China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 547 Two kings of English hits and Chinese opera graduates

Throughout March, Cao Xuan basically stayed at Baihua Recording Studio to produce the album.

Wu Gao also mostly practiced singing and producing albums at Baihua Recording Studio. Cao Xuan, who loves talents, would visit him from time to time and treat him to a meal. After going back and forth, he became acquainted with him.

Because Wu Gao had some experience in various behind-the-scenes work and occasionally came over to help, Cao Xuan also deliberately cultivated him and asked him to come over and have a look when he had time.

You know, Cao Xuan's album production team configuration is not considered to be the best in the world, but it is definitely second to none in the Chinese music scene.

No matter how talented Wu Gao is, he is still a monk halfway and has limited experience. He can learn a lot of good things from Cao Xuan's team.

"Your glory cuts through the dark night

Accompany and never leave

Hot love always exists

Beside me, in my life

one two three

Glory belongs to Manchester United! ! ! (English)


In the recording studio, Cao Xuan was recording songs inside, while everyone else was outside. Wei Xixi and Wu Gao were listening with headphones. The passionate singing melody even made several people nod and sway slightly to the rhythm.

After singing it twice, Cao Xuan came out of the recording studio, listened to the effect himself, and frowned.

It’s not that the melody is wrong, but the lyrics feel a little imperfect.

The song just now was called "Wake", and its Chinese name could be "Arouse" or "Awakening".

The original song also has this name. It is a relatively famous Christian rock song. The lyrics are extremely unrestrained, passionate and powerful. However, the lyrics have a strong religious overtone. Cao Xuan used them and changed them into football elements.

In the past two years, Manchester United had been interested in collaborating with Cao Xuan, a music magician + star fan. They hoped that Cao Xuan would write a song for Manchester United and the club could also promote it to a certain extent.

Previously, head coaches Ferguson and Ronaldo also made a bet with Cao Xuan that if they won the Champions League, Cao Xuan would write a song for Manchester United.

In the 2007-2008 season, Manchester United became the Champions League champion. As promised, it was time for Cao Xuan to write a song. Cristiano Ronaldo had privately urged him several times.

This guy is now hooking up with Real Madrid, but Manchester United has also performed well this year, advancing by leaps and bounds in the league, and also playing well in the Champions League, which makes him hesitant.

But no matter what choice he makes, he still hopes to see this song released sooner.

Otherwise, if he transfers then, it would be a little embarrassing to talk about some of the stories about this song.

Cao Xuan was busy with other things before and had no time to record songs officially until now. However, before the bet was made, Cao Xuan had a suspicion in his mind.

Due to its strong religious overtones, "Wake" actually did not spread well in China at first. It did not become popular until its passionate melody became the BGM of major sports high-profile clips.

There is no doubt that football accounts for a large proportion of these edited sports videos. Cao Xuan also thought of these videos before he thought of adapting this song.

In fact, to be fair, this song should be a football song. It is a bit small as a song for a club.

But who makes Cao Xuan a Manchester United fan? He is simply selfish and willful. I believe that the melody of this song and his fame can add another classic song to Manchester United. The impact is big enough and it might even become the team anthem.

Anyway, Manchester United already has several team songs, so they don’t mind adding an extra rock song.

And it is worth mentioning that many of the most popular fire songs in football clubs are adapted from famous songs, or simply used directly.

Especially for British clubs, basically more than 90% of club songs are adaptations.

For example, Liverpool's "You'll Never Walk Alone" was originally an episode of a musical. It was later covered by Elvis Presley, and then became loved by Liverpool fans and gradually became the team song.

One of Manchester United's team anthems, "Glory Belongs to Manchester United," is also an adaptation of an American military song that evolved from a Christian hymn.

Moreover, the melody and pattern of this song are not only the anthem of Manchester United, but also used by Tottenham and Leeds United, so there is a joke that "the glory belongs not only to Manchester United, but also to Tottenham and Leeds United."

Because of this, it is easy to say that fans create their own songs. There are very few songs "composed" by superstar Cao Xuan specifically for the club, and even fewer can make a name for themselves.

If "Wake" can really become popular, then both Cao Xuan and Manchester United will definitely be in line.

However, the melody is okay and is almost unchanged from the original version. Cao Xuan has always been a little dissatisfied with the lyrics due to major changes.

He has learned and practiced over the years and has no problem composing lyrics, but he still needs luck and inspiration to write high-quality songs.

