China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 671 Children’s Toys and the King of Singer Finals

Cao Xuan, who returned to Beijing from the crew of "Dear", immediately threw himself into the operation of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers restructuring.

There is a lot of resistance in this matter. After all, there are vested interests here, and many of them are very senior. Compared with them, the fifth generation directors are considered "young".

But seniority does not mean everything. The strength and current situation are in the hands of master and apprentice Cao Xuan, otherwise they would not dare to talk about reforms.

Moreover, Master and Disciple Cao Xuan are not without their own supporters. There are some enlightened seniors who believe that Master and Disciple Cao Xuan are doing serious business and have given them a lot of support.

The two sides only engaged in internal verbal sparring for several days. In the end, even the first batch of literary workers from the founding of the People's Republic of China moved out.

Cao Xuan, who had obvious advantages, finally won a staged victory.

The Golden Rooster Award will not be moved for the time being, and the Hundred Flowers Award can be temporarily used as a pilot project for restructuring. The issue of the Golden Rooster Award will be discussed later depending on the restructuring situation and subsequent impacts.

This was also something that Cao Xuan originally planned. He didn't expect to win both prizes together.

First the flowers, then the golden rooster, Xu Tuzhi's sausage-slicing tactic is the safest and most vicious approach.

To put it bluntly, at Cao Xuan's age, the last thing he fears is wasting time.

Of course, Cao Xuan didn't expect it to take so long. As long as the Hundred Flowers Award was successful, he, who was already in the spotlight, could completely overwhelm the opposition and continue to promote the restructuring of the Golden Rooster Award as calmly as possible.

On January 20, the Hundred Flowers Awards announced a restructuring preparatory team. Li Xuejian is the team leader, and Cao Xuan and two other senior executives of the Film Association who support it are the deputy team leaders to prepare for the Hundred Flowers Awards restructuring.

Also in the preparation period is the [Sound of Nature Award] sponsored by the Music Association and other organizations that Cao Xuan has been promoting.

In fact, preparations for this award have begun last year. Cao Xuan personally serves as the chairman of the award selection organizing committee, and it has basically taken shape.

But after all, it is a new award. It takes a lot of effort to create a new award from scratch and build momentum. The actual time and energy spent is much more than the Baihua restructuring.

According to the expectations of the organizing committee, the first Tianlai Award is planned to be held from June to August next year. Cao Xuan has already begun to shake people up in private, planning to become an instant success.

These two awards more or less involved some of Cao Xuan's energy, but fortunately, he only controlled the general direction and negotiations, and the specific details and implementation were left to the people below, so it was not too tiring.

With Cao Xuan's current status and lazy personality, he is able to work tirelessly and proactively on these two things, which shows that he still attaches great importance to this.

Again, Cao Xuan was disgusted by the monsters and demons that had won too many awards in his early years.

There was no way before, but now that I have the strength and status, I have to do something. I hope to leave some clean and fair awards to the circle as much as possible in my lifetime.

"Fair, fair, damn fair!"

Cao Xuan played Huang Silang in "Let the Bullets Fly", but he retained his heart of being Zhang Mazi.


After the preparation seminar that day, Cao Xuan checked the time and directly asked the driver to drive to the kindergarten to pick up his son.

Cao Yang, who just celebrated his third birthday, has lost some fat on his face, but is still a little chubby. His mother and sister like to pinch it when they have nothing to do.

Cao Xuan didn't get off the car, and Zhu Biao picked up the person. The teacher was worried about it, and even called his home to confirm.

After confirming that everything was correct, Cao Yang carried his small schoolbag, said goodbye to his teachers and classmates, and rushed on his short legs to the Mercedes-Benz business car where his father often sat.

The kindergarten teacher also took a special look, because the people who often came to pick up and drop off were Sun Lan and his wife. She knew that Cao Yang and Cao Li were siblings, and she had some impressions of the Cao family.

"Cao Yang's father has become rich, and the family drives a Mercedes-Benz?"

But he didn't pay too much attention to it. The kindergarten parents had a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. There was a Bentley next door, and yesterday there was a Porsche.

Although the Mercedes-Benz Business Class is good, compared with these luxury cars costing millions or more, it is really not eye-catching.

This is what Cao Xuan hopes. If he had taken a Bentley, Rolls-Royce or other luxury cars today, he would not have come to pick up the children.

