China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 461 A performance destined to go down in history (Update 4/6)

Chapter 461 A performance destined to go down in history (Update 46)

On the evening of February 5, 2006, Michigan, USA

Ford Field in Detroit, home of the NFL's Detroit Lions.

This is one of the most luxurious stadiums in the NFL, with a capacity of 80,000 spectators, and is also a landmark building in the city of Detroit.

Tonight, this stadium is also the venue for the 40th Super Bowl final. 80,000 people are packed to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle Seahawks compete here for the highest glory of the entire season.

At this time, the game had begun. After Cao Xuan quietly observed a lap of the field, he returned to the dressing room backstage to wait for the halftime show.

His American manager, Jonna Warner, looked at Cao Xuan nervously, fearing that he might not be able to withstand the pressure of 80,000 people at the venue and hundreds of millions of people performing in front of the TV.

Especially Edgar Jr. and Mike, who came from Los Angeles, were also a little worried. In less than 5 minutes, Edgar Jr. had spoken to comfort Cao Xuan for the second time.

Cao Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and patted little Edgar: "Sir, I have already told you that just a few days ago, I participated in the Chinese Spring Festival Gala. The audience was much larger than the Super Bowl. Don't treat me like a rookie. .”

"Chris, I know about the Chinese Spring Festival Gala."

Little Edgar couldn't help but explain: "But it was a party, and there was only one person in this halftime show. The concept is completely different."

"I'm not pretending. Go to China and find out how many people watch me sing in front of the TV every year. No matter how many people are there at the Super Bowl halftime show, it seems to me the same."

Cao Xuan is really peaceful.

Of course, it is impossible to say that a little nervousness does not lead to emotions, but this is a very normal physiological and psychological reaction.

Based on Cao Xuan's stage experience, a little tension is better for performance. It is not good to be too relaxed. In private, a relaxed state may feel better, but for the big stage, it is still necessary to be slightly straightened.

The more Cao Xuan has appeared on top stages in the past two years, the more stable his mentality has become, or the more confident he has become.

Before going on stage, Cao Xuan had almost no major psychological fluctuations. Sometimes he was worried not because of himself, but because he was afraid that others would not perform well.

If it weren't for the fear of irritating Little Ed and a few others, Cao Xuan would have been ready to eat melon seeds like he did at the Spring Festival Gala a few days ago.

Oh, I’m afraid American melon seeds don’t have the five-spice and chicken soup ones, but badam seeds are fine too, and he really likes them...

Ignoring the muttering "Xiang Lin's Wife", Cao Xuan glanced at the TV at the door, which showed the broadcast screen.

It seems quite intense, but Cao Xuan doesn't understand rugby. He has a tight rehearsal schedule here and doesn't have time to ask in detail. Although he briefly talked with the staff, he didn't fully understand the rules.

Cao Xuan himself mainly watches football, and he is considered a fake football fan. At least he knows all the rules of football, as well as famous competitions, teams, and players.

As for other ball games, he rarely watches games. He basically just follows the trends during the Olympics and knows little about them.

Cao Xuan doesn't know much about basketball, which is the most popular thing in China at the moment. That is to say, after Dayao entered the NBA, he occasionally watched it.

I just know how to watch scores and goals, and I don’t particularly understand some of the rules for unpopular games. I can count the names of NBA stars on both hands, and I’m not even a fake fan.

Not to mention rugby. Before Goldfinger, he had never heard of it and had almost never seen actual rugby in China.

He only knows one football star, Tom Brady, and he knows him because he is the husband of supermodel Gisele Bundchen.

And the owners of the team he plays for are members of the Glazer family, just like Manchester United. Therefore, the other team comes to Old Trafford to watch football from time to time, and the media introduces them.

Only then did Cao Xuan get to know the greatest star in history, whose status in football is comparable to that of Jordan in basketball.

But apart from this one, Cao Xuan didn't know anyone else. He didn't pay attention to the news in this area when he came to the United States. He had vaguely heard of a few names, but he didn't know the specific situation at all.

Compared with the performance, Cao Xuan was more worried about the media asking about rugby-related situations afterwards.

Apart from a few terms and simple rules such as "Touchdown", "Quarterback", and "Running Back", he really doesn't understand the sport of football. He hopes that it will not affect the status of the halftime show among fans.

Besides, he is a singer, why should he be allowed to talk about football...


Without further ado, it was finally time for the intermission. The stage equipment and hundreds of staff rushed to the stadium quickly to set up the stage as quickly as possible.