Especially for English lyrics, although Cao Xuan's English is good, he is not his mother tongue after all. There is a layer in between. He is original and original, and many things may not be fully grasped.

Cao Xuan plans to go back and find a few familiar European and American musicians, Manchester United fans or related staff to polish and supplement it.

This song "Wake" will be released separately as a single, and will also be included in Cao Xuan's fourth album, but it will not occupy the five premium songs.

This year is already 2009, and Cao Xuan doesn’t know how many more albums he can release, but it won’t be too many.

As early as 2012 or as late as 2015, Cao Xuan plans to call it quits, officially retire from the music scene, and announce the end of his career as a singer.

In the past few years, even if there is one album a year, it will only be five or six at most. What's more, given Cao Xuan's time situation, it is difficult to produce this amount.

Cao Xuan himself predicts that there is a high probability that two more pure English albums will be released, and perhaps some singles will be released during the period, but the number will not be too many.

But this is enough, and there is a high chance that we can collect 20 high-quality songs. Especially for the last pure English album prepared by Cao Xuan, the plan is to release all the high-quality songs, and another one like "Legend".

As for the new album Cao Xuan is currently working on, the overall quality of the finished product is not bad either.

It is said that there are 5 high-quality songs and 5 ordinary songs, but the quality of the latter is also remarkable.

Even for some second- and third-tier European and American singers, although these songs will not become their masterpieces, they can basically be used as album highlights. If they are lucky, they will not be unable to hit the Billboard singles chart.

It's just that Cao Xuan's inventory is too abnormal.

The songs that he can classify as high-quality songs, not to mention Chinese, are everywhere in the top ten of the Billboard singles chart. It is not uncommon for champion singles to be in the top ten of the year. There are also some in the top ten of the year.

Even if the data achievements are not ideal, they have achieved widespread influence in other fields and have extraordinary potential and quality. Those with weaker performance are basically classified as ordinary.

Cao Xuan's previous three English albums seemed to have only 5 ordinary songs.

In my memory, it seems that one song has entered the top 25 of the Billboard singles chart, one is one of the title songs of a certain king's album, and one has been shortlisted for the 100 hottest songs of the year produced by Universal Music. Song.

Frankly speaking, sometimes it is difficult to make a strict distinction between ordinary songs and high-quality songs based solely on quality and some factors.

However, because Cao Xuan knew the performance and advantages of the songs, he made a distinction in advance, and would focus on investing resources in subsequent announcements, which invisibly widened the gap between some high-quality songs and ordinary songs.

But in fact, if the resources are converted, the ordinary songs in the album can become the title song with strong promotional resources.

So, except for some classic songs that may still be strong, the actual performance of some slightly weaker high-quality songs may be no different from ordinary songs.

Cao Xuan himself was shameless. He classified these songs as "normal" in his mind, and their effects were often used to "make up the numbers".

If his thoughts were known to other singers, they would spit on his face.

Maybe the performance of these songs is somewhat unsatisfactory, but the quality is completely incompatible with the word "ordinary". If you force the analogy, it is as funny and absurd as Cao Xuan claiming to be a third-rate businessman.

No matter what the facts are, in the eyes of outsiders, it is indeed a bit too much to deserve a beating...

This album, named "Qing" by Cao Xuan, is not an English name, but the Chinese pinyin of the word "情".

Most of the songs on this album tend to be emotional, but they are not love at all. It feels a bit dry to express it simply as Emotion, so Cao Xuan simply used the Chinese pinyin of [情] as the name.

On the one hand, Cao Xuan has always felt that Chinese characters represent many meanings. One word "情" contains thousands of meanings, which can refer to emotions and express everything about people's hearts and people's affairs.

On the other hand, using Chinese pinyin is also more distinctive, and it is even more impressive with Cao Xuan's personal label.

What’s more, it’s easy to remember for both the author and the reader…

The "Qing" album was very tiring for Cao Xuan to "create", mainly because many of the lyrics he aimed for did not match the lyrics, so he had to make original changes.

Among them, Boss Huang's song "Shape of You" has the most changes, and it's basically a facelift.

There's no way, why did Boss Huang write this song? It's so pornographic...

"Shape of You", whose Chinese name is translated as "Your Shape", is a song written and performed by Ed Sheeran, a British male singer nicknamed Boss Huang. It was first released in 2017.

This song was extremely popular. It immediately won the first place on Billboard in the first week, and has won the championship for 12 weeks in total. It also helped Boss Huang win a Grammy.

