Card Room

Chapter 552:

Chapter 552, The Final Challenge

When Yu Hanjiang woke up, he found that there was an endless desert around him. A gust of wind blew by, and the grit hit his face like a knife. Yu Hanjiang immediately covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve.

He looked around and saw other teammates around him-this time, the 12-person team was not broken up, and because of this, the crisis they are about to face is probably the most difficult crisis in history.

Xiao Lou was lying flat on the ground next to him. His forehead had recovered, and there was no trace of injury. He was just blown with sand, and half of his face was buried in sand.

Yu Hanjiang hurriedly walked over to support Xiao Lou, helped him wipe the dust off his face, and whispered, "Xiao Lou, wake up."

Xiao Lou opened his eyes and looked at the endless desert around him. He couldn't help but startled, "Is it a survival mode?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded, "It is very likely to survive in the desert."

At this moment, the other teammates also woke up.

Ye Qi was about to open his mouth to speak, but a gust of sand hit him. He was blown full of sand. Ye Qi's eyes widened. He spit out the sand in a few mouthfuls and complained, "Tell us to the desert? This is the so-called. The... final challenge?"

Tang Ci calmly patted the sand on his body "As expected."

Ye Qi looked back at him, "Mr. Tang had guessed it was a copy of the desert?"

Tang Ci said, "Everyone has gone through all kinds of harsh environments until now, and have never seen a desert. The arrangement of an endless desert this time also echoes the personalities of the gatekeepers who like to torture people."

Lu Jiuchuan put his hands around his chest, raised his eyebrows and said, "This big and small king is really annoying. After the relay mission, I will come to the team desert to survive...Isn't the desert island survival before Han Jiang, isn't it a spade? "

Xiao Lou finally understood how the blood stains on Yu Hanjiang and Lu Jiuchuan came from. He looked at Yu Hanjiang, who calmly said, "We two survived on a deserted island, and the difficulty is the most a grade. This time, the desert survival with all our members is Real SS level."

Lao Mo looked around, and sighed, "The vast desert makes it easy to get lost. We don't have a compass in our hands, and we are not familiar with the surrounding environment. Can this be a way out?"

Liu Qiao asked, "Uncle Mo can't tell the direction here?"

Lao Mo smiled bitterly, "I need a reference to distinguish the direction. The front, back, left, and right are all the same sand. The sun hangs above my head, and I can't tell the south, east and north. I can’t stay there and wait for the sun to set ?"

Xiao Lou looked away thoughtfully.

There is no end to the desert at a glance, the vast, vast, barren, and vast world, as if there are only twelve of them left. Such a scene is a great shock to the soul, and it is also what Xiao Lou has seen in his life. The most spectacular view.

Unfortunately, they are not here to travel, they are here to survive.

The scorching sun was scorching the ground, and they only stood in the desert for less than two minutes before they felt their feet were about to be scalded by the hot sand. This is simply the legendary desert that "put the eggs on the ground to be steamed soon"!

The heat under your feet makes everyone sweat, how can you walk on foot in such an environment?

They are short of food, no water, no compass to tell the direction, and no means of transportation... Isn't this a dead end to leave twelve unprepared people in the middle of the desert?

Seeing Xiao Lou's serious expression, everyone realized the precarious situation.

For survival in the wild, Yu Hanjiang and Lu Jiuchuan have the most experience with this. Xiao Lou looked at the two and asked in a low voice, "Han Jiang, Brother Nine, do you have any good ideas?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Go into the Peach Blossom Spring and discuss it again, otherwise, if you stand under the sun and have not discussed the result, you will get heat stroke."

Xiao Lou's sweat was about to soak his shirt, and he hurriedly summoned Tao Yuanming.

However, at the moment when he was about to use the skill, a prompt popped up in the floating box——

Welcome everyone to the final level of the Double Kings Secret Chamber Desert Survival Game

Clearance requires 3 days to survive in the desert

Special reminder that all card skills have been refreshed, and all cards become limited cards, which will be damaged immediately after one use

s Anyway, you don’t want to stay in the card world. You can’t take these cards with you. Use one card and discard one card.

Xiao Lou "..."

He almost laughed at the continuous prompts.

The card can only be used once, and for everyone, this rule is simply worse. Originally, Tao Yuanming’s Peach Blossom Spring could be used once a day and could be teleported multiple times; Yeqi’s instrument cards and control skills could be refreshed in just ten seconds... Now all cards have become limited cards, with one card, One less.

If they use too many cards at the beginning and run into trouble in the later stage, they will become lambs to be slaughtered.

Xiao Lou reluctantly put Tao Yuanming away, he didn't want such a key skill as Taohuayuan to become the removal of everyone's "shadow".

Yu Hanjiang frowned, and said, "The sun is very hot, please bear with me first."

