Card Room

Chapter 428:

Chapter 427

When Lu Jiuchuan woke up and found that he was lying on the sofa, Tang Ci was still awake beside him. His face was pale, his brows were frowning, and his forehead was constantly sweating coldly, and he seemed to be in a terrible nightmare.

Was the clip that just flashed in my mind a dream or a memory reappear?

Lu Jiuchuan stepped forward, gently holding Tang Ci's hand and whispered "Xiao Tang, wake up."

Tang Ci was struggling in a nightmare, and suddenly heard a familiar voice calling him. He struggled to wake up from a nightmare and had deep eyes on the land of Jiuchuan.

Seeing him open his eyes, Lu Jiuchuan helped him to sit up and handed him a glass of water, "Drink some water."

Tang quit his cold sweat, the sweat had soaked his shirt, and even his hair was wet. The **** picture in his dream made him tremble uncontrollably, his fingers trembling and took over the glass, and took a few sips in a hurry.

The warm water slipped across his throat, his body gradually became warmer, and Tang Ci finally recovered his mind. He looked at Lu Jiuchuan, his voice sounded hoarse just now, "Brother, I just had a nightmare."

Lu Jiuchuan said, "Me too."

The two looked at each other, and Tang Ci quickly responded, "If the content of our dreams is the same, does it prove that it is not a dream, but a memory that we have experienced together but have been forgotten ?!"

After all, it was a flash in my mind when I was in a coma, maybe it was just a dream. But what if the dreams of two people are the same? That proves that everything in the dream is a real event they have experienced together.

Lu Jiuchuan said in a deep voice, "On February 17, 3000, my immediate boss, General Lin Zecheng, suddenly summoned me to destroy the lower-level Zerg on a black planet in the uninhabited area of ​​Hilt. Resource star. "

Tang Ci continued his words and said, "On the afternoon of the 17th, you will return to the Legion Army and tell me to leave for the Hilte No Man's Land on the 19th to prepare me. I asked you what task you were at. Get rid of some bugs. "

Yu Hanjiang heard this and looked at Lu Jiuchuan and said, "Brother, do you remember that we met once on February 18th, you said you would go to the mission, and you came back after a long time, I asked you about the mission, because of the military Special missions must be kept secret, you did n’t tell me ... the time is just right. "

Accept the mission on the 17th, say goodbye to Yu Hanjiang on the 18th, and depart on the 19th.

It seems that these fragmented pictures are really forgotten memories.

Xiao Lou walked to Yu Hanjiang and said, "Nine Brothers and Mr. Tang have never experienced the Spade 8 Chamber of Secrets, and have never seen this kind of Zerg, so they will ignore the enemy and encounter an accident while performing the mission in the Hilte no man ’s land?"

Lu Jiuchuan said with a sullen face, "General Lin told me that this planet is full of little bugs and no intelligent creatures. So, at first we didn't take the little bugs into mind, after we came here, we put a lot on the planet Gunpowder wanted to burn the Zerg, but the result was a fusion and upgrade of the Zerg. "

Recalling those experiences, Tang Ci's face couldn't help but become slightly white. "I remember that the Zerg evolved flying capabilities, and the vanguard troops we sent out were wiped out. Although the worms are afraid of fire, the number is too large, and they directly use the insect sea Tactics overwhelmed us, pierced our mechs with sharp wings, and even pierced the shield of the starship! "

Lu Jiuchuan said, "A lot of people have died in the legion. I was helpless and sent an emergency letter to the army."

Tang Ci continued: "Later, a woman's voice suddenly warned us that we should bury her people ... should it be the Queen of the Zerg? We just heard the same voice as the female voice in memory."

Yu Hanjiang frowned. "Later? So many Zergs, how did you escape?"

Lu Jiuchuan pressed the temple hard, he carefully recalled for a moment, and then said, "Someone should have saved us. The situation was extremely dangerous. The Zerg army has broken through the defensive cover of our starship, and even destroyed the balance system. The starship has no As the law took off, more and more Zerg entered the starship and started a fierce battle with our soldiers, Xiao Tang's legs ... "

He stopped here suddenly.

