[155] Solar Beam Project (2)

Solar Beam Season 3 production team separated into small groups in three countries.

The MBS staff gathered in Tokyo.

When the three teams were combined, the number exceeded 100.

Sky Enter has a total of 14 members, even considering the number of members in its three girl groups.

With the exception of the actress, it was safe to say that all the staff had gathered.

Because I’m running a three-barrack with overseas activities.

“We’re having a meeting in Japan.”

“Iknow, right.”

We unpacked our luggage in a tatami room in Japan and gathered the staff.

“Chief Gu, please report on your activities in the UK.”

“Yes. CEO.”

Luna held a busking performance to promote her new song.

The production crew was not considerate, and the dice luck was quite good.

Even if the other team went to England, it would have been the same mission.

“Luna’s songs seem to work well in Europe.”

“Yes. The response was hot.”

Compared to the other groups, Luna has a rather enchanting atmosphere.

There was a difference from Solar, who carries a bright and hopeful message.

After a brief meeting,

I knocked on the door in the room where the Solar members were.

“Chief, why did you…”

Yeji and the members greeted me warmly.

Among them, one was as consistent as a pine tree.

“Yang Joo-hee, do you exercise here too?”


“… You don’t hit the Japanese ghost.”

“Oh, why?”

Why do you ask because you don’t know that?

If you hit it, it’s an overseas topic.

“Hyung-nim, if you’re afraid of a thin girl, you can hit her!”

“Ghosts are people too, people.”

“Aw, this has no choice but to go out reflexively.”

“I can’t do it. You’re eliminated.”


Your intentions are so impure now.

Aren’t you ashamed of the muscles you worked hard on?

“Come on, I’ll decide the order to enter the Palace of Trepidation tomorrow.”

“I’m number one!”

“Except Yang Joo-hee.”


Accommodation and meals right now, even dice with the next travel destination written on them.

Because screaming in the Palace of Trepidation is a failure.

Among Solar members, who is the most fearless?

“The first order is to go in with the CEO?”

“Yeah. That’s it.”

Yeji raised her hand, her eyes twinkling.

“Me! I’ll go first!”

“Yeah, aren’t you a coward?”

“Ah, no!”

The mission score is the highest in the first order, so you have to choose carefully.


At that time, Eunseo cautiously expressed her opinion.

I wondered if you wanted to go.

“You said Diana wasn’t afraid.”


Soon, the members focused their attention on Diana.

She shrugged her shoulders, revealing her confidence.

“Honestly, it’s a bit boring to me.”


“Of Coals. There are so many scary psychic spots in America.”

“Have you been there?”

“Sure. I looked it up on the Internet.”


Then you didn’t go

“That Horror Days also appeared on it! I wasn’t scared at all then!”

“I heard you scream on the air.”

“That’s directing! Method acting!”


Didn’t you shed black tears with Somi and Eunseo that day?

A song composed by Jia Han at that time, 「Black Sun」.

With that, we won an award at the Mami Awards.

At this point, producer Dohana seems to have lost her pride.

“I’m really not scared at all! Do you want to bet?”

“What a bet.”

“If I scream, I’ll donate all my property.”


It’s ridiculous.

If it was on air, I would have begged for some editing.

Are you going to throw the copyright of Solar’s sound source at a single word?

“I have to decide the conditions for the bet. Let’s make just one sound source.”

“A sound source?”

“Yes. At least, it’s a song that can be promoted in the US.”

“Okay, got it!”

Still, there must be something to believe in.

Seeing such a self-confident attitude.

* * *

Next day.

The production team allowed three people, including me, to enter through the meeting.

He probably wanted a picture of two girl group members hugging each other.

“Instead, if Diana doesn’t scream, I’ll count it as a success!”

“Yes, rather good.”


If it were possible, I would choose among the Solar members.

After all, is Yang Joo-hee the only answer?



At that time, Emma raised her hand among the Eclipse members.

“I want to go to the palace of thrill with Onee-chan!”

“Are you okay?”



How can I get rid of that awkward Japanese?

Both of your parents have nothing to do with Japan.

“I’ve been to that thrilling palace! Deheh.”


The only experienced person among the entire cast.

Then I’m sure I should just go in.

I stood at the entrance to the Palace of Thrills with the two of them, with VJ behind me.

Diana and Emma sisters.

A family that debuted together.

“CEO, would you like to go in first?”

“I don’t care.”

“Aye, then.”

