China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 426 The confident Fan Xiaopang, the popular Liu Tianxian, and the definitely Cao Tianwang ne

January 1, 2005, New Year’s Day, Yinacai

Cao Xuan came to Hong Kong with some members of the "New World" crew. After two brief script and makeup setting meetings, filming began directly.

Fan Xiaopang was dressed in an OL uniform, with a ponytail and gold-rimmed glasses. It was originally a very intellectual and cold outfit, but when it was worn on her, it inexplicably carried a bit of fun and temptation.

This character is a connector to the male protagonist Li Zicheng, played by Cao Xuan. In the original version, she was a female police officer, but this version has made some changes.

After all, there is a plot in the later part of the plot where this woman is tortured and killed, and from the perspective of the policewoman, she did nothing wrong and can be regarded as loyal to her duties. If we still follow the original version, the "justice" of the male protagonist will be greatly compromised.

In fact, Cao Xuan thought it didn't matter. After all, the male protagonist couldn't really be a white lotus, but the key was that he couldn't pass the trial.

Therefore, Fan Xiaopang's identity has changed. She is no longer a purely righteous policeman, but has been bribed by the forces behind the villain's boss and an associate of the villain.

In this way, even if it is a side ball, the plot logic remains unchanged, but from the third-party perspective of the audience, it will be much more comfortable.

Fan Xiaopang doesn't have many roles. He is more of a clue-type character. He plays the role of threading the needle in the early stage. The main focus of the subsequent scenes is also the performance of the male protagonist Li Zicheng, and he does not have a big role.

The entire movie "The New World" is a man's drama through and through.

Fan Xiaopang is the heroine in name. If we carefully count her appearances, she may not even be able to compete with the fifth male lead.

However, Fan Xiaopang is still very satisfied. Before Huayi, apart from the "Mobile Phone" that he struggled to obtain, he had almost no access to major commercial film resources.

No matter how few scenes she has in "New World", many popular little girls will not be able to get it, let alone "Xiu Chun Dao 2" after her.

Happiness, sometimes comes from comparison...

This is not the first time Cao Xuan and Fan Xiaopang have acted. Their first collaboration dates back to 1998 in "Little Li's Flying Knife". However, at that time, both roles were supporting roles, with few roles and almost no direct rivalry. .

Times have changed, and compared to when the two were still young, their business skills have improved a lot now.

Needless to say, Cao Xuan has been awarded the title of Emperor of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers, and has been nominated for the Golden Horse twice. He is the most highly regarded among the new generation of actors.

In fact, Fan Xiaopang is also good at acting. Although he is not a major, Fan Xiaopang actually studies a lot in private.

According to Cao Xuan's understanding, when she was filming "Beauty's Scheming", Dame Zeng went to visit the cast, and she also asked the Empress of the West Palace about wanting to study in Chinese opera.

Whether he really wants to improve his acting skills or is deliberately trying to please the great beauty Zeng, I don’t know, but the current professional level of Fan Xiaopang is really not bad, and it can even be said to be slowly improving.

It’s hard to say that it’s a high-difficulty or deep-level character, but it’s not difficult for her to play medium or low difficulty.

At least Cao Xuan compared Da Meiyuan with her and was more willing to vote for Fan Xiaopang.

In this regard, Cao Xuan must be fair to several big flowers.

Although each has its own shortcomings, the business level is at least above the standard, even excellent.

Even though some of the later works were too awkward or even badly staged, when they encountered good works, they were still able to perform at a high level.

In contrast, their juniors, some 85-year-olds and 90-year-olds without naming names, are obviously not as good as their predecessors in terms of business.

There are very few who can step out of their comfort zone and reach a certain level, which is why they rarely win important awards despite their high traffic.

Of course, there are many objective reasons such as lack of film resources, suppression by predecessors, and different circumstances of the times that cannot be ignored.

However, it is a recognized fact that the overall acting skills are not as good as those of the predecessors, and even later generations are somewhat overtaken by the two generations of florets of 1995 and 2000.

I don’t blame everyone for laughing at me, seniors and juniors can’t beat me, it’s really embarrassing...

As a boss and a professional actor, Cao Xuan naturally hopes that each of his artists can be independent in their business abilities, but he also knows that he cannot force it.

Gao Yuanyuan and Liu Tianxian are positioned as top-notch vases, while Fan Xiaopang and Damimi are taking the route of commercial actresses. If you insist on letting them become veteran drama stars and movie queens, aren't they making themselves uncomfortable? .

