China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 586 Joining the Marvel Universe, the magically modified and enhanced version of Hawkeye

Johannesburg, Four Seasons Hotel

In the morning, Cao Xuan got up from bed and just drank warm water when the laptop next to him prompted a video call invitation. It was none other than Marvel President Kevin Feige.

After putting on his clothes and briefly combing his hair, Cao Xuan turned around, revealing his fat face wearing a peaked cap.

"Good afternoon, Chris."

Cao Xuan was stunned for a moment, thinking he had overslept. When he came back to his senses, he realized that Kevin was talking about Beijing time. It seemed that he was calling at a specific time.

"Good evening, Kevin."

Cao Xuan didn't correct him, just exchanged a few pleasantries and directly asked about the business. Kevin didn't waste any time and sent an email.

"This is a Hawkeye setting that the editors and writers of our studio have re-done based on the comics and some original works. Take a look."

"Sorry, just a moment."

Cao Xuan talked to Kevin, clicked on the email, and looked at the new Hawkeye that Marvel had adapted based on him and Marvel comics.

Hawkeye, named Clint Tang, is a Chinese orphan who has lived with a circus since he was a child, and in this circus, he met two masters.

The former is named Swordsman, and he is also Chinese. He was once a master of Chinese martial arts. Later, he lived in a foreign land for some reason. Because he took a fancy to Hawkeye's talent and Chinese identity, he taught him his skills.

Eagle Eye is gifted with amazing natural eyesight, super learning ability, reaction ability and hand-eye coordination. Under the guidance of a swordsman, he has mastered ancient swordsmanship and boxing skills in just a few years, and is good at hidden weapon techniques such as throwing knives and darts. .

The swordsman even taught him a technique called [Qi], which allowed him to have inhuman strength and speed and increase damage.

However, at first, Hawkeye did not discover and fully use this huge energy, but it also gave him peak human physical fitness.

When Hawkeye was a teenager, the swordsman passed away, and Hawkeye met another master, "Jickshot", who was a superb marksman.

He realized that Hawkeye had excellent sensitive senses and extraordinary strength, so he trained him as an archer.

Under the training of Jieshe, Hawkeye became the world's best archer. His arrows are faster, farther, more accurate and more powerful than many hot weapons.

At this time, Jieshe finally revealed his secret. He wanted to take this apprentice with him to rob the rich and give to the poor.

Hawkeye is not opposed to being a superhero, but he doesn't like Jetshot's style of killing people at will. The concepts of master and apprentice conflict, and eventually they turn against each other.

After the master and apprentice turned against each other, Hawkeye became a superhero himself, fighting criminals and gaining fame.

During this period, he also met Black Widow and joined S.H.I.E.L.D. under her introduction.

In SHIELD, the already strong Hawkeye has been comprehensively improved.

He systematically learned relevant agent knowledge and his tactical literacy was significantly improved.

Moreover, with his extremely strong learning ability, Hawkeye learned a lot of fighting training at SHIELD, combined with the original ancient swordsmanship and ancient boxing skills, he developed a brand new set of physical skills and became a top physical skills master.

In addition, Hawkeye is also good at weapon manufacturing and has strengthened and transformed his equipment.

A specially made Han sword named [Dragon] is extremely strong and extremely sharp. There are also twelve flying knives made of the same material.

Bows and arrows have been enhanced into black technology, including clay arrows, explosive arrows, flying claw arrows, cable arrows, magnetic arrows, flash arrows, sonic arrows, air bag arrows, rainstorm pear flower sword, also known as Qing Xiaobing arrows...

There are all kinds of weird and weird functions, only those that are unexpected, there is nothing that his bow and arrow cannot do...

However, this is not Hawkeye's strongest form. His combat effectiveness will be strongest when he discovers the effect of [Qi].

Directly become a super human, and can compete head-to-head with Iron Man and Thor in close combat. If you apply it to your own weapons and equipment, that is the real way to defeat all enemies with one sword/arrow.

According to Marvel's predictions, Hawkeye will develop an arrow in the later period. The arrowhead is made of Carbonite, which is the material of Deadpool's two knives. It has strong destructive power and can even suppress Wolverine's self-healing. ability.

