had single-handedly destroyed the mysterious island bottom card.

Or, to be precise, is this really human? Can people stand at such a high level?

The battleship tore through the clouds again and stopped firmly over the mysterious island.

Among the battleships, Gandalf shouted excitedly one by one, and the whole battleship was filled with joy, and many soldiers were full of blood.

“This battle, your umbrella won, but….. Cough cough cough”.

Before John could finish speaking, he coughed violently, spat out blood in his mouth, and lost his breath in a short time.

Su Che looked around, and the whole mysterious island was devastated by Godzilla’s fall.

The battleship slowly descended, the hatch opened, and Gandalf, Achino, and Berwick hurried out and ran toward Suche.

Among the battleships, all the soldiers were gathered around the hatch, and they were welcoming the victors back.

Gandalf rushed first and grabbed one of Gundam’s legs directly, almost sticking to it.

“Commander, this thing must let me try, it’s too powerful, it’s too fascinating!”

Aquino and Berwick, though not so exaggerated, had a fiery look in their eyes.

Mech, that is every man’s dream, is a man’s romance.

“Okay, when you get back, let Dr. Manhattan dismantle it and make a few more of them, and everybody has it.”

Su Che smiled, this request, he can naturally meet. The whole mysterious island was filled with triumphant laughter and cheers.

Not only Gandalf was interested, but many soldiers on the battleship looked at the Gundam with longing and admiration.

Su Chesuo did not lift the Gundam transformation and let the soldiers take a good look. Compared to the Storm Beast, the Gundam in front of them was even more addictive to them.

While Su Che was immersed in the joy of victory, the international community was once again in turmoil.

The top leaders of the Great Eagle Empire held a meeting, and in the picture, it was Gundam standing in the air.

A lightsaber slashed through the picture of the mechanical Godzilla like a broken bamboo..0

“Such a powerful weapon is just a lightsaber, how many secrets does the umbrella company have?”

The head of the military department slammed hard into the conference table.

All the people in charge present had a heavy face, and they knew very well that the existence of the umbrella had threatened their position.

“Immediately send someone to contact the head of the umbrella company, I want to…” The president’s voice did not fall, but the door of the conference room was directly knocked open.

“Sorry, the situation is urgent, there are meteorites that have broken through the edge of the solar system, according to the trajectory prediction, these meteorites will pass by our blue star, and may even hit the blue star.”

The visitor hurriedly reported. And not just the Great Eagle Empire.

On the Winter Country space station, all the staff and the person in charge of the space station stood solemnly in front of a large screen.

In the pitch-black starry sky, dark red meteorites are crossing the edge of the solar system at a very fast speed.

In just a few minutes, it has already crossed the orbit of Pluto.

On the other screen, there are dotted lines covering the entire solar system planet map.

The most frightening thing is that all these dotted lines, eighty percent of them converged on one point, and this one point is the blue star.

“Report that if you don’t block it, the meteorite swarm will have a 90% chance of colliding with the blue star!”

“40% probability, destroy the blue star!”

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