China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 157 Official Cao in the eyes of ordinary people and the popular TV series (two-in-one)

Beijing, a certain residential building

Meng Xiaomang was lying on the dining table doing homework, and her brother Meng Xiaoguang was lying on the sofa holding a book with a colorful cover and reading it with interest. The name of the book was "First Intimate Contact".

This book can be regarded as the first online novel in the history of the Internet. It was written in 1998.

However, it was only popular in Taiwan Province at that time. It began to flow into the mainland in 1999 and became popular in the mainland in early 2000.

Every netizen who surfs the Internet dreams of meeting his Qingwu Feiyang/Ruffian Cai, and countless people are eager to make friends and fall in love online.

QQ also benefited from it, with its user base and online activity soaring.

When the novel became popular, booksellers naturally took notice. Soon there were two official versions of the book, traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese, and pirated copies followed suit. "First Intimate Contact" became the most popular novel nowadays.

Meng Xiaoguang couldn't afford the original copy. He didn't even buy the pirated copy in his hand. He borrowed it from a classmate and couldn't put it down every day.

I am saving money these days and plan to dig some money out from between my teeth to go to an Internet cafe and find a female netizen to try it out.

The brother and sister were doing their own thing, and the door opened. Meng Xiaomang turned around and saw that Meng Xiaoguang ducked and put his hands under the sofa, then ran to the homework table that had been placed in advance, picked up his pen and sat down. The process was completed in one go, with a very standard posture.

Meng Xiaomang had long been accustomed to his brother's operations and ignored him. He put down his pen and stood up to take the bag from his parents who were changing shoes.

"Mom and Dad, what did you buy? I'm hungry."

"Your dad bought the braised pork, and there's some fried sauce at home. I'll make noodles later."

The three of them were talking, while Meng Xiaoguang was still looking at a paper, thinking hard, occasionally raising his head, full of anger at being interrupted from studying.

"Keep your voice down, we're doing the questions!"

Lao Meng curled his lips and saw everything clearly with his wise eyes: "If you really have this motivation to study, you won't fail to get a passing grade in both math and English."

But having said that, Lao Meng and his wife Xiao Hua took the initiative to lower their voices and went to the kitchen to cook. Meng Xiaomang also began to continue doing his homework.

About half an hour later, after the meal was ready, Lao Meng asked his children to put away their homework. The family ate braised pork + noodles with soybean paste, and Lao Meng and his wife started chatting again.

The two children have just entered high school this summer. My daughter Meng Xiaomang's grades are not bad and she is in the top 100 of her grade. Meng Xiaoguang is far behind and is at the bottom of the class.

Even with his grades, it stands to reason that he would not be able to go to high school. Lao Meng and his wife forced him into it through trustees and money.

The couple didn't expect him to go to college. It would be easier to find a job with a high school degree than in junior high school, and it was easy to learn bad things when he was young and messed around. There was a limit in school.

Of course, in their hearts they still hope that Meng Xiaoguang will do well and take the college entrance examination, which is a great thing for them.

For this reason, they specifically do not allow their children to live in the school, just so that they can take more care of them. Fortunately, their home is not far from the school, so it is convenient for day schooling.

After watching TV and washing up, the family began to watch TV every day.

"Watching football today, a friendly match between Australia and the national football team."

Fan Lao Meng took the lead to speak out, but was boycotted by brother and sister Meng Xiaoguang.

"If you don't watch the ball, a group of people are chasing a ball. It's boring if you can't kick it in for half an hour."

"That's right, I didn't watch "Young Bao Qingtian" yesterday, which included Cao Xuan and Gongsun Ce."

Lao Meng couldn't resist, so he quickly took out his trump card and asked twice in a row: "Have you two finished your homework? You don't have to go to school tomorrow?"

"Now that I've finished writing, I can't study all day long."

"That's right, high school students also need to have fun and relax."

The brother and sister sang together, and Xiao Hua also relaxed: "You can watch it if you want. This is the first year of high school."

"As long as you get used to it."

Lao Meng was indignant, but did not dare to speak out. He watched bitterly as the brother and sister Meng Xiaoguang transferred the channel to Beijing Satellite TV.

In fact, the whole family had watched this drama before. Lao Meng had a moderate interest in it, Xiao Hua didn't care, and the two children liked it the most.