Coupled with his energy, he is invincible and can even shoot through Captain America's shield and even hurt Thanos.

Of course, there are only a few arrows of this kind, and it requires a lot of [Qi], so it is regarded as Hawkeye's ultimate move.

In addition, special training will be given later in the plot to make him immune to mind control. He is also one of the few members of the Avengers who is immune to mind control.

But this is all in the later stage. In the SHIELD stage, the development direction of [Qi] was only vaguely aware of, and then Black Widow took care of the super villain mad scientist Dr. Egghead.

It was also during this battle that he developed [Qi] and partially applied it. His combat power soared, he became the ace of SHIELD, and he joined the Avengers...

Although it didn't take long, Marvel prepared it very carefully, covering more than ten pages, as well as various assumptions and uncertain settings that can be changed at any time.

After reading this setting script, Cao Xuan's first impression was that this was not Eagle Eye, it was clearly an enhanced version of [Eagle Eye + Shang-Chi].

From the original long-range shooter + crispy chicken, he now has super close combat capabilities and has also developed super powers. He is no weaker than the other main heroes in combat.

"Chris, what do you think?"

Kevin saw that Cao Xuan had finished browsing and asked aloud. Cao Xuan touched the stubble that had just appeared in the morning.

"It's a great setting, but it's different from the Hawkeye in the comics. Will it cause dissatisfaction among comic fans?"

Cao Xuan's previous take on the role of Hawkeye was largely influenced by the original Marvel movie version.

Not long ago, he carefully studied the comic version of Hawkeye through various channels, and found that this guy is completely a [scumbag].

The movie version of Hawkeye, although not very powerful in combat, is gentle and calm, never loses control, and occasionally acts as a confidant to many heroes, making him a very reliable teammate.

In the comics, Hawkeye is simply a licker. He was originally seduced by Black Widow to deal with Iron Man, but he was kicked out after being used.

Later, I fell in love with Scarlet Witch, but then she fell in love with the android Vision, which made Hawkeye doubt his life.

When he joined the Avengers, he often quarreled with Captain America, was brave and foolhardy, and occasionally held back. Seeing the fierce fight between Black Widow and Daredevil, he would sneak attack on others and fall out with the Avengers.

It was sung in a bad way, just as a clown to set off the main heroes, and it made Cao Xuan's image of Hawkeye collapse in his heart.

As for the modified version of Hawkeye that Kevin brought out now, Cao Xuan could say that he was completely satisfied with it, but at least he didn't find any faults with it.

"Comics and movies are two completely different carriers. Every Marvel character has changed in the movie version. Although Hawkeye has changed a lot, it is still based on the comics."

Kevin could have asked Cao Xuan to play Loki before, so naturally he wouldn't care about Hawkeye's magical changes, and indeed as he said, many changes are based on the comic version.

Hawkeye does have two masters in the comics, and they are indeed called Swordsman and Jetshot.

Apart from bows and arrows, he is indeed a master of physical arts. His combat power is not as good as those of non-human beings, so he is considered to be at the top of the human level.

The biggest change now is that because of considering Cao Xuan, some Chinese elements have been added to give the character the "Chinese Kung Fu" that many people like.

Hawkeye has also changed from a simple archer to a master of both bow and sword, both near and far. He has also introduced the [Qi] setting. His abilities are still the same, but his combat index has soared.

"The key is, do you have anything to add to this role?"

"A little."

Cao Xuan also had a serious discussion with Kevin, mainly focusing on this [qi].

It can be seen from "Kung Fu Panda" and some Chinese heroes in Marvel that they have some knowledge of this stuff, but they are not particularly proficient in it.

I don’t particularly understand internal force, but I understand it as qigong and regard [qi] as a kind of energy.

And the settings related to [Qi] are also different.

Some people think that [Qi] stores energy in the body, and some think that [Qi] is actually the energy of the magnetic field of heaven and earth, and the user uses some special techniques to activate it. More mysteriously, [Qi] is a kind of spiritual power.

There is no uniformity in power. Some [Qi] can destroy the world and even bring the dead back to life, while some [Qi] can only fire two air cannons or thin energy shields, or even strengthen physical fitness.