In the memory, he watched Tang Ci's legs with his own eyes, which were cut off by the sharp claws of the Zerg.

There was blood everywhere.

Tang Ci fainted, and Lu Jiuchuan was about to crack, and he threw himself tightly to hug Tang Ci ...

In fact, Tang Ci's leg was broken in the Meihuaj nightmare secret room. Only Tang Ci knew what happened at the time, and Lu Jiuchuan did not witness it with his own eyes. But this time in the secret room, the gatekeeper modified the plot. Tang Ci's legs were good at the beginning, and they were all cut off by the Zerg when they landed on Jiuchuan.

That scene Lu Jiuchuan didn't want to remember at all.

The unprecedented heartache has remained clearly in his mind until now. He watched Tang Ci fall in the pool of blood. His legs below his knees were torn off by the Zerg and left beside him. His heart seemed to be crumpled, and he could hardly breathe.

He is crazy and generally picks up his submachine gun, aiming at the swarm is a fierce pass!

Seeing the clusters of flames shooting out of the gun barrel, the Zerg were shocked and frightened, the harsh screams rang through the starship, and the Zerg that came from behind attacked Lu Jiuchuan more frantically.

Lu Jiuchuan's shoulder was pierced with a big hole by the Zerg's claws, and the blood was flowing like blood. He didn't feel any pain at all. He just wanted to kill this group of Zerg, and die with them!

It is a pity that he can't deal with so many Zerg at all.

It didn't take long for him to fall to the ground because of excessive blood loss.

Lu Jiuchuan felt that his consciousness gradually became blurred. He climbed up hard and hugged the Tang Ci fainted tightly, choked with sobs and said, "Xiao Tang, it was me who hurt you ... But I can die with you." , It ’s not bad. "

Before he lost consciousness completely, he heard a clear singing voice in his ear.

The sound seemed to come from the distant sky, like the sound of nature ...

Lu Jiuchuan closed his eyes, drove away the **** pictures in his mind, and suddenly turned to hug Tang Ci tightly.

His teammates were puzzled when he saw this action.

Tang Ci knows why Brother Jiu suddenly embraced himself. He remembered that at the moment when his legs were severed and the pain was about to faint, he saw the man rushing over to hug him like a mad beast, with a painful roar in his mouth, which was the last picture in his memory .

Lu Jiuchuan must have collapsed. Now I think of those pictures, and my emotions are normal.

Tang Ci reached out his hand and gently touched Lu Jiuchuan's back like Mao, and said softly, "It's okay, am I not standing here? The legs have also been cured, you don't have to be sad for me."

Lu Jiuchuan is not sad, he is just heartache.

Suddenly he thought how difficult it was for Tang Ci to lose his legs in Meihuaj's nightmare secret room. At that time, he was not beside Tang Ci ... Let Tang Ci face the pain and fear of losing his legs alone. This is the greatest regret of his life.

Perhaps the gatekeeper deliberately replayed Tang Ci ’s broken leg in front of his eyes to torture him so that he could clearly know how terrible nightmare Tang Ci had ever experienced.

He would rather be the one who had his limbs cut off, rather than Tang Ci suffer that kind of crime again.

Lu Jiuchuan tightened his arms and hugged Tang Ci hard. The body temperature in his arms made him feel at ease. It was nice. Tang Ci was still around and his legs were restored ... He secretly vowed that even if he tried his best. In the future, Tang Ci will never be injured.

Lu Jiuchuan took a deep breath to calm himself, let go of Tang Ci, turned to look at his teammates, and said seriously, "After Xiao Tang passed out, I was also injured when fighting with the Zerg, because the consciousness of excessive blood loss gradually blurred, before the coma. I heard a strange song. At that time, I thought I was dying, I heard the song from heaven. Now it seems that the song should be real. "

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang glanced at each other ... singing?

Yu Hanjiang said, "Is it from the people who saved you?"

Without knowing that these Zergs are highly intelligent creatures, Lu Jiuchuan set fire to kill many Zergs. The Queen was furious and told her to be buried with all the members. It is impossible to let them go easily.

The people who appear at the critical moment and rescue them are the key.

