Card Room

Chapter 214 - 215:

Chapter 214 Chapter 19

Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Source" skills need to read a note for 10 seconds. During the period, it can't be interrupted. Xiao Lou turned around and went out from the back door of the warehouse. He summoned Tao Yuanming and secretly placed Tao Huayuan at the exit of the warehouse. It can teleport in groups, disappear instantly, and retreat from the ground at the fastest speed.

With the upgrading of card skills, the time of existence of Taohuayuan has also changed from 30 minutes to 3 hours, which is more practical.

After placing Taohuayuan, Xiao Lou returned to the warehouse. Yu Hanjiang and his teammates cleared all the traces of roasted vegetables and instant noodles during dinner. He looked at Xiao Lou, and said in his ear, "Open your heart and have a rhinoceros."

At 24 o'clock in the morning, the skills of all cards will be refreshed and cooled, and Qin Guan's spiritual and rhino channels need to be reopened. Xiao Lou summoned Qin Guan to connect with Yu Hanjiang, and another Qin Guan card was handed to Ye Qi, who asked Ye Qi to choose someone to connect with.

Ye Qi took a look at his teammates and thought about it. Shao Qingge said, "Mr. Shao, can I even do you? We all have teleport cards, and we can communicate with each other at that time. Each of us will bring two teammates to run. . "

Shao Qingge smiled "Of course."

Yu Hanjiang took out his cloak and whispered, "Everyone hides and see what they want to do."

Everyone knew, and immediately put on a cloak of invisibility, and found a large number of boxes to hide.

Immediately after hiding, the door lock of the warehouse was opened with a bang.

Several people held the night pearl lighting and walked in in line.

Yu Hanjiang narrowed his eyes and took a closer look—this is an eight-person challenger squad, wearing a uniform black down jacket, carrying a schoolbag behind him, five men and three women, all around 20 years old, looking like a team of college students.

The girl who walked in front was tall and had a sharp ponytail. She looked around calmly and said softly, "It looks like this is a warehouse. There is no large-scale Zerg in such a desolate neighborhood. It ’s better to be in the evening first. Overnight here? "

The boy in glasses standing next to her said, "Sister Gao, let's check it."

Sister Gao simply nodded "divide into two teams, search carefully one by one, and don't let it go in any corner."

Everyone acted quickly and launched a carpet-like search of the entire warehouse.

After searching around, the senior teacher said, "No one is here, it should be safe."

The thin boy raised his glasses on the bridge of his nose and suddenly said, "Dear friends, are you hiding in a cloak?"

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

The senior teacher suddenly looked back at him, "What do you mean? Someone is there?"

The boy nodded. "I tried it with a dog nose card. This warehouse has grilled vegetables and a variety of instant noodles. The most intense time was five hours ago, which is the time for dinner, and the taste of instant noodles is very Rich, there are braised pork rib noodles, tomato burdock noodles, sauerkraut noodles, stewed chicken noodles ... Roughly estimated, it is a mixed flavor produced by 7 or 8 people cooking noodles at the same time. I guess we are in the base of other challenger teams by mistake . "

Xiao Lou "..."

There is a card like "dog nose"? The taste of the dinner has passed for so long, and it has long since disappeared. I didn't expect it to be smelled by the man in the glasses. Can I even distinguish between different kinds of instant noodles?

The name of this card is really appropriate.

Ye Qi couldn't help but think in his head, "It's really a dog nose, so amazing!"

Shao Qingge felt Ye Qi's vomiting from the heart-spirited rhinoceros passage. He couldn't help chuckling. "This kind of functional card is also very interesting. The red peach secret room will be very useful, and it can smell the smell of the scene. It needs 5 million copies for you. One? "

Ye Qi immediately shook his head. "Don't be so bad! This card hasn't reached the level of 5 million copies."

The two stopped talking and continued to listen carefully.

Sister Gao reacted to the meaning of the man in glasses and immediately glanced around, saying, "Dear friends, we are not malicious, don't do it! I don't know anyone here!"

The guy in glasses also said loudly, "Everyone, we are a team from a distant association, just to clear the secret room, the wind and snow outside are too cold, and the weather is cold. We just want to find a place to cover the wind and snow overnight, and happened to find this warehouse."

Sister Gao said, "Yes, if you do n’t welcome, we can find another place. But I still hope to stay and cooperate. After all, there are many people and powerful forces. If there is a large-scale siege by the Zerg, it is difficult to rely on a team alone. Get them done. Why don't you guys come out and see each other and exchange information clues? "

Yu Hanjiang did not speak, and other teammates naturally would not interrupt.

