1145 Chapter 1142 Amulet

Chapter 1142 Amulet

The silvery moon shines, and the darkness covers the entire sky.

“I must be crazy!”

A black shadow appeared on the corner of the street, covering a large face with a hat, and it was Simon!

I don’t know why, just for a moment of curiosity, after entering the small shop, after seeing the Vudu teachings, he always has a voice echoing inside:

Hey…get it! I have to get it!”

Even so, the cost of a gold punk obviously exceeds his ability.

So, Simon is ready to use his own way, a means of not seeing light.

In the rebellious juvenile stage, he did everything that the adults hated: alcoholism, declining parties, fighting… even with an old golden finger, learned a profitable craft.

“I have noticed the lock of the grocery store, it is easy to open it… At that time, I might still be able to take something else…”

Walking on the deserted streets, Simon feels that his reason is gradually returning: “But… how can I believe that there is a mysterious power in the world? Are only able to buy the grocery store from the old Javier, the owner must be very Money!鈥?/p>

Even he did not find out that although his reason has always denied extraordinary power, many factors in the world still pushed him to the store.

“Hey! Hey!”

After turning a corner, Simon suddenly heard his ears and heard the sound of chewing.

“So late, who will eat outside, and make such a loud voice?”

With a hint of curiosity, he slowly stepped forward and entered a dark little lane.

At the end of the alley is a wall with a few trash cans on the side.

At this point, there are two black figures, lying on the ground, seemingly swallowing something.


Simon felt cold in his hands and feet, swallowed his own spit and slowly retreated.

It seems that the sound is too loud, and the two shadows turned their heads, showing a pair of bloody eyes.

And by the moonlight, you can also see a corpse lying on the ground with a smashed belly, eyes wide open, and various visceral blood flow to the ground.


Simon made a scream of a change, and the fart fled.

In the middle of the night, this scene immediately reminded him of the legendary ghoul.



Behind him, the two steps are getting closer and closer, bringing a gust of wind.

Simon only felt a huge force hit and immediately fell to the ground.

He quickly rolled forward and turned around and saw the ghouls near the two.

They are wearing black trench coats, their skin is dry and tight, and they seem to have lost their vitality. Their hands are claws, bloody eyes, greedy desires, and staring at Simon.

“Ghoul! There are really ghouls!!!”

Simon’s forehead is so cold and sweaty that he can’t believe it.

But at this time, the other’s claws, as well as the rancid mouth with dripping saliva, are constantly approaching.

“No! No! I don’t want to die!”

He feels a little wet between his legs, his hands constantly supporting and crawling to the back, a sense of death that has flooded him. My heart.

The next moment, just as the ghoul’s claws stick out and he is about to reach his face, Simon seems to think of something and immediately pops it out loud:

Electric light rolling thunder,

Let me calm, please courage,

When the electric light is thundering,

The light from the evening prayer makes me feel at ease

Go away, the evil ghoul, and leave with you…”

He lost his eyes and completely subconsciously stalked the inscription in his mind. .

The two ghouls heard the sound, but they suddenly stopped moving, and they continued to retreat, and they were full of unwillingness.

“The protection spell in the Voodoo Code? Was it really effective?”

Simon stayed a bit, but saw the ghouls ready to move forward, immediately Continue with the trembling voice: “Go away, the evil ghoul, leave with you!”

Under the mantra, the two ghouls slowly retreat into the darkness, disappeared. Trace.


Simon spits out a long breath and feels that his legs are weak and he can’t stand up.

Hey! ! !

Just then, a shrill police whistle came from afar.

If it was a minute ago, Simon would be happy to look for the help of the inspectors.

But now, he is hesitating.

After all, he has also committed some things before, and he has a criminal record. What’s more, he is not planning to do good things tonight.

If you are caught, you can’t explain the problem, especially the dead body.

As soon as he thought of the body, Simon quickly climbed up and quickly moved away from the scene.

Otherwise, how can I respond to the inspector’s transcript, is it said that it was attacked by ghouls? He does not want to be sent to do a spiritual assessment.

“That is the Voodoo… I must get it!”

I thought of the ghoul, and the magical spell, Simon鈥檚 eyes brightened and felt together The new door is being opened in front of you.


In the morning, Fang Yuan opened the store door and lazily stretched out: “Good morning! Mr. Fred!”

“Good morning, Mr. Andy!” A fat man on the opposite side obviously has some regrets: “How good the weather is… I mean, isn’t it usually the maids of your family who come out to open the door?”

