China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 485 King Cao with amazing physical strength

Liu Tianxian's trip to the Golden Eagle Festival aroused the collective excitement of major media and fans.

Various exaggerated names have been attached to her, and some people even call her the "No. 1 little flower born in the 1980s".

However, many people are dissatisfied with this name.

No matter how good Liu Tianxian is, Fan Xiaopang is not bad either. Zhang Yunu, who was born in 1980, is still the number one actress in Hong Kong in the past two years. Liu Tianxian is not a movie star that can currently be suppressed.

Sun Niangniang, the first sister of Hairun, and Huang Shengyi, who was being marketed crazily by Young Master Yang, are not easy to get along with.

Liu Tianxian is the most popular, but her background and age make it difficult for her to easily overpower these "seniors".

Especially Fan Xiaopang and Zhang Yunu, both of whom became famous in the late 1990s. After all, they have accumulated a lot of popularity and influence after being around for ten years.

In fact, there is no need for Liu Tianxian to compete with the two of them. They are six or seven years apart. To exaggerate, they are not even a generation. Liu Tianxian is competing between the post-85s and the post-90s.

It's just that there aren't many people born in the 1985s who are successful, and most of the people born in the 1990s have probably never made their debut. Comparing Liu Tianxian to them is too bullying, so the media compares them to people born in the 1980s.

After all, there are not many actresses who become famous at such a young age and far exceed their peers.

It is foreseeable that Liu Tianxian will have to compete with these 80-year-old actresses for at least the next two or three years. When the 85-year-old actress rises, she will bully the 85-year-old actress. Considering that she was born in 1987, the 90-year-old actress may also have to fight with her. One is long and short.

Fighting against "three generations" of actresses alone can be regarded as the only domestic entertainment...

However, when the proud Liu Tianxian returned to the crew of "Hurricane Rescue" in Hong Kong to reshoot Avril Lavigne's concert sequence, he was mercilessly ridiculed by Cao Xuan.

"Where did you find the costume stylist? It's so ugly. I thought the skirt underneath was yellow cabbage, and it exposed my figure too much. It's so flat."

Liu Tianxian: "..."

Really, if she didn't dare, she would have given Cao Xuan two pestles...

Damimi, who was also coming to Xiangjiang for re-shooting, heard this and couldn't help but straighten her body and shook her head towards Liu Tianxian intentionally or unintentionally.

The Golden Eagle Goddess is amazing, I am older than you!

Liu Tianxian gritted his teeth silently at Da Mimi, not daring to speak out against the boss, I can't cure you yet.

Damimi showed no fear and returned a provocative look. She had been in the alley since she was a child, doing all kinds of mischief. She had never lost a fight with a boy when she was a child, so she had rich experience.

A delicate little girl like Liu Tianxian would cry with just one punch.

Liu Tianxian is eager to give it a try. She looks cute and delicate, but don't forget that she is a martial arts drama star and has undergone a certain amount of systematic martial arts training, so she is not as cute as she looks.

If they really fight, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose.

Cao Xuan had no idea what the two girls were thinking, otherwise he would have moved to a small bench to eat melons, and even asked everyone to place bets on him.

Apart from the two palaces of East and West, he most likes to watch women fight with each other...


After a while, Avril Lavigne and her agent came to the dressing room. When they saw Cao Xuan, they rushed towards him excitedly and hung on Cao Xuan like a koala.

"Chris, I finally see you again."

Cao Xuan felt it, and he was similar to Liu Tianxian, who had no ambitions.

He put Avril down and chatted happily. The two hadn't seen each other much since Cao Xuan returned to the United States last time, and they still missed each other a little.

After a few years, Avril Lavigne has become Cao Xuan's best friend in the overseas entertainment industry. At least hundreds of millions of people around the world know that they are brother and sister.

But not many people in China believe it, and not many people in the United States believe it either.

Especially since Avril Lavigne doesn't fall in love and often acts like a fan of Cao Xuan. Everyone thinks that they just don't have an affair and there must be something fishy about them.

While the two were chatting, Liu Tianxian secretly took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the two of them, and then sent it to Empress Xigong via MMS.

With all conscience, she was definitely not taking revenge on Cao Xuan for teasing her just now, but just so that her teacher could be on guard.

