China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 553 Twitter Netflix Tesla and Cao Clan Disciple Taylor

When Cao Xuan came to the United States again, the cover of the political news in this land had changed.

Unprecedented skin color has ushered in a new wave in American society.

But this has nothing to do with Cao Xuan. He wants to worry about it, but he can't reach that level. If he reaches that level, he won't be allowed to write. Otherwise, the wedding of a real estate developer's daughter this year will not be held...

At the headquarters of New Line Cinema, Cao Xuan met his old friend Camila Galano.

The latter is now the acting president of New Line Cinema. Although he has an agent, he is also one of the core executives of Warner Bros. Pictures, a super boss that ordinary Hollywood stars seek but cannot see.

However, this boss smiled brightly when he saw Cao Xuan: "Chris, I watched your performance at the Olympics. It was an impeccable performance. My two sons and I are both your fans."

"Thank you. If you don't mind, I have a few signed albums that I can give to you and your son."

"That's great. It's definitely the best gift."

After the warm and understanding greetings, the cunning bald Jew took out a tea set from the wine cabinet in his office and looked at the surprised Cao Xuan.

"Tea Product."

After pronouncing the name, Galano smiled very interestingly: "The tea you served me back then is not easy to buy in the United States."

"Okay, let me try your tea."

Cao Xuan smiled. Although Galano's move was not sincere, being able to buy such a set of things to entertain Cao Xuan was considered thoughtful and showed that he valued Cao Xuan.

The equipment was complete, but Galano was obviously not familiar with the tea ceremony and his technique was rough. Cao Xuan didn't dislike it and gave the honorable man a drink and then praised him.

"The tea is very good."

This is not entirely perfunctory. Galano's tea is indeed good. It is far inferior to the best tea from Cao Xuan's family, but it is still available. It is said that this small jar cost Galano thousands of dollars.

There is also this tea set. Galano boasts that it is made of celadon from the Qianlong official kiln. He spent a long time to buy it from an antique shop in Chinatown with a lot of money.

Cao Xuan pursed his lips when he heard this.

He really doesn't know the market price of tea in the United States, and he can't say whether he is losing money or making money.

But for this Qianlong official kiln tea set, although Cao Xuan doesn’t know much about antique porcelain, he also knows that the base model of similar porcelain is [Made in the Qianlong Year] instead of the simplified [Made in the Qianlong Year].

Judging from the workmanship, it can't be said to be a street stall, but for the price Galano paid, you can at least pull a truck at JDZ, and the quality is even better. At least there are no simplified characters...

After hesitating for a while, Cao Xuan decided to protect the fellow villager, ignored the tea set, and chatted about business with Galano.

A year later, New Line Cinema, which was acquired by Warner, has gradually emerged from the initial turbulent period. However, this does not mean that Galano's position as president is secure.

It can also be seen from his position that it has been almost a year since he took office, and the word "agent" has not been removed yet.

More importantly, after New Line was acquired, although it was still a subsidiary in name and had certain freedoms, compared with the previous independent subsidiary, the power of New Line's top executives was weakened a lot.

Apart from other things, throughout 2008, New Line participated in the investment and production of only five movies, including "Taken 2", two of which were not the main producers.

Of course, there are many reasons why the new company has just been reorganized, coupled with the economic crisis, tight capital chains, and intentional reduction of project investment.

But no matter what, the decline of New Line is visible to the naked eye. Your bosses and shareholders will not care about your plight, they will only look at your results.

Galano has been in office for a year, and his most impressive achievements are the first part of "Taken" a year ago and the romantic comedy movie "He's Just Not That Into You" starring many Hollywood stars in early 2009.

In addition, all other produced and distributed films performed mediocrely, and even the data of individual films were a mess.

Of course, many of these movies are projects that were confirmed before Galano took office, so he is taking the blame for his predecessor.

But again, your boss and shareholders won't think so much about it. If your project during your tenure is not profitable, the responsibility cannot go away from him.

The unlucky years made his life difficult. If Galano hadn't been bald, his hair would have turned gray...

To put it bluntly, this summer season is Galano's last chance.