Cao Xuan's previous physical examination indicators were quite normal, and he didn't want to give himself a life experience of high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.

Of course, if they can go beyond their own position, try their best to improve their acting skills, achieve transformation after their peak, and extend their artistic life, Cao Xuan will also be very happy.

After several scenes, Cao Xuan and Cao Xuan got a chance to rest temporarily, and Fan Xiaopang asked nervously.

"Boss, your acting is okay."

Before, in Huayi and other companies, she had worried about resources, hidden rules, and income when facing her boss.

But things are a little different in Fanxing. She never has to worry about resources. She thinks about the unspoken rules. Boss Cao ignores her. She earns income from commercial endorsements. After the popularity of "Beauty's Scheming", she has not been idle and is making money crazily.

Although the company has to take the lion's share, the remaining income is also very considerable. It is no exaggeration to say that these two months are much more than what she earned in Huayi in a year.

At the same time, this also indirectly consolidated her position among the stars.

Again, there is no shortage of celebrities or good actors among the stars, but there is a shortage of people like Fan Xiaopang who can make money and are willing to work hard to make money.

Jiang Yue, the head of the artist management department, was about to surrender Fan Xiaopang.

Unfortunately, she had been waiting for several years to find a general who could make money crazily and obey orders.

Jiang Yue, who had basically retreated behind the scenes in the past two years and took charge of the overall situation, returned to the world and personally served as Fan Xiaopang's manager, which shows how much he values ​​Fan Xiaopang.

Fan Xiaopang is also getting along like a fish in water among the stars, and has the upper hand with Gao Yuanyuan and Dong Xuan. Although Liu Tianxian has made a name for himself with "Legend of Sword and Fairy", his age and background are still young, so he cannot threaten her yet.

One of the few troublesome things is that Boss Cao will ask about her business from time to time.

Especially since she and Cao Xuan are now in a cooperative period, she worries about her poor performance every day, and even vaguely feels like her class teacher is checking her homework a few minutes early when she goes to school.

Not to mention, when Cao Xuan first met her on the set of "Little Li Fei Dao", he had set up an extracurricular tutoring class, and Fan Xiaopang was the first student.

To a certain extent, the two of them are "reliving old dreams"...

"Good acting, don't be nervous, I don't eat people."

Cao Xuan blew on the jujubes, wolfberries, and ginseng slices floating in the thermos cup, and took a few sips of water with satisfaction.

Because of the Zhiling sister incident and his coming to Xiangjiang, Hu Jing and Zeng Dameiren, who had returned to Beijing from "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", teamed up to exploit him for several days.

Although Cao Daguan has a good foundation, he also feels a little weak. In the past few days, he has started to do some regular maintenance projects, and occasionally goes to the secret restaurant introduced by Cheng Long.

To be honest, the review of some supplements in Hong Kong is far less stringent than in the Mainland.

Cao Xuan saw a lot of interesting things and understood why those wealthy people in Hong Kong were so majestic. He planned to collect some later for future use.

Boss Cao in the company and Cao Xuan on the crew have two different attitudes. The latter is more friendly and casual. Otherwise, acting like a boss every day will easily create psychological barriers for rival actors.

Fan Xiaopang was reassured by Cao Xuan and put away some of his worries. She was originally a person with high emotional intelligence and was extremely good at communication. When communicating with her, you would get a very relaxed chatting atmosphere.

"Boss, I heard that you won 200,000 from Director Feng at XX Club a few days ago."

"Where did you hear that?"

"You don't have to listen to this, it's spread all over the world."

There is no woman who doesn't like to gossip, and Fan Xiaopang is no exception. When talking about this matter, his eyebrows can't help but jump.

"I heard, I heard from outside, that you bosses gathered together at XX Club, and then you won 200,000 from Mr. Wang and Director Feng, as if you were trying to stand up for Lin Chiling from Taiwan Province.

Later, he gave her the 200,000 yuan he won, antique paintings, and a Rolex worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was rumored that she was your new love..."

Speaking of this, Fan Xiaopang was a little bitter. She had always behaved well in front of Cao Xuan, but the result was not as good as a young model from Taiwan.

What's so great about her is that her legs are longer and thinner.

I'm not that bad, right? She's prettier, fairer, and bigger than her. Is it possible that I lose because I don't have her cuteness?

Cao Xuan spit out a date core, and he asked why the reaction in the East and West Ergong was so great in the past few days, and why the emotions were so outrageous.