"Yangyang, is it cold or not?"

"It's not cold. Our classroom has heating, but it's warm."

Cao Yang was wearing a down jacket and looked like a little meat ball. Cao Xuan rubbed his head and asked about today's school life.

The child was still young and couldn't tell much. The back and forth was about teachers and classmates. Cao Xuan listened carefully.

Compared to Cao Li, who has been smart and clever since he was a child, Cao Yang's personality is more dull and clever, even a little naive.

In addition, he entered school a few months younger than his classmates, so Cao Xuan often worried that he was too honest and would be bullied by other children in school.

Fortunately, although this child was a little bored, he was tall and strong for his age, and he didn't suffer much.

"Come on, let's pick up your sister from school."

Cao Xuan did not favor one over the other. After picking up his son, he went to the elementary school to pick up his daughter.

The elementary school ended a little later than the kindergarten, so Cao Xuan played cartoons for Cao Yang to watch in the car, and asked Zhu Biao to get out of the car and buy some snacks.

"Don't tell your mother and second mother when you go home."

"I know."

Cao Yang, who was grabbing a piece of fried starch sausage and chewing on it, nodded repeatedly. Hu Jing and Zeng Li usually didn't let their children eat these street snacks for fear of being dirty, so Cao Xuan would occasionally let them satisfy their cravings.

For children, these street snacks are much more tempting than meals at home.

Sure enough, it wasn't just Cao Yang. When Cao Li, who was wearing double ponytails, got into the car, his eyes lit up when he saw the pile of delicious food in his brother's hand, and he immediately started to sort out the food.

"Dad, please give me some money."

While eating roasted gluten, Cao Li rolled his eyes, grabbed Cao Xuan's arm and shook it.

"Why do you need money?"

"It's my deskmate's birthday and I want to buy her a gift."

Cao Xuan took out his mobile phone and called up Taobao: "You can watch the selection, and I will pay the bill after selecting."

Cao Li has a certain amount of pocket money, which is to prevent him from buying things randomly and cultivate a good concept of money from an early age.

However, although pocket money is strictly controlled, Cao Xuan will always give her what she wants as long as there is a legitimate reason.

Cao Li took her cell phone and kept selecting. Although she was young, she was already a veteran of online shopping. Even Sun Lan had to ask her granddaughter for advice on what she usually bought online.

After she finished tinkering, Cao Xuan took it over to take a look and raised his eyebrows: "For the birthdays of some of your classmates, I bought two sets of Barbie dolls, and there is also such a big Winnie the Pooh."

Cao Li blushed a little: "I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to give them well, so I bought them all and picked them carefully."

"You're quite thoughtful."

Cao Xuan complained, but he still chose to pay, not forgetting to buy two robot toys for his son.

Just before closing, I saw a set of model figures of the Five Tiger Generals of the Three Kingdoms, which were extremely well-made, and a set of remote-controlled drones, which were also very cool.

Cao Xuan fell in love with it at first glance for his child, and decisively placed an order, planning to go back and enrich his "child's" entertainment life.

By the time the two children finished eating and drove home, the East and West Palaces hadn't even gotten off work yet.

The two children were asked to brush their teeth and wash their faces, and destroy the corpses and traces. Cao Li went to do his homework while Cao Xuan and Cao Yang played ball on the track at home.

Basically, Cao Xuan kicked the ball far away, Cao Yang ran over and picked up the ball, and then Cao Xuan kicked it far away again. It was said to be a parent-child interaction, but in fact it was similar to playing with a dog.

However, Cao Yang had a lot of fun playing by himself. When he got tired from running, he imitated Cao Xuan and chased the ball and kicked it. He didn't cry when he missed the ball and fell over. He got up and continued to compete with the ball.

The price was to wait for the two men to go back. This boy looked as if he had been beaten up. Hu Jing was so angry that she kept pinching Cao Xuan.

"My dear son, you just ruined him like this."

"It's normal for a boy to fall and get beaten. When I'm his age, I chase weasels in the fields by myself."

Cao Xuan loved his daughter as well as his son, but the daughter, after all, was a girl and had to be pampered. The son was more solid, and Cao Xuan was more relaxed when playing with him.

"Okay, you can catch another weasel later to accompany your son."

Hu Jing pinched him bitterly and took Cao Yang to take a bath. Cao Yang was very honest under his mother's hands, but when he was taken away, he secretly gave his father a look.