He also has three movies in hand, one independently produced "Ghosts of Ex-Girlfriends", one co-produced "Taken 2", and one co-produced "17 Again".

These three movies are his last venture. If he can achieve results, he can continue his career and even hope to become a full-time actor.

If he messed up, his position as president of New Line would definitely be gone. If he was lucky, he would still be able to stay as a senior executive. At worst, he might be assigned to a cold government office. At worst, he might be kicked out directly and become unemployed in middle age.

Among the three movies, there is no doubt that "Taken 2" has the greatest potential, and it is also Galano's life-saving straw.

That's why he paid so much attention to Cao Xuan.

Another point is that he heard that Boss Cao has a lot of connections. Not only does he have a good personal relationship with the media tycoon Edgar Jr., he is also rumored to have invested in the popular Marvel, and has connections with the Hollywood giant Disney. He is also a big boss in the Asian entertainment industry.

If he really loses his job in the future, he might still be able to hug Cao Xuan.

Hollywood, the vanity fair, has never lacked superstars. They may have unlimited fame, but it is the bosses with capital who really stir up the storm.

Cao Xuan's superstar brand is valuable, but in the eyes of interested people, what is more important is the capital in Cao Xuan's hands.

If you offend a superstar, you will probably get scolded by their fans and the media, but if you offend or befriend a big boss with a net worth of tens or tens of billions of dollars, the meaning is completely different.

Two years ago, when Cao Xuan first arrived in the United States, he still didn't feel it. In the past few years, he has more and more capital, and he has also begun to invest in some companies. He has become famous and his salary has skyrocketed.

Especially the big news in the industry this year, Disney's acquisition of Marvel, with a sky-high price of US$4 billion, shocked the entire Hollywood.

And interested people also learned that after the acquisition, Marvel had a medium-sized shareholder named [Sunshine Ventures].

This company is actually well-known in the United States and is a rising star in the investment community. Not only is it a shareholder of Warner Music Group, it also holds a large number of stocks in many well-known companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon.

One of the most famous things is that he intended to unite multiple investment institutions to acquire Facebook, which is currently in the limelight. However, it was a pity that Yahoo intervened at the time and finally gave up.

But soon [Sun Venture Capital] appeared at the Series A financing meeting of the emerging website Twitter.

On the premise that Twitter's external valuation is less than US$100 million, it jointly invested US$25 million with another company to acquire 30% of the shares.

At present, [Sun Venture Capital] has taken a fancy to Netflix. It is selling Warner Music Group's shares, mortgaging its assets, and gathering scattered funds. Not only is it buying Netflix's shares, but it is also targeting special companies that are preparing to go public. Silla......

Although [Jiaoyang Venture Capital] acts relatively low-key, and basically only conducts venture capital investments, it rarely participates in specific businesses.

However, with the size of the organization, it is difficult for people to ignore its existence, whether it is the assets it represents or the connections it represents. And as long as you are careful, it is actually not difficult to find the connection between [Jiaoyang Venture Capital] and Cao Xuan.

Perhaps those business giants would not pay attention to these assets with a total value of only a few billion US dollars, but for 99.99% of people, Cao Xuan is already someone they can't help but embrace.

At least for Galano, Cao Xuan's weight in his heart is not much worse than that of his immediate boss.

Of course, if he survives the crisis and becomes the legitimate president of New Line + Warner executive, holding the power and not having to worry about losing his job, then there are two other things to talk about...

New Line is responsible for the North American distribution of "Taken 2". Galano tried his best to negotiate with 3,862 theaters in North America in one go. In the period from April to May, the number of theaters released was second only to "The Wolverine" with 4,069 theaters. .

In addition to the astonishing number of theaters, the film scheduling rate is also quite good. It can be seen that the performance of the previous film made theaters particularly optimistic about "Rescue 2".

Of course, there are not many movies released in late April, and "Rescue 2" is the most outstanding among them.

Many people believe that "Taken 2" was released 10 days in advance, avoiding "The Wolverine", and can harvest the box office for almost two weeks. In Cao Xuan's view, this has accumulated more than a week of influence.

