Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 458: Hongpao sentence


Ye Chenxing's death sickle slashed fiercely on the white light, but it couldn't even arouse a single ripple. The thin layer of white light seemed to be able to isolate all power.

"It's useless, this is willingness...With our strength, it is impossible to break." Liu Changtong said with a bit of a wry smile.

"Where is the blood? Do you still have it?" Turning his head, Ye Chenxing looked at Yang Xiuchuan and asked.

"How is it possible." Shaking his head, Yang Xiuchuan explained, "After collecting the blood of the heart, it will take effect through the refining of the people on the cold mountain. How could he leave the extra for me."

Before Xi Junying's aspiration was broken by the blood of resentment, but that was originally planned by the people on the cold mountain, how could he leave this hidden danger to himself now.

"How can the people on the cold mountain have aspiration?" Chen Wu asked in disbelief as he walked out of the mist.

Aspiration is not something that everyone is qualified to have. Although the strength of the people on the mountain is good, they are far from qualified to obtain the aspiration.

"It's probably not his aspiration... but Xi Junying's." After a moment of silence, Liu Changtong said slowly, "Xi Junying was removed from the position of Heavenly Sovereign, and his aspiration could be stolen... …"

Steal the power!

Yang Xiuchuan and the others may not understand it yet, but both Liu Changtong and Chen Wu understand what this means.

In the upper realm, stealing aspiration power itself is a felony. Once discovered, it is bound to be wanted. The people of Hanshan are desperate to break the boat.

However, the more you understand this, the heavier the hearts of everyone.

The people on the cold mountain even did not hesitate to leak their aspirations, and they would definitely not give Wu Chi a chance to survive. Even if they were right next to them, they couldn't help at all. Before the aspirations dissipated on their own, even something happened inside. Can't see anything.


Enveloped by aspiration, Wu Chi instinctively felt a trace of danger, however, this alertness had no meaning at all.

At a thought, Wu Chi's whole person was imprisoned by the white light, not to mention the sword, even if it was a little finger, don't even want to move.

"Why do you want to force me?"

There was a fierce look in his eyes, and the people on Hanshan scolded angrily, "What good is it for you to push the old man to this level?"

Although the power of aspiration is strong, it is not something he can possess. This power of stealing Xi Junying's aspiration has been used as the last card by the people of Hanshan. Once exposed, even without Xi Junying's pursuit, the Dark Star Lord I will never allow him.

If there is a way, he said that he would not use his aspiration, but Wu Chi abruptly forced him to this point. If he didn't use his aspiration, he might die under the siege of everyone.

The whole person was imprisoned, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back. Life and death were all within the other's thoughts, but Wu Chi still laughed.

"Man on the cold mountain, I, Wu Chi, is just a small person. I can use this life to force you to run around like a bereaved dog, panicking all day long. This account is not a loss in any calculation, isn't it?"


The people on Hanshan were scolded in anger, and their faces were blue.

Thousands of years of hard work, because of a single step of miscalculation, are all ruined. How can outsiders understand that kind of pain?

Now at this point, Wu Chi even dared to taunt him, which made him feel mad.

Lost dog!

The curse was hard to hear, but he knew very well that the reason why he was so angry was because Wu Chi said it was not wrong, and it could even be said that it happened to hit his most painful place.


The people on Hanshan are very angry, so this anger must be exerted on Wu Chi.

The terrifying force of wish crushed Wu Chi's body severely, and at this moment, even the sound of bone fragmentation was heard.

"Perhaps you don't know how terrible the power of will is?" Looking at Wu Chi with cold eyes, the person on Hanshan said in a cold voice, "Cut off all cause and effect, the old man will destroy you, and you don't even have the qualifications to enter the reincarnation!"

"I've been tired enough in this life, who wants to do it again?" A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his body was suffering tremendously, but Wu Chi still looked nonchalant, frivolously sarcasm, "Besides, I Believe, Master, you will come with me soon! Xi Junying is out of trouble, how long can you escape?"

"Little beast! You will regret it, you will definitely regret it!" There was a trace of madness in his eyes, and the person on Hanshan said abruptly, "I will kill all the people who are related to you, even the small world you are in. They will also be destroyed together! The old man may die, but there must be enough people to bury him! I promise you will regret it."


In an instant, the people on Hanshan suddenly urged Yili to crush Wu Chi's spirit!

Crushing Wu Chi's spirit with the strength of his will, so that Wu Chi will never exceed his life, and he has no qualifications to fall into reincarnation. It seems that this is the only way to resolve the anger in his heart.

While breathing, Wu Chi felt a sharp pain in the soul, and the pain was far more terrifying than all the tortures he had experienced before in Infernal Purgatory.

