China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 244 Business blowback, successful counterattack

"Happy Camp" recording scene

Cao Xuan finished singing the chorus of "Little Lucky" and waited for half a minute before the fans calmed down.

Fortunately, most of these viewers are "veteran actors" carefully selected by the program team, and relatively speaking, they follow the program team's instructions.

If you find wild fans, it will probably be lively for a while, and maybe even excited fans will come to hug the idol, then it will be considered a variety show accident.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. The host and backstage director breathed a sigh of relief, and He Dan also started to control the scene.

"Wow, the audience today is so enthusiastic. The songs by the guests are all very good."


The audience was very considerate, and He Dan and Li Xiang brought two more rhythms, which stabilized the fans.

This is the sense of smell of an excellent host. He must always ensure that the program is within a controllable range. If the atmosphere just now is too heated, he must first cool down, pull his attention aside, stabilize the situation, and then get down to the topic.

"I really made a profit today. I saw so many outstanding singers. Please introduce yourselves."

This is a necessary process. Even Cao Xuan doesn't know everyone, so he has to introduce himself, which can be regarded as saying hello to the audience.

After self-introduction, the process was completed, and the rest was much freer. Li Xiang asked curiously.

"When you came out just now, I saw that you were all singing each other's songs. Was it a charade?"

"Yes, backstage just now, the program team asked us to prepare for the opening show. Originally, each of us sang his own song. Later, I felt it was too monotonous, so I suggested that the four of us sing instead."

Cao Xuan was the main star and the main focus of the host, but he didn't just care about his own performance and was praised by several people.

"Well, I actually took advantage of this because I am familiar with the song "Little Lucky". Some of the three of them sang it for the first time. The songs they practiced now are really amazing."

He Dan and Li Xiang had something to talk about, and immediately went to interview the three of them about their thoughts. Sun and Wang all chatted. It was a little more difficult for them because it was Chinese style, the lyrics were difficult to remember, and it was a new trend, so they needed to adapt.

Xiao Zhou is a boring gourd, shy and introverted, and doesn't speak much on the show. Even if the host asks, he doesn't say much.

This is mainly a matter of confidence. Xiao Zhou is now popular, but he still has some of the inferiority complex he had before. Facing a familiar environment is okay, but he is not comfortable with such an unfamiliar program.

There is no good way. As time goes by and you become popular, your personality will naturally become cheerful and confident.

My younger brother, Cao Xuan, helped take care of him and told how they got to know each other.

"I met Jie Lun when I went to Taiwan Province in 1999. At that time, I heard his "Snail" and thought he was quite talented, so I chatted with him.

At that time, I wanted to bring him to the capital to develop, but due to various reasons, it was not successful. Fortunately, his talent was not buried because of this. Last year, his first album was very popular in Taiwan, and many young people liked it. "

When Cao Xuan showed off little Zhou Yi like this, many mainland viewers realized that this silent young man had such a good relationship with Cao Xuan. No wonder Cao Xuan wrote songs for him.

Xiao Zhou's face was filled with emotion when he mentioned old things. He rarely spoke in public and expressed his gratitude to Cao Xuan.

"Brother Xuan helped me a lot. When I was not famous, he encouraged me and let me stick to my music dream.

Later, when the album was released, it received some criticism due to its style. Brother Xuan has been vocal in supporting me, and later he even took me to his concert tour and gave me a chance to perform..."

According to Xiao Zhou's description, Cao Xuan is simply a good big brother who helps out those in need, values ​​love and justice, and helps his brothers.

The audience gave warm applause, and the host and guests also looked at Cao Xuan with admiration. However, the person involved, Cao Xuan, was a little embarrassed.

Although he was really nice to Xiao Zhou, he also took advantage of others and praised him too highly, which made his conscience really uncomfortable.

In addition to Xiao Zhou, Sun Yanzi also praised Cao Xuan for being very generous and taking special care of her. He also let her go to concerts, wrote new songs for her, and even promoted her in newspapers when the album was released.

At this point, Cao Xuan accepted Sun Yanzi's gratitude with peace of mind.

After all, he didn't take advantage of others, and he really supported and cared for them, even if part of the reason was because of Warner.

However, the applause this time was much more "tactful", and some people looked at Cao Xuan and Sun Yanzi with strange eyes, vaguely ambiguous.

Official Cao strongly condemned this, saying it was gender discrimination, distrust and an insult to his personality.

But Cao Xuan is used to being "insulted".

After the daily reprimands, he would just lie down and let the ridicule go. As long as he didn't spread rumors about having a homosexual relationship with Xiao Zhou, others could do whatever they wanted.

Xiao Zhou and Sun Yanzi both praised Cao Xuan, saying that Cao Xuan was a good brother in the new century. Just like a few hours ago, everyone looked at Wang Lihong.

Wang Lihong:? ? ?

He and Cao Xuan were not familiar with each other at all. Today was their first private conversation, and there was no story to tell.

Is it possible for him to talk about how to replace Cao Xuan’s Wahaha endorsement?

