Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 180: Laboratory report [One more, please! 】

"Chenchen? What's the matter? When did the school issue a certificate and regulations? Don't worry, I'll go back right away!" Li Xing said and hung up the phone. Speaking of which, Li Xing is still very happy that Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue can live at home. Because Li Xing discovered that he is not a person who likes to be quiet and alone. The presence of Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue somewhat eased Li Xing's mentality. The most important thing is that although Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue have not lived in for a long time. But Li Xing has become accustomed to the existence of the two. Suddenly, I heard Shen Chen saying that he would go back to school and leave. Li Xing's heart suddenly panicked.

Li Xing left the company immediately and drove home.

Here, when Shen Chen called, Wang Yuxue was in the car. And all the things in the car are two people's things, which means that the two have moved.

When Li Xing returned home, Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue could no longer be seen. The two people's room was empty. Neither of them left anything.

Li Xing leaned against the door and lit a cigarette. Thinking about why Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue left suddenly. But I can't think of a reason. During this period of time, there was nothing unusual about the two of them. Why did you leave suddenly? Is it true that such a rule has appeared in the school?

No, Li Xing decided to find Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue. At the very least, he had to ask questions. Li Xing already regarded Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue as good friends, and even had other ideas. The two left suddenly. It made Li Xing suddenly feel as if something was missing or something was missing.

In fact, this is a problem that a person is accustomed to. They are used to existence, but now they don’t exist. Of course they will be disappointed. The direct response to disappointment is to make people feel like they have lost something.

However, when Li Xing drove into the SD campus, he remembered. It seemed that he didn't know the location of Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue at all. What's more, Li Xing now only knows that Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue are freshmen studying economics. I don't know anything else. Where can I find it?

After Li Xing drove the car around the entire campus without finding the shadows of Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue, he had to give up. What else can I do? If you are in a hurry, you should worry about this period of time. The two can't avoid themselves, right? Well, Li Xing is thinking now. What caused Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue to move away?

School rules? Shit rules. This reason can be completely ruled out. So since it is not affected by external factors, it is the result of internal factors. The internal factor? Is it your own reason?

Li Xing began to think about his own reasons. Well, Li Xing thought about it, but only thought of one reason. That is that Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue like themselves. And that time I happened to see Zhang Qian entering her room but did not come out. In the morning, I saw Zhang Qian coming out of her room. So, the two are jealous!

Khan, Li Xing sweated violently for his thought. Is he too passionate? Well, Li Xing does not deny the goodwill of Shen Chen and Wang Yuxue at all, but this goodwill does not extend to this extent, right? Well, forget it, since the two were avoiding themselves, they meant not to face Li Xing. Then Li Xing simply put it down first. As long as the two are still in SD, there will be one day to meet again sooner or later, right?

Li Xing did not return to the company first. Instead, I went to the villa. Because the wheat in the different space has matured again.

The wheat in the different space was collected and planted again. Li Xing hurried back to the company.

However, before returning to the company, the phone rang again.

"Sister Xu, are you back?" Li Xing stopped the car on the side of the road and answered the phone.

"Well, I just arrived in Jecheng. Today at noon, I will invite you to dinner. Thank you for your help this time." Xu Man said with a smile: "I know you don't want to hear the word thank you. But if I don't say it If it comes out, I think it will be very uncomfortable." Xu Man emphasized it, so as not to let Li Xing say more on this issue.

"All right." Li Xing smiled and said: "But, just this time. Thank you, unloading, you want to unload me to seven or eight yuan?"

Xu Man froze for a moment, and then said with a sweet smile: "Hehe, you are really funny."

"This is not funny, this is the breadth and depth of our Chinese language." Li Xing said solemnly.

"Well, I'll wait for you at the school gate. When can you come?" Xu Man said, "I'm at the school gate now."

"Let's do it then." Li Xing started the car and said, "I'll go there right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Xing smiled helplessly. It seems that you just came out of there, right? Well, this noon time will pass immediately. It's almost time for lunch. Li Xing found that this time seemed to pass too quickly.

From a distance, I saw Xu Man standing at the door of SD. However, Li Xing saw Chen Snake as if he was there.

Li Xing drove the car up to Xu Man and rolled down the window.

"Sister Xu." Li Xing said with a smile: "Have you waited a long time?"

"Is it long?" Xu Man looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "Your speed is too fast?"

"Hehe, I know that you are back today. When you called. I was already on the road!" Li Xing pondered for a while and said with a smile: "Is this the legendary heart that has a clear understanding?"

"Fuck you!" Xu Man said with a blank look at Li Xing: "Who is in touch with you!"

"Brother Chen, you have worked hard. Go back and let Brother Zhang treat you well. Let me see if I have time in the evening. You tell Brother Zhang, let's get together!" Li Xing put his head out the window and stood on the side. Chen She said.

"Shao Li, don't work hard. These are all trivial things. I must bring the words. Then, Shao Li, shall we go back first?" Chen She said with a smile.

"Well, it's a hard work!" Li Xing waved his hand, and Chen She's car drove away immediately.

Xu Man got into Li Xing's car here.

Soon, Li Xing and Xu Man went to a restaurant. Originally, Xu Man suggested to eat western food, but Li Xing was really not interested in western food at all. Therefore, I chose such a restaurant. No stars, not luxurious, but very affordable and delicious. Li Xing used to eat here, not far from school. Li Xing is also taking care of Xu Man. After all, Xu Man's family had just experienced such a thing. There are many places where money is needed.

"Here..." Xu Man smiled and said: "Shall we change the place?"

