Celestial being

Chapter 166 Act individually

The fourteen official members of the White Night Alliance also dispersed, and every two people joined a temporary team.

Tuo Zhe, a young man in white clothes, walked into Yuan Ming's team and gave him a meaningful smile. Huan Shi, the deputy leader, also happened to be in their team.

Afterwards, the seven teams officially set off and walked into the Ghost Crying Gorge.

The narrow Ghost Crying Gorge is a hundred feet long, and there is nothing unusual about the outermost section. Halfway through, the canyon is already filled with white mist. The further in, the thicker it gets.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. We have already explored this place. It's just ordinary fog. The color of the poisonous miasma is yellowish. You will see it when you officially enter the Snake King Valley." Huan Shi's timely reminder dispelled everyone's doubts.

Members of each team also began to whisper and communicate in a low voice at this time.

"Fellow Taoists, please state your names. There will be a name to greet you when you enter. I will break up the alliance in Baiye, Tuo Zhe." A young man in white clothes from the six-person team that Yuan Ming was in took the initiative to say.

"Hagon." Yuan Ming responded first.

"I'm a wild dolphin." The giant man from the iron tower said in a loud voice.

"My name is Bai Rong." The woman in black gauze said softly, her voice was quite pleasant.

The young man wearing a black shorts finally spoke, but his voice was as hoarse as a seventy-year-old man.

"Kunsha." He said two words concisely and concisely.

Everyone is now acquainted.

The distance of a hundred feet was not far, and everyone quickly reached the end of the canyon.

Yuan Ming raised his eyes and looked into the distance. What he saw at a glance was not a narrow and cramped valley, but an open and vast mountain forest.

The trees in the mountain forest are towering, each one is over a hundred feet high. What is strange is that their crowns are extremely high, almost all concentrated at the top of the trees. From a distance, they look like towering umbrella canopies.

A thick white mist filled the area dozens of feet high under the tree.

The area closer to the canyon is still white, and further inside, it becomes a milky white color that is so thick that it cannot be melted.

Before Huan Shi could speak, Yuan Ming had already taken the lead and broke into the thick fog.

The diffuse fog instantly obscured his figure.

"Come back, don't act without permission." When Huan Shi saw this, he immediately shouted.

Tuo Zhe's expression also changed slightly. He obviously didn't expect Yuan Ming to be so reckless, and couldn't help but secretly cursed "idiot".

The official members of the White Night Alliance from the other teams frowned, while the other temporary members had a joking look on their faces, looking like they were watching the fun.

Fortunately, Yuan Ming quickly retreated after Huan Shi spoke up.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you want to go in?" He looked surprised, as if he didn't know he had made a mistake.

"The poisonous miasma is dangerous, don't act without authorization." Huanshi felt a little embarrassed by the attention of several other teams, but he still suppressed his anger and warned.

"Didn't you say that the white mist is not poisonous?" Yuan Ming blinked and asked doubtfully.

"Can you run around without poison?" Some people in the surrounding team looked at him like a fool.

"Follow the command in all actions. If you run around like this, no one will save you if you are in danger." Huanshi frowned and reminded.

Yuan Ming didn't hesitate and immediately returned to the team.

He subconsciously glanced upward and saw a black crow hovering at the top of the fog, spreading its wings and flying silently into the thick fog.

His seemingly reckless move just now was just to release the soul crow silently to help explore the path. The mist was a natural barrier, otherwise he would not be able to avoid attracting anyone's attention.

With his current cultivation and soul power, it is no longer difficult to maintain a soul crow for a long time.

After this small episode, Huan Shi began to divide the exploration areas for each team in order.

Different teams are responsible for the exploration and search tasks in a sector-shaped area according to different directions.

Yuan Ming's team should go all the way to the left side of the valley, find the left mountain wall of the valley, and then proceed to the left boundary of the valley to explore in the direction of the adjacent teams.

"All teams, keep a hundred feet apart and set off." Huan Shi gave the order.

All teams began to move one after another, rushing towards their mission areas.

Yuan Ming's team did not rush to explore the valley. Instead, they took the lead along the boundary area between white mist and yellow poisonous mist, all the way to the left until they found the boundary of the valley, and then began to explore inward.

After walking all the way, Yuan Ming realized that the Snake King Valley was much larger than he had imagined. If a team of forty-two people were thrown into it, it would be like throwing forty-two stones into a vast lake.

It’s no wonder that the White Night Alliance used concealment methods to recruit so many temporary members.

"Everyone, spread out and search individually. If there is any danger, don't forget to shout loudly to remind each other and support each other." Huanshi said.

After everyone agreed, they distanced themselves a little and walked deeper into the valley.

In order to easily identify the location, Yuan Ming took the initiative to choose the side close to the cliff of the valley.

Be careful to transfer your magic power into the miasma-avoiding beads.

The next moment, a circle of glass-colored light emitted from the miasma-avoiding bead, spreading to all directions.

Under the light of colored glaze, the surrounding fog was still filled, but the sticky and dense feeling seemed to have eased a bit.

When I first entered the fog, there was nothing unusual, except that my vision was blocked.

Although everyone is a monk, they still cannot see through the fog.