This model is almost a replica of "Young Bao Qingtian" in countless families.

Young people and children like it, but adults only like it if they are part of the audience who like reasoning and solving crimes. Many people don't particularly like watching it. Of course, they don't dislike watching it, just to relieve their boredom.

Therefore, the ratings of "Young Man" every night depend entirely on whether the children at home can convince their parents to grab the remote control.

Under normal circumstances, most parents will comply with their children's wishes if they want to watch them.

After the children watched it, they went back to school to chat about the plot with their classmates and friends. You passed it on to me and I passed it on to you. The popularity of "Young Man Bao Qingtian" was also aroused.

From a certain point of view, the audience range of "Bao Qingtian" is not as wide as that of "Huanzhugege", a drama that kills both young and old, but it can capture the majority of young audiences, and its results are not much worse.

Today's broadcast is about the plot of the second case. As soon as Bao Zheng, played by Cao Xuan, appeared, Meng Xiaomang, his fan, felt a little depressed.

"Obviously Cao Xuan is so handsome, why does he have to paint it black and have a crescent moon on his head? The girls in our class all said that Gongsun Ce is good-looking."

"Can Bao Zheng not be a black man? If he is not a black man, he is still called Bao Zheng?"

Lao Meng, who looked down on the ball, turned into a complainer and spoke in a yin and yang manner.

"No, I think the black one looks pretty good. That Gongsun Ce is white and tender, not manly at all."

Meng Xiaoguang, a young straight man, also expressed his opinions, but aroused opposition from Xiao Hua.

"He is called gentle and has the temperament of a noble son. Apart from Chen Dao's famous role as the Eight Wise Kings, he is the only one here. Cao Xuan deliberately plays the ugly one, ranking third."

"Mom, don't focus on your looks, focus on your acting skills. Bao Zheng's acting is so good, the newspapers have praised him."

Meng Xiaomang was a little dissatisfied, but I have to say that in terms of Chinese aesthetics, dark skin is really more attractive.

That wheat color is just fine, Bao Zheng is really dark. Even if Cao Xuan is so good-looking and has a gray face, he can only be slightly inferior to Ren Quan Gongsun Ce.

Although Meng Xiaomang has a fan filter, he still pays more attention to objective facts. He is embarrassed to say that Cao Xuan is better than Ren Quan, so he can only talk about his acting skills.

And her statement was also recognized by Xiao Hua: "It is indeed a good performance. I remember that he played Ximen Qing in "Water Margin". Now he plays Bao Zheng, and he is also impressive."

Lao Meng is also rare: "This guy can sing well, can act, and has a good character. I read the news and said that he donated 1.5 million yuan in 1998, but our company donated less than 100,000 yuan."

"And he's handsome. Many people in our school like him."

Meng Xiaomang was very happy when he heard his parents praising Cao Xuan. Meng Xiaoguang then added

"Cao Xuan sings well, but he's too pretty. The newspaper said he often changes girlfriends."


Lao Meng became excited and his eyes lit up: "Who is there?"

Meng Xiaoguang scratched his head: "I can't remember clearly. Anyway, there is the golden lock from "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", Wen Hui from "Carry Love to the End", and there is a man named Zeng, who is also very popular."

"You fart!"

Meng Xiaomang was angry: "Those were all written randomly by the paparazzi. Cao Xuan has refuted the rumors. They are just hyping it up to gain Cao Xuan's fame."

"It's hard to say."

Lao Meng accepted the offer: "Look at how handsome he is, how famous he is, and how much money he has. It was said some time ago that he has a net worth of tens of millions.

It's normal for a wealthy man to find a woman. Your uncle Wang next door works on projects to make money and has a mistress. The couple is getting divorced. "

"Don't talk nonsense in front of the children."

Seeing that her daughter was about to cry out of anger, Xiao Hua stopped her: "I am a singer and actor, why do you care about other people's personal affairs? You are sour, you are so awesome, and you don't even look at the salary card for an increase."

"Isn't this just chatting? What am I doing?"

As soon as Xiao Hua made a move and reached seven inches, Lao Meng immediately retreated. Meng Xiaomang glanced at his brother and pointed to the bottom of the sofa. Meng Xiaoguang also knelt down.