Released at the same time as "The Wolverine", there is no doubt that it will die. If you accumulate a certain amount of popularity in advance, you may not be able to steal the stutter from the wolf's mouth.

Galano's views are even more radical than Cao Xuan: "The "X-Men" series is awesome, but it does not mean that a single hero movie can be popular. Not everyone can copy the success of "Iron Man". Superhero movies are bad." There are many.”

Galano's statement is not unfounded. Put aside, last year's "The Incredible Hulk" can hardly be called a success.

A little further away there are "Daredevil" and "Catwoman", both of which also failed particularly miserably.

Especially the latter, with an investment of over 100 million US dollars, the global box office was less than 80 million, which almost caused Warner to give up the production of "Batman".

However, Cao Xuan knows that the "X-Men" series cannot be underestimated.

Breaking away from the Marvel parent universe, it still has its own worldview, with constant hits, and is a treasure trove for 20th Century Fox, one of the six giants in Hollywood.

Although Cao Xuan Golden Finger does not have specific box office data for the "Wolverine" movie, Wolverine, as a super popular character in the "X-Men" series, is very impressive, otherwise there would not be several movies in the future.

Compared to Galano, who is more willing to think positively, Cao Xuan himself considers things more realistically.

The two talked about a lot of distribution plans, and Cao Xuan also felt that Galano and New Line valued "Taken 2".

However, the two of them talked more about the publicity plan. Cao Xuan could not get involved in the distribution, so he could only do his part in promoting the film and cooperating with the announcement.

This is not the first time Cao Xuan has come to North America to promote a movie. He and Hu Jing, who arrived a day late, joined Anne Hathaway and Dwayne Johnson to start a promotional run.

The propaganda here in the United States is actually not much different from that in China, but the nature of interviews here is stronger. In addition to a few talk shows, large and small print media, TV and even online media have never stopped.

The difference is that the domestic media will follow the theme, while the hosts or reporters here in the United States will ask everything.

The questions are all kinds of strange and strange, and he also likes to trick people, which is very insidious.

However, this is not the first time that Cao Xuan has dealt with this group of American media, and he can handle it with ease and without leakage.

Hu Jing was a bit unfamiliar, but fortunately she and Cao Xuan had a perfect tacit understanding. At the critical moment, Cao Xuan gave her a look, and Empress Donggong said with shame that her English was not good enough and she didn't understand what you were talking about.

At first, the American media believed it to be true. Later, when "Taken 2" was released, they saw Hu Jing's fluent English original voice in the movie and shouted that they had been deceived.

Afterwards, Hu Jing got a nickname called "Cunning Hu" abroad. One refers to Hu Jing's surname, and the other is because they learned that the Chinese word "Hu" has the same pronunciation as the word "Fox", meaning "Fox". ridicule.

Hu Jing doesn't tolerate them either. It's really rude to pretend to be stupid, but whoever lets these media dig holes first and doesn't directly attack them is thinking of the overall situation.

The Empress of the East Palace has no obsession with breaking into Hollywood. She doesn't care and doesn't need to please the American media.

Therefore, when she later encountered the American media who ridiculed her, she deliberately treated them differently as a response.

Not to mention, such a tough stance is not only unique among Asian actresses, but also many European and American actresses today are not as sassy as her.

Many people are dissatisfied with her strength, but many people appreciate her personality. By some combination of circumstances, she has gained a lot of fans for Hu Jing.

But Hu Jing doesn't care much. The life of the star proprietress is very comfortable, and she only needs to film occasionally. The ups and downs in Hollywood have nothing to do with her...

In addition to Hu Jing’s battle of wits and courage with the media, there is another person who has become the key to many reporters’ questions to Cao Xuan——

Taylor Swift

Since the release of his first album in 2006, Taylor has made rapid progress. Although he has only released one new album in the past two years, he has averaged 1 to 3 singles each year, with good results and often ranking at the top of the Billboard singles chart. Twenty sways.

Especially last year's new album "Fearless", which topped the Billboard album chart in its first week.

Subsequently, with the support of Mars and Warner Music Group channels, in less than half a year, the total sales volume is approaching 5 million, and is expected to reach tens of millions.