The girl's words have a certain degree of credibility. The down jacket they wear uniformly does have the distant association logo.

Yu Hanjiang asked Xiao Lou, "All college students, what do you think?"

Xiao Lou, a college student team, has also seen it in previous weekly missions. These young people are flexible, quick to respond, and not bad in physical strength and combat effectiveness. Many of them are fans of closet games and know the routines of various institutions. .

This team should be very strong, there must be a lot of good cards in hand, otherwise it will not be possible to go to the Spades 8 secret room smoothly.

Moreover, the distant association takes "back to reality" as its ultimate goal. Under the management of Mr. Gui Lao, the entire association is said to be very united and more credible than some passerby teams.

Xiao Loudao "Look at it first, make sure that they are not infected, and then consider whether to leave them. It is possible to exchange some information with each other."

Yu Hanjiang's principle is not to save others with good intentions, not to be a Virgin.

But if it is a "strong alliance," it is actually good for everyone. At that time, in Spades 3 and 4, they also had the experience of customs clearance with other challengers.

Yu Hanjiang said calmly, "OK, ask first."

The team of college students was watching, and at this moment, a low, cold voice suddenly came to their ears. "Come to exchange clues to show your sincerity. Where did you come from? What is the situation there?"

Challengers are aware of the existence of the "Stealth Cloak" card, so they are not too surprised at the weird scene of "only hearing their voices but not seeing them".

The ponytail girl heard this and said seriously, "We escaped from the university town of Chengbei District. When we entered the back room, we were refreshed in the north of the city. Since everyone is a student, they are familiar with the university campus environment and quickly get it. After we knew the secret room was set up, we set up the supplies and found a place to hide. "

The glasses boy then said, "Sister took us to the experimental building of the school. It was Monday. There were only one or two classes in the experimental class. We first hid on the roof of the experimental building. After the students mutated, they ran out of the experimental building to bite everywhere. People, we just went in, cleaned up the remaining infected people in the building, locked the door, and hid in it for three days. "

He paused, his face paled slightly. "As a result, on the fourth day, more than 80 students in the entire university town were infected, and our laboratory building was also besieged by the infected!"

Thinking of the scene at the time, everyone looked ugly, and a girl couldn't help but stun it.

Sister Gao said with a calm face, "We cleaned the entire building of the experimental building and locked the door. The Zerg would not know that we exist, but it is not clear why they climbed up from the outside wall and surrounded us. . Outside the entire experimental building, there are dense Zergs, their limbs are attached to the wall, staring at us with blood-red eyes through the window! There are countless Zerg, there should be tens of thousands! "

Everyone "........."

Listen to her description, everyone can not help but hair.

An experimental building surrounded by countless Zerg is impenetrable, and it's scary to think about it.

Xiao Lou asked, "How did you escape?"

Sister Gao explained, "In the days when we occupied the experimental building, everyone made arrangements in the building in advance. Brother Lin changed all the circuits in the entire building. Once a short circuit easily caused a fire, Shi Xuemei used the laboratory. Made various flammable and explosive things with various chemical agents. We left an escape exit on the rooftop of the building in advance. When we were besieged by the Zerg, we ran to the top of the building and flew to another building with an air flying card. Then I blew up the entire experimental building ... "

The danger was conceivable, and the students were quite smart. Obviously, there are high-level students in the physics and chemistry departments in the team, applying what they have learned. The short circuit of the wires and the flammable and explosive chemical reagents have turned the entire building into the fire field that Zerg fears most.

Those bugs lying upstairs probably did not expect the whole building to explode suddenly. At that moment, the number of Zergs killed was difficult to estimate, and their escape process was indeed thrilling.

Sister Gao paused, and then said, "We fled all day, to the east of the city, and found that the Zerg population was scarce here, so we shook off the Zerg pursuit. Did you hide in the east from the beginning?"

Yu Hanjiang faintly said, "Yes, the eastern part of the city has the smallest population and is safer than other areas."

The girl admired her. "Or you thought about it. We were almost overwhelmed by the Zerg army in the university town. The number of Zerg outside was increasing. The infection has spread throughout the north. I guess the east is the last safe area."

Xiao Loudao "It won't be safe soon, so be cautious."

The girl nodded and said, "Zerg are afraid of fire and can be completely destroyed after being burned."

Yu Hanjiang said lightly, "We also know this."

The man in glasses suggested, "If you can live to the fourth day, obviously you are very strong. Why not join hands to deal with the Zerg?"

Sister Gao agreed and said, "Yes, there are more people and more power, and the number of Zerg is more than we imagine. It is difficult for a team to deal with them alone, or should we join forces?"

Yu Hanjiang said to Xiao Lou in his mind, "What do you think?"

