China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 199 Guotai Min An King Cao and the Four Pepsi Superstars

The impact of the Tiantan concert was far greater than Cao Xuan expected.

Early the next morning, last night's concert almost monopolized the headlines of all entertainment newspapers. Even official media such as second-rate newspapers left the headlines to Cao Xuan.

The title is "Cao Xuan sings the clarion call for the rise of China's pop music scene."

From an official point of view, it is a very high evaluation, but the status of second-rate newspapers is high, but most readers have no intention of seeing the deep positive meanings behind a concert.

They only want to read substantive news and gossip.

"Southern Metropolis Daily" understands this very well. They used a small half of the page to include a photo of Cao Xuan's concert last night.

This photo is from an upward perspective. Cao Xuan is standing on the stage singing softly, blocking the moon. Behind him is the dark night sky, with many stars scattered around him, like "holding the moon."

Then he gave it a title: "This night, he is the brightest star."

Putting aside the casual readers, for Cao Xuan’s fans, this photo simply hit everyone’s high point.

Not to mention the fans, even Cao Xuan himself liked this photo very much. He asked the editorial department for a high-definition version and made it into photos to put in his office and home.

This photo alone caused this issue of the Southern Metropolis Daily to be sold out, and many people bought the newspaper based on this photo.

Later, smart merchants reacted and searched for photos of the concert that day.

Famous scenes such as hundreds of thousands of people waving light sticks, singing the Internationale, Liangshan Heroes + Ximen Qing, etc. were all made into posters and sold across the country and even throughout Asia, making a solid profit.

Not only mainland news, but also Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other Asian countries reported on this unprecedented concert in China.

Even later, several authoritative media in the United States and Europe also made corresponding reports——

A super idol has appeared in China!

After all, this kind of solo concert with 100,000 people is not common even internationally. Many of them are music festivals and are joint performances by many big names.

Not to mention, the venue of the concert was the Temple of Heaven, and many European and American media were analyzing (nao) and (bu) the various deep political considerations behind it.

After all, the Soviet Union’s Red Square concert was still very famous in Europe and the United States, and it was even said that it “brought down a superpower”...

That group of experts loved these "groundbreaking" events, and the president was so confused that he wished he could write a 100,000-word paper.

Of course, some people have noticed that China is actually working hard to bid for the Olympics, and some Olympic Committee personnel have indeed seen from this concert the market, enthusiasm and official organization and hosting capabilities displayed by the Chinese people.

It’s hard to say how much of an impact it will have, but as long as it can have a positive impact, this concert will be considered a waste.

Afterwards, Cao Xuan also learned from other channels that he had received praise from his superiors. What big leader didn't know, but he was very high-ranking anyway.

In addition to entertainment news and international news, Cao Xuan's concert also featured in social news and legal news.

Social news: Because the concert has great influence, it is already considered a social event and will definitely arouse discussion, especially in Beijing, where there are many derivative news about this matter.

Apart from other things, the Temple of Heaven has recently become the first sightseeing spot for many Beijing residents and tourists.

Although the Temple of Heaven was already a famous attraction in the capital before, the numerous media exposure and bombardment of this concert brought the Temple of Heaven to the top of the list, and the number of visitors increased several times compared to before.

It is said that many singers also hope to hold concerts in the Temple of Heaven.

According to insiders, among them is Xie Feng, the little king who has been competing with Cao Xuan.

However, the relevant units did not agree rashly, but were holding a meeting to discuss whether to open the Temple of Heaven into a long-term performance venue.

The outside world does not know what the final conclusion of the meeting was, but the applications for the Temple of Heaven concert were basically rejected, and those who were not rejected said they were studying it.

As for how long the research will take, it depends on whether another concert is needed...

As for the legal news, it mainly praised the personnel on duty last night for ensuring the safety of the venue and related public order.

According to official reports, a total of 11 scalpers and 26 thieves were arrested last night, as well as... two fugitives.

The two fugitives were a couple who belonged to a fraud gang that had just been uncovered not long ago. They slipped through the net.

Because most of the accomplices were caught, the public security agency thought they had escaped the capital and issued a wanted notice.

It turned out that both of them were fans of Cao Xuan, especially the girl, who was very hardcore. On the day they escaped, they queued up to buy tickets.

