Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 489: Break the heart of Chen Ruomin [seeking flowers

"Is this true?" Li Xing couldn't help but believe it a little bit. This. . . This is really a coincidence, right? Moreover, there has never been such a situation before. Could it be that after the mutation in a different space, this cannabis has been fundamentally changed from the original?

"Please trust me Chen Ruomin's scientific rigor!" Chen Ruomin said with an unsightly expression.

"Sorry Sister Chen, this was beyond my expectation!" Li Xing quickly apologized. What does a scientist care about most? It is the rigorous attitude that others doubt her to treat science. If the science is not rigorous, then this scientist cannot be called a scientist.

"Out of your surprise? So if you say so, the two extreme results of my research are completely beyond your expectations?" Chen Ruomin's mind changed quickly, although Chen Ruomin didn't communicate with people often, but just did Following his own research, it cannot be denied that Chen Ruomin's mind is still very delicate! As long as there is a little loophole in the words, Chen Ruomin will discover it.

Li Xing couldn't help but smile, Chen Ruomin's shrewd and delicate mind, Li Xing could be seen once again. However, if there is no such characteristic, then Chen Ruomin would not have achieved the same results.

"Well, basically the result is not very different from what I originally expected." Li Xing nodded honestly and said. Now that Chen Ruomin was suspicious, he had to explain. Li Xing didn't want Chen Ruomin to have any untrustworthy thoughts. Chen Ruomin is the key figure and soul figure of the laboratory! It is also Yuan old man!

"I doubt very much. Without scientific testing and analysis, how could you know that there was such a result? Moreover, I have a lot of questions, and I have been buried in my heart without asking, like this incredible apple, incredible red fruit, etc. It’s impossible for these things to appear in the world. But why do they keep appearing in your hands? What is the secret in this?" Chen Ruomin said in a deep voice, staring at Li Xing with a very expression on his face. Is serious.

"Sister Chen, do you really want to know?" Li Xing paused, and asked seriously on his face.

"Nonsense!" Chen Ruomin frowned and said. Although Li Xing is the chairman of the group, Chen Ruomin doesn't have any fear at all. It's not that Chen Ruomin is proud of things, it is entirely because of his relationship with Li Xing.

"It's not that I don't want to tell Sister Chen you, but once I tell you, it may destroy the understanding of science. Therefore, I have been hesitant, but I did not want to hide your meaning from Sister Chen. I know that Sister Chen is myself People!" Li Xing smiled bitterly, what Li Xing said was completely truthful. What kind of fluctuations will a scientist who only believes in science face an incredible existence like a different space? If there is a skeptical attitude towards science, then this scientist is basically destroyed. Li Xing didn't want to see this happen.

"Destroy my understanding of science? Haha, I know that there are many things in this world that science can't explain. However, I believe that everything can be explained by science. But science needs development. Now There is no way to explain the existence of science, but the level of science has not reached the level that can be explained. It is not inexplicable. I have always believed in this. Just like the existence of air trainers in the world. The difference is incredible. But. Scientists who study human potential and genetics will study thoroughly sooner or later. Once the research is thorough, then the human body will undergo fundamental changes." Chen Ruomin's words are very confident, and they fully show Li Xing. My confidence in science.

"Sister Chen, do you know the existence of qi practitioners?" Li Xing said in surprise, and after a careful induction, he did not find any'qi' in Chen Ruomin's body, but that's how Li Xing felt more Is surprised. Could it be that Chen Ruomin is a real master, an existence that Li Xing can't even sense now?

"Don't doubt it. I'm just an ordinary person. I just know the existence of a qi-trainer. I don't have any'qi' myself!" Chen Ruomin seemed to understand what Li Xing was thinking. Said softly together.

Li Xing was relieved, but Chen Ruomin's persistence in science was also a little bit insightful. Perhaps, only by maintaining this unwavering belief can we truly achieve something.

However, Li Xing was still worried about whether the existence of a different space would have any bad influence on Chen Ruomin? If it really has a bad effect, then Li Xing may regret his death.

"Don't believe me? Or don't you believe in my confidence in science?" Chen Ruomin said in a deep voice, looking at Li Xing.

Li Xing stopped talking, still wondering whether he should say it or not.

"Do you want to know a secret in my heart?" Chen Ruomin said suddenly.

"What's the secret?" Li Xing asked almost without thinking. It's not that Li Xing is gossiping, but since Chen Ruomin said such words now, he must have deep meaning.

"I always think that I am a person born for science. Everything else is not in my eyes, including the love. Do you think I can't see the movements of you, Yuru and Tianxue? Jiang Yi, it is very Very talented person, but I have never considered. And you, although you are also very good, Yuru and Tianxue also chose you at the same time. But I don't have any feeling for you!" Chen Ruomin said coldly.

Li Xing touched his nose awkwardly. Even if Li Xing's face is thick enough, he feels a little embarrassed now, and his face is a little bit weird. I thought that the young master didn't attack you. If you attacked, it would be strange that you can hold on. However, Li Xing understands the key to why Chen Ruomin and Jiang Yi have not called. Could it be. . . Chen Ruomin is a stone girl? Well, it seems that this possibility is still great!

Chen Ruomin glared at Li Xing. This look made Li Xing feel as though Chen Ruomin had completely seen what he had just thought. This made Li Xing's heart full of surprise. Chen Ruomin has such ability? Or has the power of science penetrated into Chen Ruomin's soul?

"However, how can a woman not have a destination in her life? So, I set a rule for myself. That is who makes me doubt science, even if it is a little shaken, I will belong to this person. It doesn't matter whether this person loves me or not! Can you understand my thoughts?" Chen Ruomin said softly. The voice was still very cold, but Li Xing could feel something else in it.