"Boss, I'm just curious. It doesn't matter whether you say it or not. Did you really get angry for your beauty that day?"

Fan Xiaopang was scratching her head. She accepted the loss to the East and West Palaces. It was a relationship in her late teens. She only blamed herself for not discovering this super potential stock in advance.

But she was really dissatisfied with losing to Sister Zhiling.

They have failed to succeed with so many female stars from the mainland, so why should they let a Taiwanese girl who only knows how to be cute get her beard cut off?

"There are rumors that we are having a son. Are you going to ask your brother to call me dad?"

Cao Xuan shouted back in anger, but Fan Xiaopang was not angry, but smiled happily.

She just said it, not to mention the vixens from the outside world, Fanxing and other female artists were close to the stage, but she failed, and Gao Yuanyuan was rejected several times.

If Lin Zhiling could win over Cao Xuan with just a few words in a provincial accent, she would have become Empress Nangong...

When he was in a good mood, Fan Xiaopang boldly joked with Cao Xuan with a playful smile: "If you don't mind, you can ask my brother to recognize you as my godfather later."

Although there is a bit of a seniority difference, if he really finds such a godfather, this child and Fan Xiaopang will not have to worry about it in the next life.

"Go away, you just call me daddy."

"I dare to call, do you dare to answer?"

Fan Xiaopang looked at Cao Xuan with a hint of provocation and expectation. Boss Cao said calmly, "Do you know how many people around me are from your Sister Li and Sister Jing?"

Fan Xiaopang, who had a hot look in his eyes just now, was immediately frightened: "Just kidding, I have always only regarded you as my boss and brother, and I have never had any evil intentions."

Cao Xuan sneered back: "Haha."


After a few words to deal with this little goblin who was greedy for his own body, Cao Xuan ignored Fan Xiaopang and took out his laptop to surf the Internet.

I go around the Penguin blog hot list every day and find a few new blogs that are on the top.

The first is the news that the domestic box office of "Kung Fu", which is still in theaters, has exceeded 160 million.

This also means that "Xiu Chun Dao" maintained the box office championship in 2004 for most of the year, and overtook it at the last moment.

This trajectory is a bit like last year's "When Men Fall in Love", which was a hit in the summer release, but was overtaken by "Mobile Phone" in the Lunar New Year release in the last month.

In this way, the movie starring Cao Xuan has won the runner-up in the annual box office in 2003 and 2004.

Next year's "The Promise" directed by Chen Dao, although it has a poor reputation, the box office is still very impressive.

Neither "New World" nor "Xiu Chun Dao 2" is a film known for its box office performance, and Cao Xuan really doesn't have much confidence that he can beat "The Promise".

If he wins another runner-up, Cao Daguan will not be labeled as "the second best in ten thousand years" because he dares to take the last name of those reporters.

However, the so-called box office champion is just a false name, and Cao Xuan doesn't particularly care. He would be happy if he got it, but he wouldn't be disappointed if he didn't.

"Spring Knife" and "New Police Story" have already proved Cao Xuan's box office appeal.

"Kung Fu" is strong, but it doesn't mean that Master Xing will definitely beat Cao Xuan in this aspect.

Compared with this matter, Cao Xuan is more concerned about the next blog——

Hu Ge and Liu Tianxian are rumored to be having an affair!

This is actually nothing new. In late October last year, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" premiered.

At the beginning, this TV series, which was almost mainly composed of "newcomers", was broadcast on the Qilu Channel in Shandong Province, and then achieved nearly record-breaking ratings.

Later, three satellite TV stations in Lu Province, Su Province, and Hui Province successively put this drama on the stars. "Legend of Sword and Fairy" became a hit and directly established the concept of "Xianxia Drama".

Starring Hu Ge and Liu Tianxian also became instant hits.

Especially Liu Tianxian, Ling'er's innocent and pure character has attracted countless male fans for her.

If Wang Yuyan in "Dragon" laid a solid foundation for her popularity, Ling'er in "Legend of Sword and Fairy" made Liu Tianxian start to move towards the top and became the dream lover of countless fans.

There is a saying that Liu Tianxian can become the dream goddess of countless men. Character bonus, temperament, appearance and other factors are the most important.

But there is another key reason. She is young, has no love history, and has not even filmed a kissing scene or any intimate scene so far.

For people in later generations who are used to celebrities falling in love, it is hard to imagine that many male viewers at this time were admiring the so-called "Jade Girl Leader".