Yuan Ming's eyesight is slightly stronger than others, and he can only see things within ten feet of him. No matter how far away he is, he can't see anything clearly. The detection range of his spiritual consciousness is not as good as that of his eyes. In addition, there are soul crows around. To explore the road, it was not used.

Although everyone had distanced themselves from each other and could no longer see each other, they could still see the vague light shining from the miasma-avoiding beads.

Yuan Ming walked in the mist for a long time before finally seeing the poisonous miasma in Huan Shi's mouth.

The color is that smoky yellow, which is incompatible with the white mist. The intersection is distinct, as if there is an invisible wall blocking it.

"We are about to enter the scope of the poisonous miasma. Please take precautions to avoid being attacked by poisonous insects and poisonous beasts." At this time, the warning sound of the illusion came from a distance.

After hearing his reminder, everyone cheered up.

Kunsha, a young man in black clothes, took off a black porcelain bottle from his waist and pulled out the cork.

From the mouth of the bottle, a bright red ant the size of a peanut grain slowly crawled out, jumped to the ground, and crawled into the poisonous mist.

Yuan Ming raised his head and glanced at the sky. A black raven spread its wings and glided, entering the poisonous miasma first.

The fog was thicker inside, and the view was even more obstructed than before.

However, the raven was not attacked, and Yuan Ming followed him in.

As soon as he entered the yellow miasma, he felt a slight pinprick pain on his exposed skin. After walking a few steps, he also felt a burning sensation in his nasal cavity.

Yuan Ming checked his condition and was relieved after confirming that it was just a slight reaction and not poisoning.

In the misty fog, the vague dry coughs of other people could be vaguely heard. It seemed that their throats were not very comfortable.

At this moment, Yuan Ming's sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly heard the perspective of Soul Crow, and a small black dot in the thick fog was pressing towards them.

At the same time, Kunsha’s shouts came from the distance:

"The poison is coming."

Not long after he finished speaking, there was a dense sound of flapping wings in the mist, and then, a large black dot broke through the poisonous mist, densely packed with thousands of them, and rushed towards them.

Yuan Ming took a closer look and found that they were a group of poisonous bees the size of walnuts, with black and yellow hair all over their bodies and a sharp poisonous stinger on their tails.

"Tiger-tailed wasp, highly poisonous." Yuan Ming recognized it at a glance.

The book said that this kind of poisonous bee can be found in many places in southern Xinjiang, but the size is far different from what is described in the book, but it is much larger.

Yuan Ming's eyes narrowed, and he took out the Hanxing Sword. He didn't use any magic power to activate it. He just relied on the cold energy emitted by the sword to continuously attack the poisonous bees flying around.

Wherever the sword energy passed, even if they were not killed, the poisonous bees that got too close were eroded by the cold air and fell stiffly.

They were kicked one by one by Yuan Ming, until they burst into pieces.

In the mist, everyone also took action.

Huanshi raised his palm and waved it forward, and a red light lit up in his palm, and a large fire came out of it, instantly swallowing half of the poisonous bees that rushed towards him.

Bai Rong wore a pair of black gloves on her hands, which seemed to be made of metal, with a faint black mist exuding from them. Every time she waved her palm out, a wisp of smoke enveloped the poisonous bees.

Within a moment, the tiger-tailed wasps stopped flying and fell to the ground.

Kunsha opened another red porcelain bottle, and a swarm of white poisonous insects also flew out from it. They fought poison with poison and fought with tiger-tailed wasps, killing and injuring each other.

Under his feet, the red ant was eating frantically, constantly devouring the corpses of tiger-tailed wasps that fell on the ground.

The tall and strong man was more direct. He held a mace in his hand and swung it vigorously, constantly hitting the poisonous bees that were attacking.

Amidst the popping sound, tiger-tailed wasps exploded one by one, splashing out clouds of blood mist.

These little things, which are not even the first-level and lower-level ferocious beasts, only slightly hinder their progress and do not bring them much danger.

After spending a little effort, everyone eliminated all the attacking poisonous bees one after another.

Compared to their side, other teams are in similar situations, but there are also some unlucky guys.

One of the teams was safe and sound during the march and was not attacked by any poisonous insects or beasts.

At first, they thought they were lucky enough, but as they walked, some of them discovered that something was wrong. Their necks swelled up inexplicably.

By the time they noticed something was wrong, it was already too late.

In the six-person team, except for two formal members of the White Night Alliance and one temporary member, the rest of the temporary members mistakenly thought they were poisoned and tried to use magic to force the poison out of their necks.

But in fact, they strayed into a gray mist poisonous mushroom breeding area and were parasitized by the spores of the poisonous mushroom.

When they tried to force out the toxin with their magic power, they delivered a large amount of nutrients to the spores parasitizing their necks, causing them to grow faster until they matured and shattered, blowing off their necks as well.

Another team broke into an area where poison ivy was growing.

Those green vines covered with poisonous thorns were very sensitive to living creatures. The moment they entered, they all pounced on them like demonic vines with intelligence.

The overwhelming demonic vines surged forward and strangled the two temporary members in an instant.

After the others recovered from the initial panic, they immediately fought back and finally walked out successfully.

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