Card Master Guide

Chapter 119 The end of the war, the materials are in place

The waves washed the beach and broke into white foam on the golden sand. There was a long and narrow opening in the clouds, like a sharp knife cutting the curtain.

Sunlight poured down from that gap, illuminating the light chips floating with the wind on the sea surface, and the dark source force was still burning on the huge skeleton, like a fire ignited by oil on the sea surface.

Those light particles rose to the sky, and some of them returned to Lin Xiao's fire, announcing that the material for the seventh-level breakthrough was obtained.

Coupled with the high-level materials dropped by Dagon, it was a certainty that the Meteor Sword would break through to the seventh level.

But Lin Xiao didn't have time to be happy, he just felt exhausted, and forced the "epee man"'s body not to waver at all, standing like a mountain in front of Zhenjun Jinlong, Fanshatian, and Argel.

Today is the first time a netizen has met... A thought of unknown meaning appeared in Lin Xiao's mind... It should have left a good impression on Jinlong Zhenjun.

Only with his reminder can I discover Theseus' weaknesses, and I can gain a lot from associating with this learned senior.

Alger looked at the epee man and the particles of light rising behind him, his eyes were flushed, as if his revenge had been avenged, and he said hoarsely:

"Thank you...for your hard short, thank you very much..."

He lowered his head as he spoke, hesitating whether to kneel down, with a palm on his shoulder, the red-haired man grinned and said:

"You said earlier that you are so awesome, and Zhenjun and I don't need to worry about it! Really! That move just now, the tyrant is so cool!"

Fan Shatian grinned as he waved his sword with both hands.

Those who are on horseback, slash and explode super S-rank monsters with one sword! I dare not even dream about it, this guy is too strong!

Among other things, after this battle, his source power has definitely reached level seven or above—his masculinity is worthy of such a measure!

"Why are you here?"

Lin Xiao has always wanted to ask since the meeting, why the old opponent in the finals suddenly appeared, but it was just imminent and had no time to take care of it.

"Oh, actually, I was in the Golden State two days ago, and I even helped Zhenjun destroy a crab monster..."

Fan Shatian scratched his head, and roughly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

After listening.

The epee man looked at Zhenjun Jinlong who was smiling, with a hint of surprise in his tone:

"You, are you really only at the second level?"

The middle-aged man's expression flashed a flash of frustration, and he smiled:

"Thanks to the help of the two little brothers, I was able to escape the catastrophe...Let's not talk about it, I will treat you to the seafood dinner later!"

Fan Shatian's eyes were deep, and he rubbed his chin. Out of face, he didn't tell others about "True King Jinlong saved his life".

At this moment, seeing that Zhenjun didn't take the initiative to reveal his intentions, he felt a little guilty instead.

Maybe the white card is special? Maybe I really think too much?

After all, Lao Tzu's trump card is a legendary card, a man who wants to blow up everything. Let's keep this kindness in mind for now!

Lin Xiao nodded. It turns out that True King Jinlong's strength is really only second-level, but his precious knowledge is enough to make people awe-inspiring.

"If you make an appointment for dinner, next time, I have to go back to the city and take a look at the situation of my companions."

The epee people condensed and threw the card, and Harley, who had a damaged appearance, stepped on the motorcycle and said, "Keep in touch when we get back, Zhenjun, I still have a lot of questions to ask you."

The middle-aged man rubbed his hands with a smile: "It's not worth asking for advice, it's all unpopular knowledge that is not worth mentioning, oh yes, I don't know what you look like yet!"

"It's true." Lin Xiao pondered.

When I came out to meet Ji this time, I planned to meet him offline, but it was only because of a sudden incident that my armor appeared... Now that Brother Chu Yun and Qiao Linna already know my identity, it’s okay to reveal it to True Monarch Jinlong.

"Huh? What does it look like?" Fan Shatian's eyes lit up.

Could he be curious?

Slashing Theseus with a sword, what is the real appearance of the super strong "epee man"? This curiosity became so strong that I couldn't even feel the pain in the wound!

The epee glanced indifferently, Fan Shatian seemed to be stared down by a prehistoric dinosaur, his face was stiff, and he said casually:

"Okay, okay...I'll take this kid to the cave for a can do whatever you want!"

The epee man and Jinlong Zhenjun were left on the cliff. Fanshatian took Alger to the cave to wait.

He had no doubt that if he was peeping, that old brother would chop him in half like he chopped Theseus up.

"Anyway, next month, he will show his face in the source world." Brahma muttered, "There is no rush at this moment!"

"Senior..." In the cave, Alger stared at the saber on his knee, and said in confusion, "What...what should I do now?"

"Ah?" Fan Shatian was in a bad mood, his eyes were cold, and he squinted.

Alger swallowed his saliva, and said, "Theseus is dead... I don't know what to do in the future..."

He sharpens his skills and wields the saber for revenge, or seeks death on the road to revenge.