Xiao Lou took a closer look at the performance of these eight people, not as if someone was infected.

Judging from the process of their escape, they occupied the experimental building directly on the first day, and only encountered the Zerg army on the fourth day. If someone was infected on the first day, it must have mutated for such a long time. On the fourth day, they ran away from the rooftop with flying cards. The entire building was blown up when they ran away. The Zerg were blown up with no time to attack them, and the chance of infection was not high.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lou said, "The team at the Far Away Association is very strong, and maybe it will be easier if you can join forces."

It was snowing and biting cold outside, and Xiao Lou was more trustworthy about the distant association's signboard. This group of people fled from the north of the city to the east of the city and ran for a whole day. They were obviously exhausted and it was nothing to lend them a night.

Yu Hanjiang realized the idea of ​​Xiao Lou, and nodded, and said to the group of college students, "You stay in the warehouse tonight, I draw a line in the warehouse, divided into two, do not interfere with each other. If you encounter Zerg, you can Deal together. If there is no Zerg tonight, after dawn, you will find another base, and everyone can take care of each other. "

The girl said with excitement, "Thank you, let's take a night off before talking."

The people immediately set up a tent in the warehouse.

The warehouse is large. Yu Hanjiang separated the warehouse from the middle with a fruit box. College students slept near the front door. They slept at the back door. If the situation was wrong, they could evacuate immediately.

It's almost time for the cloak to be invisible. Yu Hanjiang simply asked his teammates to take off the cloak and set up a tent to rest.

After a while, the senior teacher came with a box of fruits and asked, "Hello, can these fruits in the warehouse be eaten?"

Ye Qidao "Yes, you can eat vegetables and fruits casually. This warehouse is deserted, and the inventory in one warehouse is left unmanaged."

Sister Gao's eyes lit up. "It's great, we ate cookies for four days in a row!" She excitedly carried a box of apples back to share with her teammates, and Yu Hanjiang could clearly hear their voices of apples.

It is no wonder that the first day of this secret room is not the time for everyone to prepare securely. Everyone is scattered around in the morning. The outbreak began at noon. The situation is very tense. They should not have much supplies from the school supermarket. After eating cookies for four days, I was really excited when I saw fruits.

Eight people turned the boxes over in the middle of the night, unpacked the fruit boxes of grapes, Sydney, and dragon fruit, and ate fruits as if they were hungry and crazy.

Ye Qi poked his head and asked curiously, "Are you all college students, from the same school?"

Sister Gao said, "Not all schools are the same. There are universities of science and technology, universities of science and technology, music schools ..."

Mentioning the Conservatory of Music, Ye Qi brightened his eyes. "Is it the Jiangzhou Conservatory of Music?"

That sister Gao accidentally glanced at him "how do you know?"

Ye Qidao "I am also from this school."

Sister Gao said with a smile, "It's a coincidence that our captain is the Conservatory, your alumni, maybe you know each other. By the way, he broke up looking for a place outside. I have informed them and will come in a few minutes."

Xiao Lou asked, "Is your team eight people?"

Sister Gao said, "We are 12 people, and there are 4 people carrying displacement cards and investigating nearby."

Everyone didn't talk much, Ye Qi really wanted to meet the alumni.

After a while, a man, three women and four people entered the warehouse.

The boy was tall, wearing a black coat, a scarf, a hat on his head, a pair of deep eyes and a pair of flying eyebrows, which made his features look very handsome. They belong to girls very much at school. Looks.

Ye Qi froze for a while, always feel that this person is familiar?

The boy didn't see him and turned to meet his teammates.

Sister Gao explained softly, "Captain, this warehouse is already occupied, and they are willing to keep us here for a night, and we will find another base when it is dawn."

The boy nodded and looked at Yu Hanjiang. "Thank you."

Ye Qi heard the deep voice, his back was stiff, and he pointed at the boy and asked, "You ... Are you Yang Cheng?"

The boy was also a little surprised. After seeing Ye Qi, he looked quite surprised. "Ye Qi?"

Teammates looked at each other. Sister Gao laughed and said, "Sure enough, it's a coincidence that you are all from the Conservatory."

Meeting alumni should have been a joy.

Really, why is this atmosphere weird? Ye Qi's face was as pale as hell?

Cheng Yang smiled slightly, walked in front of Ye Qi, and stretched out his hand, "I didn't expect to see you here."

Seeing the surrounding teammates looking at the two of them, Ye Qi took a deep breath to control his emotions, and said with a cold face, "I didn't expect that I could live so long! Probably because my vitality is like Xiaoqiang who can't die? Let you Disappointed, senior. "

Cheng Yang frowned slightly. "Did you get it wrong?"