"Could it be that Sister Xu Man is afraid of spending too much money here?" Li Xing smiled and said: "I still said that, we are friends, is it only if you ask me to have a good meal, can you show that you are not thankful to me? If this is the case, then Xu Man is too tacky, right? I tell you, you will try it later, the dishes here are very good."

Xu Man glanced at Li Xing gratefully and knew that Li Xing was saving himself money.

"Okay, this thing is over. Don't think too much about it." Li Xing poured a cup of tea for Xu Man and said softly.

"Li Xing." Xu Man pondered and said, "I... can I go to your fruit shop to work?"

Li Xing frowned. Obviously, this incident was still quite stimulating to Xu Man. The financial pressure of the family forced Xu Man to make such a choice.

"Sister Xu, are there difficulties at home? I still have some money here, if you..." Li Xing said softly.

"Li Xing, it's not like that." Xu Man interrupted Li Xing and said: "I have already borrowed your money. I just want to make some money by my own ability."

"It can be, and I also welcome you with both hands. After all, Sister Xu is a high-achieving student in economic management." Li Xing said with a smile, "However, Sister Xu decides whether she made such a choice. What's the future development direction? Don't take the official career path?"

Xu Man smiled bitterly and said, "The official career? I found out this time. The official career is not suitable for me at all."

Li Xing frowned. It seems that Xu Man's affairs also involve local officials. However, since Chen She didn't say anything, it was settled. But obviously, this also had a certain impact on Xu Man.

However, Li Xing was still very satisfied with Xu Man's current choice in his heart. No other thoughts. In Li Xing's view, a girl like Xu Man who has no foundation and is full of good ideas when she comes to officialdom is either depressed or polluted. Regardless of which of these two situations. Li Xing is not willing to see.

"To be honest, Sister Xu." Li Xing pondered for a while and said, "Actually, when I understood your ideals, I wanted to tell you that in officialdom, it is not as beautiful as you imagined. You do things for the common people. There is nothing wrong with the idea of. But what is wrong is to look at everything a little too beautifully. Hehe, since you made such a choice, then I won’t say more!"

"Let's do it." Li Xing called the waiter to put the dishes, and then said: "Actually, I now have a group company with a market value of several billion yuan. Come and help me. We are currently lacking the one who can lead the way. What about senior economic management talents. But the school?"

Xu Man's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. Xu Man knew that Li Xin was rich. Although I don't know where Li Xing's money came from. But I never thought that Li Xing would have several group companies with a market value of several billion!

"I think so!" Li Xing said with a smile: "It would be a waste of talent to let Sister Xu go to the fruit shop. It's better to come to the group. However, I have to say it first. You are good step by step. Come. No one will take care of you!"

"This..." Xu Man calmed down his expression a bit and said, "Group company? The market value is more than one billion yuan?"

"What? Isn't it possible that Sister Xu is still suspicious?" Li Xing said with a hey smile: "Or my words are not credible, or I am not like a boss with a market value of more than one billion?"

"No, no!" Xu Man quickly waved his hand and said: "I didn't mean that. Li Xing, thank you, I will go to your group, starting from the bottom, I am confident that you will not be disappointed. School. As long as I resign the chairmanship over there, then the senior year will basically be fine. In fact, many students start to work or even go to work when they are in their senior year!"

"Okay!" Li Xing poured himself a glass of beer and Xu Man also poured a glass, and said, "Come on, welcome sister Xu to the company. You see when you have time. Just go straight to it, I will Say hello to the personnel department. However, today is not good, you go back to rest and take care of your own affairs."

"Li Xing." Xu Man drank the wine readily and said: "Although you don't like to listen, I still have to say something. Thank you!"

Li Xing shook his head and smiled. Greet Xu Man to eat quickly.

After dinner, Xu Man was sent to school. Li Xing only breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Xu Man's talent is beyond doubt. Moreover, I have been sitting for so long in the chair of the student union. I have accumulated some experience in management. But now Daxing Group still lacks talents. For Xu Man to join, there are still great benefits for Li Xing.

However, when Li Xing drove back to the company for work in the afternoon. The phone rang again.

"Li Xing, where are you? Come back to the company immediately!" Gu Tianxue called.

"Sister Tianxue, what happened?" Li Xing asked curiously. It is also a slightly faster speed.

"Sister Ruo Min called. The results are already available in the laboratory. She said that she is going to give us a report. You will go back to the company immediately and we will go over!" Gu Tianxue's voice was filled with excitement that could not be concealed.

"Really? It's really great." Li Xing had been waiting for this day, and immediately said: "Okay, I will return to the company soon. You are waiting for me!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Xing was still in a state of excitement. Is the research on beauty products showing results? Or is the research on super active enzymes showing results? Or is there a result of horizontal research? Too many possibilities! However, Li Xing understood that Chen Ruomin wanted to report to the group. Then if there is not a good result. There will be no reports. Li Xing felt that it seemed that the big development period of Tianxue Beauty Salon was coming soon.

SD is not far from Haiwei Building. Li Xing's time for a while is up.

He went upstairs quickly and entered the company.

"Come back? Let's go, we are all ready. Just waiting for you!" Lin Yuru said with a smile when she saw Li Xing.

"What do I need to prepare?" Li Xing looked at Lin Yuru, Gu Tianxue, and Bai Xin and Yang Lan.

"What else are you preparing?" Gu Tianxue turned white and Li Xing said with a glance: "You can just bring your eyes, ears, and mouth! Haha."

Li Xing rolled his eyes. Don't bury people like this, right?

————————————————The first one, roar! The flowers are in the top ten, brothers stand up! ! ! !

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