Such achievements are so brilliant for a singer who is not yet 20 years old.

However, compared to the popular new singer, Taylor has another super gimmick that attracts more attention at this time, and that is Cao Xuan's apprentice.

That's right, not a student, but an apprentice.

Taylor himself gave an interview to popularize the differences between apprentices and students in the American media, emphasizing the special nature of his apprenticeship.

In addition, she also vividly recounted her experience of worshiping coffee and becoming a master, and took out the engraved jade token given to her by Cao Xuan. She didn’t even know where she took it out, and she even wore it for three days and two birthdays. Everyone knows the allusions to Ma Daixiao.

Not to mention, Americans are particularly good at this. Listening to Taylor's talk, I felt full of Eastern mystery and ritual.

Mars Records simply followed the good and deliberately created publicity. Taylor's current momentum is definitely due to the popularity of Cao Xuan, his master.

But now that Taylor has become popular, Cao Xuan has also tasted the benefits of "famous teachers giving rise to great disciples".

Reporters were very curious about how Cao Xuan taught a popular new generation singer, and they also wanted to know the inside story of this master-disciple pair.

Cao Xuan did not take credit for this and told the media: "Taylor is a very talented singer who can sing and write. Her own conditions account for 70% of the credit for her reaching her current position.

All I can do is give guidance and support to help her avoid detours in her music and career.

Rather than saying that I am her master, it is better to say that I am her Bole. I discovered this piece of unshined jade in the vast sea of ​​​​people. "

Cao Xuan felt that he was telling the truth. His presence did make Taylor's path smoother, more stable and better, but even without himself, Taylor would succeed.

However, in the eyes of the outside world and even Taylor himself, Cao Xuan is too modest.

Taylor may be extremely talented, but horses with a thousand li are always found in the world, but Bole is not always found.

Cao Xuan discovered Taylor's talent, took him as a disciple, taught her, and cultivated her into a new star in the music industry through his company and connections. Later, he also used his own fame to help build her momentum. Old friends could also take care of Taylor, who was still a newcomer.

All these things can be called the gift of reinvention, and it is worth worshiping Taylor as a master.

Even Avril Lavigne called her half-seriously and half-jokingly to express regret that she should have become a disciple instead of recognizing her brother.

The younger sister is a peer, more independent, and the older brother can control her or not.

Apprentices are juniors and rely on their masters. If something goes wrong, the masters will often step in and vice versa.

Looking at it this way, the so-called god-brother and god-sister are not as close as the master-disciple.

Of course, there is also the fact that Cao Xuan deliberately avoids Avril Lavigne, while Taylor's appearance does not match Cao Xuan's aesthetics, and the two of them do not call each other at all. Taylor treats Cao Xuan as an elder or teacher, and they get along normally and harmoniously.

Taylor's new album is currently popular, and the media is chasing the hot topic, which can be regarded as a boost to "Hurricane Rescue".

Seeing this, Cao Xuan simply called Taylor to sing and perform at the North American premiere of "Rescue 2" to seek some exposure and at the same time let her meet his wife.

Hu Jing had long known that Cao Xuan had taken on an American female apprentice. She had also watched the video of the two of them and was no stranger to Taylor.

More importantly, knowing Cao Xuan's taste, she knew that Taylor was not a threat.

But she heard from Cao Xuan that this Taylor had great business potential, and the Empress of the East Palace liked this kind of person best who could make money for the family without being a threat.

Without saying a word, I gave you the prepared meeting gift.

An exquisite and fashionable Cartier platinum and diamond watch, bought during a promotion in New York, is worth about US$120,000, or more than RMB 800,000.

Taylor happily accepted it, put it on and asked others to take photos for her, planning to post it on social media. Cao Xuan reminded her not to reveal her name for Hu Jing, and then let her do whatever she wanted.

You know, according to the data released by Forbes Global Celebrity List.

In the ten years from 2010 to 2019, Taylor's personal income reached US$825 million, ranking second among global singers during the same period.