Ye Qi waved his hand. "Nothing to say, you sleep yours and hurry away tomorrow morning. You are not welcome here."

He said he turned around and left the other person a back of his head. Cheng Yang shrugged and smiled. "I have some misunderstandings with this schoolboy. It's okay. Please rest first. I will explain to him tomorrow."

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang face each other.

Xiaoye is very enthusiastic about everyone, but his rejection of the senior is written on his face. What's going on?

Yu Hanjiang and Shao Qingge made a wink, "Ask."

Shao Qingge nodded and turned into the tent.

Ye Qi was sitting alone in the tent, his head was sullen.

Shao Qingge walked in and gently rubbed the boy's hair, jokingly, "What's the matter? Do you have any grudges with this senior? Is he robbing your girlfriend? Or, is he your ex boyfriend?"

Ye Qi raised his head and widened his eyes. "What boyfriend and girlfriend! He is in the secret room of the **** 3 financial crisis. He secretly took away my supplies and left the **** I went through alone!"

Shao Qingge's eyes, with a smile, suddenly flashed sharply.

He lowered his voice, saying verbatim, "You mean, he is the alumni who sent you to the nightmare room?"

Chapter 215 Chapter 20

When Xiao Lou, Yu Hanjiang, and Shao Qingge met Ye Qi in Spades 3, Xiaoye pretended to be a garbage collector, smeared with black ash, pushed a garbage truck, and sneaked into the night. Escape.

At first Xiao Lou thought that he was eavesdropping on everyone's customs ideas, but later learned that Ye Qi knew the development of the plot long ago. The reason he was so cautious was because he had experienced a **** 3 and failed to eliminate it. Tao 3's nightmare came out of the secret room.

According to Ye Qi's description, the first time he went to the closet of the financial crisis, he randomly matched an alumni. Since the other party was his senior, he was very happy to be matched with the alumni and follow the other party with confidence.

As a result, most of the supplies were stolen on the first day, leaving only one bag of milk and biscuits, not enough for two people to eat. Ye Qi also thought that if he ate less, let the senior eat more, he could resist hunger.

As soon as he woke up, the senior left with the supplies and left him alone.

He was penniless and at a loss, and a kind girl accepted him. Everyone went to the construction site, but was killed by the prisoners who escaped. Ye Qi was thrown into the nightmare room, and he survived by eating leaves for several days.

As for the senior, he had never seen him again.

I didn't expect to meet this person here!

Ye Qi was depressed and said, "Yes, Cheng Yang is still the school grass of our school. He has won awards in singing competitions. A record company has signed a contract with him. At that time, he randomly matched a team in Spades 3. I heard that he is a famous Cheng. Yang, I'm quite happy. I thought I would continue to team up with him to follow up the secret room in the future. I didn't expect that at the critical moment, he would leave me alone and run away. "

Shao Qingge's incredible face "School grass? Is your school grass at this level?"

Ye Qidao said, "Er ... he looks handsome?"

Shao Qingge said earnestly, "You are not half-looking."

Ye Qi was exaggerated with a red cheek. "Cough, that's over. I have a sense of self-knowledge. My face value is up to 6 points."

Shao Qingge smiled and said, "I can score 99 points in my heart, and deducting 01 is afraid of you being proud."

Ye Qi was amused by him, and his original depression was better than many "cough, no joke, objectively speaking, Cheng Ziyang really does look good, he released the record at a young age, is our school's biggest hit, his fan Quite a lot, many sisters and sisters still want to find him for signature. However, this kind of person is Jin Yu out of the ordinary, defeated, deceptive, and hypocritical! "

Hearing several idioms scolded in anger, Shao Qingge couldn't help smirking and comforting, "Since you know his true colors, you just don't deal with him. You can't be angry with this kind of person."

Ye Qidao "Well, this person is very unreliable. But his teammates are all innocent, and it is not good to just drive them away. Otherwise, you should tell Professor Xiao and Yu team, don't join forces with Cheng Ziyang, He left me in Spades 3, and took the goods alone to clear the customs. Maybe at a critical moment, he will also stab us behind his back, this kind of person is very selfish! "

Shao Qingge gently patted the back of Ye Qi's hand. "Relax, whoever betrayed you, how can we join forces with him?"

After a while, Shao Qingge went out of the tent and whispered the situation to Xiao Lou.

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang thought Ye Qi had any grievances with the senior in the school. Unexpectedly, the senior was actually the traitor who had swallowed supplies in the 3rd room of Spades and left Ye Qi alone.

Abandon your teammates and clear them by yourself, regardless of their lives?