Diana walked proudly to the door.

“I’ll just lead the way. I’m not scared at all.”

“Will you?”


Frankly, I’m a little scared.

The atmosphere here is eerie.

“Emma, ​​why are your hands shaking like that?”

“Oh, there is such a feeling that only experienced people know.”


Then why did you follow me?

Such an otaku coward.

“Onejang, go with me!”


Emma clung to her sister’s back as she strode away.

Interior of a closed mental hospital concept.

White curtains hung here and there.

I paced with them and looked around slowly.

‘Usually behind a tent like that…’

Are there ghosts

The moment I was thinking about whether I should tell the kids.

The ghost dressed as a zombie came running.





Mission failed.

The girl group sisters quickly ran and hid behind my back.

Running away is fine.

But why am I a shield?


“Azoshi, why are you doing this to me?”



Diana, why did you say you were leading the way?

“CEO! Help me!”

“Save me too.”


Mr. Oh, your clothes are getting bigger. Don’t catch

What kind of donation of all your property is to this subject.

Almost ruined Diana’s bank account balance.

“What the fuck, he’s following me!”


Don’t curse

“Guys, are you crying…?”


The sisters sat down on the floor and squeezed their tears together.

“Oh, VJ, Diana is crying!”

“What should I do?”

“Ah, try something.”


Mistress, stop the zombies.

“Emma, ​​tell me to go in Japanese.”

“Bakku! Get away!”

You don’t know japanese

“I’m the representative, you said Emma wasn’t afraid!”

“Wait, here’s the renewed one.”

“Mr. Lee.”

No, i’m scared too

I can’t even be scared because of you.

After the zombie ghost,

Sisters who show off their reactions to various horror devices.

Soon, a wheelchair ghost appeared with a chirping sound.

“Oh, don’t do it!!

“Kkeang, Oni-chan, don’t bully me!!!


Because there are two of us, the decibel doubles.

The cowardly half-breed sisters began pouring out various languages.

“Pakudasai! Go back! Get away! Go!”

“Tsumima-sen! Gomen Nasai!”

“Jotto, Joto Sheekya Gudasai!”

“Watashi and Kangoku Detsu!”

“Time stop! Stop! Don’t follow me!”



I think I heard swearing for a while, but is it because of my mood?

Read at readwn.com

Kirik, Kirik—

Soon, the wheelchair ghost understood the horse and slowly withdrew.

“Oh, he’s still staring at me. He keeps glaring at me.”

“Hey, did I say I’m not afraid?”


You must have been

when did i

Tuck, Tuck—

I escaped the Palace of Tremors with the two girls clinging to my arms.

The members who only listened to the audio outside looked at us with their mouths open.

“Mission failed!”


My kids are crying, do I really have to say that?

‘…The back of the head tickles.’

Sister still sniffed her nose.

As the superstar snorts.

“It’s unfair, you said you weren’t afraid of Emma.”

“I was so scared.”

“Oh my.”

PD Kim Seon-ho told me with a grin.

“Diana was so cute today!hahahaha.”

“I’m crying now.”

“How lovely she came out!”

“Ah, yes.”

Soon after, PD-nim invited me to try again.

“If anyone enters now, I’ll admit it as a mission. Who wants to take on the challenge?”


Somi put down her headset on her ear and opened her mouth.

“That waiver.”

Yes. It’s nice to be honest.

But if Somi doesn’t go.

Are you editing the broadcast with a focus on Diana?


Then, Yeji raised her slender hand and opened her mouth.

“I’ll go in with the CEO.”


What is my opinion?

* * *

The best celebrity among the Japanese fans of the 2nd generation of Sunlight.

At one time, she was called the Millennium Stone, and now she is Japan’s national sister.

Ueda Yui changed her schedule due to the news of Solar’s visit to Tokyo.

“Yuiya, do you really want to go?”


She responded firmly to the manager’s words.

“You came all the way to Japan to see me, but how did you not pick me up?”

“… You came to shoot.”

“That or that.”

“It’s very different. First of all, shouldn’t we contact and go?”

“Oppa, a fan contacted a celebrity and went to see him!”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Yui smiled at her as she searched for articles on Solar’s visit to Japan.


After meeting her for the first time in Korea, her fan heart deepened.

He probably bought the most albums among Japanese.

‘I’m about to run out of contracts…’

To be honest, I was still thinking about whether I should change the company.

There is no reason to leave the stable Japan.

