China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 195 Boss Cao is famous in the film and television circles and the Internet circle

Cao Xuan's cold response did not completely extinguish the curiosity of the outside world. Many people had an impression of the name [Fanxing Entertainment].

But the biggest benefit is that Cao Xuan has gained a certain reputation in the industry and business circles.

In fact, Fanxing is no longer a nobody in the industry. Last year, he had two hit movies with revenue of tens of millions. Anyone with a little bit of care can see Fanxing's strength.

Not to mention that Fanxing has proposed production plans several times this year. Although many companies have also boasted about this, they cannot be fully convinced.

But "Love Across Time and Space" has already started filming, "Swallows and Eagles" has been cast and set, and "Golden Pink Family" is even more famous in the industry.

Even if other projects are no longer being filmed, by independently producing three dramas in one year with a cumulative investment of nearly 20 million, Fanxing is considered to be among the best among mainland film and television companies.

Being famous among the stars also means that Cao Xuan has officially changed his identity in the industry, from a simple artist to an entrepreneur who is on par with many film and television company bosses.

Similarly, he is also slightly better than many artists. It's okay to become famous, but ordinary artists will be eager to order Cao Xuan in the future.

In fact, I did it before, but at that time it was because of Cao Xuan’s fame and popularity, but now it’s because of the resources in Cao Xuan’s hands.

Apart from other things, Hu Jing played the second female lead, one of the two female leads, and the first female lead in "Young Bao Qingtian", "Journey to the West" and "Love Through Time" respectively.

And it is said that the well-known "Golden Pink Family" has also been confirmed to have the second female lead.

With this level of resources, except for Zhou Gongzi and the heads of various companies, no young female artist would be jealous.

Male artists are also jealous, but Boss Cao doesn't like that...

Some financial media also speculated that Cao Xuan's move is likely to cause a large number of celebrities to open companies.

However, this is conjecture. At this stage, the film and television market is small, and film and television bosses are not so easy to deal with. Financial resources, connections, vision, ability, courage, etc. are all indispensable.

Cao Xuan relied on the money he had accumulated in the music industry and his golden fingers to select two blockbuster works. He also used his fame as a stepping stone and the quality of the TV series to open up contacts in TV stations.

With those two dramas as a foundation, Cao Xuan made money from his early investment and gained the initial trust of the TV station. This year's drama will be relatively easy to release.

And there are enough cash sources from other channels to support it, which is the confidence for him to do so much.

If other stars really thought that the film and television industry was so easy to do, they would use their own savings to break in.

First, the capital chain is unstable, secondly, it is difficult to continue to come up with high-quality projects, and thirdly, issuance is difficult.

Once the situation cannot be opened up at the beginning, there will be various negative chain effects immediately. Being able to exit the game completely is considered extremely lucky. If you are unlucky, you will be heavily in debt.

Liu Tianwang is the best example...

There are quite a few big names in Xiangjiang who have opened film and television and record companies, and most of them have gone bankrupt. Only a few are doing well, but most of them are cooperating with large companies to make a living.

I just want to get into the business and become a boss with a few million, and I don’t even know how I will die.

So it's not that celebrities don't have ambitions, but they have self-awareness. The current film and television industry is not something that their small families can afford, so getting paid and getting endorsements is the safe way.

However, in a few years, with the prosperity of the film and television market, the expansion of the market, the reshuffle of forces, and the diversity of gameplay, many powerful stars can finally be converted into capital.

For a time, the entertainment industry was full of bosses.

But in fact, to be honest, these people are still working with big capital, and there are only a few that have the ability to lead independently.

Cao Xuan is not sure if any celebrities have been persuaded, but Fanxing has indeed become "famous" in the circle. In the future, all parties will have a reputation for cooperation and resource exchange, and they will not treat you as a grassroots team.

In addition, Cao Xuan has also become famous in the business circle, especially in the Internet industry.

In fact, Cao Xuan has been somewhat famous in the Internet circle before. After all, Cao Xuan once shouted to Penguin and it was revealed that he had shares. He can be regarded as an early celebrity involved in the mainland Internet.

Apart from Cao Xuan, the only well-known celebrity who entered the Internet in the early days of the Internet was the "investment genius" Li Yapeng.

It is said that Mr. Li started to establish a wedding website in 1998. The online and offline O2O model was used earlier than Jackma, and it received US$500,000 in financing.

Unfortunately, it went bankrupt in nine months. Then Mr. Li founded "Magazine", but due to an error in the edition number, he lost another 2 million.

Mr. Li of the original time and space also invested in films and dramas. Let’s put it this way, his ending was slightly better than that of Liu Tianwang...

Perhaps because of Mr. Li's example, many people thought that Cao Xuan only took a small share in the company because of his reputation and helped Penguin attract users.

But now that Cao Xuan's net worth has been exposed, combined with Penguin's previous situation, Cao Xuan's identity becomes more interesting.

In the early days of the Internet, many of these people knew each other, and there were countless classmates and partners. Someone who was interested could ask people inside Penguin carefully. Although they could not get specific data, they could get a general idea.

Good guy, it turns out this is Penguin's big hose.

I invested tens of millions in two years to single-handedly help Penguin survive the Internet winter. The shares are at least 30%, and it is not involved in daily company management.

It's hard to find a good investor even with a lantern... No, a good investor...

Penguin has now gradually become profitable. It is one of the first companies to recover from the Internet winter. It has a near-monopoly in the domestic instant messaging field and is considered first-rate among Internet companies.