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. If you read online articles, you will find that even if the heroine is flirted with by other men, she is extremely poisonous.

If the author doesn't immediately crush that man to ashes, rub him repeatedly, and ask his relatives and friends cordially, even if this generation of readers is polite...

Although Liu Tianxian and his mother were once rumored to have been eaten by Boss Cao, it was a rumor after all and there was no substantial evidence. Fanxing and the person involved also made solemn clarification statements.

Many fans brought their own filters to select Liu Tianxian out and let the "cheap mother-in-law" wait for the wolf.

As for whether the age difference between Liu Xiaoli and Cao Xuan is relatively large, it is naturally not within the scope of fans' consideration.

Besides, Cao... As a high-ranking official, it's normal to eat meat and vegetables, and the fairy mother is still very charming...

Between the two options of donburi and cheap rice, fans naturally chose the latter.

Liu's mother was willing to sacrifice for her daughter, and Cao Xuan was even more bothered by the lice.

In any case, some negative gossip did not hinder Liu Tianxian's popularity and number of fans from soaring.

Fan Xiaopang felt that Liu Tianxian was not a threat to her for the time being, more because of his age and personality. If he really wanted to compete for popularity, she might not be able to defeat Liu Tianxian.

There are many famous people, and it is natural that Liu Tianxian is so popular that he will be targeted by reporters. Not long ago, Hu Ge went to visit the cast of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and was photographed by the paparazzi, and he immediately started to be hyped.

The popularity of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has not diminished. It is still replayed by many TV stations. Brother Xiaoyao and Ling'er also have huge CP fans.

The scandal between the two of them is actually in line with the expectations of some casual fans and TV series fans, but for fans of the two artists, it is definitely intolerable.

Although Hu Ge is not as popular as Liu Tianxian, Li Xiaoyao has also attracted a lot of fans with his chic and infatuated character.

Therefore, the two newly formed fans started to have disputes, especially about "Legend of Sword and Fairy". The dispute was a mess, and later it went to blogs, Tianya and other platforms.

It wasn't until Hu Ge and Hu Ge issued a statement clarifying that they were friends, not a relationship, that they finally suppressed the war that was about to break out.

After briefly understanding what happened, Cao Xuan frowned.

People say Liu Tianxian's mother is stupid, but to be honest, her radical fans have also offended a lot of people.

Apart from other things, Liu Tianxian’s fans have basically ripped apart the cast of the original “Legend of Sword and Fairy”, and most of the companies they collaborate with have also ripped apart them.

Of course, there are some things where Tianxian really suffers, and fans fight back to vent their anger.

But since Tianxian has few friends in the industry, is constantly besieged by other companies, and even attracts the ridicule of many passers-by, it cannot be said that the fans are completely innocent.

After comparing his feelings, Cao Xuan arranged a resource for Liu Tianxian. The process and results may not be satisfactory, but the original intention is good, and at least it will be helpful to Liu Tianxian.

But after being pointed and scolded by a group of fans, even if I wasn't angry, I felt suffocated in my heart.

Cao Xuan clearly understands what a group of fighting fans can bring to an artist.

Glory, confidence, popularity, commercial value and many other interests and a bunch of enemies.

As a film and television and Internet giant, Cao Xuan has enough confidence to deal with these backlash.

But why does Liu Tianxian?

Even if Fanxing will protect its own artists, it will not do so regardless of the cost and consequences. If one's own family beats one's own family, no one in the Fanxing Gang is good.

After all, Cao Xuan didn't really eat the rice bowl. He helped Liu Tianxian because the company boss was considering the interests and the face of Empress Xigong. At the same time, he did have some appreciation for this little girl, but the premise was that others do.

Including herself, her mother and her fans!

After browsing the news, Cao Xuan took a few screenshots and sent them to the artist management department via email, giving instructions.

Fan standards must be put on the agenda!

Not only Liu Tianxian, but also other artists, including himself, must provide some correct guidance and regulations for fans.

In fact, Fanxing was also doing related work in the past, but Cao Xuan felt that the intensity was not enough, and it was necessary to be more detailed, and even go inside to gain the right to speak.

The last blog is related to Cao Xuan.

As of the beginning of 2005, his new album "I Love" has been online for two months.

In the past two months, the total sales of "I Love" in Asia have approached 2 million, which is a miracle in the declining physical record market.

The title song "The Ordinary Road" is even more intense and dominates the charts. It has never fallen off the charts since it topped the charts.