“Brother, have you seen the You Tube video?”

“What video.”

“Sama Yeji holding her hands tightly and singing to her.”

“Oh, hidden camera.”

An angel who sits on the ground and gently holds a sobbing fan.

Yeji’s shorts recorded 10 million views in one day of upload.

“Am I a merchant of holiness?”

“A successful fan?”


You also write lyrics yourself these days.

If you work for the same company.

We write songs together, cook together, feed each other…


“What, why are you doing that?”

“I think I’m in love.”

“It’s crazy.”


Manager, what does yaral mean?

It’s not Japanese, it’s like swearing.

After a while,

The manager arrived at the scene and had a slow conversation with the crew.

Yeji-sama, how long has it been since you received it?

I waited with a beating heart.


Soon, the manager opened the door and nodded.

“If you appear without a guarantee, they say you’re unconditionally welcome.”

“Brother, are you kidding me?”

“Ah, as expected, Fei’s passion is because of his pride…”

“You have to pay to appear!”


When looking for fan meeting tickets, the album cut is at least the ceiling.

Prices have gone up these days, so if you get around 1,500 yen per sheet.

“Wow, I earned 1.5 million yen today. I’m full.”

“… You look crazy.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Yui Ueda was guided by her staff and entered her solar dorm.

“I haven’t told the members yet.”

“Are you filming now?”

“Yes. The camera is rolling.”


Just like that, Yeji-sama is sitting at the dining table.

Sitting at a table and having a friendly conversation with a man.

‘… What?’

The look in her eyes looking at CEO Jeong Soo-ho was unusual.

Thanks to her repeated virtues, Yeji is at the level of an expert.

‘No way…?’

As a steamed fan, her jealousy jumped out.

“I want to take it away.”

“Excuse me.”


Then, a woman’s Japanese voice came from behind.

Jang-seo patted her own shoulder and said.

“You have to protect your morals!”


“Get a ticket and stand in line.”


Are you also sama virtuous?

* * *

First date with Yeji in Japan.

To say she’s dating a man and a woman, she experienced fear while filming.

Her mind wandered as she thought the moment of decision was approaching.

“Thanks to you, I succeeded.”


<Voucher to change destination> Can be used once

got this

Then, Yeji looked behind me and called someone.

“Ueda Yui-san!”


Uee also ran to her dodo and held Yeji in her arms like a painting.

‘Since when have we been so close?’

Rather, Yeji was a little taken aback.

Since she intended to say hello lightly.


She looked me straight in the eyes and said.

“I want to sign a contract with Sky Enter after the contract period is over.”


“Yes. I will refuse to refuse.”


Singer who worked with Han Ji-ah on the song 「Ohdeok」.

She has no reason to reject Japan’s top stars.

“Hey, I can’t afford the company right now…”

“As expected, I knew it would be like this! To sabotage my fan spirit!”


What are you talking about?

Soon after, Eunseo entered her kitchen and dragged Yui Ueda.

With the words that she came to catch her because the waiting number 2 cut in line.

“Yui-san’s personality is also getting dizzy.”

“I see. She said she ran away the other day.”


Tickle the back of the head.

Anyway, where is Diana crying?

Today is the last trip for the three teams to gather.

“Yeji, I suddenly can’t see Diana.”

“Ah, she’s working on the soundtrack by herself in her room right now.”

“Working on a song?”

“Yes. In solitary over there.”


Oh, you said you would work on a song if you lost the bet.

Because we need at least one more song to promote in America.

“Yeji, you help me with the song too.”

“Yes. I’m going to participate in writing the lyrics.”

“Yes. Anyway.”

The next country chosen by the dice is Spain.

That’s enough for a real round-the-world trip.

‘First of all, in Spain…’

Yang Joo-hee should use her body, and Shin So-mi should leave her brain.


At that time, team leader Koo Hyun-sik came in and shouted.

“Why, you’re trying to make our Juhee a bullfighter!?”


Oh, is PD Kim Seon-ho the devil?

Joohee isn’t even a cyborg.

“No. Rather, he said to change to America!”

“Eh? Use the change ticket?”

“Yes. Solar has to attend the Emmy Awards…”


I already turned it down because of filming.

“The organizers of the awards ceremony requested to attend.”


Even if you refuse, did you offer again?

Then there was only one reason.

If you are a winner and not a candidate for an award.

“Good Busking, Popularity Award…?”

It was the first feat achieved after advancing to the United States.

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