"Those reporters have no morals and just write nonsense. Cao Xuan's performance is great. Watch the show and watch the show."

Although the father and son were suppressed by various means, the previous dialogue basically reflected the current views of many ordinary people towards Cao Xuan.

He is famous, caring, handsome, can sing well, and can act well. His influence has even spread overseas and brought honor to his country.

It’s just that people are a bit carefree, and there are constant scandals. Some find them disgusting, while others find it indifferent. It’s normal for young people to like to have fun.

To a certain extent, this makes Cao Xuan have a certain stain, and he is not a "perfect idol" in the traditional sense.

Many people who don't like Cao Xuan always attack this point, especially fans of competitors such as Xie Feng and Ren Xianqi, who call Cao Xuan a "big radish".

Cao Xuan did not interfere too much in this matter. Although he often clarified it, as long as it was not excessive, there was basically very little truth in those scandals.

On the one hand, it is a deliberate persona. As long as his lower limit is lowered enough, the outside world's tolerance will increase. Even if he is exposed in the future, people may still think that Cao Daguan is "good".

Again, I am a scumbag myself, how can you accuse me of being a scumbag...

Of course, there are many disadvantages to doing this. Many people hate scumbag men who are carefree. This is a big blow to Cao Xuan's image and fan base.

However, Cao Xuan felt that he could bear this price.

He has now passed the stage of his rise when he first started to gain fans, and the trend is set.

Therefore, Cao Xuan's future development route is to continuously expand nationality + fan circles, and for the latter, Cao Xuan hopes to do it through his works instead of managing so-called artist personalities.

Cao Xuan doesn't want to be a "perfect idol" and rely entirely on fans to make ends meet. It's too tiring.

But the powerful group is different. Everyone pays attention to the work. As long as the major aspects are not lost, the outside world will not pay too much attention to some minor issues.

Therefore, when Cao Xuan first debuted, he would consciously use face marketing, hoping to rise to the top as soon as possible.

But now that he has accumulated enough capital, Cao Xuan began to "take off the grind and kill the donkey" and began to consciously get rid of the restrictions of idols.

This is actually part of the reason why Cao Xuan took on "Young Bao Qingtian". He doesn't mind taking advantage of his good looks, but he doesn't want to rely on being handsome all the time, so he hopes to find some breakthroughs.

The audience's impression of his acting is not limited to the positioning of the word "handsome".

At the same time, Cao Xuan had another consideration.

There are many celebrities, right and wrong. Cao Xuan is now considered the most popular male artist of the new generation in the entertainment industry. He has blocked the way of many people, and even some people are dissatisfied with him.

In this case, hiding was unavoidable. Instead of letting them smear him in all directions, Cao Xuan thought it would be better to create an outlet for these people to attack.

The matter of men and women is a matter of lifestyle, neither big nor small, and only on a moral level. In this way, it can be used as a target, but it will not hurt Cao Xuan's roots.

And the key is controllable. After all, a scandal is a scandal and can be broken at the first glance, so that Cao Xuan can control the development of the situation at any time.

Even if someone comes up with a real weapon, as long as Cao Xuan is not caught and raped, there will be room for maneuver.

After all, if you don't get married, there will be no cheating. The worst thing is "cheating" between lovers. There are a lot of explanations in this.

The role model Cao Xuan aims at is brother Cheng Long.

If there are flaws in personal ethics, no loss in major matters, follow the red flag unswervingly, love the party, the country, and the people, be positive, and have positive energy every day.

The eldest brother also has a cheating son. Except for Cao Xuan's two girlfriends, the rest of them meet the above requirements very well.

As long as you cling to the official thigh, everything else is a minor problem. If it doesn't work, retire early and live behind the scenes.

Cao Xuan, who understands the situation of later generations, knows what the red line standards are better than anyone now.

Except for the crime of bigamy, which requires special attention, he ensured that everything else was sound...

Generally speaking, the philandering character of Cao Xuan has both advantages and disadvantages for Cao Xuan, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Putting aside the previous reasons, the media exposure alone brought him countless pages.

Don't underestimate this, since Xie Feng was exposed as "Feng Feilian", his fame and attention have skyrocketed, and he has been frequently in the media news, and he can be regarded as the top in the entertainment industry nowadays.