But now, the epee man shouldered his ideals, and Alger was grateful but a little bit confused.

"Hmm... what are you doing?" Fan Shatian was thinking, rubbing his chin, "That's a good question."

The red-haired man had deep eyes, like a personal life mentor, slowly, his eyes lost their whites, his body was steaming with blood, and he grinned ferociously:

"Why don't you try to cut and explode the monsters? Just like the epee man and my uncle! Use your saber to cut the monsters to pieces!"

Alger was stunned by this kind and friendly smile, he smiled embarrassingly, and then his eyes flickered.

Fight against monsters?

Seeing the back of that stalwart on the cliff, how can I remain indifferent...

Senior Fanshatian is right, I can also "slash and explode monsters" and become a member of the investigation team!

Alger was only fourteen years old. He was a lively and cheerful age, with a sunny and childish smile:

"Senior! You are very good at enlightening people!"

The ferocious red-haired man was punching the air, fighting with the imaginary epee man. Hearing Alger's words, he couldn't help being stunned.

What does enlighten... mean? I'm pretty good at opening other people's heads...

Outside the cliff, Zhenjun has already seen the appearance of the man under the helmet.

The epee man put on his helmet and stepped on Harley:

"Then, Zhenjun, see you next time!"

The middle-aged man nodded. The airflow from the galloping motorcycle rolled up the hem of his yellow clothes.

True Monarch Jinlong stroked his chin, nodded in admiration, and said to himself with a cheeky face:

"Strong and handsome, um, compared to when I was young!"

As soon as the words fell, a meaningless fragment flashed across the field of vision in front of the lens. Zhen Jun Jinlong was slightly taken aback, and shook his head muttering:

"It's time for this pair of glasses to be repaired, always showing slides..."


In Xihai City, people rushed out of the refuge and onto the streets, falling into the frenzy and boiling like after a catastrophe.

People shouted the name of "Epee Man", just like the powerful hero who slays monsters in the epic.

The girl's long straight legs were half leaning on the red motorcycle, her arm rested on the handlebar, and the other hand held up the steaming coffee.

She watched the cheering crowd and noticed that the little girl was talking and laughing loudly with her parents, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Qiao Linna leaned on the motorcycle and looked up, the sky was reflected in the clear red pupils, and the tall horse was swaying in the wind.

It's over... The epee man, or Lin Xiao, defeated Theseus.

However, the "special training" he promised me is just about to start.

In the heavy rain, the scene of the man galloping to kill Dagon appeared in front of his eyes, just like the broad back standing in front of the avalanche——

You can always trust him, he can even cut off the nine heads of Theseus with one sword, strong, fearless and reliable.

Jolena picked up the hot coffee, the mist covered the blush on her face, and whispered:

"Tch... amazing guy."

The coffee shop, the base of the investigation team in Xihai City, is also discussing the title of "epee man".

The faces of the operators are full of awe and gratitude to the strong - his deeds of killing Theseus and saving the entire continent can be recorded in the annals of history!

"You said, who is the epee man? Is it possible that he is a member of the investigation team?"

"I don't know, it would be fine if he is, we just hug his thigh tightly!"

Chu Yun was covered with bandages and lay on the bed in the centralized ward. Hearing the discussions of the wounded, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

I do know who the "epee man" is... But this brat, his thighs are not so easy to hug, I get hurt every time!

It doesn't matter anymore, Chu Yun looked up at the ceiling, and sighed when a big stone fell to the ground in his heart.

Captain... I recruited a better operator than me back then...

The little secretary walked over tremblingly, with complicated eyes, leaned close to Chu Yun's hospital bed and whispered a few words.

Chu Yun turned his head to look at the frightened Sigrid, and said in a deep voice, "You... saw it?"

Sigrid flinched and said: "I, hacked into the surveillance network of Xihai City... Only that one video shows that he is..."

The little secretary was frightened and silly at the time.

The epee man is actually his acquaintance, and he is also a teammate!

There is a feeling of accidentally discovering that a friend is a "millionaire"... After thinking about it, the little secretary felt that Raven should have known it earlier, so she decided to discuss it with him.

With a serious expression, Chu Yun raised his finger in front of his lips.

Sigrid's hacking skills are among the best in the entire investigation team, and she is a self-taught "science girl". With a wealthy family, he shouldn't have become an operator. Because he hacked an underground black market platform once, he was afraid that his enemies would come to him, so he joined the investigation team to seek asylum.

With her technical ability, she was indeed able to find the information belonging to the "epee man" from the vast surveillance videos in Xihai City.

"Can you modify, or cover up, that video?" Chu Yun's eyes were dark and deep.

Sigrid frowned, nodded with difficulty, and whispered, "Technically yes, but why didn't you tell everyone..."

"If I tell everyone... he will become the hero of the team, and he will be rewarded and given a heavy responsibility by the team leader."