Seeing this, Damimi next to her hesitated to tell Diao Zhuang, but in the end she chose to take out her phone and take a photo.

Although it is very tempting to attack Liu Tianxian, Damimi knows who her foundation is. This little girl can take care of her at any time, but Sister Jing's position as the head of the East Palace cannot have any influence.

After sending the MMS, the two looked at each other, and for a rare moment they felt a little sympathy for each other.

At least in terms of consolidating the orthodoxy of the two palaces, the two of them are definitely on the same front...

Cao Xuan, who was chatting happily with Avril, didn't realize that he was stabbed in the back.

Avril Lavigne's schedule was limited, so the two chatted about their current situation and quickly communicated about the concert program and script.

The script was not too difficult, Avril acted in her true colors, and there were only a few scenes in total.

During the concert performance, the hotel entrance was surrounded by fans. He was rescued by Cao Xuan and other bodyguards and quietly returned to the hotel through the safe passage of the underground garage.

As a result, he was attacked by two bastards. Cao Xuan protected them and knocked them down in two or three blows.

Avril was surprised and wanted to recruit her as a bodyguard, but was declined. Cao Xuan took the opportunity to get an autograph for her sister and immediately concluded the deal.

In comparison, Avril Lavigne's concert was a bit more troublesome.

Although the two have sung a song together, album recording and live performances are completely different concepts. The two have only performed together a few times, so they need to find some tacit understanding.

Fortunately, they are all top professional singers and good friends. After a few simple rehearsals, we found a lot of form.

Xiangjiang is also considered half of Cao Xuan's home court. He acted as host and took Avril and the team to a good Cantonese restaurant in Xiangjiang. Liu Tianxian, Damimi and other actors also ate with them.

However, except for Liu Tianxian, who was good at English and could communicate with Avril Lavigne, the others, such as Da Mimi, could only chat briefly and then look at them awkwardly.

Cao Xuan shook his head, pointed at Liu Tianxian, and gave Damimi a few words of education.

"You see, it's easier for people like her to break into the international community. At least communication is no problem. If you want to compare with her, if nothing else, you have to work harder on English."

Damimi nodded. In fact, her English was not particularly bad, and she still had some basic skills.

In the original time and space, she can communicate in English roughly fluently, so as long as she is willing to work hard, this shortcoming can be made up for.

If you are not afraid of poor English, you are afraid of not being able to learn it.

There was a bodyguard in Cao Xuan who was so bad at English that he couldn't learn it no matter how hard he learned it. Even if he learned a few words, he would forget them immediately. I went abroad with him twice, and even now I can only say hello and yes when meeting foreigners. no.

Have lunch at noon, go to the Hong Kong Coliseum for live rehearsal in the afternoon, and the concert will start in the evening.

Liu Tianxian and Damimi also found a relatively safe place, and under the cover of the crew, took photos of the concert.

Cao Xuan himself made a surprise appearance in the middle of the concert, making the atmosphere exciting.

Strictly speaking, this is Cao Xuan's first appearance at a Xiangjiang concert. For this reason alone, the ticket price is worth it.

As a guest, Cao Xuan sang an English song with Avril Lavigne, and he sang a Cantonese song "Next Year Today" adapted by Eason Chan from "Ten Years".

Although Cao Xuan's Cantonese is not very standard, his singing is absolutely beautiful and the audience is not picky. After all, Cao Xuan has specially practiced a Cantonese song and has shown his sincerity.

Finally, Cao Xuan called it a day and handed the stage back to Avril Lavigne.

On the one hand, I wanted to go back to film, but on the other hand, if I didn’t leave, I would be a bit unnoticed.

As the first Chinese-speaking person, his reputation is extremely high even in the Cantonese-speaking area. Many people even fell in love with Avril Lavigne because of Cao Xuan.

Under such circumstances, as long as Cao Xuan is willing, the concert host can be directly changed.

But Cao Xuan definitely can't do this, so he should go backstage and play bodyguard.

