[120] Market development (1)

A week after the first broadcast of 「Girls on Top」.

The ripple effect of broadcasting was truly enormous.

Right away, the Q&G label suffered from a sharp rise in stock prices.

Not only Solar and Luna, but also expectations for a new girl group.

‘PD-nim, you seem to have a good sense.’

This is why survival is called Tak PD.

Editing mainly focused on Solar and her popular trainees, and brought out the appeal of the show properly.

In particular, the focus transition from Solar to trainee was carried out naturally in the middle.

‘Neckplex’s results are a little disappointing, but…’

It can’t be helped.

Originally, Solar’s overseas fandom isn’t that big.

Maybe even weaker than an individual.

Click, click-

Soon, I checked the clips of Girls On Top floating around You Tube.

《Kwon Si-yeon’s Black Sun, renewed as a legend in a different way ㅋㅋㅋ (feat. Original composer Han Ji-ah Oh-yeol)》

“… He’s very squeamish.”

In any broadcast, there were those who stood out in the beginning.

First of all, there were only 5 participants who received an A grade.

《Genius composer Jia Han, what is the difference between when he was active in Japan and now?》

《A blonde who sings a Japanese anime OST with an R&B stylehahahaha》

《Nam Min-ji, who took first place in the first ranking seat

16 facts about

《Olivia Kim, a musical genius who inherited the talent of the late Kim Pil-sung》

Nutubers voluntarily edited and uploaded various high-quality videos.

Among them, I clicked on one of the videos to check the comments.

Fortunately, most of the comments were positive.

-Girls on top went crazy from the casting

ㄴThe judges ㅇㅇ

The queen never really ages

By the way, what is Jung Soo-ho’s career?

I’m asking because I don’t know?

Didn’t I say everything if I raised Solar?

ㄴSolar’s father ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Nation’s father-in-law ㅇㅇ?

ㄴ Girl group producing is a genius


-Jia Han I love you Jia Han I love you Jia Han I love you

ㄴDiana’s sister was hitting the goalhahahahaㄴ Every time Emma speaks, her expression is so cutehahahahaIs it Kwon Si-yeon? How did he get on

ㄴThe spirit of calling the black sun in front of Jia Han

ㄴThe only thing I can’t do is kill it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let’s debut Nam Minji this time

Yes, I’ve been a fan since Big Boss.

ㄴOlivia is a music genius

ㄴVocal is superb

-There was only one teaser for the group song hahahaha

Who composed this begging song?

ㄴ Sinsa-dong Lion

Why leave one b? LOL

ㄴIt’s a competition between mentors, so it seems to be an issue of equity.

It’s a pity though

Read at readwn.com

Kwon Si-yeon, I pressed report on the swearing comments.


Then, I got a call from someone in America.

-Hello. Mr. Jung.

Director Andrew greets you in a profound voice.

As expected, it was a call related to the Royland promotion.

“Director, I watched the trailer well. I really liked it.”

– Thank you.hahahaha.

Director Andrew brought up the matter right away.

-Our lead actors are going to hold an audience preview for publicity purposes in Korea.

“Oh, that would be great.”

-Could Yeji be the MC for the introduction video?

“Of course.”

Yeji is also a performer, so of course she has to participate.

– Then we will deliver it according to the schedule.

“Yes. Director.”

Spring is the harvest season this year.

I filmed really hard last year.

I immediately left the director’s office and moved to the Diana-only workroom.


The five members were enjoying music together.

There were four sound sources to be used as the mission songs for 「Girls on Top」.

“Chief. Are you here?”

“Yes. Everyone is here.”

“I’m choosing a song.”


Melodies carefully selected by direct publishing.

It wasn’t easy to find a song that had a reverse arrangement.

“Did you guys see the ratings this time?”

“Yes. I heard it was a hit.”

“I never imagined it would be like this.”

“That’s it.”

If it’s 17% on Nnet and cable stations, it’s a super hit.

“Congratulations everyone.”

“Congratulations to the manager!”


Besides, it was important that it was still the first broadcast.

The future growth potential is endless.

“Hey, let’s talk for a minute.”


Now, the release of the Royland movie is also imminent.

Both sides could hope for a win-win effect.

“The movie promotion schedule has arrived.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. I’ll try to solve it in Korea as much as possible.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you.”

Actually, I don’t know how big of a success Royland will be.

First of all, the fact that Yeji is a Hollywood actress has not changed.

“For the time being, I’m working hard preparing for the mission.”


* * *

After the first ranking announcement.

Coy classes and factions have sprung up among the surviving participants.

In particular, after Team Eunseo joined Team Somi, the law of the jungle unfolded.

“Siyeon-ah, you’ve come beforehand.”

“Your sister!”

Nam Min-ji smiled as he received Si-yeon’s greeting.

“Unni, today’s tint is pretty!”