Xiao Lou sorted out the chronological order and said, "Nine Brother sent a distress signal to the military department, and the nearest legion could not arrive within a few minutes, so it is not the emperor group that rescued you."

Lu Jiuchuan nodded. "The military's statement is that we were attacked by alien creatures in the uninhabited area of ​​Hilte. The death and injury were heavy. The passing army rescued us, but the actual situation is definitely not the case."

Who saved Lu Jiuchuan and Tang Ci?

The only things Lu Jiuchuan and Tang Ci can recall are what happened after the coma. The two have no memory, and they naturally cannot know Xiao Lou.

Chu Huaying stood by the porthole and looked at the black planet at his feet. He suddenly said, "I wandered in the interstellar world since I was a child. There are Zerg in the Hilte no man's land, which I heard from my parents. This shows that humans are not For the first time on the Zerg planet. Do you remember the Queen ’s warning just now? "

She repeated, "Invade the Zerg homes and slaughter my people, you humans, have you done enough evil in these years?"

Shao Qingge frowned slightly. "The evils made in these years ... It seems that before the ninth brother, there were humans who slaughtered the Zerg? When I spoke to the queen just now, I could clearly feel her anger and her hatred of humans. Very strongly, will the Spade 8 Chamber of Zerg invade human cities, will it also be related to this matter? "

Although they first experienced Spades 8, the time flow rate of all the secret rooms in the card world can be adjusted. Perhaps, the slaughter of the Zerg by humans has led to the revenge of the Zerg?

In the 8-room Chamber of Spades, the entire human city fell. Except for dozens of surviving challengers, tens of millions of humans were almost completely infected by the Zerg and became puppets of the Zerg.

If there is a logical connection between Spade 8 and this Chamber of Secrets, is it very likely that it was a retaliatory invasion of the Zerg into humans? !

Xiao Lou felt more and more cold in his heart. He said, "This starship of Huaying was made according to the Zerg form. The predecessors on this star robber ship must have landed on the Zerg planet. Check it out? "

Chu Huaying simply nodded, "Okay, I called everyone to try."

Chapter 428

Chu Huaying has lived on the Starship Dark Night for 28 years. In memory, she has been wandering with her parents in the interstellar since childhood. Unfortunately, her parents died early. The Starship Dark Night never landed on the Zerg planet. It is also a half-knowledge.

At the order of Chu Huaying, more than 30 star robbers on the ship were all concentrated in the command room.

She began to question one by one, "Have you ever been to a Zerg planet? How much do you know about this planet?"

Most of the star thieves have limited knowledge. I heard from my parents that there are bugs on this planet. We do n’t know exactly what the bugs are. The scene of Zerg integration just now made many people scared and pale.

Yu Hanjiang is more professional than Chu Huaying. He wears a mask and stands next to Chu Huaying. He carefully observes the expressions and movements of these star robbers. When Chu Huaying found an old man with gray hair, Yu Hanjiang suddenly leaned in her ear and said, "When the old man heard the Zerg Planet, his eyes dodged, and his right hand subconsciously flinched his back. He clearly knew what."

Body language is also very important. In many cases, Yu Hanjiang can judge whether the suspect is telling the truth or falsehood based on subtle body language. This is his valuable experience of interrogating criminals for many years.

Chu Huaying agreed, focusing on questioning the old man in front of him.

The old man is more than 50 years old. He is a star thief of the same generation as Chu Huaying's father. He is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the starship. He usually does not show up very much, but Chu Huaying remembers him.

She walked in front of the other party and said with a warm voice, "Uncle Qin, you grew up watching me grow up. Now that I am the captain of the Starship Dark Night, should I have the right to know some secrets? Otherwise, I will be like today, Wouldn't it hurt everyone by accidentally driving the starship to the Zerg planet? "

The old man shuddered suddenly, gritted his teeth and refused to speak.

Chu Huaying said, "These worms suddenly flew over and attacked us. What is the reason? The Zerg Queen said that the evils we humans have done over the years are not enough ... Do you know what she means? Tell me, please?"