Cao Xuan relied on Penguin to successfully light up his aura as an angel investor, but he was also targeted by countless Internet companies who were crazy about money.

According to a report by Gu Yunkai, general manager of Jiaoyang Venture Capital, in recent days, the number of investment proposals received in the company's internal mailbox has exceeded double digits, and many companies have called for consultation.

However, Cao Xuan had no money, and even if he had money, he would not invest randomly, so these people's flirtatious looks were thrown to the blind man.


But no matter what, Cao Xuan's name is also imprinted in the hearts of various Internet celebrities. Among them, Cao Xuan's most cherished one is Shanda Chen Tianqiao.

This is also the reason why Cao Xuan's reputation spread by default.

If Cao Xuan had gone to Shanda to cooperate with "Legend" before, Chen Tianqiao might have been confused.

Now that Cao Xuan has demonstrated his "precise vision" in successfully investing in Penguin, and his gaming company has cooperated with Shanda, Chen Tianqiao may feel more at ease.

So, under Cao Xuan's instructions, a game company called [Box Game] stepped into the door of Shanda Company with its "Legend" game.

At this time, Chen Tianqiao had just fallen out with, the investor behind the scenes.

In 2001, the domestic online game market began to rise. Games such as "Millennium", "Red Moon", "Stone Age" and "King of Kings" were once popular across the country, with tens of thousands of online players at the same time.

Chen Tianqiao was very optimistic about the online game market and planned to transform the company into an online game operator. However, the boss of did not agree. The two parties fell out and withdrew its capital. Chen Tianqiao only had hundreds of thousands of dollars in hand.

In fact, Chen Tianqiao was already optimistic about the "Legend of Blood" project before this, but he could not spend money on it without the approval of the investors.

Now that I have parted ways with, I mustered up my courage and prepared to make a desperate move, but I was told that I had been blocked.

Lao Chen almost lost his temper and was about to look for other projects when the person in charge of Box Games came to visit.

I heard that you are also optimistic about this project, so let's work together.

Chen Tianqiao is indeed very optimistic about "Legend". He has played this game personally.

I found that this game is easy to operate and can communicate and interact with other people. It is very suitable for the needs of Chinese netizens who are not yet accustomed to complex game operations at this stage.

He chatted with the person in charge of the box game and found that both parties had almost the same views. Later he learned that Cao Xuan was the one who advocated winning the game.

A person’s name is like a tree’s shadow!

In this era of crazy growth of the Internet, fame is sometimes used well, and its effect is no less than real money.

Lao Chen and Cao Xuan talked on the phone, and after a heart-to-heart talk, they became more and more confident about "Legend of Hot Blood".

So the two parties formally reached a cooperation to jointly operate the game, with Box Games providing 60% of the money, and Shanda's contribution and technical connections accounting for 40%.

Of course, before that, the two parties must allocate a part to Ubisoft, the largest single-player game distributor in the country, to build the game's name as quickly as possible.

When "Legend" becomes popular and its popularity increases, we can implement the grand Internet cafe strategy of the original time and space.

Cao Xuan actually doesn't know much about the operating history of the game "Legend", he only knows a rough idea.

He also had no intention of getting involved in Shanda's affairs. As I said before, "Legend" was just for quick money.

Of course, if conditions permit, Cao Xuan doesn't mind the long-term success. He even intends to get the early dividends and take advantage of the fact that the Korean manufacturers haven't reacted, reverse merger or buy shares, and completely win the copyright of "Legend".

If you can't get the copyright, you will make almost the same amount of money by then. You can just sell the agency rights in your hands, leave, and then buy other games.

You can't make enough money, you have to have a long-term vision.

Cao Xuan has a golden finger. The biggest advantage is that he knows when to break. He also always reminds himself not to be dazzled by the fog in front of him and to stay awake.

Otherwise, even if you become the richest man, but make a mess, all things considered, it will still do more harm than good...


Boxbox has reached a cooperation with Shanda, but many modifications need to be made to the game, hardware facilities and distribution must be properly arranged, and the official launch time is not expected until at least the second half of the year.

The public beta will be open for two months, and then card charging will begin. If you want to get the early dividends, I am afraid it will be close to the end of the year.

He didn’t know how much money he would be given, but Boss Cao said he was looking forward to it.

Before, the largest single cash flow he had ever seen was around 20 million. He didn’t know if he could break the limit this time.

When Box Games contacted Shanda, Cao Xuan's Temple of Heaven concert finally kicked off.

On February 10, 2001, the temperature increased that day. Compared with the previous days, it was not so cold, and there was no wind at night. It was a good day with God's support.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, concertgoers began to appear one after another around the Temple of Heaven, and before five o'clock, they successfully caused traffic jams in nearby streets.

Relevant transportation departments rushed to send personnel to evacuate, and the department responsible for security work also sent a large number of personnel to participate in maintaining order and safety control, and other departments participated in the cooperation.

The total number of participants is as high as four figures. The on-site commander is 24 cents, the second-in-command in Dongcheng is personally in charge, and the leaders of the Beijing Yamen are supervising remotely. There may be higher-level leaders keeping an eye on it.

Not counting those official activities, commercial activities of this level cannot be said to be non-existent, but they are definitely rare.

Cao Xuan participated in a mobilization meeting before, and he only had one thought when he came out. If it hadn't been for the Olympic bid, he would never have been treated like this...


ps: Looking up the information on Shanda and "Legend" gave me a headache. It was so messy that I could only write in detail.


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