Chastity Layman

Chapter 387: General

  Chapter 387 General

  The two kept chatting and the **** crowed three times.

  Qin Lang dozed off, comforted Cheng Qian all night, and advised him, finally making Cheng Qian less worried.

  The rooster crows three times, and the sky is still dark.

  But the barracks has already begun to wake up. The Luben soldiers who were tortured yesterday are all in good physical condition. After a night of rest, they are all revived with full blood.

  They were worried that today's review would be tossed again, so they started preparations early, for fear that they would be fined twenty army sticks for being late.

  The attendants and family soldiers in the barracks were driven out of the camp, so they could only wash their faces and mouths by themselves, and help each other put on their equipment.

  No one dares to show off anymore today.

  I didn’t wear the gorgeous equipment I brought myself today.

  Everyone honestly put on the standard equipment issued by the Eastern Palace.

   These equipments were originally used as spares, but now no one dislikes these rough equipments, at least these armors are much lighter.

  Although the defense ability is definitely not as good as the high-priced customized model, it is also much lighter for inspection.

   Not to mention, no one wears the triple armor anymore, only those who are stupid wear it.

  The military uniform inside is directly covered with Luben army-style bright light armor, and a burqa is enough on the outside. The scattered main and auxiliary weapons and hidden weapons are also as streamlined as possible.

  One spear, one horizontal knife, two short knives, a bow, a pot of arrows, a hatchet, and a leather shield.

  After the overall burden is reduced, the armor, equipment, dry food, water, etc. on each person's body will not exceed sixty, which is half the weight.

  At the time of Yinzheng, these guys had already begun to gather together.

   Before reaching Mao, they were all standing up.

  Gao Zhensheng and other generals also came to ask for orders early in their uniforms.

  Qin Lang yawned, and sat in the tent with Cheng Qian listlessly eating breakfast.

  The breakfast in the army is also very simple.

  Qin Lang specifically confessed that there is no need to make any small fuss for Cheng Qian, and the sergeants will eat whatever they eat.

  Four miscellaneous corn buns, a bowl of noodles with soup, and two boiled eggs for each person. This meal is actually very good. This is actually the meal for training and rehearsals outside, and it is much better than usual.

  At least there is no chance to have eggs to eat.

  Chengqian felt that the skills of these guys were limited, but considering that the cooks were not professional, they were all cooked by the sergeants who were on duty. How could they be so good.

  This hand-rolled noodles can be rolled so thin, which is very good. At least this bun is quite fluffy. It is not said that the hard one can be used as a hidden weapon. Although the taste is a bit poor, it is normal.

  Chengqian didn't have much appetite, but he didn't complain, and finished eating seriously.

   I have to say that the young man who is in the development stage has a really good appetite.

   "His Royal Highness, Duke Wei, Luben Army is ready, please review!"

   "Have everyone had breakfast?" Qin Lang asked.

   "Eat all of them."

   "Wait for the hour! If you say roll call at the hour, roll the roll at the hour. Go now, it's too early."

  Gao Kan and others thought that Qin Lang was going to torment everyone again today.

   Fortunately, Qin Lang didn't break his promise, and when Mao Shi arrived, he appeared on the school grounds on time.

  He and Cheng Qian rode horses to the playground supported by Qian Niuwei.

  The team is very neat and the people are very energetic.

   It's just that this equipment seems to have changed a lot.

   It doesn't look as sophisticated as yesterday, but it's more uniform.

   "I'm very happy to see that Lu Benjun is still standing here neatly today, much better than yesterday's bear!"

  Qin Lang's opening remarks were not very polite.

"I know that all of you have extraordinary backgrounds, but no matter whether you are a general of the hussars, a general of the town army, or just a guerrilla general, since you have entered the Luben army and become a soldier under my Qin Lang, then From now on, you have to follow my command, I don't ask about your family background, and I don't care whose son or brother you are, I just care about your current identities!"

   "Tell me, who are you?"

  Liang Jianfang took the lead in shouting, "Lu Ben!"

  Gao Zhensheng and Gao Kan shouted together, "Lu Ben!"

  Three thousand Lu Ben shouted in unison, "Lu Ben!"

   "Okay, remember this word, Lu Ben, this is your identity, Prince Lu Ben, guard of the Eastern Palace, don't live up to this name, don't tarnish this identity!"

  Qin Lang did not ask Cheng Qian to speak to them.

  He didn't want Chengqian to intervene in military affairs too much, because it was very dangerous and sensitive, and he personally controlled this team for Chengqian.

   "Three thousand Luben, divided into five divisions."

"So I'm going to give you a good test today. I'll conduct a test for you. I won't test anything else. I will focus on martial arts such as weightlifting, riding and archery, infantry, and carbine. I will also test tactics and military skills. I will ask Sun Wu's military skills and so on. "

"The exam is divided into five subjects, each divided into grades A, B, C, and D. There are five circles for the A grade, and four circles for the B grade. The final comprehensive score is a few circles, and the results are arranged according to the total circle. , the 200 people with the most circles are the first class, and the second most are the second class..."

   Liu Rengui and other generals were a little surprised standing by.

  I thought this review was just a show, so that everyone could get in touch with His Highness the Crown Prince and show off his military might by the way, who would have thought that there would be an assessment.

