Chapter 93: Resident Evil, Alice.

The clean Yong Road was spotless.

The umbrella exploration team, facing such a passage with a wide open portal, seemed hesitant, because there would be demons if something went wrong

“James, you go ahead and explore the way.”

Marion, the captain of the umbrella squad, did not hesitate to give this task to James. Don’t ask why.

The question is whether James is a non-Mo man.


James didn’t say a word, not even the most basic yes, and greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the Marion family in his heart, but helplessly.

James was still loaded and walked out of the spotless tunnel vigilantly.

“There is no danger looking…”

James muttered inwardly.

But when he walked into the Yong Road less than a meter, the entrance that was originally wide open was blocked by a heavy alloy door with a “boom”.


“FK! FK! ”

“Jerome, open this damn door!”

James slammed the door frantically, shouting hoarsely, Jerome was the mechanic of the squad; Part-time network engineer.

“Don’t worry, I’m trying.”

Rogem swallowed slowly, plugged the data cable connected to the notebook into the socket of the combination lock.

“Hurry up!”

“Please, hurry up!”

James begged bitterly, and the sudden closing of the door and the sudden light of the corridor made him feel terrified.

“Can you shut up!”

“I’m not an extraordinary person on a horse!”

Rogem retorted angrily with a frown, he hated James’s skin color so much that he really couldn’t understand why he had stuffed a non-silent into his squad.

James shut up.

First: He was really afraid that Rogem would rot and wouldn’t help him crack the combination lock and open the door. Second: the bright Yong Daoli.

Suddenly, a laser ray appeared from the end of the tunnel and was sweeping sideways towards him. Too late to think about it.

James quickly bent down to dodge. But.

His movements were still a little slower, and the horizontal laser rays directly swept away a layer of his scalp. Suddenly.

Blood dripping.


James let out a mournful scream, and the pain from his scalp made his body begin to tremble. Correct.

It’s not over yet.

The first laser swept past James and disappeared behind him. Then.


Two lasers appeared! One up and one down.

Strafed towards James.


Under the trend of survival instinct, James did not care about the pain in the scalp.

He bent his legs, made a jump, and grabbed the top vent steel bar with both hands. Strong physical fitness.

Let him exert his strength all over, and with only the steel bars grasped by his hands, he made his body cling to the upper wall of the passage. This.

James just had the heel of his military boot peeled off by a laser. The body was not harmed.


James’ hormones were soaring. He stood on the ground.

The legs began to tremble uncontrollably.


Before James could speak, he showed a desperate look like death. Third wave of laser rays.

It swept like a spider’s web.


James didn’t finish speaking, but he had no chance to speak. His body stiffened in place for two seconds.

Blood lines consisting of multiple # signs appear on the face, from which blood flows. Flash.

His body collapsed in an instant like a stack of Carlo cards, leaving only a small pile of minced meat on the ground and tears of blood.


Network master Rogem also cracked the combination lock at this time, opening the blocked entrance.

“You’re a…”

Rogem just wanted to greet James cordially, but he saw James’s body slowly collapse and turn into pieces of minced meat with a skin area of less than ten square centimeters.


Everyone was speechless. Their contempt for this non-silent man disappeared, and their hearts were filled with horror.


The zombies pursuing them also followed.

“Hold on!”

Rogem yelled, “Give me five minutes to disarm this damn laser defense system!” ”

“Please hurry!”

“The sooner the better!”


“Bang! Bang! ”

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

【011812227 flying 221210360】Dense rifle fire sounded.

Other squad members opened fire on the zombies to stop them from approaching.


“What’s that?!”

“One of the totems of the Han and Tang dynasties, Qilin?”

“Fire Qilin?!”

The member of the umbrella squad, Mu Leng looked at the fire unicorn that appeared and disappeared again. Each Fire Kirin goes from appearing to disappearing.

You can always make several zombies lie on the ground and turn into real corpses. Their silent roar.

It was like a thunder in the minds of the squad members, causing their brains to go straight to a state of downtime.


They looked at the four people who were slowly approaching.

The fire unicorn that rushed out from the four people made those four people look as if they were under the heavenly gods.

“They should be the special operations team sent by the umbrella.”

Jingo narrowed his eyes.

All are ordinary people, not a single transcendent person.


“She’s a little interested.”

Jin Ge and Qin Feng’s gazes finally fell on a woman wearing a red-robed high-waisted skirt. Jingo felt a particularly faint wave of extraordinary energy from her body.

Qin Feng coincided with the character image in his mind.

“It’s really her!”

Alicia’s Progeria, this matter has been resolved, and with a few more bottles of recovery pills, it can be cured. Before she met Qin Feng.

She did not sit still, using her own methods, to find a solution to Progeria. Clone!

Crazy clones of twenty-year-old looking Clesia after another. Implant the Progeria virus into their bodies.

Reinfused with the hypothesis, it can eliminate the antidote to Progeria. It’s a matter of probability.

It’s like buying a lottery ticket.

Success depends on luck.

And the woman in the red dress and high-waisted skirt is one of Alicia’s clones. 3.6 For this clone.

Alicia injected the Progeria virus at the same time. It is also injected with a T-virus that can turn people into zombies. The solution……………… It is an antigen body gene sequence injected with the T virus.

The value of a bottle of antigen body genetic sequence is enough to make people dare to assassinate extraordinary mechanics! For example, the Umbrella’s extraordinary mechanic Arediti.

He just prescribed such conditions and asked the transcendent Gerard to kill Qin Feng. Merely.

Aridi has not yet obtained the antigen body gene sequence of the T virus.


“A man-made transcendent has even stronger later abilities than ordinary transcendent beings. Qin Feng smiled. ”

Swaggered over.

Ignoring the Umbrella Squad, slowly aimed at his muzzle and untied the nylon rope that bound Alice’s hands.


“Welcome home…………”.

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