"I can understand!" Li Xing said in a deep voice. Women all need the company of men. Even if Chen Ruomin is accompanied by science, Chen Ruomin is also lonely. Because a woman without a man is destined to be alone.

"No, you don't understand, your understanding is completely different from mine." Chen Ruomin said, shaking his head.

Li Xing looked at Chen Ruomin and wanted to hear Chen Ruomin's explanation.

"Heart, do you understand the heart? Do you know how to deal with science? As long as my heart is shaken once, as long as I find that kind of persistence again. Then, I will have a fundamental change. I dare say, my ability There will be a dramatic improvement. By that time, my ability will be stronger. How to say, this is a statement that has no way to explain. You have no attitude towards science. Therefore, you cannot understand this situation. So, I know many, many incredible things in this world. But in my opinion, all of them can be explained by science. It's just that the knowledge is not to a certain level. And you now have obvious secrets in your body. Then, I want to see Your secret, can you impress me! If not, I will keep the status quo, and at the same time, I will stop asking why you got this drug. If you can, then you will get a lot, get me as a person, and in the future Get a super scientist!" Chen Ruomin raised his head, fully expressing his confidence, and when talking about women, Chen Ruomin didn't seem to fluctuate at all.

Li Xing stared at Chen Ruomin. To be honest, Chen Ruomin is really beautiful. In particular, the temperament that Chen Ruomin has formed all the year round has infinite charm in it. Intoxicated. It's just that Li Xing didn't pay attention to this before, and it can be said that even if he noticed it, he didn't think about it. But now it is different, and Li Xing's vision has changed now. It changed to look at Chen Ruomin with a man's eyes and a woman's mentality. With such a change, Chen Ruomin's image in Li Xing's eyes is immediately different!

Moreover, Li Xing's heart rose with pride. Conquering a woman like this should be a sense of accomplishment, right?

"Sister Chen, what you said is true. Become my woman, hehe... I will ask you to do what a woman should do!" Li Xing smiled hehe, and suddenly there was one in the image. Big change.

"Isn't it *? As long as you can meet my requirements. Of course I know what I should do as a woman!" Chen Ruomin said coldly.

Li Xing was obviously taken aback when he heard what Chen Ruomin said, and smiled bitterly in his heart. It seemed that Chen Ruomin was really different from other women. However, it seems to attract Li Xing even more. For the first time, Li Xing became interested in Chen Ruomin for the first time, and it seemed to be infinite.

"Then, I said it!" Li Xing had a decision in his heart. Li Xing does not believe that the magic of the different space can be explained by science. Li Xing also really wanted to see how Chen Ruomin would react after breaking his attitude towards science. Of course, Li Xing is also looking forward to Chen Ruomin's transformation into a super scientist. Well, what does a super scientist represent? Represents the beginning of the revolution. The beginning of the revolution represents a change in the pattern. From here, it is possible to see exactly how much energy the super scientist has.

Chen Ruomin made a posture of listening respectfully.

Li Xing smiled slightly, and a movement in his heart directly affected Chen Ruomin's body, and immediately, Chen Ruomin couldn't move, even his eyes couldn't move so much.

What's more, Chen Ruomin felt that the pressure on his body suddenly increased, as if there was endless pressure in every aspect of his body to suppress Chen Ruomin's actions. And these pressures are just within Chen Ruomin's tolerance, so as not to cause any harm to Chen Ruomin.

Chen Ruomin was stunned and didn't know what was going on.

Then, Chen Ruomin thought that this must have been done by Li Xing. Chen Ruomin was full of shock. However, after a little thought, Chen Ruomin slowly calmed down. Although I still don't know what happened, it is clear that Chen Ruomin's attitude towards science has not changed the slightest.

Li Xing looked at Chen Ruomin. Through the induction of a different space, Li Xing first sensed the shock in Chen Ruomin's heart, but then it became calmer. Li Xing lamented Chen Ruomin's persistence in his heart, but did not just give up.

Li Xing's heart moved slightly, and Chen Ruomin, who was sitting, slowly rose up without moving his whole body. Ascend to the roof. Then there was another movement from left to right, up and down, and the speed of the movement was getting faster and faster! After a while, Chen Ruomin returned to his original position.

But through the feeling of the different space domain, Li Xing felt that Chen Ruomin's heart was no longer calm, but was deeply shocked.

Then, Chen Ruomin felt that he had resumed action. But there is no statement, because Li Xing's actions continue.

The tables, chairs and other places around between, suddenly flying around without warning, the speed is still very fast. It's as if countless people are holding these things and running constantly.

It took a while before these things returned to their original condition.

Chen Ruomin's eyes shrank for a while, and the restlessness in her heart became more serious.

Li Xing's reaction to Chen Ruomin has always existed. Seeing that Chen Ruomin's restlessness aggravated, his heart moved again. A huge rose suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Hehe, I gave you this to Sister Chen!" Li Xing said with a slight smile.

Then, Apple, Chiguo, Dahongpao. The same marijuana and other things constantly appeared in Li Xing's hands. Moreover, Li Xing also asked Chen Ruomin to reach out and feel whether these things were hallucinations.

And Chen Ruomin touched real things every time. Even Li Xing ate an apple in front of Chen Ruomin. That scent is the same as the apple that Chen Ruomin studied.

Moreover, Chen Ruomin looked at Li Xing's whole body, and never saw that Li Xing would hide these things. It is a general out of thin air.

Feel the fluctuation in Chen Ruomin's heart.

Li Xing's heart moved slightly. This time, an apple tree suddenly appeared in the office! The tree is full of apples, exuding bursts of aroma!

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※Updated, I beg you for your support! This will be updated today and three will be updated tomorrow!

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