These staff members have had hundreds of simulation drills before, and they have memorized the installation process and sequence, and their movements are smooth and smooth.

A high-end temporary stage of more than 50 square meters covering multiple functions was set up in only about four minutes. Even though Cao Xuan had witnessed this scene more than once, he did not hesitate to express his emotions again.

So fast!

This year's Cao Xuan's halftime show stage layout was very simple. It was a hexagonal stage placed in the middle of the stadium, with his band accompaniments arranged in four rows. About 3,000 audience members (many from the atmosphere group) came around the stage and waved their hands enthusiastically.

The lights of the entire stadium were dimmed, and Detroit Ford Field, one of the three enclosed stadiums in the NFL, cast a beam of light from above, illuminating the center of the stage.

Amid the hoarse shouts of the DJ, Cao Xuan, holding a microphone and wearing a slim-fitting black suit with bright white and dark gold double dragon embroidery, appeared at the C position of the audience.

Whether it was genuine support or out of politeness, the 80,000 spectators present gave Cao Xuan applause and cheers at this moment.

"Well, you hold the line

Only you haven't given up yet

When every one of them is giving up or giving in, tell me

When everyone else has stopped trying and has been drained of hope by frustration


Without any nonsense, when Cao Xuan appeared on the stage, after a brief appearance of 2 to 3 seconds, Cao Xuan picked up the microphone and began to sing the prelude monologue of his classic rock song "Natural".

This song is still very well-known in the United States. It is among the top three rock songs by Cao Xuan.

At the same time, because this song has an excellent live performance atmosphere, it has also been a must-play for many bands at major rock music festivals in recent years.

This is also the reason why Cao Xuan chose this song. After all, it is a sports halftime show, and relatively explosive songs are easier for the audience to listen to live and in front of the TV. Cao Xuan prepared three songs today, all of which are "Burning Songs".

When Cao Xuan started singing, about 5,000 spectators rushed from the stands to the stage, surrounded by security personnel.

These audiences are the atmosphere group, at least half of them are arranged hosts, and most of the others are Cao Xuan's fans, which can maximize the stage atmosphere.

Otherwise, no matter how good Cao Xuan sings, even if he sings for three days without stopping and the audience is a bunch of dead-faced people, the performance will be a disaster.

"Natural" is an old song that has been played for thousands of times, and Cao Xuan won it firmly. It's just because he listened to Goldfinger TikTok too much, and he was so slightly in a trance when singing the climax chorus that he almost came up with a line.

"There is a girl named Xiaofang in the village."

Beautiful and kind


After the old songs ended, the first new song of the day sounded, with a positive, cheerful and psychedelic rock melody. Cao Xuan twisted his body slightly, calling on the audience to cooperate.


The fourth song released on Cao Xuan's new album is called "Roar" in Chinese translation, and was released by Katy Perry in 2013.

This song is also a hit song, not even an ordinary hit song. It only topped the Billboard Hot 100 in just 3 weeks.

In addition, this song has topped the music charts in more than ten countries including the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Canada, Austria, New Zealand, Ireland, Israel, and South Korea.

At the same time, the MV of this song has almost 3.5 billion views on YouTube, and it has been ranked among the top ten music themes all year round, which shows how popular it is.

Fruit Sister also became famous with this song, throwing away many doubts and firmly establishing herself as one of the first-tier singers in Europe and the United States.

The lyrics and melody of "Roar" are not exquisite, and it is even a bit of a saliva song, or it is just a saliva song with a bit of flavor.

But the devilish melody and rhythm, as well as the lyrics reveal fearless questioning and some complicated rules, to get rid of the constraints and stick to one's own attitude, like a bowl of fragrant but not greasy inspirational chicken soup, which has great resonance with the public.

"I got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire

I have the eyes of a tiger, shining through the firelight

Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar

I am a born king, listen to my roar


At the climax of the chorus, Cao Xuan let go of all his suppression and roared out his singing voice with a broad and rich high note.

Roaring like a tiger, it seems to be roaring at all those who ridicule and question you, smashing all the clowns into pieces, and singing for yourself.

This section also ignited the enthusiasm of many viewers present. This domineering attitude of war against all the negative aspects of life made everyone excited.

Similarly, this song also applies to today's game. Break all shackles, shine your own light, roar louder than a lion, and become the final king today.

The last nearly 20 seconds of long singing, almost no lyrics, just kept saying "oh".

Many audience members also found the trick and sang for almost 15 seconds more following Cao Xuan waving on the stage. The sound waves of tens of thousands of people spread for miles around, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely exciting.