The old man was silent for a moment before his voice was hoarse, and he slowly said, "Twenty-three years ago, we wandered around the interstellar, and accidentally discovered that there are a lot of precious minerals on this planet. We landed on the mine, and wanted to mine some. The minerals are sold in various countries, but they are surrounded by countless bugs. "

"We were taken aback, just about to pick up the weapon, but was stopped by the former captain. Those Zerg did not attack us, just watched us curiously. The captain said, we only have more than thirty people, and do not know this Zerg ’s ability, do n’t rashly hurt the native race here, it is better to communicate and negotiate with them. "

"But humans and Zerg have no language. We don't know how to negotiate. We talked for a long time. Those Zergs just turned around us curiously and didn't give any response. So the captain thought of an idea. He took the initiative to approach the Zerg. He had a wound on his hand, and the bugs crawled into his body along the wound ... "

Chu Huaying's face changed. "And then? Did he become a Zerg?"

"No, he conquered the Zerg living in the body." Mentioning the captain, the old man's face could not help raising an admiring look, he coughed a little, and then said, "The magic is that the captain has the ability of the Zerg, He also understands the language of the Zerg. He went to talk to the Queen of Zerg and told him that we were only taking some ore that is waste to the Zerg but extremely precious to us. "

"Has the queen agreed?"

"She agreed." The old man said, "Those minerals are **** for the Zerg, but they can help mankind make armor. Fortunately, the nutrient solution that we carry to cultivate plants can just help the queen accelerate the reproduction of the rug."

There is indeed a greenhouse on the Starship Dark Night, dedicated to the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. After all, the star robbers have been wandering in the universe for a long time, and they cannot always eat compressed biscuits. Now that science and technology are developed, nutrient solutions have been fully popularized and can accelerate the growth of crops. A Chinese cabbage can mature in just a few days.

Unexpectedly, this nutrient solution actually works for Zerg?

Xiao Lou suddenly had a bold conjecture in his heart, and he asked, "So, you have reached an agreement with the Zerg Queen, your nutrient solution will help her breed the rug, and she will let you mine the planet's minerals?"

The old man glanced at Xiao Lou. The young man was wearing a mask and could not see his face. His eyes were black and clear, his voice was very gentle ... He didn't know whether he should answer.

Chu Huaying said lightly, "They have decided to join the Star Pirates, they are their own people, uncle Qin you just say."

The old man nodded and said, "We are in peace with the Zerg on this planet, and we designed a new starship according to the Zerg shape. After that, we mine a lot of ore and sell it, and continue to deliver nutrient solution to help the queen to put the bacteria blanket Spread the whole planet. Those three years were the best three years our star robber team had ... "

In the next plot, Chu Huaying could almost guess, "You sell a lot of precious ores, and the profits you get make many people jealous. They will definitely doubt the source of the ores and find ways to track you?"

Uncle Qin closed his eyes in pain and clenched his fists. “Yes. We were tracked by anti-reconnaissance drones when we went to the Zerg planet to mine ore. This hidden resource star was used by the minister of the Luoke Empire Resources Department. Found. Then, he turned to the Ministry of the Army and sent a legion to kill the Zerg and occupy the resource star ... "

Recalling the pictures of that year, Uncle Qin trembles all over the body, he choked with so many words: "Star robbers were countless dead and wounded, and only a few people left in the starship to escape, including me and your parents."

Chu Huaying frowned. "That is to say, the Emperor discovered this resource star by tracking you. Because the minerals on the planet are too rich, they don't know that the Zerg are intelligent creatures. They simply sent troops to kill them?"

Qin Laobao said, "Yes, after all, in their eyes, our star thieves should have been killed. We seized the resource star and made huge profits. Of course, they would kill us and the Zerg in one pot ... but they did n’t expect the Zerg to be so terrible. Failed to destroy the Zerg, but the Zerg desperately resisted, so that the troops they sent were almost completely annihilated. Only a few people survived and drove away with the fastest S-class armor. "

Xiao Lou asked, "What about your old captain?"

Uncle Qin was silent for a moment and whispered, "He was taken away."

"That is to say, the captain who merged with the Zerg was captured by the military back to the capital star?"