Chu Yun frowned.

How should I answer... that Lin Xiao must have his own considerations and plans?

Said that he has been hiding his identity as an "epee man" for the convenience of action, trusting me, and revealing it to me in order to save me?

Or...Chu Yun frowned...Actually, I don't trust the team leader at all...

From the mouth of the operator, Chu Yun learned that Margaret will also serve as the "leader of the Golden State Branch".

And this power was taken from the former leader of the Golden State by her under the threat of sacrifice and blood during the storm.

Chu Yun didn't know whether it was right or wrong.

Because after this battle, due to the annexation of the Golden State investigation team, Star Map City will take over the resources of the sacrificed operators, and the treatment of old employees will be greatly improved.

The salary has been raised, and the team members are of course happy.

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, Chu Yun can't see through the team leader's philosophy...

The team leader belongs to the type who can live well in this world no matter where he goes.

And Chu Yun knew very well that he, Lin Xiao, and Qiao Linna all had some flaws in their personalities. Such as paranoia, arrogance, unnecessary kindness...

Simply put, the team leader was too perfect to get along with them. "They" of course also include "epee people".

"Trust Lin Xiao's own judgment." Chu Yun said, "We don't need to say anything. It's best to help him a little bit."

Sigrid nodded.

It is easy for her to modify and hide the information related to the "epee man".

Looking back, Lin Xiao was an epee swordsman, which really surprised her. Handsome and capable of fighting... When Lin Xiao officially shows his face in the source world, he will definitely cause a sensation again.

"Oh, by the way, the team leader said that there will be a celebration banquet tonight."

"Is it a team building at this time..." Chu Yun rubbed his temples, "Go with Lin Xiao, I will continue to heal my wounds."

Sigrid whispered: "It's better to go there, the team leader is going to be promoted after all..."

Chu Yun turned his head and looked at Dafu beside the hospital bed.

"Ooo! (ω)" Hearing the banquet, Dafu's eyes lit up.

Yes, you can have fish tonight!

Chu Yun pondered. He heard that seals can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The aborigines in the North even worshiped seals as gods.

Daifuku said no problem, that is no problem...

"Okay." Chu Yun nodded, "I'll contact Lin Xiao and Qiao Linna to attend the dinner."


When the clouds cleared, the torrential rain dissipated, the homes needed to be rebuilt, and hope was once again shown on people's faces.

Lin Xiao strolled on the streets of Xihai City, and people cheered for the "epee man" echoed in his ears.

Although it is an unsung hero for the time being. Lin Xiao smiled slightly, but it didn't feel bad.

There are more materials harvested in this trip in Tinder.

A golden material resembling the spine of a snake is called "the bone of immortality". According to the description, it is the core of Theseus and has the ability of "immortality and immortality".

As the main material of the seventh-level breakthrough, it can speed up the recovery efficiency of the source force and enhance Lin Xiao's ability to continue fighting with the Meteor Sword.

Dagon pops two cards:

"Deep Diver's Crown of Stonethorns Epic Kit" can give Lin Xiao the aura of a high-level deep diver, and is regarded as the same kind by "murlocs". When facing ocean monsters, most of them will not encounter active attacks.

The shape is a crown made of coral reefs, which is ugly, like the "coral reef" skin of a stone man, and is better than practicality.

After all, there are always more ocean monsters than land monsters... Lin Xiao thought to himself, with the addition of a "high-level deep diver" identity, he might be able to break into the enemy's interior...

"Deep Sea Scale" is a golden material, which can add a layer of "reverse injury" effect to Meteor Sword. Lin Xiao decided to use it as a secondary material for the seventh-order breakthrough.

On the other hand, he provoked another "Rage Demon God" and obtained his "Rage Power".

The effect of rage is "madness". The more complete the original power, the more amazing the effect of "madness" and the greater the side effects.

But the bug of the card is that the immune effect of "Arrogance" is effective against the side effect of "Rage".

This means that as long as the "Power of Arrogance" is collected first, the "Power of Rage" will be beneficial and harmless.

Lin Xiao was lost in thought.

The raging demon god is named "Samael", and like Lucifer, he was the highest seraphim before his fall.

The relationship between the two elder brothers is probably very good, otherwise they would not have carried the flag of rebellion together. Come to think of it, no one has tried to compare "the power of rage" with "the power of arrogance".

I don’t know to tell Samuel that the ability you are proud of is nothing in front of Lucifer, and I don’t know if he will be angry...

As we all know, this is not a fight, but a trick of diplomats.

After going through this battle, my source power has doubled, which is more than enough to control the seventh-tier legendary cards.

Lin Xiao looked down at Tinder, his eyes flickering, and looked up at the sky.

The material is in place, the source power is sufficient, and when we get home, we can officially start, the seventh-level breakthrough of the Meteor Sword!


Adjust the rest of the underworld today... (Д`)

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