Such a person, let alone join forces, Yu Hanjiang could not tolerate the sand at all, looked at Shao Qingge, and General Shao immediately walked to the other's tent, smiling and saying "Is Cheng Ziyang? Please find another place?" You are not welcome here. "

The named Cheng Ziyang's face changed, and he stepped out of the tent and laughed, "This elder brother, isn't it good to be inferior?"

Shao Qingge narrowed his eyes and stared at him. "It's better than you stealing your teammate's supplies and leaving your teammates alone. You can do this for the first time, and there will be a second ... I hate traitors the most. Would you like to say more clearly? "

The man in front of him looked handsome, although his face was smiling, his eyes were sharp like a sword.

Cheng Ziyang was guilty of staring at him, and immediately looked away.

The players around me couldn't help looking at each other, obviously they didn't know the captain's past.

Sister Gao laughed and said, "Is there something wrong with this gentleman? Our captain is very nice and always caring for everyone."

The glasses man also said, "Yeah, if there is a misunderstanding, explain it clearly?"

The corner of Cheng Ziyang's mouth twitched slightly, and soon changed into a smile, saying, "Ye Qi must have misunderstood. There was a thief in Room 3 of Spades, and there was a thief outside in the middle of the night. I chased it out, because the bag was on my back Ye Qi thought that I had stolen supplies. In fact, I went to the bed and breakfast to find him but I could not find him. I was also worried about him. "

Xiao Lou frowned. Why do you lie to three-year-olds? Chasing a thief late at night, chasing with supplies, don't wake up his teammates?

He has always been good-natured and polite to others, but this person's hypocrisy really made him disgusting, Xiao Lou interrupted the other side, and said lightly, "We trust Xiaoye's judgment, and leave your explanation to your teammates." It ’s different, it ’s not the same. Please leave as soon as possible. I do n’t want to rush people. ”

Cheng Ziyang had a guilty conscience, and he had no choice but to seduce his shoulders when he heard this. "Since then, let's go somewhere else. There isn't only one place to stay nearby." He waved and his teammates immediately put away The tent card turned and left.

Ye Qi heard the movement and poked his head out of the tent. "It's not good to drive them directly, wouldn't it offend people?"

Shao Qingge said, "What does it matter to offend such people? You don't need to be friends with them."

Ye Qi thought about it, and he was right. Anyway, when he saw this, Cheng Ziyang would remember his experience of eating leaves in the nightmare room. Cheng Ziyang would probably be guilty of seeing him. The two teams would definitely fail to cooperate, and each had the best.

He thought that the Yu team and Professor Xiao would be jealous of the distant associations, leaving this group of people. The personal grudges between himself and Cheng Ziyang were not good enough to rise to the team or even the guild. Unexpectedly, everyone was so neat and rushed directly!

Team Yu, Shao and Xiao Lou are really special guards-betrayed my teammates? Then go round smoothly.

Ye Qi warmly looked at the three and said, "Thank you, all because of me. Otherwise, maybe two strong teams can cooperate to fight against the zerg together. The strength of the distant association should be very strong. ... "

Xiao Lou came over with a smile, and patted Ye Qi's shoulder gently. "What stupid thing? This person almost killed you. If you were not tenacious enough, you might have died in the nightmare room. We don't directly take it." He is an innocent member who is concerned about the other members of the distant association. It is not good for the two teams to fight head-on. They can only drive them away, and it is best not to see this person again in the future. "

Ye Qi nodded strongly, "Well, seeing is not clear!"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Okay, everyone will rest first, don't you think about Xiaoye."

After returning to the tent, Ye Qi couldn't help feeling "there are too many people in the card world who use whatever means to clear the customs, and the teammates are still light, and those who directly kill the indigenous people and teammates are also countless. Fortunately, our Yu team And Professor Xiao are very reliable ... "

Shao Qingge laughed and said, "I am also reliable?"

Ye Qi nodded his head. "Of course, the father of the king is our strongest patron. Without you, we would all drink the northwest wind. How can we afford a villa in the main city."

Shao Qingge stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Ye Qi's hair. "The mouth is so sweet, I will definitely be able to mix it in the entertainment industry in the future."

After a while, he whispered again, "That Cheng Ziyang once left you and left you alone in the nightmare room, but now that you have us, no matter what happens in the future, I won't leave you, rest assured."

Ye Qi's heart warmed and he nodded hard. "Me too, when everyone suspected that you were infected that day, I said, even if you are really infected, I will do everything possible to take you through the customs."

Shao Qingge reluctantly helped the amount "don't say anymore, you are full of fg behind me."

Ye Qi "…………"

He didn't mean it!

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