Cao Xuan felt that there were too many versions of [Qi], so it would be better to change [Qi] into [Qi].


Kevin Feige looked at this word with the same pronunciation but completely different words, and a series of question marks floated in his head.

Cao Xuan didn't know how to explain it clearly to him, so he gave a general summary.

"[Qi]伱 can be understood as high-level [Qi]. In Chinese Taoist culture, Qi is the origin of everything, which is more special, rarer and more powerful."

To put it bluntly, Cao Xuan was just playing with words and felt that [Qi] was too outdated, so he came up with the concept of [Innate Qi].

Not to mention those foreigners, even many Chinese people felt unclear and serious after seeing it.

But in fact, this [Qi] still follows the energy route, but it has a stronger force and has the right to interpret.

If you set the [Chi] used by Hawkeye, many people will use other heroes. It all depends on whether [Chi] can enchant weapons, how powerful it is, and how strong it can make the body.

But [Qi], this brand-new energy, no matter how it is set, is just a word from Marvel, it can be used to transform a living person in a hurry.

Even according to Taoist explanations, [Qi] is infinitely powerful, and theoretically it is not impossible to kill Thanos with one arrow.

Under Cao Xuan's explanation, Kevin quickly understood the meaning and thought Cao Xuan's idea was great.

The function settings have not changed, just the name has been changed, but the upper limit of combat power has been raised, and it can eliminate many unnecessary quarrels and improve the level of competition.

He felt that he would have to let Marvel's screenwriters study [Qi] carefully later to see if they could unearth any surprises.


Putting [Qi] and [Qi] aside for now, Kevin was more concerned about whether Cao Xuan was satisfied with the setting of [Eagle Eye] and joined the Marvel Universe, so he also took out another bargaining chip.

"Chris, we plan to make Hawkeye's solo movie next year, just like "Iron Man" and "Thor", to warm up the "Avengers" together."

"Can I ask if the movie beats that Eggman."

Cao Xuan noticed something was wrong when he read the script just now. After the character of Hawkeye's growth line and before joining the Avengers, such an event was specifically mentioned, which seemed to be specially reserved.

So when Kevin Feige proposed making a solo "Hawkeye" movie, he reacted immediately.

"Yes, our arrangement for Hawkeye is this. His first appearance was in "Thor". At this time, he had joined SHIELD and became a level seven agent..."

Kevin talked about it, Marvel's personal movies can be said to be superhero personal shows or character arcs, mixed with some branch lines of the main story.

According to the timeline of the original Marvel plot, after "Iron Man 2", S.H.I.E.L.D. planned to organize the Avengers. During this period, Captain America was born, Thor appeared, leading to Loki and the first gem, and then "The Avengers" "start.

Now, the new movie "Hawkeye" is set before "The Avengers" and after "Thor" and "Captain America".

The main storyline focuses on S.H.I.E.L.D., especially the two aces Hawkeye and Black Widow, letting the audience know that S.H.I.E.L.D. is not entirely a decoration.

At the same time, the movie further introduces gems and planning alliances, initially strengthens Eagle Eye, and proposes the concept of [Qi].

This is the main plot of Marvel, and the "Hawkeye" movie itself has a lot of plot information.

In addition to strengthening his own combat power, Hawkeye also has an emotional plot in the movie. He fights side by side with Black Widow, forming a vague platonic understanding, which is commonly known as CP speculation.

Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America have their own lovers, and so does the Hulk, and Marvel has no plans to independently produce their own personal movies.

So in the first generation of Avengers, there were only two singles, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Without a pair of CPs, it would be a failure at the box office.

In addition, Hawkeye also has a friend he met in the circus since childhood, who also died in this incident, giving the character growth.

According to Marvel's settings, Hawkeye has been an orphan since he was a child. He has a relatively withdrawn personality, but he attaches great importance to relationships. As long as you gain his approval, he will value you particularly.

The death of his good brother made Hawkeye feel quite guilty, and he cherished other relatives and friends even more.

Although Marvel did not explain, Cao Xuan directly imagined some of the subsequent plots of Hawkeye.