The most noteworthy thing is that this song not only has hot data, but is also extremely popular. It is also very popular in China, and it has been popular for a long time. Many people still like it several years after its release.

Cao Xuan had been eyeing this song before, but he never picked it up because the lyrics of the song were too explicit.

In China, it's almost the same as "Pinch the crotch of Chao Fan". When Cao Tianwang wrote this song, the character collapsed.

Well, considering Cao Daguan's reputation, it's hard to say this...

However, after all, such lyrics are not positive and are not recognized by the domestic mainstream. Regardless of whether Europe and the United States are conservative and open, the key point is that Cao Xuan now represents the image of China to a certain extent.

Scandal and gossip are nothing more than personal life issues, and they are not new to most celebrities. They belong to a minor topic.

However, the output works must not go out of style. There is an essential difference here, so Cao Xuan is very cautious in this regard and will never leave any excuses.

Therefore, the lyrics of the song "Shape of You" had to be significantly revised. Cao Xuan had been drafting the song before, and after figuring out certain results, he released this song.

The general story background of the lyrics remains the same, it is still about secret love and budding love, but a large number of pornographic lines are omitted, and more about the sweetness of love and the entanglement and confusion it brings.

The final result is that the melody and emotion expressed in the original version of "Shape of You" remain unchanged, but the lyrics and MV plot structure are more plain and positive.

In addition to Boss Huang's "Shape of You", Adele's "Hello" is also the main song of the "Qing" album.

This song is Adele Adkins' fourth Billboard No. 1 single. Speaking of which, including the previous "Rolling in the Deep", Cao Xuan has already scored two No. 1 singles for Adele.

The Dream Dragon Band shed tears of joy...

Cao Xuan also felt a little embarrassed. If he could find other high-quality songs in the future, he would stop praising Adele.

Of course, if you can't find it, tell me the other two. People like him can't be conscientious.

"Hello", like the previous song "Shape of You", was the number one single on Billboard in its first week, and it was also the song that topped the charts for more than 10 weeks, winning Adele three Grammys.

To be honest, these two songs made Cao Xuan a little hesitant. Putting them together may not achieve the achievements of the original time and space.

At the same time, I am somewhat looking forward to seeing who will be better when the two kings are put together, and what kind of magic they can create together.

In addition to these two great songs, several other songs also have their own characteristics and are not inferior to these two songs.

Perhaps the number of high-quality songs in the album as a whole is not as good as Cao Xuan's "Legend", but the quality is really not bad, and is even better than the second English album "Release".

After the last "Legend", the physical album market shrank further, and online digital albums began to slowly rise.

Cao Xuan is also curious whether "Qing" can leave a lasting mark in this era of changing times.

The production of the album is stable and orderly. Even if it cannot be completed before Cao Xuan joins the group "Sword Rain", it is estimated that most of it can be completed.

If I take the time to catch up on the progress, it should be available in the second half of the year. This can be used to silence the fans who are yelling and scolding in the Cao Xuan Weibo comment area today.


After recording the song several times, it was almost evening. Cao Xuan asked several people in the morning to have dinner, and then everyone went back to their homes.

The schedule is not particularly tight, and he has a wife and children at home. Cao Xuan rarely works overtime now and leaves as soon as the time comes.

As soon as I got home, I saw my precious daughter running over with little short legs to hug her. Next to me was Sun Lan and the specially hired nanny.

After all, Cao Xuan and Zeng Li still have jobs. Although they have consciously put off some complicated things and saved their energy to focus on their families and children, they cannot always focus on their children.

Therefore, it is actually Sun Lan and his grandparents who actually take care of the children at home.

However, Cao Xuan was a little afraid that the old couple would dote on their daughter. It was not that he was a son and his parents were not the same, but having said that, the old couple was indeed too doting on their granddaughter.

Comrade Cao Shuangguo was okay. Although he doted on her, he still had some principles. Sun Lan really treated his granddaughter as his darling. He held her in his hand for fear of being bruised and held it in his mouth for fear of melting. There was no bottom line in his love.

As the saying goes, loving a child is like killing a child.

Although Cao Xuan loved his daughter, he didn't want his daughter to be raised crookedly, so he hired an experienced nanny.

On the one hand, he would raise his children more scientifically, and if anything happened, he would also be able to report to him and Zeng Li and provide timely correction and education.

Cao Xuan felt uneasy leaving the child in the care of his grandma, and the family felt uneasy leaving the child in the care of an outsider.

If you let two people take it together. It can relatively offset some contradictions. Although there may be some conflicts in the details, in general, it is a solution that has the best of both worlds.