The next day, news of Cao Xuan's surprise appearance at Avril Lavigne's concert hit the domestic media. However, the headlines of the Xiangjiang media were photos of Cao Xuan having dinner with Avril Lavigne, Liu Tianxian, Damimi and others. The caption was -

"One dragon and three phoenixes, King Cao Tian has amazing physical strength"

The most hateful thing is that this title has absolutely nothing to do with the text. One Dragon and Three Phoenix refers to a male star having dinner with three female stars. Amazing physical strength refers to Cao Xuan singing and filming in one night. He is hardworking and capable.

Readers who saw the scolding said they were deceived, and Cao Xuan was also depressed after reading the news.

Sue him for spreading rumors. What he said are serious things and there is no basis for spreading rumors.

Don't sue, this title is crazy and will affect the reputation of Cao Daguan.

Not to mention one dragon and three phoenixes, he has not tried one dragon and two phoenixes yet...

What's even more hateful is that the East and West Palaces jointly made a fuss about Avril Lavigne, and used this as a reason to force him to sign several unequal treaties.

Cao Xuan also vaguely felt that he seemed to have been betrayed by his inner ghost, but it didn't matter, he recorded it all in the notebook, and sooner or later, these two girls who didn't know the big and small kings would know that Fanxing's Jiangshan surname was Cao.


After reshooting in Hong Kong, the crew of "Taken" rushed back to Japan to shoot the remaining scenes. The progress is going very smoothly and is expected to be completed by the end of November.

While Cao Xuan was filming "Hurricane Rescue" in Japan, the crew of "Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" was constantly being completed, and there was also fierce competition for movie roles in China.

Beijing, Huayi

In recent days, there has been an undercurrent within the company, especially in the artist management office area, where the atmosphere is extremely depressing.

After Wang Jinhua left, the second eldest son of the Wang family personally took charge of the artist management business. Li Bingbing's sister Li Xue was given the important task of serving as the deputy of the second eldest son of the Wang family.

Many people think that Li Xue's success is due to his celebrity sister Li Bingbing, but in fact, the relationship between the two sisters is just the opposite. It should be said that it is precisely because of the help of his sister Li Xue that Li Bingbing is where he is today. .

Many key milestones in Li Bingbing's career were obtained with Li Xue's advice, and he was the number one contributor behind Li Bingbing's success.

These two sisters from a small county town depend on each other and have carved their own world in the entertainment industry. To a certain extent, it can be said to be very inspiring.

Especially compared to the slutty operations of the brothers and sisters-in-law of International Chapter, Liu Tianxian’s mother, Shuangzi’s father and other relatives’ agents, Li Xue can be called the star’s relative ceiling...

Cao Xuan has never taken the initiative to recruit anyone from Huayi, except Li Xue, whom Cao Xuan once invited.

It was precisely because of this invitation that Li Xue made a statement within Huayi. Coupled with Wang Jinhua's departure, the Wang brothers were eager to appease their first sister, Li Bingbing, and finally made Li Xue a senior executive.

Because of Li Xue's presence, even if the powerful Mr. Zhou joins Huayi, he will not be able to threaten Li Bingbing's position as the first sister in a short period of time.

However, Mr. Zhou is not without capable people. Zeng Jia, who founded Jiaxing with Damimi in the original time and space, is now Mr. Zhou's manager.

In the original time and space, she was the manager of Mr. Zhou and Chen Kun before Rong Xinda came to power.

Now that Damimi has been taken over by Fanxing and Rong Xinda has no other good prospects, Zeng Jia has simply been working as an agent for Mr. Zhou and Chen Kun.

This time Mr. Zhou switched to Huayi, and Zeng Jia was behind it. After coming to Huayi, she immediately gained certain rights.

It is said that Zeng Jia is trying to help connect Chen Kun and Huayi recently. After bringing the first sister Rong Xinda to Huayi, she wants to recruit the first brother Rong Xinda.

Such behavior towards my old employer cannot be said to be repaying kindness with hatred, but it can also be regarded as a crime...

Of course, there was a reason why Zeng Jia did what he did.

The two sisters Li Xue joined forces and already relied on the home field advantage accumulated over the years and Ren Quan, who was inseparable from the two sisters, to suppress the newly arrived Mr. Zhou.

Now, the Li Xue sisters are flirting with Huang Xiaoming, who has just joined Huayi, and they seem to be interested in forming an alliance.

Mr. Zhou is gaining momentum again, but he is being squeezed out by leading artists from several companies, and his situation is also worrying.

