China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 105 Ali and Director Chen who let himself go

After returning from the crew of "Journey to the West: Continued", Cao Xuan was finally able to take a few days to rest.

During this period of time, when the new album was released, he went all over the country to promote it, and went to Shenzhen City to negotiate with Penguin. When he returned to the capital, he rehearsed non-stop for the party, made guest appearances, and worked hard. Cao Xuan was really exhausted.

Although Cao Xuan is not a lazy person, he is not a model worker like Liu Tianwang and Damimi who work all year round.

When it is time to rest and relax, he will not treat himself badly. Only by combining work and rest can he work better.

Of course, the main reason is that Cao Xuan is the boss himself, so he can take a vacation when he wants without having to enjoy the 996 blessing.

Speaking of 996 blessings, Jack Ma is currently investing in Alibaba’s angel round in Hangzhou.

Cao Xuan originally wanted to get involved, but after asking about it, he gave up his mind.

Alibaba is not like Penguin, which has no prospects for the time being. Its positioning is very accurate, and it has been favored by many investors.

Gu Yunkai has connections in the investment community. According to what he knows, Goldman Sachs took the lead in bringing in multiple financing institutions for Jack Mara. Only the first round of investment totaled US$5 million.

This level of investment is not something Cao Xuan can afford now.

Moreover, Alibaba's situation is too complicated. It has accumulated multiple rounds of investment, and it has been listed twice. There is internal strife for power and profit, and Jack Ma is in control, almost kicking out the major shareholder.

In comparison, Xiao Ma is more kind, and there are no turmoils within Penguin. Even if there are changes in shareholders, the handover is done in a peaceful way, and everyone is happy.

Moreover, Jack Ma is too lively, and Cao Xuan still likes Jack Ma's style of making a fortune in a low voice.

Therefore, he thought about it and decided not to get involved in Alibaba's troubled waters. Anyway, there are more than one Internet company that he can invest in.

For example, Dadongzi is now selling CDs in Zhongguancun...


It was a rare break, so Cao Xuan naturally wouldn't suffer alone, so he took out his cell phone and made an appointment with Zeng Li.

As for Hu Jing, relying on Cao Xuan's fame, Fanxing has gradually accumulated some connections, and she, the first sister, is also busy with announcements.

Although they are not important roles, they are familiar enough, and Hu Jing herself is quite motivated.

In contrast, Zeng Li is becoming more and more Buddhist.

I was a little nervous before because of Cao Xuan's persuasion, but later I won the role of Blue Phoenix in "The Swordsman" and started to live in peace with the world again.

However, Zeng Li did not work hard at all. She now prefers the latter between getting admitted to the university and staying in school, so she now consciously makes her presence felt in school.

Zeng Li even wanted to apply for the graduate school of Chinese drama. Once admitted, it would greatly increase her chances of staying in school. However, there may not be enough time, so Zeng Li was not too sure.

Cao Xuan knew Zeng Li's idea and supported it, but he had no ability to influence Zhongxi and could only rely on Zeng Li's own efforts.

It's better if you pass the exam, it doesn't matter if you don't, since you can afford it anyway...

With Cao Xuan's current popularity, he couldn't go to crowded places, so he simply bought a few new CDs and went home to watch TV.

Haidian Apartment has now become Cao Xuan's main place to stay.

Because Zeng Li often came here, there was no shortage of anything at home, and no reporters knew about it, making it more convenient to live in.

At Dashizuo Hutong, Zhang Chong mainly lives now, with Cao Xuan going back occasionally.

On the sofa, Cao Xuan hugged Zeng Li. Zeng Li held a bowl of salad in his hand and fed Cao Xuan a bite from time to time. The two of them watched "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" on TV attentively.

This movie, which Director Chen spent a huge investment of 70 million to shoot, made less than 10 million at the box office in the mainland after it was released, so it went to his grandma's house.

Later, the overseas rights were sold, which was considered a return of blood. From a commercial point of view, the film was an extreme failure.

The reputation is not good either. The Qin Shihuang played by Li Xuejian subverted the public perception and was criticized miserably.

But personally, Cao Xuan still likes this movie.

He was not interested in the plot. He mainly watched the acting skills of Li Xuejian, Gong Li, and Wang Zhiwen. Cao Xuan admired and loved the tension of the performances.

What surprised him even more was Zhao Benshan and Pan Changjiang.

Although in later generations, one of them went crazy with his apprentices and rested on his laurels, while the other became an Internet celebrity and sold goods, their acting skills are definitely good.

Pan Changjiang, in particular, played a perverted official in "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin". The scene lasted only a few minutes and made Cao Xuan's hair stand on end.

For this professional level alone, regardless of whether it is Pan Zi or not, the veteran actor deserves the title.

It has to be said that all of these sketch actors are excellent actors, they can do comedy well, and they can also impress people by occasionally acting in a serious drama.

Song Dandan is a pillar of the entertainment industry, Zhao Benshan's "Falling Leaves Return to Roots" was praised by fans regardless of the movie, Fan Wei is the Golden Horse Best Actor, and Guo Da plays the villain in "The Punisher of the Song Dynasty", and his role opposite the emperor He Bing is incomparable. Falling to the wind.

It is Cai Ming who has been criticized all the time. She can switch between a young girl, a young woman, a middle-aged woman, and an old lady at will without causing any drama. There are a few actors who can do this.

Zeng Li didn't pay much attention to the actors, but purely from the perspective of the audience. After watching the movie, he couldn't help but complain.

"The movies I watched were just average. Director Chen has regressed?"

"He's not regressing, he's letting himself go."

Cao Xuan thought about his words and gave his own evaluation.

Not in this era, it is difficult to understand Director Chen's status in the industry. Putting aside several senior seniors with strong qualifications, he is the number one director in his current year.

No way, "Farewell My Concubine" is too classic.

Such classics as Lao Mouzi's "Red Sorghum" and "Alive", which won numerous awards at home and abroad, were still firmly outclassed by Director Chen.

It can also be seen from "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin".

The investment of 70 million yuan broke the mainland shooting cost record, and Hengdian even spent hundreds of millions to build a Qin palace.

The reason why people spend so much money is all because of Director Chen's appeal. Major investors are rushing to invest, but they are still picky.

We made a lot of complaints about Director Chen. He left to change the DVD. He searched left and right but couldn't find anything he was satisfied with. Finally, he pulled out a pure white disc.

"What kind of plate is this?"

"I don't know. It's a gift from the boss. You can put it up and take a look."

Zeng Li didn't think much, put the disk into the machine, the screen jumped, and a young Japanese girl faced the camera for an interview.

"What kind of movie is this? It doesn't even have subtitles?"

Zeng Li asked curiously. Cao Xuan, who had already reacted, had a strange look on his face and pulled Zeng Li to sit down next to him.

“This kind of movie doesn’t use subtitles, you’ll find out when you read on.”

Zeng Li, who was not aware of Cao Xuan's sinister intentions at all, looked forward to the development of the plot with a naive face.

Then I saw the Japanese girl wearing less and less clothes, and a man with a lewd face checking her body.


No matter how slow Zeng Li reacted, he understood when he saw this, his face turned red, and he hurriedly changed the disc, but Cao Xuan didn't stop him.

The action movies these days are not good-looking. They don’t have any plot foreshadowing. They are just hard-hitting and boring. They are not as interesting as the X-rated movies in Hong Kong.

If this can be overcome, the most important thing is that this Japanese girl is so ugly that I really can’t stand it...

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