In June this year, little Cao Li will be two years old. Cao Xuan and Zeng Li plan to send their child to nursery school when he is three years old.

It not only liberates the family, but also provides teachers with education, and can also find some playmates for the children.

Moreover, Cao Xuan inquired and found out that a three-year-old child has initial autonomy in language, action and cognitive abilities, and is in a period of rapid growth. It is better for the child to go to school than at home.

Of course, this is just an idea, and it depends on the child's adaptability.

Some children are not suitable for kindergarten. If possible, you can wait until the child is older before going to school.

When thinking about going to school, Cao Xuan also wondered whether he should take some time to buy some children's books and classics for his children, and tell them about them if he had nothing to do, such as "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "A Preliminary Solution to Go", which might be useful for the college entrance examination in the future.

Cao Xuan did the math and found out that little Cao Li was born in June 2007, and the college entrance examination will not be until at least 2025 or 2026.

Well, this book will definitely not be written until then, and Cao Xuan definitely doesn’t know the college entrance examination questions, so he can only let his children take the exam by themselves...

However, if little Cao Li returns to his hometown of Zaoshi to go to school and happens to take the high school entrance examination in 2022, Cao Xuan will have a lot of experience.

But this is just a matter of talk and fun. Boss Cao’s wealth does not require solving these problems. He can donate a few teaching buildings and some aid funds to middle schools and universities at home and abroad.

Of course, if possible, Cao Xuan still hopes that his children will be admitted to college on their own, which can be regarded as making up for his regret of failing the college entrance examination.

"What did you do today?"

Cao Xuan held his daughter in his arms and asked with a smile. He had already gone to the hospital for a test. Cao Li, who had stronger intellectual thinking and language expression skills than ordinary children, tilted his head and reported.

"Eat, balls, TV, Pleasant Goat."

The almost two-year-old child has already begun to eat a lot of staple food. The little guy's appetite is quite big, and his appetite is smaller than before.

As for Pleasant Goat, I let the children watch TV for a while when they have nothing to do to distract their attention. The family bought a lot of things for infants and young children, but little Cao Li is not interested in it. He just likes to watch "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf".

In fact, such a big kid couldn't understand the plot at all, but it was so enjoyable that Cao Xuan didn't know what part of the plot moved her.

He and Dongxi Ergong were forced to watch dozens of episodes of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" during this period.

Sometimes, in his dreams at night, Big Big Wolf said "I will definitely come back." Cao Xuan was so angry that he wanted to spend money to buy the cartoon's parent company, and then ask them to change lines for Big Big Wolf.

But I was lucky today. I was tired from all the hard work during the day. Not long after Cao Xuan returned home, the child became sleepy.

As soon as Cao Xuan put the child to sleep, Zeng Li and Hu Jing came home from get off work together, which made him wonder if the two people were colluding.

Zeng Li glanced at his daughter and saw that the child was sleeping peacefully, so he asked the two of them to go to the living room, took out a CD from his bag and put it into the video player: "Here, let me show you something."

Cao Xuan was startled: "My mother is still here, I can't wait until night to go to the bedroom to see her."

"Bah, where did you want to go?"

Before Zeng Li could say anything, Hu Jing, who was next to him, spat at him: "I thought everyone was like you. Their minds are full of unhealthy things."

"Hey, let's talk about it a little bit. Last time we went to Europe, who wanted to meet the European teachers..."

Before he finished speaking, Hu Jing, who was so angry, was about to pounce on him and tear his mouth apart, while Zeng Li also looked unhappy.

"Can you not mention that? I feel sick when I think about those German movies."

After having fun for a while, they got down to business again. Zeng Li turned on the TV and played the CD. What appeared on it were videos of some young people, including talent shows, basic skills in line and body skills, stage and film and television acting clips.

"What's the matter? This is an interview with me."

Cao Xuan understood what was going on as soon as he saw the video, and Zeng Li didn't hold back and told the story directly.

This CD contains materials for most students from the 2005 and 2006 Chinese Opera classes. Especially for the 05th class, almost all of them are listed, and there is more information.

Zeng Li showed it to Cao Xuan for a simple purpose: he wanted him to see if there were any good prospects and sign him into Fanxing.

This was not what she meant, but the leaders of Zhongxi Drama asked her to help. Although the relationship between Zeng Li and Cao Xuan was relatively low-key, we were not fools. The grand occasion of Zhongxi Drama Level 02 was still in front of our eyes, and many leaders knew it.

