Chapter 739 Proximity Star Galaxy War 7

Of course, the opponent’s Universe fighter did not fire at this time, but continued to fire on the Universe fighter cluster of human civilization. However, as the pilots of the human civilization Universe fighter evaded and counterattacked, the fighters on the human civilization side were lost. The rate has dropped greatly, and in the opponent’s wave of attacks, although there were some losses on the Universe fighters on our side, they were not the same as before. They lost more than 100 Universe fighters at once, but it was just a loss. There are only a dozen Universe fighters. The most important thing is that the Universe fighters lost this time are all drones, not manned Universe fighters. This also means that there is no loss of personnel this time.

Of course, to be beaten and not to fight back is definitely not the character of human civilized pilots. In the past, it was just because of habit that they still did not adapt to the war between Universe fighters. Now they have reacted, so they are the original on earth. The strongest fighter pilots in all countries, naturally, their abilities are very good, even if they are hiding, there are drones to block the attacks from the enemy, naturally, the chance of sacrifice is Much smaller.

At the same time, the counterattack of the human civilization Universe fighter cluster also gave the opponent, the Sirius Civilization Universe fighter cluster, a lot of losses.

After all, the Universe fighter of human civilization is not inferior to the Universe fighter of Sirius civilization, and even in many aspects, human civilization still has a great advantage.

For example, in terms of weapons, the attack performance of the Universe fighters of human civilization and Sirius civilization is not much different. Second, even if the flexibility of the fighters in the universe and the speed of the fighters, in this respect, the universe fighters of human civilization, In particular, the defensive and comprehensive universe fighters that are not known for speed are a bit worse. Even the speed fighters that are known for speed, the universe fighters are only as fast as the Universe fighters of the Sirius civilization.

However, in terms of defense, the performance of Sirius Civilization Universe fighters is absolutely incomparable with the Universe fighters of human civilization, especially the defensive Universe fighters, due to their heavy armor and special frontal armor performance. Compared with the armor of small Universe warships, even in order to strengthen the defense, there are external armors on the exterior of these Universe warplanes.

Therefore, although these Universe fighters are large in size and not fast, they are easy to be hit. For example, in the previous wave of attacks, many of these Universe fighters were hit on the human civilization side, but The result is that the energy cannons produced by these Universe fighters cannot penetrate the armor of the fighters at all. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to destroy these fighters, not to mention that there are more than a dozen unmanned wingmen next to these fighters.

Finally, in the human civilization, the Universe fighters are all equipped with the assistance of very advanced intelligent computers and the navigation and steering and proximity devices installed on the ordinary artillery shells of the battleship. The hit rate is very terrifying.

Even the Universe fighters of the Sirius civilization have computer assistance, but their performance is far from comparable to the Universe fighters of human civilization. The performance of their Universe fighter computers is at most sixty or seventy of human civilization. Around the age, let alone, their Universe fighters, in terms of radar and other hardware, can’t be compared with the Universe fighters of human civilization.

It is precisely because of this that although the number of Universe fighter clusters between the two sides at this time, the number of Sirius Civilization Universe fighter clusters dominates, in fact, the overall advantage between the fighter clusters is still the advantage of human civilization.

Sure enough, as the Universe fighters of human civilization opened fire, in less than five minutes, the opponent had more than one hundred Universe fighters, which were hit by human civilization. After most of them were hit, they became Universe on the spot. In the dust, only a small part of the Universe fighter planes did not hit the fatal place to be directly destroyed. However, even so, because the power of the Universe fighter plane guns of human civilization is also very powerful, so These fighters are also unable to continue fighting.

It can be said that in the war between the two Universe fighter clusters, as long as the Universe fighter of the Sirius civilization is hit by the Universe fighter of the human civilization, even if it is not directly destroyed, it will be severely damaged and cannot continue to fight.

When seeing this situation, the Universe fighter cluster of Sirius Civilization was also very angry at this time, and they began to turn their attack targets to those small fighters, that is, the drones of human civilization.

Because at this time, the Universe fighter cluster of the Sirius civilization has obviously discovered that among the universe fighters of human civilization, these significantly smaller Universe fighters are more likely to be hit and more easily destroyed.

Those larger Universe fighters are not so easy, because some Sirius civilization’s Universe fighter pilots have seen with their own eyes that these larger Universe fighters can continue to fight after being hit by them many times. This is especially true for those Universe fighters that are extremely large and slow. Some have even been hit dozens of times, and they are still able to fight.

But these small Universe fighters are different. Although these small fighters are not so easy to hit due to their size and flexibility, as long as they are hit, these small Universe fighters basically cannot survive. Possible.

However, the Sirius Civilization Universe fighter cluster is obviously not the situation on the human civilization Universe fighter cluster. They believe that these easily destroyed Universe fighters, from the perspective of human civilization, are themselves cannon fodder, even if they are destroyed. It just pays some resources and can be manufactured at any time. Even in the current fleet, there are still a lot of drones like this one.

So even if it is destroyed, it will not take long for human civilization to quickly replenish it. As long as the pilots of the Universe fighter plane sacrifice as little as possible, after all, these pilots are all elites and ace pilots of human civilization. !

“Great, we destroyed another one. We must let these civilizations that call themselves human civilizations know how powerful our civilizations are, and let them know that this Galaxy is not something they can look at. Everyone, for our Sirius civilization. Destroy our enemies in the future!” In the Sirius Civilization Fleet’s fighter cluster, every time a Universe fighter plane of human civilization is destroyed, there will be cheers.

As for their own Universe fighters being hit and destroyed, although they feel a little sad, they are not too painful. After all, after thousands of years of Universe wars, they have seen too much of this situation and have become numb. .

Seven hundred

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