“It’s pretty.”

“I’ve reserved a seat for you!”

“Oh my..”

I didn’t have a smartphone, so I couldn’t realize the popularity.

I roughly inferred the popularity from the staff and trainer reactions.

That said, Nam Min-ji, who finished fourth overall, was the object of envy from her trainees.

“Because you don’t do that.”

“Shall I rub your shoulder?”

“It’s okay. Enough.”

“Sister, while secretly enjoying yourself.”

“No. hehehe.”

Nam Min-ji’s shoulder pads went up to the point where they couldn’t go any further.

‘Am I getting eaten…?’

Is this why star disease comes?

Even though she hasn’t become a celebrity yet.


By the way.

Her good mood was scuttled in her trash in exactly 3 minutes.

As soon as Shin So-mi shows up and starts grinding time disguised as her lesson.

“Haa, you haven’t even memorized the lyrics yet?”

“I got it this morning.”

“So. Why couldn’t I memorize it?”


Did I just tell you why?

Because I got it this morning.

“You can’t memorize it in 5 minutes?”

“… Yeah.”

Of course you can’t memorize it.

I usually can’t memorize it.

“Nam Min-ji, you haven’t even choreographed yet?”

“Ah, that’s… I’m sorry.”

“This mentor is very disappointed in your trainee today.”


Ah, why are the standards so strict only for me?

I’m good enough!

Now I’ve taken 4th place.

You are so good at this!

Even in the new team, you are treated as an ace!

Not all girl group wannabes can be like Shin So-mi.

Once you see her, she’s a genius brain that can remember anything.

Even the insight to figure out the pros and cons in one queue.

I realized it while receiving 1:1 personal training on the previous stage.

How monstrous talent all the Solar members have.



A genius who is perfectly good even if he does it roughly.

The standards were too strict because the talents were different.

“I also have something to say today.”


The moment you shout out confidently to make a statement.

Somi’s cold eyes made her speechless.

“What is it, keep talking.”

“That’s it.”


Standing in front of her made her as small as a frog in front of her snake.

She feared the gaze, as if through her bones.

“… I’m sorry. I’ll do better in the future.”

“Huh, it’s Minji.”


Mentor tapping on the shriveled shoulder.

“Minji, did you get a celebrity disease?”

“Oh, um…”


Nam Min-ji swallowed the silence.

I don’t know how you knew that.

“It’s not like that!”

“I got caught once too. It’s all useless.”


Mentor Somi knows nothing.

“But no matter how much it is, it won’t last long if it’s before debut.”

“I’ll be careful.”

“Yes. Latte.”


It’s a start again

Mental education of military school girls.

For this moment, I honed the skill of listening with one ear and letting it go with the other.

The practice room was empty today.

Are the trainees missing out and playing?

“Aha, you see.”

“What did I just say?”


The pattern has changed.

“Do you want to go around the playground with Lee and Joo-hee’s team?”

“No. I’m sorry.”

“Let’s do it right.”


Wait a minute.

Even if you are selected in the debut group, you are not a Q&G trainee.

Then, from now on, I will be held captive by mentor Somi for the rest of my life.

‘Ah, it’s depressing.’

But I don’t think there’s a better option than this for a girl group debut opportunity.

So it’s more depressing

I feel like crying all of a sudden

“Hey, are you crying? Guys, Minji is crying.”

“Don’t cry.”

“Why are you crying because you’ve ground something a little bit? Latte.”

“Ahhh, Mama…”

Just then, the camera director approached and captured the crying self on the lens.

“Kkeuh, Impressed, why are you coming now?”


Did you come when your soul was stripped away?

If you shoot now, you won’t look like a crybaby.

“It seems Somi and Minji had a hard time practicing.”

“I guess so.”

No, I don’t mind if that’s the case.

I won’t cry so sadly

“Minji, don’t cry and talk slowly.”

“I’m going to the previous company…”

“Yes. Feel free to talk.”

“Um, I was almost chosen for the Blue Scholz debut group.”

“…Do you have any false statements?”

“No, it’s true…”

“Director, please edit the Blue Scholz story.”

“Yes, yes.”

Look at this, no one believes what I say.

* * *

Audience preview of the musical movie 「Royland」.

Yeji went on stage wearing a fancy outfit.


Fans who succeeded in ticketing through the huge competition rate cheered.

Solar was originally a top star, but she has become a hot topic again with Girls on Top.

“There are so many people.”

“I know.”

I took a seat in the audience with the other Solar members.

“I want to sit next to the manager.”

“Uh, yes.”

For some reason, Eunseo dared to switch places with Diana.

“I’m looking forward to the movie.”

“Your movie is also opening next week.”


In a noisy atmosphere, the main actors come up to greet the stage.

‘… Director Andrew.’

Royland has already received tremendous acclaim at the US press premiere.