Teacher Zeng is at ease in Zhongxi, largely because of Cao Xuan's face.

After enjoying the benefits, when the school had difficulties and needed help, Zeng Li came to him and it was hard for him to shirk it.

This summer, the 2005 students from China Drama Theater will graduate, and the 2006 students will enter their senior years and enter the final stage of internship.

In recent years, I don’t know whether it is due to the market or because they have recruited too many students. The students from China Theater and Nortel’s majors are not as popular as before.

In the past, when Chinese opera graduates went out to film, they couldn't get big roles. Supporting roles were not difficult, and if the conditions were good, they could probably directly play the leading role.

But in the past two years, it has been difficult to get some major roles unless they are signed by a company, and even if they are signed by a company, they may not be able to film.

In the previous years, except for the 02-level Chinese Opera students who were relatively prosperous, there were students in 2003 and 2004 who had not done much filming or even changed careers. Even the 02-level Chinese Opera students were not all doing well.

There are still some leaders in the Central Theater who care about the students, so they thought that through Zeng Li, they could help. If a few of them could sign into Fanxing, it would be of great benefit to these students.

After all, the 02-level examples of Chinese dramas are right in front of us. Some of them, such as Liu Tianxian, Guo Zhenni, Zhang Bo, Sun Jian, etc., have become popular actresses on the front line, while the worst ones are also slightly famous and have constant filming appointments.

If students can take advantage of this opportunity, their careers will take off, which will be an impressive achievement for school leaders.

Apart from other things, because of his performance in Grade 02, Zhongxi Drama had always wanted Zeng Li to serve as the class teacher for another term, but Zeng Li rejected it.

But even so, the school still loves Zeng Li very much and plans to make her an associate professor in a few years, which is both a win-win and a reward.

You must know that Teacher Chang Li brought out Class 96 of Chinese Opera and was known as the star class teacher. Now Class 02 of Chinese Opera is in full swing, and Teacher Zeng’s reputation is also very good.

Zeng Li was very proud of this and always showed off his skills.

So much so that Cao Xuan was looking forward to seeing if the Empress of the West Palace would still be able to laugh when those gangs of ghosts and snake gods started acting like monsters.

However, Teacher Zeng and the leaders of the Central Theater still have to give face. Anyway, it is just an interview. It depends on Cao Xuan whether to sign or not, so it is just a relief.

The empress of the East Palace on the side also began to assume the posture of a vice president, and her eyes were even more critical.

If this group of people join Fanxing, they will most likely be members of the Xigong Party. She will not block the future of these children, but she still has to help keep an eye on them and collect some information for Da Mimi.

Zeng Li introduced the two of them, and it seemed that he had put in a lot of effort. Every student could say a few words when they came out.

However, there is one thing to say: these children are too immature and it is difficult for them to get into the eyes of Cao Xuan and Hu Jing. When more than a dozen students came out, the two of them did not even have a basic change in their expressions.

Until a little girl with a round face appeared, Hu Jing took a look and said, "This is okay."

Zeng Li introduced: "The little girl's name is Mao Xiaotong. She has played piano since she was in elementary school. She has studied dance professionally and won awards. She is recognized as a good young talent in this year and has won a scholarship."

"Don't tell me, her eyebrows are a bit similar to Jingjing's when she was young, with curved eyebrows and a round face."

Cao Xuan was somewhat impressed by this person. He had a lot of fun back then, and he still admired his decisive and straightforward character, and his appearance and talent were justified.

Zeng Li also smiled: "She has the nickname Xiao Hu Jing in our school."

"Like me?"

Hu Jing was confused. She felt that the two of them did not look alike, and she was not arrogant. When she was young, she was much prettier than Mao Xiaotong.

"They don't look much alike, but their facial features and temperament are somewhat similar, and they look cute and smart."

Cao Xuan explained, and then couldn't help but shake his head: "A good young man is a good young man, but he and Zhao Xiaodao will have a little conflict, so let's wait and see."

Zeng Li was a little disappointed, but not discouraged, and quickly introduced the next handsome guy with handsome features.

"This is Chen Yao, a native of Heshi, Hui Province, and a child star..."

Friendly recommendation of books, entertainment + business, also written by book friends who are interested in it, you can go and support it

What's good about being a star? In front of people, in front of capital, everyone has to call him daddy!

Luo Heng, who started Tianhu, said: "I want to be a man with a net worth of tens of billions!"

Celebrities, how about funny? No future!

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