This must also reflect the influence of a star. Even if many people don't know his plays and songs, they know that there is a popular star named Xie Feng just by reading the news.

Although Cao Xuan does not have a highlight like "Feng Feilian", he is fortunate to have a large amount of food.

The accumulation of scandals one after another has made his "traffic" always exceed that of Xie Feng. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as expanding Cao Xuan's national popularity.

Of course, this nationality belongs to black and red, and Cao Xuan has to spend time and energy to slowly "cleanse" it.


The Meng family was noisy, but they didn't take their eyes off the plot of the TV series.

The fast-paced mystery plot of "Young Bao Qingtian" is not a bad thing if you don't watch it, but you will be easily drawn into it once you watch it.

The second case is called "Blood Altar". It tells the story of a minority who was exterminated because of a treasure, leaving behind two children who came back for revenge when they grew up.

The modus operandi of this case is far from being suspenseful. It is probably two murderers. One of the murderers faked his death and escaped, and then turned on and off to confuse the view.

The highlight of this case is that several of the deceased were very horrifying, including decapitation, heart removal, and dismemberment. In addition, there was a horrifying and eerie blood altar, which made the entire case more frightening.

Especially the blood altar and the headless corpses that appear many times are simply creepy.

When the Meng family watched the show, the two children were so frightened that they screamed, and Xiao Hua also kept pushing towards Lao Meng.

Lao Meng actually felt a little guilty, but after all, he was the head of the family, a father and a husband. Even though his face was a little pale, he still forced a smile and kept calm, teasing mother and son for being timid.

However, a few people were afraid, but the hidden clues that kept appearing made people couldn't help but look down.

The murderer in this drama is almost a well-known figure. Anyone with a discerning eye will feel that the music teacher Bao Zheng has a story.

But this unit made a small reversal of fake death to clear his suspicions, and at the same time arranged for Mu Dutong to constantly fake death to confuse the view.

When Mu Dutong died, almost everyone believed that the murderer was the sister. As a result, the music teacher was "resurrected" and gave the audience another surprise.

At the same time, the flip side of murder being revenge adds a lot of excitement to the plot. The scene where the brother and sister commit suicide made many emotional viewers cry.

After watching the plot of the second case, the family was still reviewing the story.

"This brother and sister are so miserable."

"Yes, those beasts should be killed, but it's a pity that two of them died in the end."

"Cao Xuan did a great job. I cried watching the scene where he buried the teacher at the end."

"Is this Bao Zheng a bad guy? Shen Liang died earlier, and now a music teacher has died. It's really dangerous to be his friend."

"This is a plot design, and his friend will probably be killed next."


The family chatted about the plot for a while, Xiao Hua looked at her watch and told everyone to go to bed.

"Okay, stop talking. It's ten o'clock. Go to bed. You still have to go to work and school tomorrow."

"Mom, I'm scared, can I sleep with you?"

Meng Xiaomang would think of the thrilling plot just now, and there would be some psychological shadow, and he would act coquettishly while holding Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua thought for a while, nodded happily and said, "Okay, you sleep with me, and your dad sleeps on the sofa."

Oh my god, there are unexpected rewards from watching TV!

Lao Meng had no objection at all, and was even a little happy. These two days were the days when the public food was handed over. He was worried about how to hide. This time, he was fine. He slept on the sofa according to the order.

Xiao Hua and the other three washed up and went to bed. Lao Meng lay on the sofa and looked at the dark and silent living room. He felt a little scared and couldn't help but turn on the TV on mute to add some light and give himself courage.

Unable to fall asleep, Lao Meng turned to the sports station to see if there was a replay of the game just now, to divert his attention and relax.

As a result, I saw the sports news broadcast, Australia 3:0 national football team.

Zinima, Lao Meng can't sleep at all...


The next day, the front page headline of the Beijing Daily was not about the national football team, but about the ratings of "Young Bao Qingtian" on Beijing Satellite TV.

The national average ratings jumped from 4.2 to 7.1, and the ratings in the Beijing area reached 28.4.

Magic City TV also announced the ratings of "Young Bao Qingtian", which are about the same as those of Beijing TV. The national ratings are slightly lower, and the regional ratings are slightly higher.

The combined market share of the two units has once approached more than 25%.