“You said Molly?” Fang Yuan said with a smile: “She was busy last night, I sent her to make coffee.”

“I… all night?” Fred’s eyes widened and he felt his confidence was greatly crushed: “I really admire you, Mr. Andy, is there any secret?”

“Secret? It’s very simple… “Fang Yuan turned around and saw the lady who was carrying a bread basket back and suddenly stopped.”

“Lucy… Good morning!” Fred and Fang Yuan glanced at each other and wisely ended the previous topic: “Buy the bread so soon?”

“Well…” Lucy, a female neighbor, has some souls: “Gentlemen, have you heard that? In the first two streets, a murder case has occurred and the scene has been blocked.”

” Robbery? Or murder?鈥?/p>

Fred apparently came to interest.

“Not… I heard the scene… terrible!” Lucy’s face showed a hint of fear and ran back home.

Fang Yuan shrugged his shoulders, returned to the store, and picked up a newspaper.

After half an hour, the first guest entered the store and angered a small bottle on the table: “I want to return!”

“It’s you, Nietzsche!鈥?Fang Yuan yawned boringly: 鈥淭his shop is sold, it will not be returned!鈥?/p>

鈥淵ou clearly said this is the water of Spiritual Awakening, but I used it for one night yesterday, nothing. Didn’t see it!” Nietzsche argued.

“Young boy, this is the water of Spiritual Awakening, but you didn’t listen to me, just 鈥榟ave a certain probability’!鈥?Fang Yuan shrugged his shoulders.


Nietzsche is speechless, revealing the grief of 鈥榶ou are a profiteer鈥?

“Sorry, bother!”

At this moment, a female inspector wearing a black uniform carrying a gun came into the store and presented a document: “I am Trainee inspector Vivian, there is one thing to ask the owner!”

“I am, what’s the matter? Beautiful lady…”

Fang Yuan smiles forward.

This female inspector has a well-balanced muscle of the cheetah, a body-building figure, and a more serious look on the face, so that Nietzsche did not dare to speak, and secretly took a few eyes.

“For the murder case that happened last night, I need to do some routine questions. Do you know Mr. Capone?”

“Kapong, don’t know!” Fang Yuan shook his head. .

“Someone testified yesterday afternoon, I saw him patronizing here!” The female inspector suddenly looked suspicious: “He is wearing a blue plaid shirt, black leather shoes…”

“It turned out to be him!”

Fang Yuan suddenly realized: “That is a strange guest. I came to my store for the first time. You know, madam, I can’t register every customer’s name. This is really a generous guest. I bought one of my ‘Ghoul’s Claws’. I have to say that his eyes are really good. This is one of the few treasures in the store…”

After hearing this sentence, Nietzsche rolled his eyes and revealed his disapproval.


The female inspector’s eyes picked up slightly.

“Yes, sterling silver, inlaid with a ghoul’s claw fragments…price five silver sir!” Fang Yuan honestly confessed: “What happened to him?”

“Attacked, confirmed death…” Vivian’s female inspector replied blankly: “There is no talisman you said…”


Fang Yuan takes the boxing palm: “I know, it must be robbery and killing! The thief can really have a vision, know the value of this talisman…”

This time, even Vivienne has some white eyes: “Please don’t make unnecessary guesses, Mr. Andy! Did Karpn show any abnormality when he came to you yesterday?”

After some questions and answers, she received Speeding book: “Thank you for your cooperation. I have the right to call you at any time before the case is closed!”

After the female inspector went out, Simon walked in, pale and scary, a bunch of Change is on the counter: “A gold punk, hurry up and give me the Voodoo code!”

Molly screamed and collected the change, it was unwilling.

She waited for the thief for one night yesterday, who knows that the other party has not come.

“Well, it’s yours!”

Fang Yuan also gave Simon the big bloody red head regardless of how the money was collected by Simon.

This large transaction immediately opened the eyes of Nietzsche next to him.

At this moment, Simon was squatting and asked in a trembling voice: “Mr….Do you believe that this world has…the existence of ghosts?”

< p> “Of course!” Fang Yuan replied without hesitation: “Otherwise, where did you say the mystery goods from this store came from?”

“There is nothing roaming around here, like… …Ghouls?!”

Simon stared at Fang Yuan’s eyes.

“Ghoul? Don’t know…” Fang Yuan shrugged his shoulders: “But if you are troubled by ghouls, I recommend the Ghoul Charm, which only needs five Silver Sor!! Are only, this talisman can only be used by mentally determined people. Otherwise, it may be easier to call the hostility of the ghoul…”

(End of this chapter)

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