Having said that, he took out a two-person tent. This was the reward card issued by Zhou Chang’s secret room. Almost everyone had one. It didn’t hurt to dispose of it when it was used up. After the tent was taken out, Yu Hanjiang and Lu Jiuchuan quickly moved the entire The tent was disassembled and folded to form a huge "umbrella" to cover the scorching sun.

Although the high temperature of the desert cannot be blocked with an umbrella, at least, after the hot sun is blocked, the skin is no longer directly exposed to the hot sun, and everyone feels much better. If the sun goes on like this, it is estimated that everyone will be blistered and peeled.

Yu Hanjiang went under the "sunshade" and whispered, "Let's count the food resources."

The crowd gathered together and took out all the cards on their bodies for statistics.

Lu Jiuchuan frowned. "Each person can get a bottle of milk, a piece of chocolate, a bottle of mineral water and a pack of instant noodles with a supply card per person. If it is in an environment such as a forest or desert island, these foods are barely able to be eaten. After all, you can use local materials to eat wild fruits and hunt game, but this desert environment..."

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you, while silent.

Can't eat sand, right? !

Yuhan River Road "Moreover, in the desert with long sunshine and high temperature, water resources will be extremely scarce. Once dehydrated, it will be more difficult to handle."

Lu Jiuchuan pondered for a moment. "Looking at this situation, we may not be able to find an oasis. If, from the beginning to the end, we must live in a desert environment for three days... People can survive for three days without eating or drinking. The usual survival mode, at least It started in seven days, but this time we were asked to live three days. Why do I have a bad feeling?"

Tang Ci said, "Your hunch is always accurate. The shorter the survival time requirement, the greater the pressure on survival."

Yu Hanjiang nodded, "Well, the crisis has been condensed within three days. It is not only a shortage of food. There may also be attacks by alien animals in the desert, or hunters."

The more people listened, the more they felt frightened.

To survive in this desert for three days, it sounds like three days is very short, but who knows what will happen in three days?

Xiao Lou looked at everyone helplessly and said, "Don't be too discouraged, so many difficulties, we have all survived, only the last step. No matter what, everyone must stick to it."

Yu Hanjiang suggested, “We don’t have transportation, so don’t move blindly for now. My idea is that we will rest during the day and then hurry up at night. As a result, the temperature at night is relatively low and there is no scorching sun. It will be easier for everyone to act. ; Secondly, there will be stars in the sky at night, and you can rely on Polaris to locate and distinguish the direction, so you won’t get lost."

Old Mo said, "Yes, the stars in the desert are much brighter than in the cities. Relying on the North Star to identify the direction can't go wrong. In ancient times, many caravans to the Western Regions relied on the stars to recognize their way."

Gui Yuanzhang suddenly interjected, "In addition to various wild beast attacks and hunters, everyone has overlooked one thing."

Everyone looked back at him.

Senior Gui said calmly, "Maliciousness from nature-for example, sandstorms."

When everyone heard this, their hearts felt cold.

How can I forget this!

Sandstorm refers to a catastrophic weather phenomenon in which strong winds lift up a large amount of sand and soil particles on the ground, which makes the air turbid and greatly reduces visibility.

You know, usually in the northwestern cities, the occasional sandstorms are enough to cause headaches. With strong winds and dusty, the visibility in the field of vision has shrunk sharply. Plastic bags, newspapers, and debris in the trash cans on the streets will be destroyed. Flying into the air, flying everywhere, it's like the end of the world.

Once a sandstorm blows up in the desert, it will not only be described as "the end of the world".

That is a natural disaster that can destroy everything.

The terrible wind and sand swept over, overwhelming the sky. Not to mention people, the sandstorm in the desert can submerge a building in an instant.

When Chu Huaying heard this, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, "Go home, can you stop the crow's mouth?"

Gui Yuanzhang said calmly, "I'm just reminding everyone. Don't ignore this possibility. Take precautions in advance. It's better than rushing around then."

Xiao Lou agreed and said, "Our seniors are right. This mission allowed us to survive for 3 days. With such a short period of time, there will definitely be many crises. We can't relax our vigilance for a moment, in case there really is a sandstorm..."

Yu Hanjiang said with a solemn face, "Nothing in case, look over there."

The crowd followed his gaze and looked back.

I saw in the distance, a row of tens of meters of wild sand with no end in sight, like a galloping army, swept toward them quickly!

The dust raised by the violent wind covered the sky and the sun, and the entire desert seemed to be uprooted and buckled down again. The yellow sand was rushing wildly, almost swallowing everything in this world!

The teammates were so shocked by the terrifying sight that they could not speak.

Ye Qi trembled, "Sand, sandstorms are really coming..."

Lu Jiuchuan couldn't help cursing, "Grass, this is what the twin kings gave us---meeting gift?"

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