The soul was shattered, it seemed that even every trace of memory was completely shattered, crushed, and plunged into complete destruction.

This kind of power is not something Wu Chi can resist at all. What's even more frightening is that now he can't even make a painful cry...

Seeing Wu Chi's painful struggle, there was a hint of happiness in the eyes of the people on Hanshan.

After a few breaths at most, Wu Chi will disappear completely without a trace.

As long as he kills Wu Chi, he will be sure to break through other people's enclosures and escape from the dark world. Even if he is destined to flee everywhere, it is better than death.


At the moment when Wu Chi's spirit was crushed and seemed to be completely annihilated, a crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded, as if something broke the confinement and poured out of Wu Chi's body.

In a daze, a dazzling red robe appeared on Wu Chi's crushed soul.

The bright blood red was so eye-catching at this moment that the eyes of the people on the Hanshan Mountain fell to it uncontrollably. After a short while, an indescribable fear emerged from the bottom of my heart.

The shattered souls solidified at the moment the red robe appeared, and then reunited in an incredible way!

This process is a long story, but in fact it is just a momentary matter.

Wu Chi, who had completely lost consciousness and fell into death, woke up in an instant.

At the moment when he opened his eyes again, Wu Chi felt a burst of warmth all over his body, as if there was endless power, with an illusion of being able to control everything.

The next moment, Wu Chi suddenly reacted!

Red robe adds body, life and death sentence!

At this moment, what appeared to him was actually the judge's red robe that had been obtained in the four layers of the prison world!

As if time and space are in a mess!

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the Infernal Purgatory again, no longer Wu Chi who practiced kendo, but the judge of life and death who was in charge of life and death!

Subconsciously raising his hand, the judge's pen suddenly emerged from the void.

"This is impossible!"

Looking at Wu Chi, the people on Hanshan showed a madness in their eyes, and roared in anger, but in this voice, besides anger, there was more fear.

He lowered his head and glanced at the white light all over his body. These previously imprisoned aspirations, as if at this moment, they have all become powers that are under their control.

Although Wu Chi hadn't even figured out what happened, and why such a weird situation occurred.

But this does not affect his shot!

Raising his hand, the judge's pen suddenly hooked out!

A sum of life and death!

In an instant, a powerful force suddenly sprayed out from the judge's pen, and fell precisely on the person on Hanshan.

The person on the cold mountain, who has just been invincible, has not even had a chance to resist in this deduction. The aspirations he stolen, no longer under his control, become the source of his destruction. .

When he was in the Four Layers of Prison Realm before, Wu Chi didn't understand why the judge's pen had such a powerful force. It was only at this moment that Wu Chi really understood it when this pen was hooked.

The essence of the judge's pen is willingness!


The soul of the people on the cold mountain suddenly collapsed, just like what he just wanted to do to Wu Chi, that kind of terrifying pain suddenly appeared on him.

The soul was shattered, the memory was shattered, everything was completely dissipated under the crush of the force, and there was no trace of it, and there was even no chance of falling into reincarnation.

Even at the end of life, the people on Hanshan couldn't figure out why Wu Chi could control his aspiration!

His biggest hole card, instead, became the source of his complete destruction.

If he didn't want to obliterate Wu Chi with his will, but simply did it himself, Wu Chi would have already died.

However, he wanted to wipe Wu Chi's spirit with his willingness, which happened to touch the judge's red robe.

Everything in the dark world is not vain, but real.

It is precisely because of this that at the beginning, Wu Chi captured the judge's red robe four times in the prison world, and became a judge of life and death to make the test of Infernal Purgatory disappear, and Wu Chi's name will be inscribed on that stone monument forever~www. It does not record that Wu Chi has passed a test, but it confirms that Wu Chi has obtained the status of judge of life and death.

Wu Chi didn't understand what all this meant, and he didn't expect that there would be a chance to use the life and death judge's ability.

Up to this moment, at the critical moment of life and death, the judge's red robe appeared, and with the help of the willing power released by the people of Hanshan, he killed the people of Hanshan.

Willing force!

At this moment, Wu Chi faintly understood how much benefit he would bring to him in the future when he obtained the status of life and death judge in the fourth layer of the prison.

It is a pity that for Wu Chi today, the willingness is really too far away from him.

As a result, he has no idea how to use all this!

The surrounding aspirations quickly dissipated with the death of the people on Hanshan, and the judge's red robe on his body also disappeared again, as if nothing had happened! The only thing that can prove all of this is not vain, maybe only the corpse of the person on the cold mountain on the ground...()

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