Either he sacrificed himself to save someone, or everyone died, and he lived in pain alone, or because of a mistake, his closest relatives died unexpectedly, and became evil...

Regardless of which direction it is taken, this emotionally-focused setting can be used to create a lot of articles, and as long as the photography is good, it will be quite eye-catching.

In order to impress Cao Xuan, Kevin tried his best to put out some highlights and benefits.

Comprehensively enhanced character settings, main hero positions + separate emotional lines in "Avengers", a tailor-made personal movie, and a promise that if the first one is successful, the follow-up development of "Hawkeye 2" will not be ruled out.

I have to say that the sincerity is still very high, and it can be seen that Marvel really cares about the Asian market and Cao Xuan's international influence.

Cao Xuan is personally quite satisfied. He did this without being pretentious. The two parties reached an agreement verbally, and the subsequent specific film contracts will be implemented one by one by dedicated personnel.

If there are no problems, Cao Xuan will make a special trip to the United States in September to guest star in "Thor" to build momentum for the "Eagle Eye" movie.

After hanging up the video, Cao Xuan suddenly remembered "Now You See Me".

The Hulk, Captain America, Doctor Strange, and Hawkeye, except for one Big Honey, are all members of the Avengers, and they are all the main force.

With this lineup, they can fight Thanos, so what else can they do with magic, traveling around the world...


The agreement reached between Cao Xuan and Marvel has not been announced to the public for the time being. It is estimated that it will not be announced to the public until at least the filming of "Eagle Eye" starts, or even the release of "Thor".

It can be expected that it will be breaking news around the world.

After all, Cao Xuan is currently the biggest influencer in joining the Marvel Universe, and even the widowed sister has to be ranked behind.

This is under the premise that Marvel has not become popular all over the world, but the "Iron Man" series has become famous, otherwise the sensation is likely to be even higher.

However, this will be at least a few months later, and Cao Xuan is more concerned about the present at this time.

He participated in several follow-up activities in South Africa and even received the honor of [China-Africa Friendship Ambassador] from the African Union, thanking him for his contribution to promoting Africa and promoting China-Africa friendship.

Cao Xuan didn't even know how he got this honor. He didn't do anything.

It can only be understood that he is the first singer to hold a large-scale concert in Africa. At the same time, his two recent songs have added luster to the World Cup in South Africa.

Coupled with the current friendly environment between China and Africa, as well as Cao Xuan's international influence, he naturally became the best candidate for "Light of China-Africa Friendship".

Not only was he officially appointed by the African Union, the United Nations also regarded him as a friendly person to Africa. Several essays were written on the website, which made Cao Xuan blush. He was even highlighted in domestic reports. CCTV connected Cao Xuan via video to interview him about his thoughts. .

What can Cao Xuan say? It’s an honor to be a witness of China-Africa friendship. By the way, I boasted about the country’s strength, and I feel very deeply about it...

On the same day, Boss Cao appeared on "News Lianbo" as expected, and domestic netizens were stunned.

Didn't Cao Xuan go to South Africa to watch the World Cup? Why did CCTV suddenly change from five sets to one.

Boss Cao is a very particular person, no matter what other people's intentions are, but when he gets benefits, he must do things decently and satisfactorily.

So, before leaving, Cao Xuan donated 1 million US dollars to the Children's Charity Fund in Africa, which was a small contribution to the African people.

On July 14, Cao Xuan returned to China and put away two jerseys signed by the Spanish and Dutch teams respectively.

Then he rented a recording studio in Qin City and started part of the production and recording of the new album "Xuan".

If things go well with Hawkeye, Cao Xuan may join the crew for filming in November or December this year. Before then, he has to finish the album.

There was still plenty of time, and Cao Xuan spent a rare leisure time, working slowly, and spending time with his wife and children at home from time to time.

When I feel bored, I get a boat and take my dad to the sea to fish, or go back to Beijing to play at the racecourse, or meet friends for dinner. Life is quite comfortable.

Cao Xuan is getting more and more accustomed to this kind of work, and then take a long vacation, stay away from the turmoil, and enjoy life quietly.

However, he was living a comfortable life, but the outside world was not calming down at all, and it was about to explode...

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