"Yes, after he merged with the Zerg, he evolved a very strong ability, which would not have been caught, but there were too many troops sent at that time. In order to protect us, he drove the armor to face the battle, the combat capabilities of the elite empire. It is also very strong, directly trapping the captain ’s armor and taking it away with an electromagnetic network ... "

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang glanced at each other. Although they were separated by a mask, the two thought of the same possibility at this moment.

Chu Huaying said, "Uncle Qin, what else do you know, let us know."

The old man sighed and said, "Because the old captain often chatted with the queen after the fusion with the Zerg, the queen of the Zerg also learned the human language. When we fled in the starship, I heard her say that humans should not step into the Zerg planet again. Half a step, otherwise one will kill one. Because of this, we never dared to land on the Zerg planet. "

He looked at Chu Huaying with a regretful expression. "If I knew that you ran to the Zerg Planet today, I would definitely stop it! Huaying, don't be so impulsive anymore, the Zerg is not so annoying!"

Chu Huaying nodded. "Thank you Uncle Qin, I know, you go back and rest."

After the old man left, all the people took off their masks.

Everyone's face is very ugly.

Ye Qi concluded: "Star thieves inadvertently found that Zerg's territory has ores that humans need. Negotiate with Zerg for mutual benefit ... However, star thieves are becoming more greedy and selling more and more minerals, which has attracted the attention of the Ministry of Resources. After discussing with the Ministry of Empire Resources and the Army, they decided to annihilate the Star Pirates and the Zerg, and occupy the Resource Star, but it triggered a fierce resistance from the Zerg. In the end, both defeated, and the Zerg planet was hit hard. Was caught; the troops were almost wiped out? "

If the military department was able to relax its attitude towards the negotiations with the Zerg Queen at that time, tragedy would not result.

However, the first time I see these seemingly "weak" bugs, humans are born from the arrogance of "higher creatures", and will subconsciously think ... aren't they just some low-level bugs? With a handful of fire, this planet is ours.

The fact gave them a headache.

Ye Qi's summary made the teammates feel heavy, especially Lu Jiuchuan who had suffered a loss was even more regretful. However, that was the plot set by the gatekeeper to him and Tang Ci, what happened before they entered the Chamber of Secrets. If it was Lu Jiuchuan himself, he would never act rashly.

Yu Hanjiang suddenly whispered, "The captain of the starship was captured 20 years ago, and also the year that Noah's Ark plans to restart."

In the year 2977 of the ephemeris, the star thief discovered the Zerg planet, sold minerals, and made huge profits. After three years of moisturizing.

In the 2980 Ephemeris, the star robber was tracked by the military department. The military department executed the plan to destroy the zerg. It was almost wiped out by the whole army. The only gain was to catch the former star robber who was integrated with the zerg.

In the same year, Noah's Ark plans to restart.

Will it be a coincidence?

Xiao Lou took a deep breath and said, "The first Noah's Ark project failed in 2975 because of a problem with the culture medium, and the copied children did not live long, and the experiment was forced to stop. We have been wondering why the 2980 project It will restart, and now it seems that this planned restart has a great correlation with the discovery of the Zerg! "

What a coincidence in time!

It was exactly that year that mankind suffered a loss on the Zerg planet. It happened to catch a star thief that merged with the Zerg. It did n’t take long before Noah ’s Ark planned to restart and invested 3 billion to study the replicator again.

Xiao Lou had long speculated that the planned restart was because the experimental technology had been greatly improved, and now it seems that this improvement may also be inspired by the Zerg.

Yu Hanjiang followed his words and speculated that "Human cultures of vegetables and fruits can accelerate the reproduction of Zerg fungus blankets. So ... can Zerg genes also accelerate human development?"

Xiao Loudao "If this is the case, scientists will definitely take the star robbers they took back for experiments. Maybe they extracted the Zerg genes from his body and added some of the gene fragments to the gene sequence of the copied human cells?"

Xiao Lou took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly, trembling. "The second experiment, the reason why it is so smooth, the copied child can grow up quickly, consistent with the age of the body-because, crazy scientist, actually Hybridized and modified human genes! "

When teammates heard this, they only felt cold in the back.

Add the Zerg genes to the human gene sequence, what if there is a mutation? Are they crazy? !

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