You know, "Youngster Bao Qingtian" has only been aired for about one-third of the time. If it continues like this, the national ratings are very likely to be above 15, and may even reach 20.

With this result, we can almost expect to win the ratings championship in 2000. Even if it cannot beat CCTV's "Journey to the West", it can still win the satellite TV championship.

The drama "Young Bao Qingtian" has officially announced its popularity in the industry. Bao Zheng, Gongsun Ce, and Chu Chu have become hotly discussed names.

The leading actors have also become popular quickly. Ren Quan and Li Bingbing have been promoted rapidly to varying degrees. Not to mention Cao Xuan, the first male lead, has become increasingly popular.

More importantly, he finally has a representative work of starring in the film and television industry. Behind the new Chinese king, he can add a popular niche.

Film appointments that invited him to star in were flooding in, including some high-quality production crews. This also showed that the film and television industry was gradually opening up to Cao Xuan and no longer simply regarded him as a music king.

The popularity of "Bao Qingtian" has also triggered a frantic scramble for the second-run broadcast rights.

So far, three TV stations have made bids, with the highest bid exceeding 3 million, and the other two also bidding more than 2 million.

As the ratings of "Bao Qingtian" become more and more popular, and more and more TV stations enter the show, the price of the second-round broadcast rights should be able to increase a little bit.

Chen Yong is very confident that he will sell at least the second-round broadcast rights for more than 12 million, and the remaining three rounds will be pieced together, and he is expected to get 3 million.

The original plan was to sell the second and third rounds at 10 to 15 million, but now it seems that it is very likely that the task will be exceeded.

What’s even more surprising is the post-advertisement. Before the broadcast of “Young Man Bao Qingtian”, three were sold, one for 1 million.

If you don't have more than 3 million now, you don't have to ask. If Chen Yong is more crazy, he can still earn at least more than 15 million from the pre-roll advertisement.

In addition, Taiwanese copyright and DVD copyright can also earn 1.8 million.

Before, Cao Xuan’s bold guess of 50 million now seems a bit conservative, and 60 million is possible.

Cao Xuan occupies 20% of the crew and is expected to share 12 million. Even after tax is deducted, it is enough for him to buy two more courtyard houses with three entrances and three exits in the capital.

Putting aside Penguin, this is Cao Xuan’s most successful investment so far.

What made him slightly regretful was that this was a one-shot deal.

After the success of "Young Man Bao Qingtian", Chen Yong quickly started to prepare for the second film. He still found Cao Xuan to star, but except for the 1.5 million film salary, he no longer accepted Cao Xuan's investment.

Cao Xuan understood Chen Yong's approach very well. After all, the first part was so popular, and all fools knew that the second part would be a waste of money.

Chen Yong has made a lot of money and has no shortage of investment. Naturally, he doesn't want to share the meat with Cao Xuan.

But understanding is understanding, Chen Yong wants to live alone, and Cao Xuan, who won the first wave of dividends from the TV series, does not want to work for others.

Since he can't participate in the investment, he doesn't have to play the role of Bao Zheng, so that everyone can get together and relax.

Chen Yong was very happy. He had obviously expected it and was even ready to break up. Unexpectedly, Cao Xuan's reaction was mediocre, which made all the public relations measures he prepared useless.

The two parties broke up peacefully, and Hu Jing also advanced and retreated together with Cao Xuan, and no longer participated in the second part of "Young Bao Qingtian".

This news will be kept secret for the time being and will be announced to the outside world after the sale of the premiere and second-round broadcast rights of "Young Man" is completed, so as not to affect the ratings and sales price.

After it was confirmed that he would no longer participate in the "Young Man Bao Qingtian" series, Cao Xuan had a headache as to what role he would take on in the next one.

There are currently no roles that he likes in the film contracts in hand, and the company's only drama is "Love Through Time and Space".

Cao Xuan felt that he was not suitable for the soft and cute temperament of the male lead Zhu Yunwen. The second male lead Zhu Di was okay, but he had too few roles.

Change the script to have two male protagonists?

Or open another one?


ps: According to the suggestions of book friends, I changed the previous ratings data.

After all, it is so old that a lot of information cannot be found, and the data statistics from various parties are different. We can only make rough calculations based on some references. I hope everyone understands the inappropriateness, just think of it as the butterfly effect...

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