Note that this 825 million is only Taylor's personal income. The total income it creates is much greater, and may even be far more than doubled. Even if Mars only eats a part, such watches can be wholesaled to fill several drawers.

Thinking about this, Cao Xuan felt that he was too evil, and thought about giving Taylor a big gift when his 20th birthday at the end of the year.

Anne Hathaway next to her looked at Taylor chatting and laughing with Hu Jing with a little envy, and couldn't help but say to Cao Xuanyuan.

"You and Hu are really good to your students."

"How about you, why don't you also become my teacher, and I'll ask Hu to give you a piece of Bulgari?"

"Too stingy."

Anne Hathaway shook her head disdainfully. Although she was criticized by many people for "pretending", it could be seen in front of the media and the camera that she was indeed pretending deliberately, and some of her words were occasionally a bit too hypocritical.

But in private, Anne Hathaway is actually quite lively. At least she can joke when she gets used to her. She is also a bit competitive, and even if she jokes and bickers, she is not weaker than others.

"If you are willing to worship me, I will give you twenty Patek Philippe or whatever you choose."

Next to him, Dwayne Johnson scratched his long hair and said with a shy face, "Can I bow?"


Anne Hathaway simply stopped, and then asked seemingly casually: "Has the script for the third part been written?"

"The outline pattern has been set."

"Who is the heroine?"

Anne Hathaway is looking forward to it. "Taken 2" is very popular. The movie has not yet been released, and she has benefited a lot from the exposure during this period.

Except for "Alice in Wonderland", her other subsequent films are not much better than the "Taken" series. If this film is successful at the box office, she is very willing to star in the third one.

"The third part may be the last one in the series. Our plan is to rescue my girlfriend and sister together, and the location will be in the United States. But it's hard to say yet. We may make another movie first."

Cao Xuan actually made a double plan. Anne Hathaway would play the best role, and if she didn't, the male lead would be given a different girlfriend.

At the same time, the setting may add a teammate, just like the Interpol played by Hu Jing in the second film, but the character will be more comedic, creating distinction and conflict with the men.

But now there is a problem. Cao Xuan feels that by acting in three movies of the same series at once, his acting style will be too fixed.

So I intend to make a movie of other types to combine it, and then make "Taken 3".

Although he entered Hollywood with action movies, and will even focus on shooting action movies in the future, it does not mean that Cao Xuan plans to only make action movies. He wants to try some different themes and not limit himself to acting.

But there is no need to say this. I just briefly talked with Anne Kethaway about the plot of the third part. This script is not sure yet. It is just an outline and will have to be filled in later.

The two chatted lively, and Johnson next to them was a little envious.

If a third part is made, Anne Hathaway will most likely star as the female protagonist, sleeping and flying with the male protagonist, but he will be different. She died completely in the second part, and there is no chance of resurrection.

Even matryoshka dolls won't work, because the third film is likely to have Lao Bai, who played the villain in the second film, "reborn" as his younger brother.

One person has been "forcibly" resurrected, but the plot is foreshadowing and it makes sense, but if Johnson is resurrected again, it will not be an ordinary insult to the audience's IQ.

With this depressed mood, Johnson watched the premiere of the movie and felt even worse when he saw Cao Xuan beating himself to death bit by bit on the screen.

It wasn't until the next morning when Johnson woke up and saw the newspaper delivered in the morning that a smile appeared on his face.

["Taken 2" grossed US$31.2 million on its first day, leading the same period among movies that day]

The movie is released on Saturday, which is the peak weekend season. The first weekend box office of a movie in North America is the top priority. Although it does not determine the box office of a movie, it still has a strong reference value.

The box office on the first day was 30 million+, and the North American box office may not be able to pass just over 100 million.

As an important starring role, Johnson can know that his resume will be more glorious, and his fame and salary will also increase a lot.

The depression in his heart was instantly wiped away, and the happy Johnson had a great appetite. He usually paid attention to his diet and rewarded himself with his favorite food.

A large piece of toast bread was filled with maple syrup and jam and he took a big bite. Johnson recalled the tricks Cao Xuan taught him about cheating meals.

"Whole wheat bread, protein powder, erythritol, I'm so thin, so thin..."

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