Whether it's Xiao Zhou's "Qili Xiang", Wang's new song "The Sun and the Moon in My Heart", the theme song of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" "Slaying the Wolf", another masterpiece of Zhou Chuanxiong's "Ocean of Men", or the Internet sensation "Lilac Flower" ” and “Two Butterflies” did not shake the top spot of “The Ordinary Road”.

Not long ago, Baidu comprehensively selected the top ten popular songs of 2004 based on the annual Internet search index and related exposure.

"The Ordinary Road", which has only been online for two months, strongly won the first place, and Xiao Zhou's "Qili Xiang" ranked second.

In addition, Cao Xuan also has two songs on the list, "Love Transfer" and "Chasing Dreams", making him the singer with the most songs on the list.

The new album's series of honors have consolidated Cao Xuan's status as the number one singer in the Chinese music scene, and also made a topic pop up.

When will the thief Cao Cao hold a concert! ?

Cao Xuan debuted in 1997, which is already 8 years ago, and he has only held one concert.

In China, there are only three shows in Beijing, Shanghai, and Taiwan. Although the scale is huge, with a cumulative audience of more than 200,000, these people are just a drop in the bucket for Cao Xuan's tens of millions of fans.

Countless fans are looking forward to it, and it can even be said that they are crying and begging Cao Xuan to open the concert. No matter how high the ticket price is, they will accept it.

But Cao Xuan just refused to give up. Many times when reporters, media and even fans asked him, he ignored him and only said that he had a plan, but would not give any confirmation.

Many fans were forced to clamor for a boycott of Cao Xuan's movies, asking Cao Xuan to lose money and then go to a concert to regain his blood.

For fans to say such things shows how angry and helpless everyone is towards Cao Xuan for not holding a concert.

But there is no way, Cao Xuan is busy, and he doesn't like the "little money" of the concert.

In fact, with the current size of Cao Xuan's fans, he can definitely hold a global concert, which is actually very profitable.

But no matter how much money you make, you can’t make money from box games. That can’t be said to be making money, but robbing.

If Cao Xuan really wanted to make money, he would have made movies and laid out the entertainment industry chain. He would have become an Internet and gaming tycoon long ago. He might be the richest man now.

Therefore, the concert may be very profitable, but it is tiring and tiring, and Cao Xuan is really not particularly interested in these "hard-earned money".

Even when holding a concert, in addition to commercial considerations, it is more about giving back to fans, consolidating popularity and expanding influence.

But at this stage, Cao Xuan really doesn't have enough time. He has two movies this year, plus he wants to produce part of his next English album to become a global superstar.

Although he definitely still had some free time, Cao Xuan didn't want to push himself too hard.

He was about to turn 30, and he was no longer as young as he was when he was young. He had to take a break when he needed it. He worked hard to make so much money, and his body was exhausted. He couldn't close his eyes until he died.

Therefore, if Cao Xuan wants to hold a concert, it will take at least next year or the year after that or even longer.

There's nothing he can do about it, it's just that the idol his fans follow is too rich and too lazy to hold a concert.

If Cao Xuan was a poor man, he would have to hold a concert tour every year... to give back to his fans...

Sighing, Cao Xuan forwarded the blog that asked Cao Xuan why he held a concert, and attached a message.

"Definitely next time!"

After admiring the fans who came after hearing the news, they were sarcastic, begging, furious, and all kinds of weird things in the comment area. Cao Xuan closed the computer and gave Fan Xiaopang, who was secretly looking at his computer, a headache.

"Stop watching, let's stop filming."

"Boss, what do you mean next time? Are you going to hold a concert? Leave me some VIP tickets. Many of my friends are your fans."

"It's guaranteed next time, but I don't mean it's guaranteed next time. For concert tickets, just wait a few years,"


Cao Xuan paused: "Did you peek at the video of two people in my computer folder?"

"I took a few glances at Deyun Club's high-definition cross talk selection. I didn't expect you to like this one."

"To relieve my boredom, the TV stations here are all in Cantonese and I can't understand them."

"Then can you explain to me the contents of another folder called [Japanese Teacher]."

"Ahem, that's a tutorial for me to teach myself Japanese."

Cao Daguan has a straight face. As a popular idol in Japan, is there anything wrong with learning some Japanese so that he can communicate with his Japanese fans in the future?

In this regard, Fan Xiaopang gave his own answer——


"Fuck you, if you keep doing it, I'll drag you to take pictures, and then I'll go fix the computer..."

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