  Take the exam and take the exam, and the grades will be judged, and finally the grades will be divided into five grades and rankings based on the grades.

  Everyone is Lu Ben, is it possible that in addition to dividing relatives into Xunyi according to the position of father and brother, is it necessary to divide them into A, B, C, Ding and E based on their ability?

"Preparing for the exam now, let's try the horse archery first. Horse archery takes two rounds of six arrows, and the three are qualified. Step archery is nine arrows and five is qualified. Then compare the strength, which is divided into four items: pulling a hard bow, dancing a big sword, lifting a weight stone, and crossing the city pass. The bow is divided into eight buckets, one stone, and one stone with two strengths; the knife is divided into eighty catties, one hundred catties, and one hundred twenty catties; the stone is divided into two hundred, two hundred fifty, and three hundred catties; the gate bolts are divided into... "..."

  A series of assessment regulations, these Lu Ben were all dumbfounded.

   "Why, you are all general disciples, are you afraid?" Qin Lang asked with a sneer.

This made these general disciples very dissatisfied. They have been practicing martial arts since they were young, riding and shooting, lifting weights and dancing knives. These are all basic. From this aspect, Qin Lang's exam is not good. The intentional embarrassment meant that it caught them off guard.

  Qin Lang asked Cheng Qian to be the chief examiner, himself to be the same examiner, and Gao Zhensheng and other generals to be the secondary examiners.

   For a while, the barracks was full of vigor and vitality, and it was very lively.

  Three thousand Luben, according to the more than a dozen items of the exam, take the exam separately.

   In fact, the test is really fast, and there is no need for too much preparation. The venue, weapons, etc. are all ready-made, and the generals and officers will act as the examiners, etc., and score on the spot.

  Ten examiners score at a time, remove the highest score each time, remove the lowest score, and then take the average score to ensure fairness and justice.

   But let’s not say, these people are worthy of being the children of generals, and the skills passed down by each of them are not really good.

  Almost all of them were good at riding and shooting. Qin Lang asked to shoot six arrows twice, which was simply too simple for them. After all, they only shot a fixed target, and the distance was not too far.

   Except for a few who were unlucky and played abnormally, almost all of the rest were perfect.

   There were even a few bold guys who pointed out that the difficulty was too small and asked to put the target far away, and some guys even arrogantly proposed to shoot a moving target.

  Qin Lang ignored them, and he didn't come to select the champion of martial arts. In fact, this exam was just to see the personal abilities of these Lu Ben.

  Horse shooting and foot shooting are all excellent.

   It is indeed the era of martial arts. Everyone rides a war horse and draws a hard bow, which can almost be regarded as an excellent cavalry.

As for weightlifting, kicking off and dancing with swords, it is completely a test of strength. Compared with riding and archery, the demand is much worse, but on the contrary, many people are unqualified in this level. People come in based on their status as father and brother, not according to the conditions selected by the soldiers, so there are still some who are not six feet tall. Lost.

  It was a little difficult for them to lift a 120-jin big knife and dance back and forth.

  As for moving stones weighing hundreds of catties, it is even more difficult.

   Fortunately, those in the first grade can still pass.

   "Practice more in the future!"

  Qin Lang did not mock these little guys who were being laughed at by everyone, but only spoke a few words to comfort them, but he still gave a rating of only one circle very ruthlessly.

  After finishing the martial arts test in the morning, I will continue to take the literary test in the afternoon.

  Test their military tactics, even golden drum orders, set up camps, and even their understanding of military laws and regulations.

  The papers were collected, but the result was a bit horrible.

Three thousand Luben, but there are two thousand people, their grades are very poor, either the handwriting is crooked, or the words do not convey the meaning, and there are many sentences in the military books of Sun Tzu and others that were cited in the examination questions. Don't say you understand.

   On the other hand, he gave orders, set up camps, military orders, etc., and the answer was not bad.

   After the exam, facing the mercilessly low scores of Qin Lang and other examiners, some guys were very unconvinced.

   "My grandpa doesn't know a single character, and he can't even write his name. The fallen one recognizes the shoulder pole, but it doesn't affect him being a great general!"

  Qin Lang took a look and found that this guy was Hou Junji's son, well, he did well in the martial arts test just now, but he got confused in the written test, so there was a reason.

"Your grandfather's illiteracy did not affect him from becoming a general, but he was able to become a general not because he was illiterate. Do you think that illiteracy is something to be proud of? You treat yourself as a commoner, and your family has no conditions? You are all Luben, all of you are of rank, you will be military officers in the future, you will be officials, and you don’t even know a word, what kind of officials should you be?"

   "Do you think you don't need to read and write when you are fighting?"

   "I'll tell you, after you go back, please ask a few gentlemen to make up lessons at home. When I see you next time, if you can't even write Sun Tzu's Art of War silently, you will be responsible for being a cook and cooking for everyone."

  Young Master Hou blushed when he was told, but he couldn't refute.

   "Liu Canjun, please rank according to the comprehensive results of this exam, and post the list under the banner, so that they can be divided into five divisions."

   "In the future, this exam will be held once a year to adjust the frequency."

  (end of this chapter)

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