As a result, I knew something had happened, but I was still reluctant to leave after buying the tickets. I came to the concert with a sense of luck. However, when I left the concert, I was recognized by an officer on duty and was knocked down directly.

After being arrested, the woman was very happy to tell the police that she was lucky to have been arrested before she heard what she said. If she had been arrested before she heard what she said, it would have been a big loss.

Definitely the best among fans.

This magical reality news has become one of the biggest gossips of this concert. Everyone doesn't know whether to laugh at these two people for being stupid or lament that they are true fans.

After hearing this, Cao Xuan couldn't hold back and anonymously sent two boxes of instant noodles and ham sausages to the detention center, hoping that they would reform and become honest people.

He also didn't expect that he would be able to experience the status of [Chinese King of Cathay Pacific and Min'an Zhang] and send fans in "with his own hands".

But there is one thing to say, this time it should be good luck. At that time, Zhang Tianwang had upgraded his technology and could directly scan his face electronically to capture him.

Therefore, Cao Xuan felt that he would not be able to be the [fugitive nemesis] in a short period of time. The police couldn't just recognize the fugitive every time.


The influence of the Tiantan concert is still growing, and Cao Xuan is more concerned about the dividends from this concert.

This Asia tour concert attracted 80,000 people in Shanghai, 35,000 people in Taiwan, 22,000 people in Singapore, 30,000 people in Malaysia, and 100,000 people in Beijing, for a total of 267,000 concert attendees.

Excluding some of the free tickets, all others were sold out, and the cumulative box office was close to 70 million, which was nearly 20 million more than the expected 50 million.

According to the profit ratio of 30% for the organizer, 30% for Warner, and 40% for Cao Xuan, Cao Xuan can get almost 28 million.

In addition to the Phoenix TV broadcast rights and DVD rights, this is divided between Cao Xuan and Warner, each worth about 2 million.

Putting aside various investment and tax issues, Cao Xuan is guaranteed to earn more than 25 million from this concert tour. Fanxing’s investment in film and television this year is not short of money.

Calculating his dividends, Cao Xuan's previous hard work and fatigue from the concert were instantly wiped away.

Not to mention Warner, with a dividend of 20 million+, which is a real profit, and the potential benefits are even greater.

After holding such an internationally renowned concert, the market value has skyrocketed, and its appeal in the music scene has also been greatly enhanced. In addition, it has signed many mainland singers and has aggressively entered the mainland market.

Warner has now surpassed other record giants and has the potential to become the number one record company in the Chinese music industry.

However, the most important thing for Warner now is not to be the boss of the record company, but to seize the time to renew the contract with Cao Xuan, the "big brother of the company".

The contract between the two parties was signed at the beginning of 1999 for a period of three years, which means this year is the last year of the contract.

If the contract is not renewed, the two parties will part ways in early 2002.

Of course Warner doesn't want to separate from Cao Xuan, but if he wants to sign a contract, he must show sincerity.

Several other companies are gearing up, and Sony, the craziest, is said to be prepared to pay a signing fee of 80 million, and the remaining terms are similar to Warner's, or even slightly more generous.

With this sky-high price, to put it bluntly, Sony has no intention of easily earning back its money from Cao Xuan.

The more purpose is to use Cao Xuan to join the company to spread the company's reputation, increase the company's market value, and then lay out the Chinese music market.

They are all foxes for thousands of years. Warner certainly knows what Sony and the others are planning, and Cao Xuan actually understands it too.

To be honest, he doesn't want to separate from Warner. Once the two sides cooperate well, he will soon use Warner's platform to enter overseas markets.

If the two sides end their cooperation, many things will have to be overturned and started over, which is not a good thing for Cao Xuan.

But the signing fee of 80 million is not a small amount after all. For the sake of many years of cooperation, Cao Xuan does not require Warner to pay the same amount, but at least it must be sincere.

Otherwise, I just want to wipe out 80 million with empty words. There is no such a good deal in the world...

The two parties are now actively negotiating. Before that, Cao Xuan would not contact other record companies to show his sincerity.

But he also stated in advance that if the negotiations did not go smoothly, don't blame Cao Xuan for finding another way out.

In addition to entering the contract year with Warner, many of Cao Xuan's first batch of endorsements have also expired.