Especially the audience surrounding the stage are the ones who can feel the atmosphere best. At the same time, many of them are fans of Cao Xuan, so they have the added benefit of the halo filter.

After a song carnival, many people were sweating profusely and their faces were red, but they still looked at Cao Xuan with fiery eyes and continued to support the idol on the stage tirelessly.

Cao Xuan even saw a few commotions on the stage, as if someone had fainted.

However, when he saw the medical staff rushing up from the backcourt, he calmed down and stopped worrying. The live broadcast was so important that there was no room for distraction.

Nodding to the band members, he took a breath, paused for a few seconds, and continued with the third song.

The guitarist played softly, and Cao Xuan held the microphone in his hand and walked on the stage. The passion from before faded away, and his singing became soft and lyrical.

“I've been reading books of old

I read all the old books

The legends and the myths

Those ancient legends and boundless mysteries


like Achilles and his spoils


Such as the innate power of the Eastern God of War


And Spider-Man is in control

Invincible with the Iron Fist of the Warrior Knight


"Something Just Like This", translated into Chinese as "Just Want This", was jointly launched in 2017 by two major European and American bands, Coldplay and The Chainsmokers.

It eventually ranked second on the British pop music chart and fifth on the Billboard Hot 100. It also won Grammy and Billboard Music Awards.

However, compared to the "mediocre" list and awards, the most terrifying thing about this song is its popularity.

Because it happened to coincide with the popularity of Marvel, this song has a lot of superhero colors, and the story behind it is also very touching, so it quickly became popular all over the world and became very popular in China.

Not only was it among the top 10 most popular English songs of the year, it also seemed to have made it into the top 50 on some music platforms' overall charts.

Cao Xuan modified some lyrics when he took out this song. For example, in the above lyrics, in addition to Western mythology and American superheroes, elements of Eastern mythology and martial arts were also added.

This is not done for the so-called inclusion of private goods.

What's more, Cao Xuan is a Chinese. Even if he writes English songs, it is certainly impossible to include all Western elements. It is most reasonable to add some Eastern colors.

In addition to this part of the lyrics, the meaning of the entire song has also been modified to some extent. Although the original version is based on the prototype of a little boy with leukemia who likes superheroes, the lyrics are more of a love song. Although it can be understood that he is an idol, his temperament is weak.

After Cao Xuan changed the lyrics, the lyrics are generally more inspirational.

From the original version [I just need you to kiss me, that’s what I want, that’s all]

It becomes [Although I am not that powerful, but with "you" here, "you" are my power. With "you", I can be strong enough to face everything. I just want this kind of support]

"You" can refer to everything.

Players can be understood as fans, singers can be understood as fans, and ordinary people can be understood as the encouragement and support of relatives and friends or the belief in persisting in their dreams. In short, inspiration is over.

"Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-do..."

Cao Xuan sang softly, and several musicians in the band followed in harmony. Only the drummer stood up slightly and then slammed into the drum set. The keyboard player also swayed crazily, bringing a very rhythmic electronic sound.

Amid the explosive drumbeats and rhythms, the hidden spark holes on the hexagonal stage spurted brilliant sparks nearly two meters high upwards.

Cao Xuan took two quick steps, his handsome and handsome face shone brightly in the sparks, and his charm was endless. He was like a god in the eyes of many female fans in the audience.

But Cao Xuan paid no attention to what the fans thought. Along with the strong rhythm of drum beats and keyboard melody, the emotions he had been suppressing just now burst out. He raised his head and sang loudly, and his high-pitched voice resounded throughout the audience.

"I want something just like this

That's all I want

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-do

Oh, I want something just like this

that's all i want


The nearly 5,000 spectators around the hexagonal stage and the tens of thousands of spectators in the surrounding stands were all ignited by Cao Xuan's singing. They waved their hands, jumped and cheered, venting their emotions.

At this moment, this landmark building in Detroit was shaken by the carnival of 80,000 people.

Under the stands, Qiao Na had already taken off her coat and was waving it wildly along with the stage. Mike was no better, his face was flushed and he was bouncing around like a big meat ball.

Only little Edgar still has some sense, or his energy is on another thing.

Regardless of whether Mike heard it or not, little Edgar pulled away his tie, smiled wildly on his face, and pulled Mike to shout over and over again.

"Fuck the Rolling Stones, Cao is the number one in the world. This Super Bowl halftime show performance is destined to go down in history like Michael Jackson's. Hahaha, I made the right bet, no, I made a lot of money..."

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