Picky critics scrambled to praise it.

Of course, the public would pay attention at least once.

“You put a lot of effort into promoting this movie in Korea.”

“I know.”

Eunseo wiggled her hand and spoke again.

“Chief, did you say we were going on a trip this year?”

“Ah, I’m getting ready. Towards Jeju Island…”

“How about going with the Girls On Top trainees?”

“Girls on top? I only thought about filming Solvity.”

“It’s good to go together.”

“Is it.”

I didn’t think of that.

“I’ll talk to PD Tak once.”

“I know.”

But you too will be quite busy when the movie is released.

“The movie is starting.”


I finally got my eyes on a movie that had only been rumored.

Royland starts filming in a beautiful scenery.

A familiar melody has already flowed from the opening song.

‘It’s a Diana song.’

This familiar feeling in the back of the head.

Minor tastes accumulated over 30 years did not change easily.

Originally, art is different for each person.


In an instant, exclamations flowed from all over the cinema.

‘… It came out really pretty.’

Yeji’s innocent beauty and beautiful voice melted into the background.

Tidy up hair and princess-like styling.

It was to the point of slapping Vivian, the lead actress.

After that, throughout the entire movie, I could only see Yeji’s face.

It’s not just me, there’s probably no one who doesn’t fall in love with that beauty.

“I liked Yeji.”


Eunseo, who was listening by the side, asked briefly.

“I like you as a manager.”

“Oh, me again.”



As the film ended, there was a standing ovation for a while.

In the sense of respecting the actors and staff who worked hard for the movie.

Mate, mate mate—

Yeji, who got on stage, drew a heart with her fingers.

“Your sister is looking at you here.”


The finger heart is too blatant.



Looking around, the other members, including Eunseo, were making finger hearts.

“Please give me a hand heart. It’s not affectionate, really.”

“Oh sorry.”

I thought you were only doing it for me.

-Ah, thank you.

Soon, director Andrew holding a microphone and giving a short impression.

– Personally, I had a really hard time filming this movie.

He stared this way and opened his mouth.

He didn’t expect to mention this side first.

-I would like to thank Hana Do producer and Chief Jeong Soo-ho for helping me with the music OST.

I nodded to the director with an embarrassed face.

The director smiled and continued his testimony.

– People in the U.S. Cursed Yeji Kim for being a rookie and saying she was unreliable.

At the words that followed, Yeji blushed as if embarrassed.

– If you watch this movie, everything seems to disappear.

That evening.

I received a precious phone call at an unexpected timing.

It was a contact related to a music festival to be held in April.

* * *

There is something called the Quantum Jump.

Although it is used in terms of physics.

It refers to a case where a company achieves innovative growth in a short period of time.

When Diana’s identity was revealed.

And with Royland’s success.

Solar once again broke the mold and achieved rapid growth.

Overseas fans have increased exponentially on the space app.

Right now, calls were pouring in from the US as well.

“…Is it a dream?”

Yeji enjoyed the feeling of floating in the sky.

One web drama was my entire acting career.

Within days, I was treated like a movie star.


As soon as we entered the Girls On Top filming set, the girls rushed at us.

Mentees including Olivia.

They were already cherished children like her own younger siblings.

“I heard the movie was a hit!”

“How did you know without a smartphone?”

“It’s no joke just listening to the staff unnies!”

“Ah, what.”


I heard that in the US, it has already crossed the break-even point.

It’s only been three days.

Read at readwn.com

Korea was also cautiously predicting 10 million.

“You’re not abandoning us now, are you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Because I’m going to America too…”

We have already informed the released members of their personal contact information.

“Nothing like that.”

Just then, the manager walked by from afar.

“Guys, I’m practicing.”

“Ah yes!”

The benefactor who made Solar and Yeji Kim now.

And, the person who wants to get closer than that.

“Yeji, did Jiu tell you about the schedule?”

“Yes. Manager.”

“I’ll be a bit busier in the future.”

“I’m expecting it.”

“It’s extraordinary.”

In fact, there was something else I wanted to hear from him.

“Oh right. Yeji.”

“Yes, I like it!”

“… What.”

Looks like it’s not yet.

“It was listed on the Nexplex Global Ranking.”

“Oh, I checked.”

Ranking similar to the heyday of Dancing Street.

The future growth potential was open.


Yeji looked at Suho’s lips and nodded her head.

“I like it too.”

“What’s up with me?

“Yes? No.”

Not yet.

“The organizers of the Coachella Music Festival contacted me.”

“Oh, finally…!”

“I think I’ll be on the same stage as Blue Scholz.”


Blue Schultz got on the sub stage last year.

So, does that mean you’ve reached the main stage?

“I went up a notch on stage this time.”

“Main stage!?”

“No, sub headliner.”


A stage allowed for world stars.

Far exceeded the expected range.

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