So Zeng Jia tried his best to bring Chen Kun to Huayi to increase foreign aid and fight against Li Xue and others.

In addition to Chen Kun, Deng Chao, who was recently rumored to be joining Huayi, was also among Zeng Jia's wooers, but the Li Xue sisters were also wooing Deng Chao at the same time.

Facts have proved that Huayi’s strategy of crazily accumulating popular niche players and florets is extremely effective.

Zhou Gongzi, Li Bingbing, Huang Xiaoming, Ren Quan, plus the uproarious uploads of Deng Chao and Chen Kun, etc., allowed Huayi to get rid of the shadow of Wang Jinhua's departure as quickly as possible, and even gained momentum, second only to Fanxing in the mainland .

But at the same time, there are also a lot of hidden dangers. Basically, few of the young talents in each company are trained by themselves. They bring their own teams when they join the company.

Not only is the company difficult to manage, but there are also many hilltops, each with their own agenda, and a very low sense of belonging to the company.

In contrast, although there are many factions within Fanxing, except for Wang Jinhua and his family, most of the artists and staff were trained by Fanxing.

Not only does it have a strong sense of belonging to the company, it is also easier to manage, internal hostility is less serious, and there is more room for mitigating conflicts.

It’s not that Huayi doesn’t understand this truth, but there’s no way around it. It’s too slow to train new people, and they still prefer mature stars.

As for the side effects, they have no time to consider them now.

Therefore, Huayi's internal affairs are now like a palace fight, with each forming cliques to compete for resources.

Currently, there are two resources that several Huayi artists value most.

One is Feng Xiaogang's movie "Assembly" next year, but Feng Xiaogang is very sensitive to this aspect, and the Wang brothers cannot easily influence it.

At present, I heard that the male lead has been decided, and it is Zhang Hanyu who is very optimistic about Feng Xiaogang. However, there is a second male lead who is not weak in the role, and everyone shows their talents.

The other one is "Three Kingdoms. Red Cliff". Huayi used a lot of resource exchanges and finally grabbed 5% of the share.

Although the right to speak is not high, at least the qualifications to open one's mouth can still push people to the top if appropriate.

Li Bingbing wanted to play Xiao Qiao, and Huang Xiaoming was determined to participate in a top-level production. Even though Ren Quan had already switched to business, it was difficult for him to change his mind.

Mr. Zhou is confirmed to appear as Mrs. Mi, but Zeng Jia wants to use Huayi to push Chen Kun to win over Zhuge Liang. Regardless of whether the other party joins Huayi or not, with their friendship, she will have another trump card.

Today, at the kind invitation of the Wang brothers, Ding Ying, the producer of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff", and Chen Kexin, one of the directors, came to Huayi to audition.

Several artists tried their best, but Ding and Chen didn't let go. When they left, Hua Yi and others didn't look good.

Li Xue and Zeng Jia even had a rare collaboration, analyzing the current casting situation of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff" with several other executives.

"From the news I got, Zhao Yun is basically gone. Mr. Cao personally ordered Nie Yuan. I heard that I have tried on the makeup photos."

"Xiao Qiao can play almost all the actresses. If nothing else happens, it should be Fanxing's own artist. Sister, don't have your hopes too high."

"Zhuge Liang is the most popular one right now. Except for one Jiao Enjun who tried on makeup among the stars, everyone else has been passed. I will definitely choose someone from outside."

"There is news out there that one of the people participating in Zhuge Liang's makeup setting is Huang Haibing, one is Jin Chengwu, and the other is Jin Dong and a Mandarin actor Xin Baiqing."

"Currently, the one with the greatest advantage is Jin Chengwu. He is the only actor who can match Cao Xuan in terms of popularity and popularity. However, I heard that Cao Xuan is not particularly satisfied with his appearance."

"After Jincheng Wu, it should be Jiao Enjun. He is a star artist and has special bonuses."

"Insider sources say that the two actors Cao Xuan recognizes most right now are Huang Haibing and Xin Baiqing, but they are slightly less famous.

Fortunately, Huang Haibing's popularity has declined in the past two years, but he is still hanging around in the first and second ranks. Xin Baiqing's most famous role is the eldest son of "The Golden Family". Many people don't even know that this character exists. "

"Yes, after all, it is a big investment of several hundred million. Even with Cao Xuan's support, Zhuge Liang, one of the leading actors, cannot be too famous."