However, Wang Lihong is also a smart person. After getting through the initial little confusion, he immediately found a way to deal with it. The two of them have no story, but they can praise Cao Xuan's talent.

He is also a singer-songwriter. From the perspective of a creator, expressing his recognition and admiration for Cao Xuan's strength is also another effect of flattery.

Everyone carried the sedan chair.

Others praised themselves and reciprocated with courtesy. Cao Xuan also expressed his appreciation for the three people. They were talented, polite, and willing to endure hardships. Anyway, if they are good words, use them.

Coupled with the three complimentary hosts, the "Happy Camp" studio has become a scene of business exchanges.


Of course, variety shows can't be just a show, there are still games.

For example, [Choose one of the two wonderful options].

As the name of this game suggests, there are two choices to see who you choose. The highlight is the question. The answer is tricky and it is a test for the guests.

The first question: If you were given the opportunity to be single for five years or lose the opportunity to earn 10 million in cash, which one would you choose?

Single for five years vs losing 10 million in cash

The audience began to howl with excitement, and the host smiled brightly. He pointed the microphone at the four guests, expecting them to give their answers.

Xiao Zhou chose the latter. Although he explained that feelings and money cannot be measured, Cao Xuan guessed that this boy was probably in trouble.

Wang Lihong and Xiao Zhou made the same choice, and the reasons were similar to Xiao Zhou's.

He should be doing it out of image considerations. After all, the current atmosphere is too conservative, and choosing money seems a bit greedy.

Sun Yanzi was more straightforward and chose to be single for five years. However, she did not say it was for money, but said she would not consider love for the time being.

When it was Cao Xuan's turn, he really wanted to say the famous line "I don't want any bullshit love, I just want to make money", and then chose to stay single for five years.

But he was afraid that Hu Jing would kill him when he returned, so he chose the latter.

This option immediately aroused laughter from the audience. Everyone felt that Cao Daguan was like this, but they soon stopped laughing.

Because when He Dan asked the reason, Cao Xuanfeng responded calmly.

"I feel that opportunities to earn 10 million are everywhere, but five years are unrepeatable. To me, these two options are not comparable at all."

Hey, 110, someone here is showing off!

Looking at the somewhat silent scene, Cao Xuan snorted in his heart, "I didn't want to show off my wealth, but you had to force me to go to Versailles."

If you push me again, I’ll say [I don’t like money, I’m not interested in money]……

This game session is quite fun. The questions are tricky and thought-provoking. You can also see the choices and thoughts of the guests.

The next few questions are very interesting, even a bit extreme, and a great challenge to the desire to survive.

[When your parents quarrel, who do you help (required)]

[When your boss scolds you, do you tolerate it or scold you back? 】

[A job with a comfortable environment and deep rewards but aversion to it VS a dream that leads to poverty and embarrassment but a beloved dream]

[Current boyfriend/girlfriend VS wants to relive the old first love with you (Bai Yueguang)]

And the classic must-have question - if my girlfriend and mother fall into the water, who can I save?

Even though Cao Xuan was prepared in his heart, he answered with a bit of fear. The one he didn't hesitate the most was the so-called [Reality vs. Ideal]. Cao Xuan, a pragmatist, directly chose the former.

Dreams are important, but you must first live!

What surprised him was that among the other three, Wang and Sun both chose ideals, while Xiao Zhou chose reality.

But it’s understandable if you think about it. The first two people have a superior family background, and their development has been relatively smooth, and they have not suffered too many setbacks.

Moreover, Stefanie Sun is a girl and is relatively emotional. From these choices, Wang Lihong can see that he cares more about image. Even if his psychological thoughts are different, he will choose more conservative choices.

Xiao Zhou and Cao Xuan are both people who have struggled at the bottom. They have endured hardships and suffered, and they understand better the choice between dreams and reality.

After this segment of questioning, Cao Xuan was so worried that he lost a lot of his brain cells. Feeling depressed, he also challenged the host.

"I have a question and I want to see how you answer it."

"you say."

He Dan is very new. They usually make things difficult for the guests in this segment, but no guest has ever given them a question.

Cao Xuan showed a kind smile: "The problem is very simple, your partner and your best friend of the same sex exchange body and soul.

If you had to choose one of them as a partner, would you rather choose [a partner with a same-sex friend’s soul] or [a same-sex friend with a partner’s soul].

Or let me put it more bluntly, your girlfriend and your good brother exchange souls, choose one of the two.

Do you choose [a good brother with a girlfriend in his body] or [a good brother with a girlfriend in his body]. "

What the hell is this problem?

The host, the audience and Xiao Zhou all looked confused, but after thinking about it slowly, they were even more stumped by this question.

Especially for male compatriots, let’s ask ourselves, do you love your girlfriend’s soul or your girlfriend’s body?


But whoever acts coquettishly and coquettishly in front of a big man will not feel uncomfortable.


When I think of a pure man inside this body, I feel even more uncomfortable.

Looking at the entangled people, Cao Xuan smiled slightly, leaned back and crossed his legs.

Successful counterattack!

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