Cao Xuan laughed, but he could also see that his son was very happy, even a little more lively than before.

It's true that Hu Jing's mother is a bit strong, and Zeng Li, the second mother, is not a vegetarian in front of her children. In addition, she has an eccentric sister, and her grandma Sun Lan also dotes on her grandson.

Cao Xuan is often away from home, and Cao Shuangguo, the grandfather, cannot get involved and is not very sensitive to this.

There are several women in the family, and Cao Yang will inevitably be affected. Cao Xuan feels that he should really play and communicate with his son alone in the future to cultivate the boy's personality.

Knowing her son, Mo Ruomu, listening to her son's excited sharing of the time spent with his father, Hu Jing also realized Cao Xuan's intentions.

After coming out, there was obviously a little guilt on his face, and he was embarrassed to help Cao Xuan rub the place where he had just pinched.

"Does it hurt?"

"It's all green, what do you think?"

"I'll give you a compress tonight."

"Just apply it and that's it."


The two of them were flirting here. Cao Yang stared at his parents with big eyes, looked around, and raised his hand.

"I want to apply it too."

Hu Jing laughed angrily at her son and rubbed her fingers: "Let me pinch it twice first, and then I'll apply it to you."

Cao Yang didn't understand anything else, but he still understood this gesture. He screamed, covered his butt and ran to find his grandma for help.

After driving away their son, the two talked about several things about the company.

For example, for the characters in the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series, the competition is extremely fierce now, with supporters from all sides, Fanxing has been unable to make up his mind, and Cao Xuan has to make the decision himself.

"What's the charter now?"

Cao Xuan didn't know much about it, but Hu Jing had checked the information and took stock.

"Hu Bayi has a wider range of choices. The two people in the company are mainly Hu Ge and Duan Long. Outside the company, Chen Kun, Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao and Liu Huohua have all been selected.

On the Hong Kong and Taiwan side, there are Zhao Youting, Lin Feng, Zhang Chen, Shawn Yue, as well as Wang Jinhua's Xia Yu, Tong Dawei, and Qin Hao, whom Wu Ershan himself values ​​​​more. "

"Qin Hao?"

Cao Xuan was stunned and couldn't help laughing: "This guy's eyes are quite poisonous."

Qin Hao is definitely a good actor, but his chances of becoming a director are too small. The cumulative investment in "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is expected to reach ten digits in a commercial film series, so well-known male stars will definitely be given priority.

It's enough for Fatty Wang to use Chen Minghao. Add in the unknown Qin Hao, and the publicity of this movie will be cut in half.

So it's not that Qin Hao doesn't have a chance, but compared to his competitors, the price he can offer is really not much.

After listening to Hu Jing's words, Cao Xuan had roughly narrowed down the scope in his mind and got straight to the point.

"The pass for actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan is inappropriate."

Hu Jing was not surprised at all. It is no secret that Cao Xuan intends to support mainland actors. When Hong Kong and Taiwan actors do not have an absolute advantage, mainland actors will definitely be given priority.

And from the perspective of the role, Hu Bayi is from the capital, has joined the army, and went to the countryside to become an educated youth. If actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan are used, they may not realize what this represents, and how can they possibly get the pulse of the character accurately.

It requires a certain degree of fame and appeal, coupled with the elimination of actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Cao Xuan prefers Hu Bayi's image to be a bit "rougher", the scope has been significantly narrowed.

So far, there is only one "Flying Swords of Dragon" Yuhuatian's Chen Kun who was the first to be eliminated. Deng Chao and Tong Dawei did not persist for too long. These two have never had the qualifications to carry a movie independently.

The same is true for Hu Ge, but at least he still has the support of Fanxing's direct brother and can barely stay in the finals.

Cao Xuan personally admired Liu Huohua more, but due to old grudges, the cautious Cao Xuan put him last.

Many senior executives within Fanxing prefer Huang Xiaoming.

Last year, after Huang Jiaozhu established his film performance with "Partners in China", coupled with various efforts in business, variety shows, endorsements, marketing and other fields, Huang Xiaoming's fame and celebrity status have improved a lot, firmly occupying the domestic entertainment market. The position of a top male star.

Faced with such a potential "big brother in domestic entertainment", Fanxing may not choose him, but it is certainly impossible to ignore him.