"I won't hide it from everyone. In fact, Brother Quan has received a call before and may participate in Zhuge Liang's makeup setting later. I hope the company will fully support Brother Quan."

"Vice President Li, you can't say that. Chen Kun is also a popular candidate. If the company helps him win the role, we can let him join the company on this condition."

"How do you make sure he doesn't join Stars if he takes the role?"

"I think Xiao Ming is not hopeless. If Zhuge Liang can't do it, we can attack Sun Quan."

"Yes, the company's share of the crew is limited. Zhuge Liang is too difficult. It is better to settle for the second best and focus on Sun Quan, who has slightly less competition."

"Sun Quan is so small, Fanxing and the others are all eyeing this role, so why are you competing with Hu Ge and Yan Kuan?"


Several people who seemed to be harmonious actually had their own thoughts. They began to quarrel as they talked, refusing to give in to each other.

When the fierce battle was in full swing, someone broke into the conference room: "The latest news, Liu Tianwang and Liang Chaowei have gone to Zhuge Liang's makeup."

"Didn't you say you should choose young people?"

"I heard that the crew of "Three Kingdoms: Red Cliff" felt that young people could not hold the spotlight, so they added two big names. I heard that Guo Tianwang and Gu Tianle are likely to come to compete for Sun Quan in the future."

"Damn, they eat and occupy everything. It really doesn't give mainland actors a way to survive."

"Don't worry, it's just the makeup. I understand Cao Xuan's character fairly well. The chance that they can steal Zhuge Liang's role is slim. I even suspect it's just a promotional material released by the crew."

"It's possible that I didn't say that I wanted Fa Ge to play Cao Cao before, but later I decided on Teacher Bao Guoan."

Having said that, several people went to inquire about the news separately, and later learned that except for Principal Gu who really came to test Sun Quan, the other three were all trying to fake news.

Of course, it is not ruled out that these people really want to act, but "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff" did not receive positive feedback, and it was just a wave of hype.

But no matter what, a few people breathed a sigh of relief, then increased their output and competed for roles.

Unfortunately, their efforts did not yield much results. In mid-to-late November, the crew of "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff" successively confirmed some character candidates.

Zhao Yun——Nie Yuan

Xiao Qiao——Gao Yuanyuan

Jia Xu——Jin Shijie

Cheng Yu——Zhang Zhijian

Zhang Liao——Hu Jun

Yu Jin——Wang Qingxiang

Zhang Zhao——Ni Dahong

Gan Ning——Zhang Zijian

Taishi Ci——Duan Long

Sun Quan——Yan Kuan

Countless important roles have basically been decided. Although they are not completely dead, they will not change too much.

There is only one Zhuge Liang, and it has not been completely killed yet. It is said that only four people have entered the finals.

① Jincheng Wu is the most popular and well-known.

②Jiao Enjun with the aura of starry artist.

③Cao Xuan’s personal favorite is Xin Baiqing.

④Huang Haibing has the best comprehensive index of popularity and appearance.

Now "Three Kingdoms·Red Cliff" is also having fierce internal conflicts. The father-in-law is right, and the mother-in-law is right.

Not only the pros and cons of their respective players, many people also have their own opinions on Zhuge Liang. They express great resistance to Zhuge Liang's candidates who do not meet their expectations.

Let’s put it this way, Cao Xuan felt that if he hadn’t played Zhuge Liang, then whoever he chose would not meet everyone’s requirements.

But Zhou Yu is the real C-position in Red Cliff Battle. It is impossible for Cao Xuan to play a second time. Besides, if he plays Zhuge Liang, whoever plays Zhou Yu will have to fight again.

Cao Xuan was too lazy to think about it. Among these four people, whoever got the highest number of votes would be Zhuge Liang.


ps: Whether it’s in this chapter or in the group, we have been arguing about Zhuge Liang’s choice for a long time, and I still can’t make a decision.

The above four are the candidates that I personally selected with relatively high voices and are consistent with the situation in the book. Everyone will vote in the chapter after the four of them. Whoever gets more votes will be elected.

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