For example, the DVD player and Master Kong's braised beef instant noodles expired at the end of last year.

The contract for the video player was not renewed, and the small manufacturer could not afford Cao Xuan's current endorsement fee.

Master Kong would like to renew, but he does not want to renew a single product, but all the products of the entire group, including beverages, food, etc.

This is not impossible, but the price offered by Master Kong is too low. He wants to cover Cao Xuan for three years for only 15 million.

These are all of Cao Xuan's food advertisements. If you break down the endorsements, the minimum would be over 20 million.

As a result, the two sides broke down.

Cao Xuan is not in a hurry. The territory of food endorsement is too big. Just pick two products to offset Master Kong's gap.

As for the first-tier refrigerator brand that signed Cao Xuan for three years for 6.5 million, it has become a model in the advertising industry. The leader who decided to sign the person at that time was reused by the group.

It's the last year now, and this company also wants to renew the contract with Cao Xuan. Cao Xuan doesn't refuse, but it's still the same sentence, what price will be offered when.

Nowadays, 6.5 million is no longer enough, we need more money!

As for Wahaha, the two parties officially ended their two-year contract at the beginning of this year.

Wahaha, which had been well prepared, launched its new spokesperson Wang Lihong almost seamlessly. For a moment, it seemed as if Wahaha had kicked Cao Xuan.

But soon, Cao Xuan announced that he would officially join Pepsi-Cola and become its spokesperson in Asia.

Cao Xuan is also the fifth Chinese celebrity to endorse Pepsi after Leslie Cheung, Liu Tianwang, Guo Tianwang and Wang Fei.

In fact, Coca-Cola was always the first to contact Cao Xuan. Until Cao Xuan decided to part ways with Wahaha, Pepsi-Cola also joined the fight.

The two cola companies have always preferred popular singers as spokespersons, who are young, trendy and fashionable. Cao Xuan is simply the most suitable candidate in the current entertainment industry.

So the two major companies began to fight openly and secretly.

Frankly speaking, both companies are not short of money, but for the sake of other spokespersons, the prices they offer are similar. In this case, other resources are needed to attract Cao Xuan.

Comparing the two, Cao Xuan finally chose Pepsi-Cola, which was more suitable for his needs.

15 million in three years, as well as some of the resources Cao Xuan needs.

This is also Cao Xuan's second 500/year big contract after the Seven Wolves.

In fact, compared to the Seven Wolves period, Cao Xuan's fame and status are much greater, and the price is expected to increase a bit. However, considering Pepsi's exposure and promotion capabilities and resource replacement, Cao Xuanfang made certain concessions.

In addition, Septwolves is the endorsement of the entire men's clothing industry, which is inherently higher than other endorsements. Therefore, Cao Xuan is personally satisfied with Pepsi's 5 million per year.

Moreover, Warner also cooperates with Pepsi, otherwise the former brother Guo Tianwang would not successfully join Pepsi. Later, Warner's Sammi Cheng also joined Pepsi.

This time, Cao Xuan negotiated with PepsiCo, and Warner also had a hand in it.

In addition to Cao Xuan, Pepsi also announced the signing of two newcomers, Kelly Chen and the fledgling Teacher Chen.

The former is the queen of Xiangjiang, needless to say, the latter signed the contract mainly because he liked Mr. Chen's cool and handsome style, which was considered as a casual chess.

At present, the most important Pepsi stars are Cao Xuan, Guo Tianwang, Wang Fei, and Kelly Chen. Cao Xuan takes the lead, and the other three are behind.

Coca-Cola failed to compete for Cao Xuan. Seeing Pepsi's lineup of four superstars, they were also ready to start hiring.

The first ones to target are Xie Feng, known as the Little King of Asia, and [Nan Ren] Ren Xianqi, who is as famous as Cao Xuan.

Female singer Na Ying looked down on her, but Zhang Huimei was not good in Mainland China, so they fell in love with Li Wenwei, who had just appeared in the Spring Festival Gala, and Karen Mok, who was as famous as Kelly Chen in Hong Kong.

Inexplicably, Coke also began to follow PepsiCo’s strategy of stacking superstars.

But Pepsi is not giving up at all. Now that the most popular Cao Xuan is in hand, who can compete with him in the entire music world...


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