As for Duan Long, whether it is his film performance, personal ability, or the ace card backed by many stars, he has become one of the final candidates for the role of Hu Bayi.

Cao Xuan hesitated for a moment, took out a piece of paper, wrote "Duan, Qin" and finally added "Hu and Huang" slowly.

Hu Bayi's final candidate was left among these four candidates. After thinking about it, Cao Xuan gave Duan Long another star to show his importance.

As for Xia Yu, if you don't have to think about it, let's just have a big gold tooth as in the original version. The role is still quite heavy.

As for Shirley Yang, strictly speaking, there are not many controllable choices.

In fact, both Liu Tianxian and Damimi have asked about this role, but the former's image is a bit inappropriate. Damimi is okay, but Cao Xuan doesn't believe in her ability.

Fan Xiaopang is actually a good candidate, but right now he is focused on his own company's business and may not have time to participate in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

There is also Li Bingbing, who is actually in contact with him, and even ranks high in Wu Ershan's mind.

As for the other female stars, they are not inappropriate, but their relationship is definitely far away, and their box office appeal and promotion efficiency are not as good as these few.

Compared to Hu Bayi, Cao Xuan had no inclination toward Shirley Yang and had circled a few candidates. As long as they were these people, he had no objections.

Hu Jing looked thoughtfully at the names inside, but didn't say much.

From a personal perspective, she definitely wanted to give Damimi a push.

But to reach its current status, the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series can be regarded as a double-edged sword for Damimi, with both pros and cons. The Empress of the East Palace can help, but the choice depends on her.

Several main creatives have been finalized, and Cao Xuan doesn’t need to worry about other characters.

As Fanxing continued to develop and expand, the level of matters Cao Xuan intervened became higher and higher.

In the past, the list of starring roles had to be reviewed by him. Now, if the project is not one that he personally participates in, he may not necessarily be in charge of the starring roles. At most, he will give some instructions and final approval.

If the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series was not Fanxing's key project in the future, and it was a feature-length film series, Cao Xuan would not have been alarmed to personally intervene in the casting.

As expected, aside from the casting of this movie, Hu Jing was all about the company's trends and plans after the Spring Festival.

No matter how important the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series is, it pales in comparison to Fanxing Group's development and some of its plans for next year.

To be honest, Cao Xuan pays less attention to it than the crazy rumors that a certain state-owned enterprise giant wants to acquire Penguin...


On January 26, Cao Xuan got up and went to Fanxing Film and Television City to participate in the "I Am a Singer" finals.

This program is also a new program launched by Fanxing at the end of last year. It is almost the same as "Where Are We Going, Dad".

"Where Are We Going, Dad" was broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV, while the copyright of "I Am a Singer" is on Beijing TV.

"I Am a Singer" is a singing competition reality show. It is also the "only" one so far that Stars has publicly adapted the copyright of a foreign program and remade the Chinese version.

This show originally originated in South Korea. It premiered as early as 2011 and has been running for several seasons.

Compared with the original time and space, which all drew on Korean TV dramas and caused numerous controversies, Fanxing now exports a large number of its own excellent programs.

Fanxing has only sold Korean program rights, including "Run", "If You Are the One", "Where Are We Going, Dad", "The Voice of China" and many other top programs.

Under such an environment, Fanxing's introduction of "I Am a Singer" did not attract much attention in China. On the contrary, it caused quite a stir in South Korea. Many Korean netizens are quite proud and have been "copying" others. Now they finally The hero rose up once.

Cao Xuan was a little embarrassed about such a situation, but he still stepped up his efforts as if it was revenge for the Dragon Boat Festival.

And it’s not just the Dragon Boat Festival, the Korean media also compiled his ancestry. Unless he is Korean, he can be killed and not humiliated. Cao Xuan can be regarded as "a teacher who has a reputation"...

The competition system of "I Am a Singer" is very simple. The program team selects 7 singers and conducts two rounds of competitions. The 500 audiences of five age groups vote on site. The one with the lowest overall ranking is eliminated, and then a new singer takes his place.

After five rounds, a resurrection match will be set up, and many eliminated singers will be brought together for another round, with a total of two promotion places, and then a total of 8 singers will compete in the knockout round or semi-finals.

Pairs compete, the loser is eliminated, and the winner enters the finals for the final battle of the kings of singers.

The first part of this competition system is roughly the same as the original version, but the later part has been changed and is relatively more cruel.

To be honest, Fanxing's golden brand is here, otherwise these famous singers may not agree to accept this kind of direct head-to-head competition in the knockout round.

You lose face when you lose, and you easily offend others when you win!

Therefore, Cao Xuan deliberately did this. He always felt that the original version of "I Am a Singer" was too light.

He understands the mutual sympathy between a group of singers, and also knows that these old guys don't want to show off their edge easily, but after all, it is a competitive show, and there are always hello, me, and everyone. There is not enough conflict, and there is less to watch.

Therefore, a cruel knockout system was specially designed to increase competition, create explosive points, and make the program more watchable.

The effect was quite good. The previous knockout round almost dominated Weibo's hot searches, and there were endless discussions and quarrels, which directly raised the popularity of "I Am a Singer" to a new level.

The battle of the King of Singers in the finals was broadcast live on Beijing TV, and Cao Xuan was invited as a guest to witness the birth of the King of Singers.

To put it bluntly, having Cao Xuan come over to support him and bring a wave of enthusiasm also has a strong symbolic meaning.

After all, with Cao Xuan in the Chinese music scene, who would dare to be called the king of singers? But if Cao Xuan himself is willing to crown him, there will be nothing others can say.

Especially at a time when Cao Xuan announced that he would be retiring soon, this title of King of Singers even had an unusual meaning.

The Battle of the King of Singers, which had already attracted much attention, became even more gimmicked after it was confirmed that Cao Xuan would be present.

There are 4 groups of singers who have reached the finals——

Yu Quan, a national group, is also a singer who has participated in the competition since the first round. He has been performing steadily. In multiple rounds of competition, his ranking has hardly fallen out of the top three. He is also the biggest favorite for the singing king.

Yao Beina, the voice of nature, as a singer under Fanxing, will definitely not miss this opportunity to show her face.

Yao Beina and Zhang Jie both participated in the first round, and Yang Zongwei and Xue Zhiqian also appeared as fill-in singers.

Both Yao Beina and Zhang Jie performed well, especially Yao Beina, who has won the first place in the competition twice and is one of the most popular singers in the entire show.

In the semi-finals, he defeated Huang Guanzhong, a member of the band beyond, and successfully reached the finals.

Yang Zongwei and Zhang Jie also reached the semi-finals, but unfortunately one lost to super dark horse Huang Qishan, and the other lost to Xianyin Niao Lin Zhixuan.

As for Xue Zhiqian, he was eliminated in the fourth round and ultimately failed to make it out of the rematch.

Yu Quan, Yao Beina, Huang Qishan and Lin Zhixuan

These are the four singers in the finals. All of them are bad. No one knows who will win the championship until the last moment.

As a professional singer, Cao Xuan can be considered a half fan of "I Am a Singer", and I really like many of the singing and stage performances in it.

To be honest, if he wasn't afraid of disturbing the balance too much, he would have wanted to compete with these singers.

But because of his status and reputation, his various off-field halo bonuses are too much to create a fair and just voting environment, so no matter how greedy he is, he can't join in the fun.

There is even a singing session in this finals, where each contestant invites friends to help out.

Cao Xuan insists that he is purely a judge and should not receive any invitations. Otherwise, if he helps, the others will surrender without saying anything, but at least there is almost no resistance in this link, which is too unfair.

However, due to the popularity and scale of the show, and the fact that several of the singers are famous and popular singers, it still invited quite good guest singers.

Yu Quan found Sun Nan, the second-largest singer in the Mainland music scene for thousands of years, and Lin Zhixuan invited Lin Junjie, a representative of his family and Taiwanese singers.

Huang Qishan was a little less well-connected. She was not well-known before, and the lineup of stones was limited, so the program team came forward to invite Jung Chun-won, the singer of the original Korean program.

This musician is considered a top-level musician in South Korea. He has worked as a music teacher for TVXQ, Girls' Generation and other super groups. In China, he is probably Liu Huan or Luo Dayou.

Although this person is not well-known in China, in terms of pure strength, he is definitely one of the best among the several singing guests.

As for Yao Beina, she released Wang Zha and directly attracted her best friend Liu Tianxian.

Let’s not talk about how good Tianxian sings, but this popularity and gimmick are absolutely amazing, directly stealing the limelight from others...

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